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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

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Sancho said :"And still you claimed about a relation to an M2K production line isn't it? But there isn't and HAL is not building the Rafale from scratch, but mainly from components delivered to them, just as they upgrade M2K from components too. Also in both cases Dassault provides their expertise to do the assembly of these components, so it's hardly deniable that HAL's part is the same in both case and that Dassault can't be ok with one case and complain about the other...

...unless you have a too French point of view of course!

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/4347-mrca-news-discussions-569.html#ixzz2YYrbbD7j

No mate, I did not, you did. Check your initial answer here :
Not really, since Dassaults stand doesn't hold it's own when they didn't complained about the upgrade of Mirage 2000 in India, where they didn't insisted on similar 2 contracts, which takes them out of the responsibility of the upgrades that HAL does!

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/4347-mrca-news-discussions-569.html#ixzz2YYyjMU7J

The M2K production line was offered to India. Now it does not exist even in France! The work on these is a refurbish, period! The MMRCA however is supposed to end with nearly fully autonomous build in India; along the lines of SU-30 affair.
As for too French an opinion ... on a French product? Miles ahead of one from an unconcerned foreigner, wouldn't you say? Or do you try to teach Pakistanis about their AirForce & country too? Take that foot out of your mouth, bragger!

As for that article you quoted, two remarks "buddy" :
First you said earlier that : "That's the problem! You have a biased point of view about HAL and just searched for reports that suits it. But as you acknowledged yourself, that doesn't mean you are right!
The quotes in my older post, are based on a official statement in the parliament ...

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/4347-mrca-news-discussions-569.html#ixzz2YYu1jO1Y

So, wait!? My posting Indian views from selected news outfit is to suit me or my line/PoV but when YOU do it, it is fine?
Because Will IAF get to fly Rafale | Millennium Post Millenium Post is official Govt of India outfit now is it?
Do what I say not what I do? That is the epitome of the trolling attitude! Congrats, you got it down to pat!
Which is even clearer and funnier when you chose to give us the supposed/prospective/uncertain/opinionated part of that article?
So just for fun, here is the part you judiciously left out :
"The much talked-about – in the normally cloistered defence sector circles – stall in the contract negotiations between the defence ministry and the high value, 126 Medium, Multirole Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) deal contender, the French firm Dassault has ended, and the talks have begun again. This brings back Rafale on the table as the chosen fighter aircraft of the IAF in this gigantic
$ 20 billion contract.

The Indian Air Force (IAF) chief, Air Chief Marshal NAK Browne had told journalists on Monday that the problems in the negotiations have been ‘resolved,’ and he expects the negotiations to be over by September this year, and the contract is to be signed by March 2014. This will happen after the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) agree to the initial agreement and gives a go-ahead for the contract.

But some insiders are less optimistic. They say that the Contract Negotiations Committee (CNC) is virtually running against time because the deal needs to be signed by September-October in the Congress-led UPA II regime. Otherwise, it could spill over the general elections and a possible new political equation.

At the centre of the problem that stalled negotiations was the issue of the public sector Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) being up to speed in terms of ‘licenced production’ of the aircraft – a condition for eventual transfer of technology that is at the front and centre of the Request for Proposal (RFP) issued about five years ago."

LOL, I can use the fancy colors too ... in this case, to show that your excerpt was the speculation part of a biased "too Indian" ( as you would say ) journo that even managed to put quotation marks around the words of the acting IAF AC Marshal?
Again a clear show of bias, denial and lack of arguments

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/4347-mrca-news-discussions-569.html#ixzz2YYxTDSzV

Flung right back at you; that's dishonest, little man.

Just as when you quoted my honest assessment on possible error with added red color when it was referring to this :
"So that if you use it in opposition to mine on the initial RFP's basis, we are both wrong"" sentence in my first answer to you.
One of us makes mention of ambivalence and difficulty to judge. One of us stated the other to be right on some points. One of us was careful to point out possible lacks of his. The other accompanied its claims of perfect hindsight and sole possession of truth with repeated remarks on nationality and intent.
I'm not a fan of screaming and posturing so that I'll add to my previous post : Not only, will I not answer you further on my MMRCA post to answer Abingdonboy but I won't answer you period.
This will allow you to finish the exchange, likely claiming victory and allow me not to be untruthful when trying to be polite (also exhibited from the start more by one side, I believe ) in conversation with the good members of this forum.

Keep the noise level up, man! I am certain there are many fans of that over significance!

And for all the rest of the gang, I am sorry for my part in the ungracious last exchanges in this matter.
Good day all, Tay.

Nothing new in your post, the same old denials, but proper quoting can't be that hard or? :disagree:
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Doesn't makes sense. How is the price going to rise in dollars, even if INR falls?

Hypothesis based on depreciation in rupee value. Poorly stated, the real monetary value of the deal may go up. IF one dollar becomes equal to 65 rupees then the value of the deal may soar to 17 billion dollars, no sweat, 4-5 billion dollars more is not a big deal, let other lesser nations sweat over such issues. NOT to mention it banks on the fact that the rupee would have to fall so low.
Hypothesis based on depreciation in rupee value. Poorly stated, the real monetary value of the deal may go up. IF one dollar becomes equal to 65 rupees then the value of the deal may soar to 17 billion dollars, no sweat, 4-5 billion dollars more is not a big deal, let other lesser nations sweat over such issues. NOT to mention it banks on the fact that the rupee would have to fall so low.

No. Price is fixed in dollars. Even if rupee goes down, price would increase in Rs and not in dollars. Assuming that Dasault doesn't increases the price, the dollar value would remain the same.
No. Price is fixed in dollars. Even if rupee goes down, price would increase in Rs and not in dollars. Assuming that Dasault doesn't increases the price, the dollar value would remain the same.

As I said its all hypothetical and poorly stated.
As I said its all hypothetical and poorly stated.

Poorly stated is an understatement. It is utterly wrong. Rupee vs dollar has nothing to do with the deal price in dollars. Nether the author of this article, nor the folks at idrw used their brains. Besides, the additional burden due to INR fall would not affect so much as most of the spending and assembling would be done in India itself, meaning trading in INR.

Operation Serval: situation update on 11 July 2013

Over the past few days, air operations continued with some 70 sorties mainly devoted to land operation CAS with 25 sorties for the Mirage 2000 D based in Bamako or the Rafale in N'Djamena, Tchad. Some 20 sorties were dedicated to refuelling and intelligence missions, and 25 to transport missions. 3 C160s left the theatre this week.[...]

Operation Serval: situation update on 11 July 2013
Indian AF Official Removed After Dassault Bribery Charge

NEW DELHI — Following complaints from an official of France’s Dassault, which is the preferred vendor in the $11 billion Medium Multirole Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) program, an Indian Air Force official was dismissed from service today.

Air Force Wing Commander A.K. Thakur allegedly demanded a bribe from a Dassault executive in the Aero India show at Bangalore in 2011. Court-martial proceedings against the official confirmed the charge leveled by the Dassault official, said Indian Air Force sources.

Thakur was accused of demanding a bribe for allotting an advantageous position for the Rafale in the static aircraft display section.

Rafale is the preferred aircraft in the MMRCA program and talks are now in the contract negotiation stage. The MMRCA program was floated globally in 2007, and the contract has still not been inked.

While the dismissal of the Air Force official is unlikely to affect the outcome of the negotiations, Air Force sources said the incident created bitterness among some service officials toward the French company.

Indian AF Official Removed After Dassault Bribery Charge | Defense News | defensenews.com
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