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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

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LOL i like the way so many speculations are gng on... m 100% confident now that the deal is seeing final signing time.. now the decision is just when.. now or after 4 months...
My belief is from the fact that since so many BS is getting posted all over, the heartburn and vendetta to derail is seeing magnanimous proportions... the day its signed, wud love to see those sulking faces...
LOL i like the way so many speculations are gng on... m 100% confident now that the deal is seeing final signing time.. now the decision is just when.. now or after 4 months...
My belief is from the fact that since so many BS is getting posted all over, the heartburn and vendetta to derail is seeing magnanimous proportions... the day its signed, wud love to see those sulking faces...
I suppose one could look at it that way. Certain parties with vested interests are seeing this deal creeping towards closure and are going on an all out attack to malign and disrupt the process.
Delay in MMRCA mainly due to financial crunch. Next year the process shall continue: Antony.
MMRCA will materialize, Def Min Antony says. Not this financial year but in the next financial year.
Antony says delay in MMRCA not only due to life cycle cost complaints but also as no money left in capital fund this year.
On MMRCA, Antony says the def min got complaints on life cycle cost calculations. Matter has not been sorted out by inquiry is on.
wrap up the deal and use $12bn for Su-30 super upgrades and Tejas-blk2/3 swiftly. Also pursue FGFA on priority basis.
I suppose one could look at it that way. Certain parties with vested interests are seeing this deal creeping towards closure and are going on an all out attack to malign and disrupt the process.

People predicted that financially rafale was not viable over a year ago. No ssurprise there
Delay in MMRCA mainly due to financial crunch. Next year the process shall continue: Antony.
MMRCA will materialize, Def Min Antony says. Not this financial year but in the next financial year.
Antony says delay in MMRCA not only due to life cycle cost complaints but also as no money left in capital fund this year.
On MMRCA, Antony says the def min got complaints on life cycle cost calculations. Matter has not been sorted out by inquiry is on.
So the bottom line is Rafale deal will be signed next fiscal year and it has been delayed because of budget cuts nothing else.
Have to wait a bit longer I suppose
maybe an interime 18 fighters contract in order to fill incoming IAF gap and start training pilots/mechanics early.
Delay in MMRCA mainly due to financial crunch.

Or political reasons due to the coming elections? Sad, but not surprising.

maybe an interime 18 fighters contract in order to fill incoming IAF gap and start training pilots/mechanics early.

What for? The reports say not in the current "fiscal year", but the next starts from march onwards, so there is no gap that an interime order now would fill. IF the current government remains in power, they will buy Rafale after the elections. If a new government comes, things will be different again. That's what happens when you delay things for the wrong reasons. :frown:
Or political reasons due to the coming elections? Sad, but not surprising.

What for? The reports say not in the current "fiscal year", but the next starts from march onwards, so there is no gap that an interime order now would fill. IF the current government remains in power, they will buy Rafale after the elections. If a new government comes, things will be different again. That's what happens when you delay things for the wrong reasons. :frown:
I don't see a new govt, especially a Modi-led one challenging this purchase. He's about having a strong military. But yes it will delay this deal for months maybe to mid-2014.
I don't see a new govt, especially a Modi-led one challenging this purchase. He's about having a strong military. But yes it will delay this deal for months maybe to mid-2014.

I wouldn't bet on that. Keep in mind that we talk about politicans and they surely will have issues to go for a deal, that will mainly be related to Congres and Antony. Not to mention, that they could fuel the notion in the public, that going for indigenous fighters instead, would be better. So more LCA MK1s and no Rafales at all, which is the worst that could happen for IAF and the Indian aero industry, but definitely secures votes.
The discussion i heard after talking with my friend is that there is a performance guarantee required to be signed by HAL for its 108 jets manufacturing towards a time scheduled based delivery which is making them pee in their pants.. Dassault says as on Day 0, all the building blocks (read Kits as well as all OEM based tech as well as TOT) will be given to HAL for commencing the serial production... HAL officials panicked that such clearly demarcated steps would mean a large onus and responsibility fall on them. That is where HAL official clearly replied to MOD about relative inexperience in such an environment where such time bound performance guarantees to IAF is required. HAL top mgmt were grilled about SU 30 MKI production till date and the so called reply was that no such clause of guarantee is there to IAF and penalty hence HAL is yet to be skilled for such a project based performance. Reliance on its part has agreed to sign a back to back performance based contract with both HAL and Dassault... the fear HAL is having is that time based coming up of units to do assembly line production is not under their hands.. Dassault had clearly said thats its partnering India to see that all building blocks and manufacturing hub comes up but still will require large support from GOI and chiefly from HAL.. the MOD were happy with the professional approach by Dassault who had indicated in clear terms of forging a long term partnership and is having the blessing of french government who had directed them to give the best of possible deals to a very friendly country...

The lifetime Cost of the units had so called escalated as the manufacturing hub, skill set imparting and full TOT absorption was not fully taken into view as before.. But that is not something too bothering as Finance Ministry has indicated that substantial tax rebate regime and SEZ hub declaration wud be done to facilitate the investments needed for this hub. This LTC point is just thrown in air now to deflect the issue a bit in other directions.

Thus, its our great HAL which is making negotiations go slow nothing else.. as far as Budgetary provision is concerned the signing of contract and initial amount is much meagre .. ALso EC is yet to announce poll date so its a gud time away from code of conduct.. the whole thing is getting covered up simply bcz if HAL is pressed hard atm just before elections, there is a fear that other parties may start pointing fingers of not able to protect local industry interest and well being.. come another 6 months, the same things will be sorted with some last minute negotiations...
I wouldn't bet on that. Keep in mind that we talk about politicans and they surely will have issues to go for a deal, that will mainly be related to Congres and Antony. Not to mention, that they could fuel the notion in the public, that going for indigenous fighters instead, would be better. So more LCA MK1s and no Rafales at all, which is the worst that could happen for IAF and the Indian aero industry, but definitely secures votes.
I don't see it. The case for the Rafale is well understood and the IAF aren't going to let that happen. To be fair none of those noises have been coming out of the BJP, nothing to indicate the Rafale deal is in jeopardy. If there was the BJP would've already been up in arms about it but instead they aren't interested. With the industry offsets involved with this deal I think someone as pragmatic as Modi will be able to see the benefits of this deal. Dassualt have already said they are prepared to deal with whomever gets into power so they must have done their research and must have their arguments ready.

I do think there is actually much danger of Modi scrapping the deal to be honest.
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