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Dawn's 'fabricated' story breached national security, says army

The truth is, ganja league & co are national security threat & a danger to Pakistan. As long these corrupt bastards are in power Pakistan will always will be in danger.

Gen. Raheel & PA are wrong in supporting treacherous DEMOCRAZY & corrupt bastard politicians.
the truth is that if everyone ignored the article it would be another article by a political pundit
the more you comment on the original article it becomes a news story

Gen. Raheel & PA are wrong in supporting treacherous DEMOCRAZY & corrupt bastard politicians.

Does the PA want to be in charge of the country ? The last 2 dictators - Zia and Musharraf created king parties to offload the mess
No, this who is definitely among one of them in that meeting. That's why Nisar has said three more persons have been put on ECL. Lets see what comes out. How can one can ensure otherwise in future that if he discuss something sensitive and it will not be leaked.This is the main issue here.
Who's is this "Who", is certainly getting interested
How does a fabricated story breach national security ?

Its the same weight as using fabricated propaganda against another country heavily.

As you may know, people believe media blindly so this needs to be controlled, fake stories can make uproars.
Media can destroy nations faster than wars have ever did.
can the silence of military regarding the news about indian agents caught in nawaz factories be equated with silence of the ex military chief regarding the scandal involving hussain haqqani?
While dawn is equally at fault and must be punished, the real culprits are sitting in PM house.... Dawn reporter was not sitting in NSC meeting....those participants were... So if they can feed, story against national security to DAWN, why not they will feed sensitive info to RAW or other enemy agencies? Its those culprits sitting in PM house, tht must be severly punished first... But we know nothing is going to happen like tht.. It will be again matti pao, and only this statement of corps comm will suffice.. Afterall, we know what happened in memo gate too.. ...tht is, nothing happened.... Hussain haqqani is back to USA, writing articles against Pakistan.. If army chief and generals, want tht to happen again, then their choice

Yes. I don't know when and why, some point back in history, it seems the deep state has lost its control when it comes to securing Pakistan core national interests. Enemy nations have now got penetration into the civilian power corridors. Dawn is the lower teir of such control. Just look at today's paper. Full of stories about India. I mean who gives a f*** in Pakistan what goes in India.
Anyone in Pakistan with some common sense would see this, I am sure deep state know this, but the circus continues damaging Pakistan further.
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Since the editor of the Dawn has accepted the responsibility than why not ban this new paper iindefinitely in Pakistan with an immediate effect...Just lip-service and mere statements and concern do not resolve the issues.
This is the response of the average pakistani. The oh so apparent belicose jingoism from all corners of Pakistan in the last last few weeks shows us that infact there is something "kaala in the daal", that the pakistani comment to every Indian retaliation is to be taken with a but load of salt.

Pakistani posters in pdf itself would quote from Dawn ever so regularly to show us how India is losing in every front against Pakistan, and now when Dawn has a significant piece of information about how infact it is Pakistan being on the losing side and suddenly every pakistani is ready to throw their Dawn newsprints out of the window.

Pakistanis have been marinated in their army's propaganda stew for so long that anything even remotely different to their point of view of "the truth" makes them lose their minds.
And then these same pakistanis have the gall to call our media biased, if the recent Barkha Dutt fiasco showed us anything, it was that atleast our media can take both sides of the issue even if our populace will hate them for it but we never call for them to be shut down or be banned, while Pakistanis use these very Barkha Dutt'esque' links to show us up.

Pakistanis like Ahmad Rashid have been saying for years about how the ISI and the Pak govt use subversive methods to curb certain information, spread disinformation and force Pak media houses to contort the truth, and now because of the grace of internet even the most stubborn of pakistanis' bubble is being burst ever so slowly..
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