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Dead-eye Pakistani Sniper Scores again

yes that is true, especially for indian women. even here in the u.s. in universities, female indian university students are constantly hovering around MSA (Muslim Student Association) and PSA (Pakistani Student Association) like flies trying to gain the men's attentions.
Again with your concocted evidence about the US. You should consider renaming yourself PEW_Naam, the no1 source for US market survey.
As far as I know, Pakistan's Army is not answerable to the Civilian government as per constitution of Pakistan. Defense, Security, Kashmir and Foreign Affairs are the domain of Pakistan's Military.

Pakistan Military not reporting to civilian government does not mean there are dozens of causalities on Pakistani side.

You have a valid point there.

I do not think Indian soldiers are capable of ceasefire violations. They lack equipment, training and worst of all they do not even have food to eat. I suspect most of their day is gone in they trying to find some food to eat.

Every time ceasefire violations is done it is done by India. They fire mortars on civilians population and Pakistan replies that with targeted sniper fire taking out soldiers who dare to find some food and open their guns.
Plus there were also U.N. observers there keeping an eye on loc. I saw 2, one was Swiss and other I think Italian to monitor ceasefire violation. So it is very hard for Pakistan to do any violations because they observe Pakistani side.
Looks like Pakistan has adopted a sound strategy. Unfortunately, poorly fed, equipped and trained Indian Army is struggling to counter this offensive from Pakistan. Looks like dropping the weapons and making peace by agreeing to Pakistan's demands is the only way out. India surely cannot afford to lose dozens of soldiers everyday like this to the snipers.

Unlike Islam, Hinduism does not prescribe any restrictions on drinking & smoking (for that matter on anything). It is left to ones discretion. So I can see why Hindu husbands become alcoholics and abusive towards their wives. Islam permits more than one wife. correct? Why don't you take some of these as your wives and relieve them of their pains?
Don't bring religion into this.
Plus there were also U.N. observers there keeping an eye on loc. I saw 2, one was Swiss and other I think Italian to monitor ceasefire violation. So it is very hard for Pakistan to do any violations because they observe Pakistani side.

Don't the UN observers visit only once in a blue moon as they may get killed in the cross fire.


Nice South Indian dance. You know that I am South Indian.
Don't the UN observers visit only once in a blue moon as they may get killed in the cross fire.

Nice South Indian dance. You know that I am South Indian.
Why would they get killed? I don't know their schedule just saw them there.
Why would they get killed? I don't know their schedule just saw them there.

Because Indian Army is poorly trained and due to this poor training they aim somewhere and the hit lands somewhere else. It is too risky for UN folks to be anywhere around. Pakistan Army should discourage their presence for their safety. Probably they might be under wrong assumption that Indian Army is as well trained as Pakistan's Army. I think Pakistan Army needs to educate them that it is not the case and their lives are under risk if they stick around.

Thank you! Man.

Remember South Indians are pro-Pakistan.
well apparently, the indian wife of the latter guy (young modi) doesn't want to touch him since he has no kids! either that or he's impotent beyond repair, like, even viagra won't help!!! :rofl:

This is my typical monday morning while getting coffee at work:
Me: hello, how was the weekend
indian woman: it was okay how was yours?
Me: it was good, we went hiking. so did you get a chance to prepare the release documents for this Friday's release?
indian woman: no but i am working on it. i was trying to work on it over the weekend but my hujbund kept drinking and acting violent.
Me: (silent looks aloof)
indian woman: i mean he can be so mean some times...you tell me how can work when is tryin....(gets interrupted by ME)
Me: yeah okay let me know when it is ready, I'd like a draft on my desk by wednesday morning tops. (walks away rolling his eyes).
indian woman: (wibly wobly head)

You must be this guy.

they don't provide parties like pmln and ppp to make a mountain out of a mole hile, that's why. the fact is that the indian army can't hit the broad side of an overweight elephant with a fluorescent target drawn on its behind.
The casualties among Pakistani forces negate your claim

and you were born and raised in some bunker along the LoC, right?
Yes I was born and raised along LoC though not in a bunket.

On my last visit of loc I saw no Indian troops at the front. Where as Pakistan army was in its positions. I visited there as a tourist and I could see Indian loc lights from my hotel room window.

On the first day I was a bit scared of Indian aggression and stayed on upper valley but the night was very calm and I felt very secure with my brave army guarding me. It was a beautiful place. The next night I shifted along the river and drank my morning tea 50 meters away from Indian occupied Kashmir. All I could see was villagers on the other side of border when I asked one of my beloved Pak Army boys about Indian soldiers he told me they were hiding in bunkers behind civilian population. Sorry but major portion of Indian deployment in Kashmir is to suppress civilians instead of guarding loc.
Thanks for once again proving you never visitef LoC.

In each and every sector Pakistani posts are situated in the middle of civilian homes.
This was proved in multiple TV programmes by Pak channels on LoC.

Pakistani troops rarely carry out patrol along LoC whereas Indian troops always patrol the LoC very frequently.
The casualties among Pakistani forces negate your claim

Yes I was born and raised along LoC though not in a bunket.

Thanks for once again proving you never visitef LoC.

In each and every sector Pakistani posts are situated in the middle of civilian homes.
This was proved in multiple TV programmes by Pak channels on LoC.

Pakistani troops rarely carry out patrol along LoC whereas Indian troops always patrol the LoC very frequently.
yeah sure man. :enjoy:
as per your own media, Pakistan Army pumps in BAT teams to behead indian soldiers all the time...samajh gaya bay phaynku "born and raised along the locs"!
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Both sides use snipers.But Pakistan currently enjoys a temporary advantage in this area.This is because PA uses latest dedicated sniper rifles which are more advanced than the SVD dragunovs used by IA.Dragunov's are a squad marksman's rifle but not so accurate at range,they cant match range of dedicated sniper rifles like barrett.
Also Indian Army used to have specialized sniper school which was closed down in 1971 after introduction of assault rifles and dragunov.Dedicated snipers were replaced by squad marksmen.Thus we had created a capability gap unwittingly.What is now happening is new sniper course is to be introduced ,and 6500 new dedicated latest sniper rifles are being bought.When they come we will have the advantage back in this area.
Currently standard IA and BSF response to sniper fire is not tit for tat in same manner,but to use massed 120mm heavy mortar assault,or if things get serious use AAA guns in direct ground attack role.In volume of tubes of 120 mm mortars we outnumber PA 2 to1.Thus these fire assaults cause heavy casualities and even out the score.
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