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Dead-eye Pakistani Sniper Scores again

Both sides use snipers.But Pakistan currently enjoys a temporary advantage in this area.This is because PA uses latest dedicated sniper rifles which are more advanced than the SVD dragunovs used by IA.Dragunov's are a squad marksman's rifle but not so accurate at range,they cant match range of dedicated sniper rifles like barrett.
Also Indian Army used to have specialized sniper school which was closed down in 1971 after introduction of assault rifles and dragunov.Dedicated snipers were replaced by squad marksmen.Thus we had created a capability gap unwittingly.What is now happening is new sniper course is to be introduced ,and 6500 new dedicated latest sniper rifles are being bought.When they come we will have the advantage back in this area.
Currently standard IA and BSF response to sniper fire is not tit for tat in same manner,but to use massed 120mm heavy mortar assault,or if things get serious use AAA guns in direct ground attack role.In volume of tubes of 120 mm mortars we outnumber PA 2 to1.Thus these fire assaults cause heavy casualities and even out the score.
by the time u get updated to new snipers, Our snipers schools will graduate 3 more batches of snipers.

Could be because guns are so prevalent in Pakistan and kids start handling them since childhood.
maybe. Pakistani civilians in many areas are better shooters than even indian special forces.
by the time u get updated to new snipers, Our snipers schools will graduate 3 more batches of snipers.

maybe. Pakistani civilians in many areas are better shooters than even indian special forces.

Irrelevant,we have more funding and more manpower.We can graduate far more batches at once.Either way its less a problem of skill and more of equipment -specialized sniper rifles to replace dragunovs.6500 are coming.
Until then we do the normal tactic smash with 120mm heavy mortar barrages which PA cant match in volume of firepower because they are outnumbered in tubes.A sniper kills 1,a well directed mortar shell causes multiple casualities.
From what i understand, some boys with substantial number of confirmed kills against T's have been tasked to pay friendly visits to the Indians.

Recently the DG of BSF had officially protested a machine gunners death. The chap was dumping rounds on Pakistani villages while hidden in a bunker with a 1^2 ft firing port.

He received a single bullet to the head at night as he was firing, from a km away through his firing port.

That rattled the DG and he raised this during flag meeting.

In another event, a 7 year old Pakistani girl was shot dead by Indian troops as she was returning home in the evening.

The shooter was sent on a holiday, when he came back, the boys were waiting, he was killed by a single shot to the head.
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Irrelevant,we have more funding and more manpower.We can graduate far more batches at once.Either way its less a problem of skill and more of equipment -specialized sniper rifles to replace dragunovs.6500 are coming.
Until then we do the normal tactic smash with 120mm heavy mortar barrages which PA cant match in volume of firepower because they are outnumbered in tubes.A sniper kills 1,a well directed mortar shell causes multiple casualities.
dude.stop embarrassing yourself, wohi buk buk buk...we have more if this and more of that so can do this and we can do that! abay to kar key dikha bay! :lol:


^^^ this is the worse you can do! :omghaha:
From what i understand, some boys with substantial number of confirmed kills against T's have been tasked to pay friendly visits to the Indians.

Recently the DG of BSF had officially protested a machine gunners death. The chap was dumping rounds on Pakistani villages while hidden in a bunker with a 1^2 ft firing port.

He received a single bullet to the head at night as he was firing, from a km away through his firing port.

That rattled the DG and he raised this during flag meeting.

In another event, a 7 year old Pakistani girl was shot dead by Indian troops as she was returning home in the evening.

The shooter was sent on a holiday, when he came back, the boys were waiting, he was killed by a single shot to the head.

Great story
Your post shows you have not spent a single minute on LoC.

More troops means more firepower. We dominate LoC as we have more than twice the mortars, SPGs/RCLs, Atgms and Machine guns on the front.

More importantly on 70% of LoC India holds the higher ground (a fact admitted by Pakistani generals) which means Indian posts arr in dominating position.

As per Pakistani official reports India has fired 4225 times along LoC this year alone whereas Pakistan fired only 2000 times as per Indian reports thus proving who has more firepower.

The fact that just two months back Pakistani defence minister refused to divulge info on number of Pakistan army casualties to Parliament to own PTI senator despite she clearly asking for the data proves which side has more LoC casualties.
Have you ever even been to the loc? Or is that gangadeshis are too afraid ?
been to the loc couple of times, right into the FOP bunkers around chakothi and leepa / neelum sectors , i even spent my honey moon right there in keran sector besides the river . ( 2015 )

1. in 2004, pak had around a brigade size element manning LOC, i dont know how many are today ( 2 ? max ?)

2. the terrain is extremely inhospitable ( neelum river skirting in between and deep hills ) . bunkers are on both side( distance , min 100m to max 1km , eye to eye)

3. rules of engagement are simple, stone for a stone, sling for a sling, brick for a brick. if indians up the equipment, so do we.. the only difference, we cant shoot civvies on the other side for obvious reasons and have to resort to sniping en masse to avoid collateral

4. generally, small arms fire + mortars are traded
Would you like to hear it all at once or maybe in parts as it may prove hard to digest.

“The head constable was behind his LMG and was retaliating to Pakistani fire from a loophole of one foot by one-foot square. Enemies target that. A bullet entered from the loophole and hit him. It was very unfortunate,” he said.


Hard to comprehend....."great story"

Hard to comprehend....."great story"

You guys have a problem digesting news coming from such sources...so why pick and choose now?
dude, you have NO idea how true that is. Happened to me in my college days and it happens to me NOW at work. During my college days, luckily my wife was with me and she kept them in check. Even at work, indian employees constantly turn their flirt on knowing full well that I am their boss and am married. I need to constantly remind them in a professional manner that we are here to work, not make close personal friends and nor am I interested in their personal life issues that they constantly keep trying to bring up to gain that "sympathy" love and attention...:hitwall:
Do it for your country.....bang away
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