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Debate on the so called "Islamic Terrorism"

i just read the whole thread and one question kept popping up in my mind,

"why do men have to humiliate each other in order to gain respect in this world?"

enough said.

i tried the act messiah, didnt work
thought i should be the devil to root out the devil
More religious books means nothing significantly positive except more interpretations and confusions leading to even more conflicts.

can you please enlighten me that which interpretation of the Quran and Hadeeth teaches terrorism?
Chemicals!!! A state Chief Minister has access to chemical weapons? Who do you think he is saddam hussien. Agreed he is no sweet heart of Muslims, But for god sake's man be objective. You are so blinded by your own religion. Where you give clean chit to your brethern no matter what the evidences are, and blow up the mistake's of other's to cover or justify your brethern.

Modi did the greatest crime in the world, when the riots happened, he became a spectator on purpose. People died on both sides. 462 Hindu's died, and again you have no idea wether they were rioter's or just poor people getting on with their own life, same goes for muslims. You are so up your ***, that you forget the biggest thing your so called peaceful religion teaches you "Humanity". The difference between you and me, I sympathize on human beings, while you segregate them into muslims and non muslims. You are a absolute person; i can assure you one thing from the very little religious knowlegde i know "god is not a absolute person" and you will be judged for that.

462 hindus did not die. official stats by your govt say that 254 hindus died which include those who died in the train fire which was caused from inside the train.

the difference between you and me is that i do not generalize the hindus as terrorists based on what modi did. while you are trying to justify the generalization of Muslims as terrorists based on what some (supposed) Muslims are doing.
462 hindus did not die. official stats by your govt say that 254 hindus died which include those who died in the train fire which was caused from inside the train.

the difference between you and me is that i do not generalize the hindus as terrorists based on what modi did. while you are trying to justify the generalization of Muslims as terrorists based on what some (supposed) Muslims are doing.

let me accept your number, does it make any better.
I very well know how you view Hindu's and personally dont care, you are a hate-monger and nothing else
You can use that world supposed all you want, terrorism wether you like it or not is "in your face" now.

I have bashed Modi more than you would have done OBL, enuff said.
lol...i view people as they view others. if a hindu is a racist, i will treat him the same way. if he is logical, i will be logical with him. i have had alot of hindu teachers whom i have great respect for and have publically said that in other places. ive had some good hindu friends, but if some hindu comes up with baseless and illogical arguments, i treat him the same way. its tit for tat.
Right... then make the effort to write that paragraph rather than replace it with a wrong term like "Islamic terrorism"
I believe it doesnt. But do ask yourself..ask you mates!!!

The problem most other religions have the islamic community, is their continuing support and sympathy to the terrorist, not because of they agree with them, ONLY reason being all their sins are ok; cuz they are muslims.
in short

According to most islamic community

It is better to support a muslim terrorist(mis-guided islamic follower) than supporting an outsider(non-muslim) even though the truth and righteouness maybe with the non-muslim. They view supporting a non-muslim is against a muslim(though he is mis-guided) is the greatest sin. Simply put they view everything in the eye of religion and not humanity. For the rest of human's who might be from a different faith, its quite hurtful and therefore starts this slow hate.

I am sick of hating islamic-fundamentalist and all fundamentalists. I just wish they ******* kill each other, like fata and hamas.
I believe it doesnt. But do ask yourself..ask you mates!!!

ive studied the interpretations, ive asked scholars, but i couldnt find any interpretation teaching terrorism but that guy was saying that interpretations teach terrorism, so i was aking him to enlighten me.....maybe i missed something:woot:
The problem most other religions have the islamic community, is their continuing support and sympathy to the terrorist, not because of they agree with them, ONLY reason being all their sins are ok; cuz they are muslims.
in short

According to most islamic community

It is better to support a muslim terrorist(mis-guided islamic follower) than supporting an outsider(non-muslim) even though the truth and righteouness maybe with the non-muslim. They view supporting a non-muslim is against a muslim(though he is mis-guided) is the greatest sin. Simply put they view everything in the eye of religion and not humanity. For the rest of human's who might be from a different faith, its quite hurtful and therefore starts this slow hate.

I am sick of hating islamic-fundamentalist and all fundamentalists. I just wish they ******* kill each other, like fata and hamas.

who is this "they" and who are those "most Islamic communities"?
The problem most other religions have the islamic community, is their continuing support and sympathy to the terrorist, not because of they agree with them, ONLY reason being all their sins are ok; cuz they are muslims.
in short

According to most islamic community

It is better to support a muslim terrorist(mis-guided islamic follower) than supporting an outsider(non-muslim) even though the truth and righteouness maybe with the non-muslim. They view supporting a non-muslim is against a muslim(though he is mis-guided) is the greatest sin. Simply put they view everything in the eye of religion and not humanity. For the rest of human's who might be from a different faith, its quite hurtful and therefore starts this slow hate.

I am sick of hating islamic-fundamentalist and all fundamentalists. I just wish they ******* kill each other, like fata and hamas.
That's just your Islamophobia speaking... Save the terrorists, the common folk are not supporters or sympathizers of any terror.

Again, here you are forced to write paragraphs after paragraphs and yet you are unable to come to one definition. Thereby it shows me that it is your inadequacy that gives meaning to the term Islamic terrorism rather than there actually being such a thing as "terrorism done Islamically".
That's just your Islamophobia speaking... Save the terrorists, the common folk are not supporters or sympathizers of any terror.

Again, here you are forced to write paragraphs after paragraphs and yet you are unable to come to one definition. Thereby it shows me that it is your inadequacy that gives meaning to the term Islamic terrorism rather than there actually being such a thing as "terrorism done Islamically".

my islamic xenophobia, or your BLANKET covering of all bad things done by muslims in one pretext or the other.
Any terrorist act done in the name of Allah and Islam is Islamic Terrorism.
The definition of Terrorisim widely available. The sheer number of beheading aid workers and journlaist, cuz of infidels is in their lands, it is thier lack of human sentiment, but then again you can blame americans.
tommrow asim, if you behead someone non-muslim or even muslim in the name of quran, allah or muslims. you will be branded a islamic terrorist.
who is this "they" and who are those "most Islamic communities"?

they would be "muslims'
any community which doesnt preach haterd and islamic fundamentalism; i can only see turkey and some east-asian countries like that, the rest are all the same.
Main Entry: ter·ror·ism
Pronunciation: 'ter-&r-"i-z&m
Function: noun

1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes.
2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.
they would be "muslims'
any community which doesnt preach haterd and islamic fundamentalism; i can only see turkey and some east-asian countries like that, the rest are all the same.

you are trying to see with your eyes closed. if that was the case then MMA would have been the most popular party in Pakistan.

ok, one question which will expose if you are an Islamophobic hate monger or not.

How many Muslim countries have you been to?
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