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Debate on the so called "Islamic Terrorism"

lol....me and Bull have already reached a conclusion after some debate. infact i have to give credit to bull for this. he is the only person who was willing to debate. so you can do your poetry somewhere else.
there is a different between every Muslim being a terrorist and people FROM every walks of life being terrorists. i dont say that a Muslim can never do anything wrong, but to generalize is not correct.

tell me one thing, even if i agree that every suicide bombing is actually done by a muslim, count how many have occured. then calculate ratio of the suicide bombers to the total Muslim population. even include the 10,000 suicude bombers which someone claimed to have. then decide wether it is fair to generalize or not.

oh calc's...goodie good. i love stats.

When you do your comparison stats, and get your ratio.
Then compare that to other religion's such as Hindu's , Christians and their sucide bombers... do a ratio there too!!! do the math, then you get why muslims are considered or generalized terrorists or showing terrorist sympathesis and tendencies.
The ratio of your math will be staggering.
oh calc's...goodie good. i love stats.

When you do your comparison stats, and get your ratio.
Then compare that to other religion's such as Hindu's , Christians and their sucide bombers... do a ratio there too!!! do the math, then you get why muslims are considered or generalized terrorists or showing terrorist sympathesis and tendencies.
The ratio of your math will be staggering.

do the ratio of how many hindu or christian countries are invaded by Muslims. then do the ratio of how many Muslims are killed in bombings as compared to hindus or christians during those invasions. do a ratio of how many Mulsims are forced to be refugees and leave their homes compared to hindus due to those invasions.

compare these ratios with the ratio of suicide bombers. but still it wont have any effect as you are well programmed by your hundutva masters.
and infact you have just shown your true hindutva programmed terrorist face. even if the ratio of muslim terrorists is higher, you are trying to justify the hindu terrorists acts. so when Muslims die at the hand of your kind, thats not terrorism. or maybe for you a terrorist is the one who kille more that 10,000 people and the thousand Muslims dead at gujrat were too little for your kind.

people of your pathetic kind are the ones who keep ranting like little girls but in the 5 pages of this debate yu have not presented a single fact to back up the BS you keep ranting.
lol....me and Bull have already reached a conclusion after some debate. infact i have to give credit to bull for this. he is the only person who was willing to debate. so you can do your poetry somewhere else.

With all due respect.

1. That post was not addressed to you.
2. I do not take suggestions from you as to where I post what I want.
3. You can read my post again. Why is it so hard for people to read others posts ? Have I not mentioned that I could have been a little late ? It is better to read a forum then to write in it. :tup:
who is that for?

if it is directed towards me then your fellor Adux is forcing ME to use some harsh words.

other than that im pretty satisfied with the debate i had with you.
do the ratio of how many hindu or christian countries are invaded by Muslims. then do the ratio of how many Muslims are killed in bombings as compared to hindus or christians during those invasions. do a ratio of how many Mulsims are forced to be refugees and leave their homes compared to hindus due to those invasions.

compare these ratios with the ratio of suicide bombers. but still it wont have any effect as you are well programmed by your hundutva masters.

so are we doing terrorism or war ? take your pick.

hindutva masters,!!! you are calling me a terrorist scum..maybe i should start too
and infact you have just shown your true hindutva programmed terrorist face. even if the ratio of muslim terrorists is higher, you are trying to justify the hindu terrorists acts. so when Muslims die at the hand of your kind, thats not terrorism. or maybe for you a terrorist is the one who kille more that 10,000 people and the thousand Muslims dead at gujrat were too little for your kind.

people of your pathetic kind are the ones who keep ranting like little girls but in the 5 pages of this debate yu have not presented a single fact to back up the BS you keep ranting.

you are the one who came up with the ratio, not me
now i proved you wrong!!! you calling me names...lol
1000's at gujarat more than 1000 dieng each year cuz of sucide bombs. what facts about islamic terrorism do you want,....i will provide..it is the easiest thing to search
instead of me defending hindu's(lol) it seems you are justfying the terrorist
so what if the ratio of Muslims suicide bombers (supposedly) is higher? terrorism is not only in suicide bombing. it has many forms such as gujrat and killings of christians and dalits. and i also came up with other ratios. which hindu country got invaded and its oil got sucked out? which hindu country was invaded and millions of its people were forced out of their homes? these are the main factors leading to the (supposed) suicide bombings you see these days. im not justifying terrorism, im saying that like it or not, every action has a reaction, which may be wrong.
The whole point is that there are more suicidal deaths done by Muslims compared to anyother relegion and so you will have to face more wrath than any other relegion.

The only point i agree to is that, since you being an Muslim who doesnt support such terrorism me blanketing you with other terrorist scums might offend you and other moderate Islamic believers.
so what if the ratio of Muslims suicide bombers (supposedly) is higher? terrorism is not only in suicide bombing. it has many forms such as gujrat and killings of christians and dalits. and i also came up with other ratios. which hindu country got invaded and its oil got sucked out? which hindu country was invaded and millions of its people were forced out of their homes? these are the main factors leading to the (supposed) suicide bombings you see these days. im not justifying terrorism, im saying that like it or not, every action has a reaction, which may be wrong.

how about mohd ghaznavi's etc etc.. that is life, war is not pretty.
You know you are at war, you are ready for it
how about someone blows you up while you are dancing in a club..cuz it is against his religion and west blah blah!!!
I have always said this...look at our forefather's for freedom fighting..
you are mixing terrorism with war!!!
I support Palestine movement, but i dont support hamas or fata or anyother terrorist organization. that mentality of mine is hard for you to understand. if you want to know why i feel that way...look at fata and hamas..killing each other..what happened to palestine's freedom...those idiots!!! I hope you can understand...and i mean that honestly.... there might be people who want the same as you, but take a differnet path.
how about mohd ghaznavi's etc etc.. that is life, war is not pretty.
You know you are at war, you are ready for it
how about someone blows you up while you are dancing in a club..cuz it is against his religion and west blah blah!!!
I have always said this...look at our forefather's for freedom fighting..
you are mixing terrorism with war!!!
I support Palestine movement, but i dont support hamas or fata or anyother terrorist organization. that mentality of mine is hard for you to understand. if you want to know why i feel that way...look at fata and hamas..killing each other..what happened to palestine's freedom...those idiots!!! I hope you can understand...and i mean that honestly.... there might be people who want the same as you, but take a differnet path.

Skull Buster...read this point very carefully..its a thin line...but i hope you understand.
yes, but why dont you look at the fact that Muslims are the ones who are invaded. US confidently invaded afghanistan as they claimed bin laden is there. but after the deaths of innocent civillians in the war both at the hands of taliban and US they say Osama is in Pakistan. if its so easy to just come and hide in Pakistan they should have thought this before invading afghanistan.

then they invade iraq without any proof and they admit tht there are no WMD in iraq but by that time there were thousands of iraqis dead and the country was burning with sectarian violece.

so one should not be surprised if Muslims do more suicide than others. but still the huge majority of Muslim condems those acts.
how about mohd ghaznavi's etc etc.. that is life, war is not pretty.
You know you are at war, you are ready for it
how about someone blows you up while you are dancing in a club..cuz it is against his religion and west blah blah!!!
I have always said this...look at our forefather's for freedom fighting..
you are mixing terrorism with war!!!
I support Palestine movement, but i dont support hamas or fata or anyother terrorist organization. that mentality of mine is hard for you to understand. if you want to know why i feel that way...look at fata and hamas..killing each other..what happened to palestine's freedom...those idiots!!! I hope you can understand...and i mean that honestly.... there might be people who want the same as you, but take a differnet path.

seriously, count and tell me how many clubs were blown up by Muslims. how many mosques were burnt down in gujrat?

im not mixim terrorism with war. im saying that the war led by the US is leading to more terrorism.

I am also against the israeli occupation of Palestinian lands. but im strictly against hamas or fatah. these are parties created for self interest and personal gains which are playing on the blood of inncoent palestinians. but the fact is that majority, 99% of Muslims oppose the use of violence. just as there are good and bad hindus there are good and bad Muslims...
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