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Dead-eye Pakistani Sniper Scores again

don't forget the 4th point:
ISI has fully infiltrated the entire indian military and defense establishment.

Indian are very susceptible to honey traps. It is in Indian genes. Can't solve this weakness, unfortunately.
Indian are very susceptible to honey traps. It is in Indian genes. Can't solve this weakness, unfortunately.
yes that is true, especially for indian women. even here in the u.s. in universities, female indian university students are constantly hovering around MSA (Muslim Student Association) and PSA (Pakistani Student Association) like flies trying to gain the men's attentions.
Your post shows you have not spent a single minute on LoC.

More troops means more firepower. We dominate LoC as we have more than twice the mortars, SPGs/RCLs, Atgms and Machine guns on the front.

More importantly on 70% of LoC India holds the higher ground (a fact admitted by Pakistani generals) which means Indian posts arr in dominating position.

As per Pakistani official reports India has fired 4225 times along LoC this year alone whereas Pakistan fired only 2000 times as per Indian reports thus proving who has more firepower.

The fact that just two months back Pakistani defence minister refused to divulge info on number of Pakistan army casualties to Parliament to own PTI senator despite she clearly asking for the data proves which side has more LoC casualties.

On my last visit of loc I saw no Indian troops at the front. Where as Pakistan army was in its positions. I visited there as a tourist and I could see Indian loc lights from my hotel room window.

On the first day I was a bit scared of Indian aggression and stayed on upper valley but the night was very calm and I felt very secure with my brave army guarding me. It was a beautiful place. The next night I shifted along the river and drank my morning tea 50 meters away from Indian occupied Kashmir. All I could see was villagers on the other side of border when I asked one of my beloved Pak Army boys about Indian soldiers he told me they were hiding in bunkers behind civilian population. Sorry but major portion of Indian deployment in Kashmir is to suppress civilians instead of guarding loc.
yes that is true, especially for indian women. even here in the u.s. in universities, female indian university students are constantly hovering around MSA (Muslim Student Association) and PSA (Pakistani Student Association) like flies trying to gain the men's attentions.

Hindu girls have always preferred Islamic men for their masculinity and handsomeness.
When ever India fires it targets civilian population and when ever Pakistan replies we target your solders and avoid civilians because those living under Indian occupations are also our brothers.

Is this the reason why Pakistan Army never returns fire when Indian Army fires at them?
Hindu girls have always preferred Islamic men for their masculinity and handsomeness.
dude, you have NO idea how true that is. Happened to me in my college days and it happens to me NOW at work. During my college days, luckily my wife was with me and she kept them in check. Even at work, indian employees constantly turn their flirt on knowing full well that I am their boss and am married. I need to constantly remind them in a professional manner that we are here to work, not make close personal friends and nor am I interested in their personal life issues that they constantly keep trying to bring up to gain that "sympathy" love and attention...:hitwall:
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Is this the reason why Pakistan Army never returns fire when Indian Army fires at them?
Pakistan Army's strikes are very precise, we do NOT go on a firing barrage as some shells are sure hit civilians on the other side. Every soldier who gets stationed at the LOC gets precision strike practices drilled into him whether its mortar, artillery or sniper. Hence, every shot we fire almost always ends up in an indian casualty.
dude, you have NO idea how true that is. Happened to me in my college days and it happens to me NOW at work. During my college days, luckily my wife was with me and she kept them in check. Even at work, indian employees constantly turn their flirt on knowing full well that I am their boss and am married. I need to constantly remind them in a professional manner that we are here to work, not make close personal friends and nor am I interested in their personal life issues that they constantly keep trying to bring up to gain that "sympathy" love and attention...:hitwall:

The problem is not with them but you. You should stop being handsome.

Where there is sugar, there are ants.:D

Common! Let's be realistic and practical. Shall we? Tell me if a girl will marry this guy


or this guy


Pakistan Army's strikes are very precise, we do NOT go on a firing barrage as some shells are sure hit civilians on the other side. Every soldier who gets stationed at the LOC gets precision strike practices drilled into him whether its mortar, artillery or sniper. Hence, every shot we fire almost always ends up in an indian casualty.

Makes sense. You must be having a great hit to kill ratio.

i think its a non military sniper. i mean like a lone vigilante

I don't think so. These are very professional trained people to kill only Indian Army soldiers with not risk to the civilians around. Regular vigilantes cannot do this job with such a precision.
Is this the reason why Pakistan Army never returns fire when Indian Army fires at them?

Yes this is one of the major reasons. India is using civilian population as human shields and using sniper to reply to Indian aggression is more reasonable option.

This is my personal observation. The impression I got from my visit.
The problem is not with them but you. You should stop being handsome.

Where there is sugar, there are ants.:D

Common! Let's be realistic and practical. Shall we? Tell me if a girl will marry this guy

View attachment 518641

or this guy

View attachment 518643

Makes sense. You must be having a great hit to kill ratio.

I don't think so. These are very professional trained people to kill only Indian Army soldiers with not risk to the civilians around. Regular vigilantes cannot do this job with such a precision.

well apparently, the indian wife of the latter guy (young modi) doesn't want to touch him since he has no kids! either that or he's impotent beyond repair, like, even viagra won't help!!! :rofl:

This is my typical monday morning while getting coffee at work:
Me: hello, how was the weekend
indian woman: it was okay how was yours?
Me: it was good, we went hiking. so did you get a chance to prepare the release documents for this Friday's release?
indian woman: no but i am working on it. i was trying to work on it over the weekend but my hujbund kept drinking and acting violent.
Me: (silent looks aloof)
indian woman: i mean he can be so mean some times...you tell me how can work when is tryin....(gets interrupted by ME)
Me: yeah okay let me know when it is ready, I'd like a draft on my desk by wednesday morning tops. (walks away rolling his eyes).
indian woman: (wibly wobly head)
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Yes this is one of the major reasons. India is using civilian population as human shields and using sniper to reply to Indian aggression is more reasonable option.

This is my personal observation. The impression I got from my visit.

Looks like Pakistan has adopted a sound strategy. Unfortunately, poorly fed, equipped and trained Indian Army is struggling to counter this offensive from Pakistan. Looks like dropping the weapons and making peace by agreeing to Pakistan's demands is the only way out. India surely cannot afford to lose dozens of soldiers everyday like this to the snipers.

This is my typical monday morning:
Me: hello, how was the weekend
indian woman: it was okay how was yours?
Me: it was good, we went hiking. so did you get a chance to prepare the release documents for this Friday's release?
indian woman: no but i am working on it. i was trying to work on it over the weekend but my hujbund kept drinking and acting violent.
Me: (silent looks aloof)
indian woman: i mean he can be so mean some times...you tell me how can work when is tryin....(gets interrupted by ME)
Me: yeah okay let me know when it is ready, I'd like a draft on my desk by wednesday morning tops. (walks away rolling his eyes).
indian woman: (wibly wobly head)

Unlike Islam, Hinduism does not prescribe any restrictions on drinking & smoking (for that matter on anything). It is left to ones discretion. So I can see why Hindu husbands become alcoholics and abusive towards their wives.
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Both sides use snipers.
India has far many more snipers along LoC as we have 2× more battalions along same length of LoC.
But there is one crucial element: Only India publicly reports casualties to sniper.

Is this true @Windjammer. For the last few posts you've posted celebrating India soldiers, luggage handlers and civilians being sniped, I've congratulated you and asked 'what's the latest body count between both sides?'. But each time you have ignored replying to me.

Is it because what this gentleman states above is true? Does your military not report to your government the official count of Pakistani soldiers killed too?
Looks like Pakistan has adopted a sound strategy. Unfortunately, poorly fed, equipped and trained Indian Army is struggling to counter this offensive from Pakistan. Looks like dropping the weapons and making peace by agreeing to Pakistan's demands is the only way out. India surely cannot afford to lose dozens of soldiers everyday like this to the snipers.

Pakistan only adopted the strategy to keep civilian population safe Indiscriminate firing of weapons will harm civilians and sniper ensure least collateral damage.

Indian regularly targets civilian population and this is the only way to deter them from harming civilians and keeping the civilians on the other side secure as well snipers are used. India must end violations of cease fire if it wants it's soldiers in good health.
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