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Dear Pakistan, are you ready for biggest action of your history?

Not entirely a fan of this shaikh, but he is spot on when he says that the first priority is economic independence. I have always felt that large arms purchases at debt are counter productive, economic solvency is the first target any country should have.

As for 'Dinar and 'Dirham' not sure about that.
so we need roads, infrastructure, schools, hospitals, parks etc bro this is the german model under gottfried feder he linked the paper currency to goods produced. Germany was bartering with countries as well. japan found out and started to copy and become a beast super power, and wanted to reach out to muslim countries to do barter trade but were attacked by west.
man as our old mentality and people we left far behind and now looking for excuses . s.korea grown up from barter system ? look at exports of tiny vaitnam . all muslims do is talk and lazy lifestyle. we pakistnais are farmer of world no matter how much we grow wheat mangos oranges and cotton we can not be rich . we need transform country to industry . rather then looking short cut like this moulana we need education technology industry and science . if this moulana and like him want to help pakistan then let the science thrive .
man as our old mentality and people we left far behind and now looking for excuses . s.korea grown up from barter system ? look at exports of tiny vaitnam . all muslims do is talk and lazy lifestyle. we pakistnais are farmer of world no matter how much we grow wheat mangos oranges and cotton we can not be rich . we need transform country to industry . rather then looking short cut like this moulana we need education technology industry and science . if this moulana and like him want to help pakistan then let the science thrive .

that's called transfer of technology and electrification that will come after we sort out monetary slavery.
that's called transfer of technology and electrification that will come after we sort out monetary slavery.
please educate me how china vietnam indonesia and even bangladesh is doing better then us ? this is lame excuse we can thrive with current system too if we really do something
See the video below:

I was amazed to see the shaikh was saying exactly what I have come to conclusion in recent times: The real thing that keeps Pakistan under the tight control of the Satanist lobby is Financial institution. This is not only true for Pakistan but also for all Arab countries. The same Westerner economies buy oil from Arabs, give them money. The same money can be used for all types of enjoyments, but the same money can't be used to build strategic assets and institutions. All things, from literature to weapons to military training come from the same countries that apparently buy oil from arabs.

And Pakistan, who simply doesn't know her power stands nowhere. If a missile in Afghanistan or in Palestines hits civilian populations, we only condemn it. why? Because we are the people who depend on westerner economic system. And with Cryptocurrencies, our dependencies will only increase.

So the thing is, are we ready to take action, and do the biggest Jahad of history against Dajjal? Or we will remain like this forever? All we need some guys who have monetary common sense. A Ph.D. in economics will simply not work. Because he will always use the same interest-based formulas and the same inflation calculations. He will always look into the box he received from his training. And the trainers knew what are they doing to this poor soul.

Are we ready for armageddon? The denial of modern monetary system and restoration of Modern Islamic economic System.

@Asfandyar Bhittani @MastanKhan @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan

This man has studied the Holy Qur'an his entire life, he did his PhD from the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Switzerland. He also studied at Al-Azhar University Cairo - Egypt, Karachi University, Pakistan and Aleemiyah Institute for Islamic Studies Karachi, Pakistan.

Pakistanis, if you truly want to meet your destiny, then go and read the Noble Qur'an, cover to cover, every month (Islamic Month) and then begin studying the Noble Qur'an. It is our source of Power, Strength in Imaan. Nothing, I repeat NOTHING is more important than the Noble Qur'an and whom it was sent down to, Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam.

No country, no leader, no group can save Pakistan, only Pakistanis can do so, ONLY WHEN they approach the Noble Qur'an with sincerity and follow the Sunnah of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam.

Pakistanis, don't forget who your leader is ... Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam. Don't forget your Constitution which is the Noble Qur'an. Don't for where your Qibla is, Kaabah - Makkah. Don't forget who your Sovereign is, Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah.
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please educate me how china vietnam indonesia and even bangladesh is doing better then us ? this is lame excuse we can thrive with current system too if we really do something

not much as world debt is rising, china russia had alot of help from west, complete factories were transfered to them, which west wanted to profit but it has backfired becuase china figured out that they are to make counterfeit goods and sell cheaper to countries to cut west out.
not much as world debt is rising, china russia had alot of help from west, complete factories were transfered to them, which west wanted to profit but it has backfired becuase china figured out that they are to make counterfeit goods and sell cheaper to countries to cut west out.
that was not help of west sir . that was policies and vision of china . not many liek china in west but china forced them to knee down . what is our policy ? do we have any policy ? no we are busy in dirty politics since 74 years in nazuk surat e haal .we are jatt of world we grow some crops they give us few dollars .
that was not help of west sir . that was policies and vision of china . not many liek china in west but china forced them to knee down . what is our policy ? do we have any policy ? no we are busy in dirty politics since 74 years in nazuk surat e haal .we are jatt of world we grow some crops they give us few dollars .

wrong read western technology and soviet economic development by proffessor antony sutton but soviet collapsed but china experiment didnt. brother full complete factories including machines are sent. the engineers the managers are white, the yellow Chinese is the labour but that has changed over time now china can stand on its own legs. give you few dollars for your hard earned crops then ask to barter watch west a ss will fall out. the germans put them on the spot in wwr by saying **** your cash, goods for goods.
wrong read western technology and soviet economic development by proffessor antony sutton but soviet collapsed but china experiment didnt. brother full complete factories including machines are sent. the engineers the managers are white, the yellow Chinese is the labour but that has changed over time now china can stand on its own legs. give you few dollars for your hard earned crops then ask to barter watch west a ss will fall out. the germans put them on the spot in wwr by saying **** your cash, goods for goods.
so its mean we will not go hard working way . we just need overnight miracle ? sorry we will be always slaves .
god give us fertile soil so we shall grow abundence, god give us sunlight and plenty of it in pak so we can use solar panels, god give us wind so we can produce wind turbines and wind powered mills for flour, god give us rivers to use for electric hydro dam. but it is up to us to pursue aggressive policy.
so its mean we will not go hard working way . we just need overnight miracle ? sorry we will be always slaves .

it is called 20 year plan for industrialization but first sort out monetary system.
god give us fertile soil so we shall grow abundence, god give us sunlight and plenty of it in pak so we can use solar panels, god give us wind so we can produce wind turbines and wind powered mills for flour, god give us rivers to use for electric hydro dam. but it is up to us to pursue aggressive policy.

it is called 20 year plan for industrialization but first sort out monetary system.
sir i think we can thrive in current economic system to ab ye نا نو من تیل ہو گا نا رادھا ناچے گی wala kam na kareen . we can do far great . power of world is teansforing from west to east but we are not interested in it at all

vietnam exports 290bn
paksitan 20bn$

all we want change the economic system :D
sir i think we can thrive in current economic system to ab ye نا نو من تیل ہو گا نا رادھا ناچے گی wala kam na kareen . we can do far great . power of world is teansforing from west to east but we are not interested in it at all

vietnam exports 290bn
paksitan 20bn$

all we want change the economic system :D

first thing we need is energy which we can using solar, wind, hydro, then gas/oil. have transfer of tech then train ppl, move towards barter and if possible do a micro level to gold and silver currency. but imf has to be paid or we say fcuk off to them, becuase a average pakistani didnt sign it why he/she should pay interest.
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