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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

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Hi sancho
can you give some detail what is longer range AAM offer by France with Rafale. aspect MICA which is round 60km only ???
im not count Meteor coze this is common missile for both EF & Rafale

Rafale F3+ is offered with

MICA IR - 60 to 80Km depending on source
MICA EM - 60 to 80Km depending on source
METEOR - 100 to 150Km depending on source

EF T3A/T3B is offered with

Iris-t / ASRAAM - up to 30Km
METEOR - 100 to 150Km depending on source

(older versions of AIM 9 and AIM 120 were integrated, but will be phased out soon and are not available in Indian forces, which makes them unimportant anyway)

Are these facts true ? Where did you got these facts ? AESA Radar not included in rafale offset offer ?

Check the link I provided, this was reported for the Swiss competition!
Rafale newsblog sums up the latest infos from the Fox 3 articles I posted on the last page:

Rafale program updates


Performance evaluation passed
A2A detection/range exeed expectations
A2G and terrain following modes also tested
First production Rafale C delivered with an AESA in 2012

First production Rafale M delivered with an AESA in 2013
Qualification expected early 2013
First French Airforce squadron operational with the AESA in early 2014...

Rafale News: Rafale program updates

More news:

M88-4E engine program on track

...End of 2011 : delivery of the first production-standard M88-4E

"The aim of this program is to extend the engine’s service life and time between inspections for several key parts. Upgrades are planned to the high-pressure compressor and high-pressure turbine"

Rafale News: M88-4E engine program on track

And some beautiful pics:



Sancho sir , Is Rafale capable of super-cruising , don't know I read somewhere ? :fie:
Sancho sir , Is Rafale capable of super-cruising , don't know I read somewhere ? :fie:

As Novice09 showed, it can and although it was rumored before, these detailed infos came out only at the Paris airshow this year. However, SC is a capability that is only important in A2A roles, with lighter weapon loads, so in most normal configs it won't play a big role at least for 4.5 gen fighters.
Eurofighter, Rafle extend dogfight from India to UAE to win commercial tender-Politics/Nation-News-The Economic Times on Mobile

Eurofighter and Rafale, the two finalists in the fray for India's big combat jet order, have extended their dogfight to the UAE to win another commercial tender.

So far, only the French Dassualt's Rafale appeared to be in the bidding for an order for 60 aircraft for the UAE Air Force but a spokesman for EADS Cassidian, the four-nation consortium which makes the aircraft, confirmed that the company had received a formal Request for Proposal (RfP) a few weeks back and that "we are working hard to deliver a response".

Who else has been invited is not known but sources in Lockheed Martin told India Strategic defence magazine (..:: India Strategic ::.. Home Page: The authoritative monthly on Defence and Strategic Affairs.) that the company was in discussions here "to supply additional aircraft." It is not clear if these "additional" cover a few more, or are the replacement for 60 Mirages that the UAE wants to phase out.

Boeing has also made presentations to the UAE on its F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and F-15E Strike Eagle, but again, there are no firm indications on whether the RfP has been sent to Boeing also.

Notably, Rafale had completed all the mandatory flight tests and discussions were on only to fix the price. But on Nov 16, Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, Shaikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan, said at the Dubai Airshow that Dassault's proposal was "uncompetitive and unworkable".

The French company declined comment.

A Eurofighter spokesman, though, confirmed that Britain, one of the partners in the project, had made a presentation to the UAE Air Force on October 17 and after that, the RfP was issued to EADS Cassidian, the four-nation consortium that includes Germany, Britain, Italy and Spain.

It may be recalled that the UAE had purchased 80 F-16 Desert Falcons from Lockheed Martin configured with Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) and other combat radars in 2000. All of them, designated Block 60 due to specific and exclusive UAE requirements and which cost nearly 25 to 30 percent more than the US Air Force'sown F 16s, were delivered beginning 2004 for about $8.5 billion.
For Eurofighter Fans here , If Any ? :lol:

Eurofighter Over Iconic Burj Khalifa !

No shock and awe left in the air : North News - India Today

Within a matter of weeks India is expected to take a decision to buy 126 medium multirole combat aircraft (MMRCA). The original approval was for aircraft worth $ 8.52 billion, the current estimate, for the aircraft will be either the Eurofighter or the Rafale, could be twice that sum. And if the rupee behaves the way it does, the figure could be even higher.

The MMRCA will be India's frontline fighter only for two years and then it is expected to be supplanted by the Russian fifth- generation fighter, which, too, India plans to acquire in numbers. Whether or not the country can afford what will easily be one of the most powerful air forces in the world by 2020 is another matter.

And if we go by what Martin Van Creveld, one of the world's leading military historians, has to say, we may be simply throwing good money away. Air power, argues this original and authoritative study, has never lived up to the billing given to it by its proponents who have been carried away by the image of the men who fly the superb aerial fighting machines.

Instead of being carried away with the technological wonder of aerial machines, Van Creveld has measured air power in terms of military effectiveness in relation to the other services, as well as where it eventually counts - against the enemy.

Ironically, the principal object of air power hubris is the United States, whose air force is by far the most powerful in the world. In 2002 it overwhelmed Iraq with the "shock and awe" of its air force. It did wipe out Saddam Hussein's forces, but it unleashed another adversary - the guerrilla - who has never quite been vulnerable to air power.

The problem, as Van Creveld demonstrates in a survey that begins with Italians throwing hand grenades at Libyan guerrillas in 1911, and ends with the ongoing war in Afghanistan, is that air power either delivers too little, or too much.

It is too little when it fails to interdict the North Vietnamese supply lines to the South in the 1960s, or to check the Taliban with drones and round- theclock surveillance in Afghanistan. And it is clearly too much when it wipes out entire cities, as in the case of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in that fateful August of 1945.

His claim is not that airpower was never effective. But that in the historical perspective, it has already peaked in World War II, when, as he points out, "no largescale military operation that did not enjoy adequate air cover stood any chance of success." With the spread of nuclear weapons, the ultimate threat of total destruction that air power could bring, itself became absurd, because it created a situation where both the attacker and the attacked would be obliterated.

The problem in fighting the wars of today is of a different kind. The rise of the global media has made strikes against cities and civilians a taboo. Despite the super-accuracy of UAV-borne missiles, there are civilian casualties

According to US figures, 2,157 Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders and cadre have been killed in drone strikes in the tribal regions of Pakistan, as against just 138 civilians since 2006. But as any one one familiar with the issue knows, the propaganda value that the Taliban have got from these "collateral" deaths has been enormous. The fact is that there is no such thing as a surgical strike, especially not in crowded Asian environments.

The IAF may be still growing and buying top-of-the-line fighters as though the country's treasury is bottomless, but other air forces are, as Van Creveld points out, in decline. Take America's F-22, the world's best fighter (though grounded at present because of an embarrassing little glitch). The original plan was for the US to acquire 750 aircraft, but the number was first lowered to 648 and then successively to 442, 339 and 277, till the previous US Secretary of Defence decided to terminate the programme at 187. The Eurofighter, too, is going that way, especially now that the European economies must retrench.

The issue is not that the aircrafts are not good - they are first-rate - but whether or not the expense involved in buying and maintaining them is commensurate with the kind of missions they will be involved in.

At the end of the day, there is a genuine need for leaders to balance their needs with their budgets, as well as stay focused on the outcomes. Armies, as Van Creveld points out, are still needed to conquer and pacify enemy territory, and navies remain the best means of carrying heavy loads across long distances and projecting power abroad.
News from the Swiss competition:

Gripen fighter jet with unsatisfactory grades

Two evaluation reports of the secret Switzerland advise against purchasing the Swedish Gripen aircraft.

...The two classified confidential reports contradict this view but clearly now. According to the Evaluation Report 2009 is the lowest priced airplane among the providers failed clear, namely the Swedish Saab Gripen. The report says: "The Rafale is the only aircraft that has met the requirements of the Air Force in all types of applications."...

...As "unsatisfactory" indicate the jet Armasuisse experts and Air Force Gripen in the areas of "air-air" (ie in the air defense and combat against other pilots) as well as in "air-ground". With "air-ground" the fight against ground targets is meant from the air.

Thus is the modernized version of the Gripen, the MS means 21, not in a position to compete with two other combat aircraft Rafale and Euro Fighter. Gripen has been achieved in all areas of requirements, minimum objectives. Even worse Gripen cut off in the first evaluation report: "The performance of the Gripen was assessed in air-air engagements as well as attack missions as insufficient," it says already in the English-language introduction....

...The announced intent of Air Force and Defense Maurer is to continue to rely on a one type policy. This means that the newly procured fighter jet to replace the first Tiger outdated, and later the F/A-18...

(Google translated)

Google Übersetzer

Switzerland competion as seen by the Swiss themselves

...During his Interview, Fernand Carell, former Swiss Air Force chief and Mirage IIIS pilot, ranks the Rafale first on technical merits, then the Eurofighter and last, the Gripen :

"At the operiational level, the Rafale is the leader" He says.

According to him, the Swiss pilots would prefer the Rafale but he concedes that the final decision will be political and economical.

To the question what car would you compare your aircraft to, the Rafale pilot answer is quite funny :

Eurofighter pilot : A ferrari
Gripen.pilot : A porsche
Rafale pilot : James Bond Aston Martin or Batmobile

Rafale News: Video, Switzerland competion as seen by the Swiss themselves

Sums it up quiet well, the Rafale is clearly the best non 5th. gen fighter available, because it can do it all, instead of doing just some things and that at least at cheaper cost than for the EF. That's why it's constantly rated higher the the EF in competitions and but as the former Swiss Air Chief said, at the end these competitions will not decided by the forces, but by politicians and they have different priorities.
Switzerland is imo the most most likely export customer of Rafale, next to the UAE, because the package the French seems to provide has it all. The best fighter, at costs fitting to their budget, industrial and political advatages (Swiss pilots can train in France and use French air space too) and since they now want to replace all their fighters with the winner, the chances for Rafale are even better.
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