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Deadly blasts hit Turkey border town of Reyhanli

The funny thing is; we won't do a sh¡t, again. Because the syrians including the penetrators are our "muslim brothers" (!) right? I'd wipe them outta the map.

Yeap bro, I expected to hear a official statament like. " We find whoever is behind these attacks and bring them to justice " but all we hear is condolences and call for patience.

I see two options lie ahead. Either throw out all FSA linked groups out of Turkey or create a buffer zone within Syria to ensure another attack will not happen in the future.
Its people like you that make the world hate Iran.
Get over it,you lost your last ally.

Seriously we rather have Zimbabwe as an ally rather then Turkey. Nobody in Iran ever wanted Turkey as an ally in the first place. Stop pushing yourselves on us and enjoy your wahhabi allies.
When we read comments from Iranian members, we can see what kind of mindset lead these bombings. Why do Iranians take advantage of these deaths and make fun of them? This is disgusting, Iran won't listen, they have to feel, I would be glad to push the button to drop the first bombs on Iran. We need to do this out of revenge and help our Azeri brothers in Iran. Again, why do Iranians make fun of our deaths?
They are filled with hatred against sunnis (who they call wahabis) who are considered ali ennemy. That's the only explanation for all the fun and mockery they are making against our turkish brothers who were killed in rehenli
Invited Kurds and Arabs. The Kurds in South East turkey and the Arabs in Hatay pretty much were living their for generations. ( if you're referring to them). Nevertheless I agree on the fact that the Turkish Republic have neglected every Turkic brother that can be linked to Anatolia and that there should be a change to this.

So sprechst du Turkish meine bruther?
Ich kann Türkisch sprechen mein Bruder :)
Seriously we rather have Zimbabwe as an ally rather then Turkey. Nobody in Iran ever wanted Turkey as an ally in the first place. Stop pushing yourselves on us and enjoy your wahhabi allies.


He's referring to Syria as tour last ally.
Wow for f sake.how delusional you must be to read utter nonsense. Dream on my friend dream on.
Seriously we rather have Zimbabwe as an ally rather then Turkey. Nobody in Iran ever wanted Turkey as an ally in the first place. Stop pushing yourselves on us and enjoy your wahhabi allies.

We was talking about Syria not Turkey, i don't recall we have seen Iran as an ally, anytime in history.

He's referring to Syria as tour last ally.
Wow for f sake.how delusional you must be to read utter nonsense. Dream on my friend dream on.

Well Assad is still standing. He also doesn't cause us problems. But in my opinion the terrorism has just started in Turkey. If you thought the PKK was bad, now just wait and see this new breed of terrorist that you created.
You shouldnt be talking because you are the same guy (who used to be a mod) that called for the burning of all Shias alive. You yourself are using the deaths of these poor people for promoting your agenda. Go p.iss on an electric fence Wahhabi c.ocksucker.

This goes out to everyone. Dont be like Feyen, atawolf and Mosamania. Opportunism (especially at the wake of a tragedy like this) is wrong.

I have given moderation 6 hours to deal with this, but nothing as I suspected:

@Armstrong @Hyperion @BLACKEAGLE

Maybe you now understand why I left the forum, a sharp shift in policy occurd of which me leaving was a demand. And as you can see 2 months later and the policy still stands. I leave you to figure out the nature of said policy by yourself.
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Seriously we rather have Zimbabwe as an ally rather then Turkey. Nobody in Iran ever wanted Turkey as an ally in the first place. Stop pushing yourselves on us and enjoy your wahhabi allies.

What about the 25 million Azeri in Iran? Do I have the post stadium full of Azeri calling themselves Turk and denouncing farsi-facist government? Don't worry, maybe not Iran will be our ally but you Persians are only 50% of your country. The remaining will be our ally... against you.

Ashika nerelisin?
Ich kann Türkisch sprechen mein Bruder :)


BruTHer wtf was i thinking:cuckoo: . It's like a mix between german and english.

Well Assad is still standing. He also doesn't cause us problems. But in my opinion the terrorism has just started in Turkey. If you thought the PKK was bad, now just wait and see this new breed of terrorist that you created.

The creators of terror in the middle east is no one else then your nation. It's simply disgusting.
What about the 25 million Azeri in Iran?

You are a fantasist refugee dreaming about who you are going to ally yourself with in the future? Lol that decision is not up to you. A word of advice, deal in the present, not your hypothetical dreams about the future.

And what is happening in the present is you have allied yourself with terrorists, who will just as easily blow up Turkey as they will Syria.
What about the 25 million Azeri in Iran? Do I have the post stadium full of Azeri calling themselves Turk and denouncing farsi-facist government? Don't worry, maybe not Iran will be our ally but you Persians are only 50% of your country. The remaining will be our ally... against you.

Ashika nerelisin?

Motherf.ucker, listen, in Iran we dnt have anything as Persians,Kurds or whatever. We are all Iranian, and that is why we do not have ethnic or religious unrest in our country, unlike Turkey where there is huge million people movement to seperate from Turkey. Turkey is in a more fragile situation so if i were you i would shut my illiterate mouth.

Also the people you say are against Persians dont want to seperate you ugly mofo. There maybe a few thousand but they are minority compared to the rest of the millions. Also they dnt consider themself to be a TUrk from turkey retard, they see themself part of Azarbaijan province. We lost that province to the Russians but i guarantee you we will get it back one day, diplomatically or with force.

You are lucky that you are a refugee in Netherlands. Otherwise if you where in Turkey there is high chance you could be killed in these terrorist explosions. :lol:
You are a fantasist refugee dreaming about who you are going to ally yourself with in the future? Lol that decision is not up to you. A word of advice, deal in the present, not your hypothetical dreams about the future.

And what is happening in the present is you have allied yourself with terrorists, who will just as easily blow up Turkey as they will Syria.


The first generation turks who came here , came for the sole purpose of making money.

If you look for a refugee uou have to look closer to your own people. The iranians here did not come to make money. They came here to avoid the state of the art finger chopper machine v2 .so dont break my mouth open of refugees.
1,5 million Turkish speaking 2 million who forgot speaking Turkish Türkmens are living in Syria, if Turkish army enters in Syria, we should definetely take the Turkish coastal parts, this is the job of iran
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