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India, France to discuss Rs 80,000 cr worth defence deals

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

New Delhi: Deals expected to be worth over Rs 80,000 crore including supply of 126 Rafale combat aircraft are likely to be high on agenda of French Defence Minister Jaen Yves Le Drian during his three-day visit to India from Friday.

India and France have been busy in negotiating the 126 combat aircraft deal for which the French combat aircraft was selected last year defeating its five other European and American rivals and over Rs 30,000 crore Maitri surface-to-air missile projects.

During the visit of the French Minister, the two sides are expected to discuss the two deals in his meetings with Defence Minister A K Antony and other senior military leadership along with ways of strengthening bilateral ties, Ministry officials said here.

The militaries of the two countries have close ties and hold regular exercises with each other. The Indian Army will be visiting a French military base in September for a company-level exercise, they said.

The French Minister will also visit the Gwalior-based Maharajpur airbase, which is home to the French origin Mirage 2000 aircraft.

The Rafale aircraft deal, which is expected to be worth over Rs 50,000 crore, has been moving at its natural pace and had seen hiccups when the French side asked the Defence Ministry to define the role of HAL.

The deal is not expected to be finalised before the end of this year, officials said.

In the recent times, France has been awarded several key tenders by India including the supply of six Scorpene submarines to the Navy and the multi-billion dollar 126 combat aircraft deal.

The contract worth over Rs 11,000 crore for upgrading the fleet of Mirage 2000 aircraft was also awarded to French firm Dassault Aviation.


India, France to discuss Rs 80,000 cr worth defence deals
India, France to discuss Rs 80,000 cr worth defence deals

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

New Delhi: Deals expected to be worth over Rs 80,000 crore including supply of 126 Rafale combat aircraft are likely to be high on agenda of French Defence Minister Jaen Yves Le Drian during his three-day visit to India from Friday.

India and France have been busy in negotiating the 126 combat aircraft deal for which the French combat aircraft was selected last year defeating its five other European and American rivals and over Rs 30,000 crore Maitri surface-to-air missile projects.

During the visit of the French Minister, the two sides are expected to discuss the two deals in his meetings with Defence Minister A K Antony and other senior military leadership along with ways of strengthening bilateral ties, Ministry officials said here.

The militaries of the two countries have close ties and hold regular exercises with each other. The Indian Army will be visiting a French military base in September for a company-level exercise, they said.

The French Minister will also visit the Gwalior-based Maharajpur airbase, which is home to the French origin Mirage 2000 aircraft.

The Rafale aircraft deal, which is expected to be worth over Rs 50,000 crore, has been moving at its natural pace and had seen hiccups when the French side asked the Defence Ministry to define the role of HAL.

The deal is not expected to be finalised before the end of this year, officials said.

In the recent times, France has been awarded several key tenders by India including the supply of six Scorpene submarines to the Navy and the multi-billion dollar 126 combat aircraft deal.

The contract worth over Rs 11,000 crore for upgrading the fleet of Mirage 2000 aircraft was also awarded to French firm Dassault Aviation.


India, France to discuss Rs 80,000 cr worth defence deals

"The deal is not expected to be signed before the end if this year"??!!!

Say it isn't so!!!!!!!!!!!

Despite EVERYONE from the IAF brass to MoD officials, Dassualt CEOs and French ambassadors saying the deal is looking likely to be signed by Sept/Oct 2013- now THIS news???

God damn I hope this isn't true, signing in 2014 means not until AFTER general elections so a projected delivery of late 2017 at the very EARLIEST.

"The deal is not expected to be signed before the end if this year"??!!!

Say it isn't so!!!!!!!!!!!

Despite EVERYONE from the IAF brass to MoD officials, Dassualt CEOs and French ambassadors saying the deal is looking likely to be signed by Sept/Oct 2013- now THIS news???

God damn I hope this isn't true, signing in 2014 means not until AFTER general elections so a projected delivery of late 2017 at the very EARLIEST.


Dont you just love bureaucracy?
Dont you just love bureaucracy?


To be fair, I can understand the time scales in this case as this deal is as complex as they come but it is still annoying from a fanboy POV.

I'm still holding out hope that the deal will be signed in Sept/Oct 2013 as this is what all the key parties have said to date and this new peoce of info is complety unsubstantiated.

To be fair, I can understand the time scales in this case as this deal is as complex as they come but it is still annoying from a fanboy POV.

I'm still holding out hope that the deal will be signed in Sept/Oct 2013 as this is what all the key parties have said to date and this new peoce of info is complety unsubstantiated.

How will that signing reflect on electoral politics?
How will that signing reflect on electoral politics?

I doubt it will have any effect at all- not even 0.00000000000001%. But AFAIK in the run up to elections the Indian electoral commission implement spending restrictions on the govt so that any big deals in any area (defence or civilian) cannot be signed until after this ban is lifted by the electoral commission post general elections.

There is a name for this but my memory is failing me right now sir. I'm sure some other member will help is out in his regard soon enough.
I doubt it will have any effect at all- not even 0.00000000000001%. But AFAIK in the run up to elections the Indian electoral commission implement spending restrictions on the govt so that any big deals in any area (defence or civilian) cannot be signed until after this ban is lifted by the electoral commission post general elections.

There is a name for this but my memory is failing me right now sir. I'm sure some other member will help is out in his regard soon enough.

I think the Republic day chief guest is going to be the French President. If that happens then the deal is going to be signed next year only.
I think the Republic day chief guest is going to be the French President. If that happens then the deal is going to be signed next year only.

How does the French president being the Cheif guest for the 2014 republic day parade have anything to do with the date of the signing of the MMRCA contract sir? I don't see any correlation.
I doubt it will have any effect at all- not even 0.00000000000001%. But AFAIK in the run up to elections the Indian electoral commission implement spending restrictions on the govt so that any big deals in any area (defence or civilian) cannot be signed until after this ban is lifted by the electoral commission post general elections.

Since the funds have been freezed, it should not be a problem. Besides, govt should get away with defence deals as they can show them to be of urgent needs.
Since the funds have been freezed, it should not be a problem. Besides, govt should get away with defence deals as they can show them to be of urgent needs.

We'll see sir. The closer it gets to silly season (general elections) the less hope I have of this deal being signed anytime soon.
How does the French president being the Cheif guest for the 2014 republic day parade have anything to do with the date of the signing of the MMRCA contract sir? I don't see any correlation.

With such a big deal even the French government will need some publicity stunts. This will add to a lot of media hype.
With such a big deal even the French government will need some publicity stunts. This will add to a lot of media hype.

I see that but I don't see how this attendance means it will be signed "next year only" this could easily mean the deal is signed in late 2013. Maybe he'll even bring a couple of these beauts with him to do a fly past in the parade?
We'll see sir. The closer it gets to silly season (general elections) the less hope I have of this deal being signed anytime soon.

If the deal is delayed, I would still like to blame incompetence than elections. :P

With such a big deal even the French government will need some publicity stunts. This will add to a lot of media hype.

Didn't help Sarkozy in elections. What good would it do now?
If the deal is delayed, I would still like to blame incompetence than elections. :P

Didn't help Sarkozy in elections. What good would it do now?

Still it is election propaganda. He did mention the Mirage 2000 deal.
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