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Deadly blasts hit Turkey border town of Reyhanli

Well maybe you should consider the long run.
The current regime south on our border was never in our interest. We all remember what they did in the past and present.
Disposing of that regime is the best for us in the long run.

And how do you know that the next regime, consisting of a hellish mix of all kind of extremists, will be to our benefit?
Baykuş;4274157 said:
And then what, just sit and wait until the next Syria-related attack occurs on our soil? I don't mean that we should let the perpetrators behind this attack get away, but these kind of saddening things won't stop since we have put ourselves into the mess - we have invited them to begin with. I'm just saying that it would be much better for us to step out of this pile of crap and focus on our own stuff.

And i'm completely agreeing with you but IMO it is impossible. We must do everything we can to prevent such attacks happening again. If we can't however, which would be understandable if you consider the current situation in the borders, then we should just prapare ourselves for the days ahead of us and STOP VOTING FOR AKP next elections.
Baykuş;4274201 said:
And how do you know that the next regime, consisting of a hellish mix of all kind of extremists, will be to our benefit?

Well whatever it will be. It can't be worse then a regime that supported the pkk in their early years and gave a safe haven for Abdullah puşt Öcalan right?
And i'm completely agreeing with you but IMO it is impossible. We must do everything we can to prevent such attacks happening again. If we can't however, which would be understandable if you consider the current situation in the borders, then we should just prapare ourselves for the days ahead of us and STOP VOTING FOR AKP.

But brother, we are still standing on hostile soil. I can unfortunately guarantee you that this kind of attacks will continue to happen on our soil. We - thanks to Erdogan and Co. - have the doors opened for it to happen. Sure, our government might have imagined that this conflict would be over way earlier and then maybe their choice to politically interfere would have been logical, at least a little. But this is not the case and therefor we - our government, that is - should reconsider our stance and pull out of this. AKP have done a lot of great things for our country whilst the biggest opposition - CHP - has been busy throwing **** at everything they have done. We lack mature and rationally thinking politicians. Our parliament consists of a bunch of children that can do nothing but misbehave. AKP is - or was - the best of the worst. MHP would have turned us into something like N.Korea - and to be honest, I voted for them at the last elections. All other political parties available are all extreme to their agenda - communists, liberals and what not.

Well whatever it will be. It can't be worse then a regime that supported the pkk in their early years and gave a safe haven for Abdullah puşt Öcalan right?

It's the ME we are talking about. Everything is possible here. One got to expect the most unexpected things to happen.
lets dont turn topic to akp, chp and mhp voting.... last thing i want to read is politics.
And you have achieved the exact opposite of that. Turkish policy in Syria has been a major disaster. Better to just cut your losses. But sadly, I dont think it will happen.

okay chief, you tell us exactly what Turkey should do?

And what do you mean with losses? Do you think those people who were killed today are just "losses", they were humans.
When Turkey engaged in Syria so publicly, it was inevitable that this would happen. I'm surprised it's taken this long.

Doesn't look like PKK to me. Looks like Syrian elements giving 'payback' to Turkey for supporting FSA.

Syrian elements are under a lot of pressure, so to me it seems clear this was a well organised bombing by Hez under orders from Tehran.

This is a classic Tehran operation. They always use proxies, always seek 'revenge' for anyone getting in the way of their regional ambitions - and almost always hit civilians.

not by 100% but 99% agree with you that is an iran made job.. it may not be Hez. because iran has many others proxies than Hezbullah..

So this my firts thnx rating for a jewish in PDF...the thrue is always the same whoever says..

Terorism and assasinations are historical traditions that inherited Mullahs from their ancestors, Hashshashins and thier first Ayatollaah Hassan Al Sabbah..
Oke people the first cleu.

The bombs are from syria and its detonated with remote control.
Baykuş;4274289 said:
But brother, we are still standing on hostile soil. I can unfortunately guarantee you that this kind of attacks will continue to happen on our soil. We - thanks to Erdogan and Co. - have the doors opened for it to happen. Sure, our government might have imagined that this conflict would be over way earlier and then maybe their choice to politically interfere would have been logical, at least a little. But this is not the case and therefor we - our government, that is - should reconsider our stance and pull out of this. AKP have done a lot of great things for our country whilst the biggest opposition - CHP - has been busy throwing **** at everything they have done. We lack mature and rationally thinking politicians. Our parliament consists of a bunch of children that can do nothing but misbehave. AKP is - or was - the best of the worst. MHP would have turned us into something like N.Korea - and to be honest, I voted for them at the last elections. All other political parties available are all extreme to their agenda - communists, liberals and what not.

I agree with you.

IMO, there are 3 things that we can do:

1-Continue what we are doing -providing weapons, shelter, logistics, intelligence to FSA- which is a bad idea

2-We can arm FSA with hitech weapons, anti aircraft missiles etc... which is a worse idea than the former

3-We can intervene militarly, which is the worst idea

So i think the best bad idea is the 1st one and that is what we should continue to do. Additionally, we should find out who did this and somehow we must deter the possible future attacks.
Baykuş;4274201 said:
And how do you know that the next regime, consisting of a hellish mix of all kind of extremists, will be to our benefit?
that is part of being in the mid-east. Turkey can't have a total win situation. We can only take steps towards it. Removing of Assad is the first step, after he is gone, we will also have to deal with the extremist.
Please stop turning this into Iran vs Turkey matter, we don't know (for certain) who is responsible for these terrorist attacks, but one thing for certain, nothing good can come from supporting extremists. So I suggest instead of blaming others, blame your own government for opening Turkey's borders to terrorists. I honestly don't think Assad would want to open new frontiers, nor is it in our interest to turn neighbours into enemies.
I agree with you.

IMO, there are 3 things that we can do:

1-Continue what we are doing -providing weapons, shelter, logistics, intelligence to FSA- which is a bad idea

2-We can arm FSA with hitech weapons, anti aircraft missiles etc... which is a worse idea than the former

3-We can intervene militarly, which is the worst idea

So i think the best bad idea is the 1st one and that is what we should continue to do. Additionally, we should find out who did this and somehow we must deter the possible future attacks.

What about nr.4 ?

4- keep supporting the current syrian refugees inside Turkish soil and cease all cooperation with FSA/Al Nusra

how is that ?
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