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Dear Pakistan, are you ready for biggest action of your history?

Here are my 2 cents.

Both Bilawal and Maryam Nawaz are to incompetent to be leaders of Pakistan in the foreseeable future. The establishment knows that.
PTI chances of another term are therefore most likely.
One person in the history of Pakistan must be brave enough to stand up against the existing legislation (1973), judiciary system etc. To change it. In my view IK should do that. If he succeeded his name will be forever in the history books and if not his name will forever be in the history books, because he tried.
Nobody else desires to change it if not him.
I think for the emergence/production of good leadership we need to encourage more political activities in colleges. The last student leader in the Pakistan assembly is Shiekh Rasheed. We don't see any political leadership and now national politics are run by feudals, religious leaders and industrialists, these are interest group which has no interest in public welfare, but for corporate profits and fly of wealth to foreign countries.
Pakistan needs strong sincere political leadership.
Imam Ali A.S once warned his army, you can easily confront a brave army whose general is a coward, but be careful to deal with a brave general even though you know his army is weak.
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I am not criticising the shaik but just to put an additional note that Today's Dinar and Dhiram are also linked with $ so it will not change any thing practically even if we delink our PKR from USD and link it with Dinar or Dirham .... and today's currencies named Dinar and Dirham are not the same Dinar or Dirham from the era of Prophet Muhammad PBUH

other then this I agree with him not all the countries claim complete sovereignty including Russsia and China ....

Brother, Pakistani rupees is not linked to the Dollar officially. it used to be when I was younger at the time it was Rs 9.9 to a 1 US $.
At the time of Bhutto and before it was Rs 4+ to 1 US $.

US $ dollar is trading and reserve currency of the world and is of Pakistan. But Pakistani rupee is a free currency not linked to any particular currency.

Furthering Sheikh's argument. It is not IMF or World Bank, they are the mere tools. The biggest problems are the USA and Europe to lesser degree.

The issue is simple, US can only maintain its hegemony in the world with dollar as reserve and trading currency of the world.
the day other countries decide to invoice and trade in other currencies and precious metals , the dollar would crumble. With it US Economy would crumble like deck of cards.
Thus, all the military might of the US is used to keep the countries in line. The weak nations are taught a terrible lesson if they try to diverse. Ghaddafi and Saddam are recent examples.
As first step, Pakistani government can issue gold coins for pkr.
Pak government can also build dams or other money generating projects and divide macro parts of it, and sell it as asset to commoners(families and consortiums can buy limited number of shares and profit will also be divided among share holders). In that way fund raising to projects will be no problem. Pakistan will gradually and gain internal stability.
See the video below:

I was amazed to see the shaikh was saying exactly what I have come to conclusion in recent times: The real thing that keeps Pakistan under the tight control of the Satanist lobby is Financial institution. This is not only true for Pakistan but also for all Arab countries. The same Westerner economies buy oil from Arabs, give them money. The same money can be used for all types of enjoyments, but the same money can't be used to build strategic assets and institutions. All things, from literature to weapons to military training come from the same countries that apparently buy oil from arabs.

And Pakistan, who simply doesn't know her power stands nowhere. If a missile in Afghanistan or in Palestines hits civilian populations, we only condemn it. why? Because we are the people who depend on westerner economic system. And with Cryptocurrencies, our dependencies will only increase.

So the thing is, are we ready to take action, and do the biggest Jahad of history against Dajjal? Or we will remain like this forever? All we need some guys who have monetary common sense. A Ph.D. in economics will simply not work. Because he will always use the same interest-based formulas and the same inflation calculations. He will always look into the box he received from his training. And the trainers knew what are they doing to this poor soul.

Are we ready for armageddon? The denial of modern monetary system and restoration of Modern Islamic economic System.

@Asfandyar Bhittani @MastanKhan @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan

Well, very nice share. Thanks and Jazakallah.

This is what I believe as well. It's a long term process to recapture Jerusalem. We need scientists, economists, experts in every field.. and where the clear guidance directly comes from Quran, we must take action to implement that (for example on economy, the first step is to stop war against Allah SWT and the Prophet PBUH by getting rid of Riba.. interest).

However, to get out of the clutches of IMF, we will have to pay all the interest bearing loans back, and passing a law or a necessary amendment in the constitution to make it illegal to get any interest bearing loan in future. So consider it as a preparatory step. Bring a law first that prohibits taking interest bearing loans, and direct all the resources to repay the existing loans.

Then comes the step of overhauling our own banking system.

While we do the above, we should enforce mandatory conventional education till grade 12. Here also, a preparatory step requires overhauling of our syllabus. It should be science based syllabus from the very beginning.

We must take every step considering it a Jihad.
Well, very nice share. Thanks and Jazakallah.

This is what I believe as well. It's a long term process to recapture Jerusalem. We need scientists, economists, experts in every field.. and where the clear guidance directly comes from Quran, we must take action to implement that (for example on economy, the first step is to stop war against Allah SWT and the Prophet PBUH by getting rid of Riba.. interest).

However, to get out of the clutches of IMF, we will have to pay all the interest bearing loans back, and passing a law or a necessary amendment in the constitution to make it illegal to get any interest bearing loan in future. So consider it as a preparatory step. Bring a law first that prohibits taking interest bearing loans, and direct all the resources to repay the existing loans.

Then comes the step of overhauling our own banking system.

While we do the above, we should enforce mandatory conventional education till grade 12. Here also, a preparatory step requires overhauling of our syllabus. It should be science based syllabus from the very beginning.

We must take every step considering it a Jihad.
It is indeed Jahad. Very well said.
Pakistan is not aloof to the dark realities of the current global currency system centered around the usd. why do you think Pakistan hasn't let anyone touch the reko dik gold mines? *hint* *hint*
Pakistan is not aloof to the dark realities of the current global currency system centered around the usd. why do you think Pakistan hasn't let anyone touch the reko dik gold mines? *hint* *hint*
I don't know. Shed some light please.
So how the modern western monetary system conquered this world:
They invented a thing, which they called money. Then they lent this money to others. Others didn't have this money. So others paid in real money(commodities). And at home, they were printing that money.
They devised everything on top of that. Modern research, stock exchanges, big armies, arms-making factories, big organized armies, an army of people having a lot of "money" and going back and forth and looting other nations, who didn't know how all that works. Soon, people like these started forming consortiums like East India company.
During this era, 98% of whales were hunted down, 95%elephants were hunted down, 70% of the world population was made slave, more than 50% of drinking water was polluted and above all, 10 times the people killed in wars than the whole of the human history.

But behind all that mess, that paper currency brought stood some very sweet and innocent families of Europe, who were dealing things from all the countries, against other countries: Full noora kushti. Bayers of Frankfurt were one of them.

The problem is, this was not natural. And the whole of this system at one side consumed natural resources pretty much fast and on other side world population increase phenomenally. But, real wealth still resides with few people: 1% of this world.

The solution: Simple. Paper is paper, and wealth is wealth. Interest is a sin and a social crime. No country, organization, or person should ever be able to accumulate amount that he is not giving taxes and Zakat out of that.

Payment online should be in points form, and those points should be redeemable into commodities even in extreme situations: no extra points should ever be generated.

Pakistan will not borrow any money on interest, and will get all payments in our own format and type monetary system: We will not accept dollar or Euro as money.

These are my thoughts and you don't necessarily agree with them.

@Imran Khan bhai this is clear that nothing will change overnight. Europe reached this point in at least 450 years. But at least we need a starting point.

modern currency notes are nothing but a form of Promissory Note, so theoretically it also carry all the risk which are associated with promissory note ..... some of the risks are mitigated as this promissory note is issue mostly by Sovereign Governments .....

But the problem arise when these currencies[promissory note] are linked with other currency [promissory note] which it self is not backed by real assets .... which mean the basic currency[promissory note] which is $ is based on GOOD WILL only.

Now another risk is that the Good will of the $ is dependant on its Political and Military might ....

I hope you are getting what I am saying here without me going into detail ....

This whole current system is in its basics is a BIG DECEIVE or If I have make it understandable in a lighter mood then consider it a practical form of Matrix Movie ..... if we have to continue to live this deceive then have to continue to believe that $ is god otherwise its doom is doom for all of us
modern currency notes are nothing but a form of Promissory Note, so theoretically it also carry all the risk which are associated with promissory note ..... some of the risks are mitigated as this promissory note is issue mostly by Sovereign Governments .....

But the problem arise when these currencies[promissory note] are linked with other currency [promissory note] which it self is not backed by real assets .... which mean the basic currency[promissory note] which is $ is based on GOOD WILL only.

Now another risk is that the Good will of the $ is dependant on its Political and Military might ....

I hope you are getting what I am saying here without me going into detail ....

This whole current system is in its basics is a BIG DECEIVE or If I have make it understandable in a lighter mood then consider it a practical form of Matrix Movie ..... if we have to continue to live this deceive then have to continue to believe that $ is god otherwise its doom is doom for all of us
Exactly. This is like a big shackle around the necks of all of the humanity.
But one thing: can Pakistan issue, gold backed crypto currency? Or may be copper or silver backed? Why can't we do this.
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I don't know. Shed some light please.
mountains of reko dik are full of billions of tons of gold. foreign companies are offering billions of dollars to the government to buy those mountains but the government, because of the establishment, refuses to sell or even lease out those mountains...you can imagine why...
Brother, Pakistani rupees is not linked to the Dollar officially. it used to be when I was younger at the time it was Rs 9.9 to a 1 US $.
At the time of Bhutto and before it was Rs 4+ to 1 US $.

US $ dollar is trading and reserve currency of the world and is of Pakistan. But Pakistani rupee is a free currency not linked to any particular currency.

Furthering Sheikh's argument. It is not IMF or World Bank, they are the mere tools. The biggest problems are the USA and Europe to lesser degree.

The issue is simple, US can only maintain its hegemony in the world with dollar as reserve and trading currency of the world.
the day other countries decide to invoice and trade in other currencies and precious metals , the dollar would crumble. With it US Economy would crumble like deck of cards.
Thus, all the military might of the US is used to keep the countries in line. The weak nations are taught a terrible lesson if they try to diverse. Ghaddafi and Saddam are recent examples.
earlier government used to decide exchange rate but now its free floating system ..... nothing is changed other than market is given autonomy ....
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