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Deadly blasts hit Turkey border town of Reyhanli

Oke people the first cleu.

The bombs are from syria and its detonated with remote control.

What is your Source ?

Update: 3rd explosion caused by a diesel tank which was in the basement of a apartment. No casuelties or wounded. 4 people affected by smoke.

we dont read shitss from presstv.

What is your Source ?

Update: 3rd explosion caused by a diesel tank which was in the basement of a apartment. No casuelties or wounded. 4 people affected by smoke.

the local police investigation for now. if you follow the news you can hear it, for now we have to wait a little mor details.
What about nr.4 ?

4- keep supporting the current syrian refugees inside Turkish soil and cease all cooperation with FSA/Al Nusra

how is that ?

That does sound like the most sound and logical choice, doesnt it?
However what can be gathered from TurAr is that he acknowledges that the Turkish gov. made a grave mistake with its policy towards Syria, but instead of taking a new discourse, he would rather commit to that mistake so that the Turkish government does not loose more face than it already has. Sadly, I think this is also direction Erdogan will go with.
What about nr.4 ?

4- keep supporting the current syrian refugees inside Turkish soil and cease all cooperation with FSA/Al Nusra

how is that ?

After all this, we cannot just allow Assad to be the permanent leader of Syria. Even military intervention is a better idea than that.
That does sound like the most sound and logical choice, doesnt it?
However what can be gathered from TurAr is that he acknowledges that the Turkish gov. made a grave mistake with its policy towards Syria, but instead of taking a new discourse, he would rather commit to that mistake so that the Turkish government does not loose more face than it already has. Sadly, I think this is also direction Erdogan will go with.

I only care for the interests of Turkey not for anything else. And believe me, it would make me a happy man if people realize the true face of Turkish government, not the vice versa.
After all this, we cannot just allow Assad to be the permanent leader of Syria. Even military intervention is a better idea than that.

military intervention are for greedy weapon making factories to test their weapons or the imperialists. Do you consider yourself one of them ?
nr.4 looks the most sane stance, you better adapt it or more trouble will come to your way !
After all this, we cannot just allow Assad to be the permanent leader of Syria. Even military intervention is a better idea than that.

Sir lets be real.

Opposition parties harshly critized Erdogan's foreign policy after the attack.

Go read comments of the Popular news sites like, milliyet, hürriyet, sabah. %99 of the Turkish people accusing Erdogan because of his foreign policy.

He can't military intervene without the support of his people.
When we read the comments from Iranian members here, we might get an idea which mindset set-up this explosions today.

We need to act guys, otherwise they keep doing the same terrorism, if they hurt us, we need to hurt them double.
That does sound like the most sound and logical choice, doesnt it?
However what can be gathered from TurAr is that he acknowledges that the Turkish gov. made a grave mistake with its policy towards Syria, but instead of taking a new discourse, he would rather commit to that mistake so that the Turkish government does not loose more face than it already has. Sadly, I think this is also direction Erdogan will go with.

Like Hassan Nasrallah said, the Syrian government can not be defeated militarily, so it is wise for those who oppose Assad to come to the negotiating table.

When we read the comments from Iranian members here, we might get an idea which mindset set-up this explosions today.

We need to act guys, otherwise they keep doing the same terrorism, if they hurt us, we need to hurt them double.

I see you are obsessed with Iran. You wake up with Iran, eat breakfast with Iran, take a nap with Iran, take a shower with Iran, play with Iran. You are one obsessed f.ucker
Sir lets be real.

Opposition parties harshly critized Erdogan's foreign policy after the attack.

Go read comments of the Popular news sites like, milliyet, hürriyet, sabah. %99 of the Turkish people accusing Erdogan because of his foreign policy.

He can't military intervene without the support of his people.

If you re-read my previous posts, you'd see that i didn't say we should intervene. I said, it is the worst thing to do.
Reyhanlı'daki 40 dolayında vatandaşın hayatını kaybettiği patlamanın nasıl gerçekleştirildiğiyle ilgili ilk detaylar ortaya çıktı. Başbakan Yardımcısı Beşir Atalay faillerle ilgili ilginç açıklamada bulundu.

Cilvegözü'deki patlamaya benzer özellikte patlayıcılar kullanıldığı ve çok büyük miktarda patlayıcı kullanıldığı belirtirilken bunun canlı bomba olarak değil uzaktan kumanda ile araçların patlatıldığı belirtiliyor. Patlayıcıların Suriye tarafından minibüslerle Türkiye tarafına geçirildiği belirtiliyor.
Başbakan Yardımcısı Beşir Atalay, İçişleri Bakanı Güler ve Adalet Bakanı Sadullah Ergin ile birlikte düzenlediği basın toplantısında faillerin yurt içinden olduğu şeklinde tespitleri olduğunu açıkladı.
What about nr.4 ?

4- keep supporting the current syrian refugees inside Turkish soil and cease all cooperation with FSA/Al Nusra

how is that ?

Too late for that...Besides, those cowards who are behind this barbaric attack probably want the same thing too..Actually i believe, that was their main purpose, to create public unhappiness which will result in questioning Turkey`s stance on Syrian issue..What other purpose there might be? Now, i dont think Iran has anything to do with this attack but, i believe Syria is number #1 suspect
military intervention are for greedy weapon making factories to test their weapons or the imperialists. Do you consider yourself one of them ?
nr.4 looks the most sane stance, you better adapt it or more trouble will come to your way !

There are no espace from those troubles, we can only reduce them. Your option however, would generate even more trouble than we are currently dealing with.
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