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Dear Pakistan, are you ready for biggest action of your history?

I'm not a financial expert, so I don't know how we can operate on a global level with our own economic rules. For example if we had an interest free economy, with currency backed by real assets and whatever else is a requirement of an Islamic economy - what happens if we buy/sell something in dollars? If you want to buy my garlic and you pay me in euros, can I accept your funny money? If not then how do I sell you garlic?

Maybe in order for me to sell garlic, I need to first buy some cake and pay with my halal currency. Then they can use my halal currency to buy my garlic?

But then what if they want to buy more from me than I want from them? I want to sell my garlic, but I don't want to buy any more cake or anything else?

I don't know the answers. This is why we need people like conspiracy theory shiekh (I forgot his name) to be challenged by economists. They need to work in parallel to find an alternative model and a path to transition to it - rather than just lecture.

Very simple answer my friend.
How the world does the trade now!!!
In dollars.

What is stopping Muslims countries to get together and create a International Dinnar or Dirham for trade!
Muslim countries could hold its reserves as they do now for Dollars.
They can still keep Dollars and Euro to trade with some other countries.
It would be a start. Leading to the point when other currencies are kicked out or pushed to trade in Dinnar or Dirham if they want to trade with Muslim countries.
But for that Muslim countries have to unite, which is kinda difficult at the mo.
thank god after trying and posting to convince ppl now you pdf ppl for once are discussing instead of shying away. progress after long time. gold and silver is currecy but back in the day pharoans used honey as money as well valuable item after nuk world war since it food they very long shelf life. maybe also pay ppl in barter pay maybe it be better deal for perishable items.
man as our old mentality and people we left far behind and now looking for excuses . s.korea grown up from barter system ? look at exports of tiny vaitnam . all muslims do is talk and lazy lifestyle. we pakistnais are farmer of world no matter how much we grow wheat mangos oranges and cotton we can not be rich . we need transform country to industry . rather then looking short cut like this moulana we need education technology industry and science . if this moulana and like him want to help pakistan then let the science thrive .

When khan saheb says something, it makes sense.
I am not criticising the shaik but just to put an additional note that Today's Dinar and Dhiram are also linked with $ so it will not change any thing practically even if we delink our PKR from USD and link it with Dinar or Dirham .... and today's currencies named Dinar and Dirham are not the same Dinar or Dirham from the era of Prophet Muhammad PBUH

other then this I agree with him not all the countries claim complete sovereignty including Russsia and China ....
If you follow his speeches he preaches actual Gold and silver currency not paper money.
hold ALLAH rope that is what prophet saw told tariq bin ziaad before taking over span in his dream
if we Pakistanis stop kissing every one and hold ALLAH rope we can defeat every one on economic market
We are not jatt of the world. We jatt don't take sh1t from anyone - unlike Pakistani state.

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In all seriousness how money is earnt doesn't matter as long as it is halal. Agriculture could be incredibly economic for us if we took a business minded approach to it. For example...

1. grow expensive produce to export such as Saffron, avacados, olive oil, mango, walnuts, kashews, almonds...

2. Sell value added products. For example olive oil instead of raw olives. Instead of making garments we export brands and branded products like Khaadi.

Ultimately though the economic model of the world is corrupt. Its based on passing of debt to the next generation, expecting tomorrow's worker to pay today's bills. This is why we have boom and bust cycles and this is why the wealth is increasingly in the hands of so few.

Whilst we idiots sit here mocking Islamic economic models, western countries are adapting aspects of them.

For example, many progressive Western societies are trialing universal income. This is a concept from 1400 years ago. Many countries are considering wealth taxes. Argentina just had a 1 off wealth tax to help pay for the COVID lockdown. In Islam we call the wealth tax zakat.

The idea that we run the world economy on goats and dates is a non starter, but the biggest economic challenge for the entire world is how to transition the global economy away from its addiction to debt and towards greater distribution of wealth.

I firmly believe Islamic scholars should team up with the finest economic minds in the world. It should be an open source project open to all, welcome to scrutiny from all. Find a road map to a halal global economy.
sorry my word jatt was not for tribe but i mean farmer sir
man as our old mentality and people we left far behind and now looking for excuses . s.korea grown up from barter system ? look at exports of tiny vaitnam . all muslims do is talk and lazy lifestyle. we pakistnais are farmer of world no matter how much we grow wheat mangos oranges and cotton we can not be rich . we need transform country to industry . rather then looking short cut like this moulana we need education technology industry and science . if this moulana and like him want to help pakistan then let the science thrive .

The problem with stupid Pakistani public is they don't know ABC of economy. You want to become economically independent? Stop borrowing what you cannot pay back. We will still be stuck with shitty economy and GDP growth but at least will not beg to IMF. You want GDP growth that isn't borrowed? Need to depend on USA/Europe to import your shitty textile.

Basically only advance and developed economies are truly independent, Turkey is getting there. We behave like we are anywhere near that. When the fact is Pakistan need to keep his head down like China did in 70's. When your biggest market is USA/Europe and you make enemy out of them at the same time, this where they get you. Deport France ambassador, kill more Christians in the name of blasphemy and support more terrorists like Taliban.

See how much west pump FDI in India vs in Pakistan. Hell USA alone import $100 billion of low level IT outsourcing from India. Germany recently said they made India pharmacy of the world by investing and importing from them. No one is investing shit in Pakistan. China loan based CPEC model is failure. Because it all depended on Pakistan increasing exports but to where? Yes USA/europe. Earn from exports to west and payback China loans lol Well that didn't work out.
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I might be wrong but didn't this guy say Pakistan should apologise to Hindu India?
I remember this Idiot when he was young and still prophecizing for Dajjal's arrival every Friday, and now he is old and dumb, soon he will be in grave and Dajjal will be like, Hold my World Domination.
See the video below:

I was amazed to see the shaikh was saying exactly what I have come to conclusion in recent times: The real thing that keeps Pakistan under the tight control of the Satanist lobby is Financial institution. This is not only true for Pakistan but also for all Arab countries. The same Westerner economies buy oil from Arabs, give them money. The same money can be used for all types of enjoyments, but the same money can't be used to build strategic assets and institutions. All things, from literature to weapons to military training come from the same countries that apparently buy oil from arabs.

And Pakistan, who simply doesn't know her power stands nowhere. If a missile in Afghanistan or in Palestines hits civilian populations, we only condemn it. why? Because we are the people who depend on westerner economic system. And with Cryptocurrencies, our dependencies will only increase.

So the thing is, are we ready to take action, and do the biggest Jahad of history against Dajjal? Or we will remain like this forever? All we need some guys who have monetary common sense. A Ph.D. in economics will simply not work. Because he will always use the same interest-based formulas and the same inflation calculations. He will always look into the box he received from his training. And the trainers knew what are they doing to this poor soul.

Are we ready for armageddon? The denial of modern monetary system and restoration of Modern Islamic economic System.

@Asfandyar Bhittani @MastanKhan @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan
Monday Russia is Gog and Magog
Tuesday China is Gog and Magog
Wednesday Britain is Gog and Magog
Thursday America is Gog and Magog
Friday India is Gog and Magog (7 janam)
Saturday Israel is Gog and Magog
Sunday Burundi/Tahiti is Gog and Magog

He is right about Pakistan tho. But he vehemently hated Pakistan and urdu in past. I don't know what changed his heart to now come and live in Pindi. Maybe cuz mostly Pakistanis have made him their peer sahb.
I might be wrong but didn't this guy say Pakistan should apologise to Hindu India?
He also says sh!te about Hagia Sophia
But he vehemently hated Pakistan and urdu in past.
Many in Pakistan also hate Urdu and Pakistan. So I think shaikh should also be allowed to have his opinion.
Secondly I support his instance on Hagia Sophia.
We should return it to Orthodox Christians with an apology.. We really should.
The problem with stupid Pakistani public is they don't know ABC of economy. You want to become economically independent? Stop borrowing what you cannot pay back. We will still be stuck with shitty economy and GDP growth but at least will not beg to IMF. You want GDP growth that isn't borrowed? Need to depend on USA/Europe to import your shitty textile.

Basically only advance and developed economies are truly independent, Turkey is getting there. We behave like we are anywhere near that. When the fact is Pakistan need to keep his head down like China did in 70's. When your biggest market is USA/Europe and you make enemy out of them at the same time, this where they get you. Deport France ambassador, kill more Christians in the name of blasphemy and support more terrorists like Taliban.

See how much west pump FDI in India vs in Pakistan. Hell USA alone import $100 billion of low level IT outsourcing from India. Germany recently said they made India pharmacy of the world by investing and importing from them. No one is investing shit in Pakistan. China loan based CPEC model is failure. Because it all depended on Pakistan increasing exports but to where? Yes USA/europe. Earn from exports to west and payback China loans lol Well that didn't work out.

I agree on your point of Pakistanis not understanding economy in the main. Only few people truly understand how things works.

I have huge issues with PMLN and PPP for telling the lies that in their times Pakistan was progressing.
where, how and what progress!! Few Capital intensive Development Projects cannot change your economic outlook. They can provide limited employment for limited time. What progresses the country is investments, that too in the areas which can produce finished products and services, earning foreign exchange.

When you have exports goods and services and have healthy reserves, your currency firms up and holds its value.
As a consequences your GDP in dollars terms get better and better over time.
That's what Indians have done. While these Pakistani crooks had been talking shit, fooling Pakistani people.

First time after a very long time, I am seeing IK going down the right lines. But look at the crooks how they are distorting his efforts by price hoardings of essential goods. All the good work by PTI is now buried due to food inflation. Poor people finding it hard to survive.

That's why I hate Pakistani journalists. They are useless, clueless and crooks.
I agree on your point of Pakistanis not understanding economy in the main. Only few people truly understand how things works.

I have huge issues with PMLN and PPP for telling the lies that in their times Pakistan was progressing.
where, how and what progress!! Few Capital intensive Development Projects cannot change your economic outlook. They can provide limited employment for limited time. What progresses the country is investments, that too in the areas which can produce finished products and services, earning foreign exchange.

When you have exports goods and services and have healthy reserves, your currency firms up and holds its value.
As a consequences your GDP in dollars terms get better and better over time.
That's what Indians have done. While these Pakistani crooks had been talking shit, fooling Pakistani people.

First time after a very long time, I am seeing IK going down the right lines. But look at the crooks how they are distorting his efforts by price hoardings of essential goods. All the good work by PTI is now buried due to food inflation. Poor people finding it hard to survive.

That's why I hate Pakistani journalists. They are useless, clueless and crooks.

Who are biggest FDI source? USA/Europe. You need to make amends with them to attract FDI. By not allowing TLP, Taliban terrorists etc to prosper who will blackmail state to cut ties with West after every few months.
Sheikh has deep knowledge when it comes to “Islamic Eschatology”... he is trying his best to wake the Muslim scholarship to embrace this subject for last 10 years or so.

Thinking about a monetary system without Ribba is a good starting point ...
Once Pakistan breaks it's shackles, the people and country will flourish, as the founding fathers had envisaged.
A light amongst nations.
As one poster quite rightly said we are like a caged lion.
It is not by accident that Allah SWT gave nuclear technology to us. It is not by accident that he allowed the military to be strong enough to confront the former Soviet Union, NATO, India and Israel.
It is not by accident that Allah SWT placed gold mines in our country.
It is not by accident that Allah SWT gave us this country in his name, or allowed the objective resolution or the judgement was passed that no laws can override the Quran and Sunah, or that eventually interest would be abolished
When the time is correct everything will fall in to place.
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