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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

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This is nice of you.:cheers:

I read on another forum that, Given the current situation IAF is in, Iaf now wants to Increase the number of Rafales being built in france by another 22.Is that true? If it is, what is the time frame?

i think it would be far more sensible than HAL delaying things again
I will try to know about the 22 more planes built in France, although knowing Dassault i doubt to have an answer. The MLUquestion is an excellent one i intented to try to dig in ;)
France says India fighter jet deal negotiations going well

NEW DELHI | Fri Jul 26, 2013 4:57pm IST

(Reuters) - France's defence minister said on Friday negotiations with India to sell 126 Rafale fighter jets from Dassault Aviation (AVMD.PA) were proceeding well, but did not say when the deal would be finalized.
India picked the Rafale for exclusive negotiations in January 2012 after a hotly contested bidding war between rival suppliers. But differences over the industrial role of state-run Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd has delayed the deal.

French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told reporters he was not concerned about the delay.

Under the deal, Dassault is expected to send 18 ready-made jets, then manufacture the rest in India. Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) will be company's lead partner in the process.

Dassault had earlier expressed doubts about the technological capability of HAL to manufacture such a sophisticated fighter jet.

(Reporting by Anurag Kotoky; Editing by Sanjeev Miglani)

So how many Rafael???
Very important issue (to me), unnoticed from DGA head L. Collet-Billon about propective in DSI special issue n°31, p 24 : "miniature antennas, conformal, agile and highly directive"
I will try to know about the 22 more planes built in France, although knowing Dassault i doubt to have an answer. The MLUquestion is an excellent one i intented to try to dig in ;)


Additional numbers also being built by Dassault also coincides with slow down in France AF numbers being built.

Dassault gets to keep all of their assembly line open with this additional numbers coming from India.

I also believe this was the reason for recent visit of Defence Minister to India.

A few questions from me:

1) when are Dassualt projecting this deal will be signed? This fiscal or FY2014-15?

2) what HMDS are Dassualt looking to integrate onto the Rafale for the IAF? The TopSighht?

3) how comprehensive will the support package Dassualt offer be? Are we talking everything down to the hangers and support vehicles or a more hands-off approach?

4) how hard are Dassualt now pushing for this deal and how much pressure are they feeling to sign it given the recent news about FrAf scaling back orders and perhaps the UAE and Brazil turning away from a possible Rafale sale.

5) will the version the IAF gets be based on the F3 or F3R standard?

6) are Dassualt going to get HAL to sign up to the F4/future Rafale road map effort?

7) how far has Dassualt got (if at all) in talks with the Indian Navy over posible Rafale-M sales to the IN and or have the IN expressed an interest in pushing for Dassualt to devlop the twin seat naval Rafale?
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Well, first of all excuse mistypes, im writing from mobile. About indian tweaks on indian rafales, it will be difficult to get answers. I already 1sked at PAS 13, the answer was "when you sell a acar, you dont explain everyone which options where chosen by client". Apart from that, there are significant leaks now (and some lobbying i did to S. Fort in order to explain him that forumers do have a power in india) in order to expect some goodies. ALL updates till MLU are retrofitable (at least on french rafales). If i was to make a bet, id say litening pod, Aybe jhcms helmet. No clue.

Notre on the more serious MLU point, i dont see how india wouldnt be alreday aware!. CARAA, TRAGEDAC AND DEDIRA programs shoauld pprofit to india.

So basically indian rafales should have indian relative improvements from F3R, plusngoodies.
Support for full tot is the objective. Hard task. For example, Hal can biild hitech components, but dassault want them to be built with Their norms etc.

In rqfale wiml neither be f3r or f304t sta ndard. It will be in sta ndard and 7nany 9oints superior to f3r (former f4)
In order to answer abzingdongboy, Dassault is dreaming of that1 market but not pushing as hard as french gov. And they will sign only if they are sure everythibng willngobfine, they do not want a scorpene2. They are very commited ti indian air forces...
In order to answer abzingdongboy, Dassault is dreaming of that1 market but not pushing as hard as french gov. And they will sign only if they are sure everythibng willngobfine, they do not want a scorpene2. They are very commited ti indian air forces...

i think dassault was pitching to open joint production in south korea,,,they never mentioned india as far as i remember
Of course theyvwill, but main constructor will be HAL

You confuse with eads my friend
No, not at all. They are here to build a second supply chain. No less, no more . The rest was drama.
Well, first of all excuse mistypes, im writing from mobile. About indian tweaks on indian rafales, it will be difficult to get answers. I already 1sked at PAS 13, the answer was "when you sell a acar, you dont explain everyone which options where chosen by client". Apart from that, there are significant leaks now (and some lobbying i did to S. Fort in order to explain him that forumers do have a power in india) in order to expect some goodies. ALL updates till MLU are retrofitable (at least on french rafales). If i was to make a bet, id say litening pod, Aybe jhcms helmet. No clue.

Notre on the more serious MLU point, i dont see how india wouldnt be alreday aware!. CARAA, TRAGEDAC AND DEDIRA programs shoauld pprofit to india.

So basically indian rafales should have indian relative improvements from F3R, plusngoodies.
Support for full tot is the objective. Hard task. For example, Hal can biild hitech components, but dassault want them to be built with Their norms etc.

In rqfale wiml neither be f3r or f304t sta ndard. It will be in sta ndard and 7nany 9oints superior to f3r (former f4)
Firstly thanks for the reply! And are you sure about JHMCS? I don't think the IAF would want this when the Mirage 2000 will have the TopSight-I and so does the Mig-29K and possibly even Super 30 MKIs and LCAs.
Let me try to resume, you want to know if india will be co, sidered as a fullnpartner in the design of future versions, that, s it?
This is one of the questions I'd like answer to yes sir. How would India and the IAF fit into the Rafale's future road map?

In order to answer abzingdongboy, Dassault is dreaming of that1 market but not pushing as hard as french gov. And they will sign only if they are sure everythibng willngobfine, they do not want a scorpene2. They are very commited ti indian air forces...
Any estimates on this signing date sir?
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