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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

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Better start taking lessons from Pakistan.

How to build a useful airforce on a shoestring budget ie

second hand fighters plus budget fighters like Tejas at $26m and upgrade them with better symptons over time
Better start taking lessons from Pakistan.

How to build a useful airforce on a shoestring budget ie

second hand fighters plus budget fighters like Tejas at $26m and upgrade them with better symptons over time
Why would India need to do that when it is spending 100+ billion on its AF over the next 10-15 years. It doesn't face the same limitations as the PAF.
I,ll take the $100 billion with a pinch of salt.

They are runnuing scared of a $25 billion deal for rafale which was needed for LAST 10 years.

i see IAF spending $50 billion over a decade but $100 BILLION no chance
I,ll take the $100 billion with a pinch of salt.

They are runnuing scared of a $25 billion deal for rafale which was needed for LAST 10 years.

i see IAF spending $50 billion over a decade but $100 BILLION no chance
Based on what? They themselves said a few weeks back the figure was 150 billion in 10-15 years:

IAF to procure equipment, platforms worth $150 billion for next 15 years - Financial Express

$50 billion would only cover the FGFA and Rafale deals and would leave little to no room for anything else.

"running scared" of the Rafale deal- just shut up if you have nothing constructive or informed to add.
I,ll take the $100 billion with a pinch of salt.

They are runnuing scared of a $25 billion deal for rafale which was needed for LAST 10 years.

i see IAF spending $50 billion over a decade but $100 BILLION no chance


Besides Rafales costing 25 to 30 billion USD, the IAF must fund Tejas at 26 million each for Mk 1 planes, development of Mk 2, more Su-30MKI orders, FGFA orders, development of AMCA. All in all, it could be well over 100 billion over 10 years :o:
i have long advocated abt quality over quantity/// thats the same logic i feel IAF also believes... i dont care abt the costs as media reports are all BS... the fact of the matter is we need Rafale and Rafale needs us.. rest all whatever we need to work out , it will be done the way it shud be..

On the shoe string budget comment, kindly understand one small logic.. we dont have all the arsenal/birds/warships targeting one side... our roles of defense varies from north to east to west to south.. each side presents different sets of challenges...

[btw i wud be more happy if we could strengthen our andaman and nicobar islands and place say a squad or 2 of frontline fighters with longer range (rafale/MKI or mix)... the area has very large needs of covering the entire IOR as well as protecting the trade routes with our navy...]

so i am cool with whatever figure is needed.. if there is an issue of income production to meet teh budget then do sumthn to ensure the economy grows and we can meet that budget.. it simple.. no rocket science needed
Better we put our energy and Internet bandwidth on discussion about FGFA, Tejas MK2. This deal looks like shelved to me
Better we put our energy and Internet bandwidth on discussion about FGFA, Tejas MK2. This deal looks like shelved to me

Till the elections, then we either see a decison or a U-Turn.
If I'm talking bull shit will see. But I think iaf wil spend no more than 50 billion next decade and will follow as such

5 billion tejas
25 billion mmrca
10 billion awacs and transpory planes
10 billion on Sam and missle radar
If I'm talking bull shit will see. But I think iaf wil spend no more than 50 billion next decade and will follow as such

5 billion tejas
25 billion mmrca
10 billion awacs and transpory planes
10 billion on Sam and missle radar
You are talking 100% BS, firstly how the hell can YOU possibly contradict what the IAF has officially said themselves (150 BN in the next 12-15 years)? You're just a loud mouth trolling looking for attention- is that it?
More Turbulence Likely for Air Force's Rafale Deal
By Express News Service - NEW DELHI

Published: 11th February 2014 07:56 AM

Last Updated: 11th February 2014 07:56 AM

There are fresh signs of trouble for the country’s ‘mother of all deals’ to buy 126 French Rafale combat planes.

After Defence Minister A K Antony told a DefExpo press conference last week that there were complaints regarding the life cycle cost of the 126 medium multirole combat aircraft (MMRCA) that the IAF is buying, he told Parliament on Monday that all of the MiG-21 and MiG-27 combat planes would be replaced by the indigenous Light Combat Aircraft (LCA).

Antony told the Lok Sabha in written replies to questions that there were 14 combat squadrons of the IAF that use the two Russian-origin single-engine planes and these would be phased out over the next few years. These “will be replaced by the LCA”. Antony’s statement is a major setback for the MMRCA project for which Rafale has been chosen as the lowest bidding aircraft two years ago and the contract, said to be worth Rs 1 lakh crore, is yet to be signed.

The IAF had originally planned to equip the squadrons that fly the MiG-21s and MiG-27s with the plane chosen under the MMRCA procurment, which now obviously is the Rafale. Though Antony said the Rafale procurement is in the pipeline and that there was no rethink on it now, the trouble with its life-cycle cost calculation is likely to delay the signing of the contract, as he has already indicated that it was not possible within this fiscal. As the UPA’s return to power at the Centre is not certain and hence, the new government may take a while to study the Rafale purchase before taking a decision.

However, as things stand today, the LCA has obtained its initial operational clearance in December 2013 and is readying to get its final operational clearance by the end of 2014.

Till now, the MoD only ordered two squadrons comprising 20 LCAs each -- one in the LCA in IOC configuration and another in FOC configuration -- making it a total of 40.
Exclusive! The DDM-NG: a detector departure missiles, but not that!

The missile launch detector is a passive sensor present at the top of the drift of the burst. Fully integrated protection system of the aircraft, the famous SPECTRA, it gives the aircraft a day before 360 ° around it, to alert the driver when a missile is fired in his direction, detecting infrared radiation emitted by the rocket motor of the missile during its boost phase...


Interesting read, but routing a bit towards PR imo ;)
Not PR, sincerely i had to cut parts in the article about the sensor and its consequences. Remeber it is published in a popularization blog, original text was more... Neutral.
Not PR, sincerely i had to cut parts in the article about the sensor and its consequences. Remeber it is published in a popularization blog, original text was more... Neutral.

I know and it wasn't an offence, but you have to admit that the article tries to make DDM NG look like EODAS, although it also says that many of the capabilities will come only in future and also tries to justify the lack of the FSO-IR. But as I wrote on IDF, it doesn't and when you keep in mind that the production / procurement of the IRST by French forces was stopped long before the DDM NG was available, it should make clear, that the one has no relation with the other as an alternative. It might offer some capabilities to detect an IR target, but not comparable in range and capablity as a dedicated IRST.
On the other side, even EFs PIRATE IRST is said to be used as an IR MAW to the forward section. One wonders what would be more effective / beneficiary, IR MAWS with some IRST capabilities, or dedicated IRST with some MAW capabilities?
Btw, do you have more infos on the SATCOM capability, that you said would come for Indian Rafales? Is that feature developed now and any new infos on customizations?
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