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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

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Crossposting from the MP forum, credits to Olybrius:

The Rafale progresses in achieving commercial success

Defesa.net, April 8

The Defesanet agency interviewed the 2 most important names of the Dassault Rafale Program respectively in France and Brazil, CEO Eric Trappier and the Director of Rafale International Brazil, Jean-Marc Merialdo. Here are the relevant points of these conversations, following the success of the presentation of the Dassault fighter at LIMA 2013 in Malaysia, where the Rafale is one of the favorites [...]. And also the last details of the proposal of the French manufacturer, short-listed in the F-X2 competition for public purchase of 36 aircraft for the Brazilian Air Force.

A morning on the Seine

In the cold morning of March 18, we are in the headquarters of Dassault Aviation, Saint Cloud, France, with President and CEO, Eric Trappier.
Previously, we were greeted in the Pierre Clostermann room, in a french demonstration of sensitivity and elegance honoring us with accommodation in an area bearing the name of the Franco-Brazilian WWII ace, born in Curitiba, Rio de Janeiro, and formed by the pilots of the Aero Club Brazil.

Following the reception, [...] we had a presentation of the Virtual Reality Center with demonstration of digital mock-up, a model with enough precision and exactness to allow Dassault to simulate the flight characteristics of a new prototype, and even the life-cycle of their aircrafts. A visit to the Center of Immersion in Reality provided an interactive experience in the virtual cockpit of the Rafale and the simulation of the systems governing the interaction between man and machine - MMI. All this to begin to understand the concepts of engineering and design of the Group and its effects on the products designed here [...]. Eric Trappier has vibrant expression that inspires passion and belief in the capacity and quality of its aircraft.[...] When asked about the chances of winning the sales competition, given the current situation with reduced aircraft orders and budget constraints, Mr Trappier said it's underway.

He explains that the process of selling the military aircraft is at a key moment, especially if we take into account the ongoing transformations. "The Rafale incorporates today an operational AESA radar, an essential part of a first-line fighter. This is an example of maturity and consolidation of the capabilities of our product, adjusted to reality, and that keeps it in a state of the art, able to compete with modern technologies. Another aspect raised in defense of the Dassault fighter, is independence. "One advantage we can offer is our customers access to a platform which allows the incorporation of their own national developments ", he adds that in the case of Brazil, Dassault and the Government of François Hollande have officially assured all items will be supplied to the Brazilian government, which includes a 100% technology transfer, including source codes of the Rafale, and the "digital heart" of the computer programs that control the aircraft and its weapons.

To conclude our meeting, the CEO of the French manufacturer, competitor in the Brazilian F-X2, reaffirmed his confidence in what he calls " a ideological and political natural partnership," since "the socialist vision of France is similar to the one of the Brazilian Government" [lol] defining their point of view on the strategic advantages about this decision.

A night in Copacabana

A week later, in the tropical air of Rio de Janeiro, we had another fruitful meeting with the Director of Dassault International of Brazil. Jean-Marc Merialdo, which has added to its national Bleu-Blanc-Rouge ensign , the Green-Yellow tones, hence the ease with which he talks about Brazil. Once again, a demonstration of the sensitivity of the French group.

Our goal in this meeting was to deepen subjects like the vision of Dassault in Brazil and the details of the Rafale offer for the Air Force. Merialdo soon emphasized that the French offer was ruled by full compliance with the requirements of the RFP ( request for proposal )issued by the Brazilian Government, without quotes on any item, nor disputes concerning the subjection of permits. The Dassault offer has the full approval of the French Republic for all sensitive issues about technology transfer and knowledge. "The starting point of our offer was to provide the transfer of autonomy to Brazil in order to make improvements to the aircraft, integrate new capabilities and new weapons and incorporate the development of specific items appropriate for the Brazilian. Also early in the formatting of the proposal, the ability to do all the maintenance of the aircraft in the country itself, in view of what happened in the past with the Mirage, whose engines had to be sent to France. This was the first general line ", specifies the Director of Dassault.

"Overall, The second line was the imposition of technology transfer for the Brazilian industry and the Air Force itself , which means that the DCTA ( Department of Aerospace Science and Technology ), is one of the main recipients of this technology "adds Merialdo. When I ask him to further define the proposal, he states that "the heart of the offering is articulated around all the requests for modifications of the Rafale made by FAB. Around of 18 items, involving a range of specificities very Brazilian. " The implementation of this process has been designed concretely, he said, in three steps. At first, Brazilians technicians and engineers go to France to receive training that includes all physical and electronic documentation of the Rafale, which is part of the NAP - National Autonomy Package , to be able to intervene in their own Rafale.

Thereafter, still in France, French and Brazilians technicians and engineers will together start to work on the first changes to be implemented on the aircraft.
In a second step, Brazilian and French will move to Brazil in their firms or entities, as in the case of DCTA, and will continue developing and adapting new capabilities to the aircraft in Brazil, under French supervision.
In the third stage, then, the conduct of these modifications ultimately move into the hands of Brazilian technicians and engineers, with the French only in support, to complete the entire set of planned modifications. According to Merialdo, "this scheme is the heart of our practical offer for real transfer of technology and knowledge."

With regard to air-to-air weaponry, the MICA was offered, as well as was considered the request of FAB about the integration of all other missiles available in inventory or programs of the Brazilian AIr Force, like A-Darter. For air-ground missions , the AASM was offered and also the integration of any other possession of Brazil. Merialdo stressing that the French Ministry of Defense has approved the provision and joint development of new weapons to Brazil to be integrated into the Rafale. "Within the supply of Dassault was also offered the Damocles pod, and obviously was opened the possibility of integrating other Pods like the LITENING," he says, starting to highlight offset items below.

Today, we have 78 agreements already concluded with companies and universities. At Embraer, for example, will be made all flight tests of the production wing of the supersonic fighter, among other parts and systems. In a global number, the percentage of compensation offer from Dassault reaches 160%, explains Merialdo.
"In terms of time, everything that is related to the development of new functions for Brazilian Rafale is planned to be delivered within 3 years from the T-zero", he says. Dassault Director reminds me of the official letter in which the French Government commits to buy at least 10 KC-390, for the Armed Forces of their country, when Brazil will choose the Rafale.

I ask a concrete illustration of international qualifications for businesses and professionals in Brazil, and Merialdo mentions the case of the Omnisys company, headquartered in São José dos Campos. "Omnisys was created by Brazilian engineers, working on various radars projects, in 2000 Thales acquired stake in Omnisys transferring the production of air surveillance radars for civil aviation. After producing this radar, they developped new features and performance for this product, becoming a Brazil's export to various countries like Singapore, China and France itself. Omnisys is expected to receive the task of developing new software for the Rafale's AESA radar and also to produce the active antenna for Brazilian aircrafts and for future buyers abroad. The forecast is that it can double its workforce with this increased load from the Rafale program, "he explains.

Merialdo complete explanations pointing out that Dassault's offer is more focused on technology transfer than the transfer of industrial load. "Our experience shows that this technology generates economic activity not only restricted to a specific area, but extending to other technology areas as soon absorbed by the country itself," advocating that to "teach the fish is worth more than just give to the fish, "he concludes.

Inquiring about the recent news regarding industrial issues in the process of buying 126 fighters for the Indian Air Force. First, Merialdo mentions that "the Rafale was the winner in a rigorous selection process that took into account approximately 650 items and measures, on 3 reviews in different environments, including mountains, where the Rafale demonstrated its capabilities and was chosen ahead the other competitors, among them the two aircrafts also competing in Brazil, "and adds that, even in items related to life-cycle cost , Dassault won the game, being rated the lowest. As for any delay in making the contract, Merialdo argues that by virtue of secrecy and confidentiality agreed, Dassault's policy is not to comment on details of negotiations with clients civilian or military, however, he says it is natural that adjustments and accommodations are made ​​during the contractual process.

Dassault Director of International Brazil is confident about the sales success of his "omnirole" fighter- a term that is often used to describe the ability to play all different types of air mission in a single sortie - citing that besides India, France resumed negotiations with the United Arab Emirates, in a negotiation with significant values ​​(60 Rafales - author's note). "In addition to these ongoing negotiations, 5 more countries (Qatar, Malaysia, Kuwait, Canada? - Author's note) showed interest in Rafale, through competitions or direct consultations," says Merialdo. "we consider we will achieve our goal with the Rafale, which is the same for all our airplanes, to sell abroad at least the same number of aircraft that were sold to the French Armed Forces," he concludes confidently

Having been in Istres , the Dassault base for flight tests, the week before, and having seen the satisfaction of engineers in the light of recent flights of nEUROn, i ask how Merialdo sees himself in the future, joint operations between the Rafale and combat drones. Was the French fighter able to integrate with these new technologies? "In this respect, it is worth noting that unlike other aircraft, the two-seater Rafale's not designed as a training aircraft and instruction, but as a combat aircraft with the differential ability to drive more complicated missions that require more attention by the crew. within employment opportunities, we also consider the ability of the Rafale in the future, to control a number of unmanned aircraft, like the nEUROn, noting however, that even if the UCAV flew , that is not yet a aircraft operating but a technology demonstrator, which will serve to define the new technologies for future combat aircraft ", responds Merialdo, citing the recent success of European cooperation for the construction of a stealth unmanned combat aircraft .

With this vision of the future and direct answers to the questions i raised, I said goodbye to Jean-Marc Merialdo, convinced that the proposal is clear and Dassault is in line with the requisition issued. And having flown in several operational scenarios, the Rafale has sufficient capacity to meet the challenges that a country of continental dimensions, being a regional power and becoming an actor of world-wide relevance, should be prepared to face now and in the coming years.

DefesaNet - rafale - Rafale avança na conquista de sucesso comercial
Responding to a report The Pioneer today that it had lined up a purchase of additional Su-30MKIs in the event that negotiations for 126 Rafales failed to result in a contract, the Indian Air Force has issued a statement to say:

"Apropos a report in a certain section of the media indicating IAF will opt for Sukhoi-30 if Rafale deal falls flat as on 08 Apr 2013. The IAF strongly denies such report. The CNC (Contract negotiations committee) process for acquisition of 126 MMRCA is underway and there is no thought process for any procurement as a ‘back up’ as reported."

Livefist: Negotiations For Rafale On Track, No Back-up Plan: IAF

From other site.

India and French firm Dassault Aviation today decided to keep aside their sharp differences over contractual obligations and move ahead on the other aspects of the deal to procure 126 multirole combat aircraft for the IAF.

India and French firm Dassault Aviation today decided to keep aside their sharp differences over contractual obligations and move ahead on the other aspects of the deal to procure 126 multirole combat aircraft for the IAF.

During the contract negotiation committee meeting today, the two sides agreed to keep their discussions pending on the issue of having separate contracts and the role of HAL in the deal and move ahead on other things such as pricing and support services, sources told PTI here today.

Serious differences have cropped up in the contract negotiations between the Defence Ministry and the French firm, threatening to delay the country’s single largest dose military acquisition.

The French firm has already agreed with the Defence Ministry’s demand for having one contract with the four major firms involved in the deal, including MBDA, for the weapons package for the aircraft instead of four separate contracts, they said.

The firm is understood to have agreed to the Defence Ministry’s demand on the issue after the involvement of French government.
News and Updates:

April 5/13: Negotiations.

Dassault remain publicly confident that a deal will be done, but a reports that the deal will be delayed until July at least sheds some light on the key points beyond cost. Business Standard:

“Some of the issues between the two sides include Dassault’s demand for two separate contracts to be signed for the deal which includes one for the 18 aircraft to be built by the firm in France and the other for the 108 aircraft which are be integrated in India by the HAL. The Defence Ministry is not in agreement…. [and] earlier also rejected Dassault’s demand for making it the lead integrator… in India…. Dassault has also signed an MoU with the Reliance Industries Limited and wants to give a bigger role to it in the production phase in India is areas such as supply chain and project management.”

That’s a very sensible approach if you have serious concerns about your local partner’s ability to deliver (q.v. Feb 7/13). Dassault has publicly said that HAL’s role is clearly understood, but then they’d have to say that. Their concerns seem very justified given HAL’s significant problems with the indigenous Tejas LCA fighter, and with timely completion of contracts involving BAE’s Hawk trainers and Sukhoi’s SU-30MKI fighters.

India’s M-MRCA Fighter Competition: Is the Deal In Trouble?
News and Updates:

April 5/13: Negotiations.

Dassault remain publicly confident that a deal will be done, but a reports that the deal will be delayed until July at least sheds some light on the key points beyond cost. Business Standard:

“Some of the issues between the two sides include Dassault’s demand for two separate contracts to be signed for the deal which includes one for the 18 aircraft to be built by the firm in France and the other for the 108 aircraft which are be integrated in India by the HAL. The Defence Ministry is not in agreement…. [and] earlier also rejected Dassault’s demand for making it the lead integrator… in India…. Dassault has also signed an MoU with the Reliance Industries Limited and wants to give a bigger role to it in the production phase in India is areas such as supply chain and project management.”

That’s a very sensible approach if you have serious concerns about your local partner’s ability to deliver (q.v. Feb 7/13). Dassault has publicly said that HAL’s role is clearly understood, but then they’d have to say that. Their concerns seem very justified given HAL’s significant problems with the indigenous Tejas LCA fighter, and with timely completion of contracts involving BAE’s Hawk trainers and Sukhoi’s SU-30MKI fighters.

India’s M-MRCA Fighter Competition: Is the Deal In Trouble?

This news has been posted 6363635 times by now :coffee:

Official statement has been made, and negotiations are back on track.
Government hopeful of $15 billion Rafale fighter jet deal going through

Earlier this month, in a rather unusual move, the Indian Air Force (IAF) strongly refuted a report that it was working on a Plan B should its negotiations fail to buy 126 combat jets from Dassault Aviation...

...The statement was unusual for two reasons. Usually, it's the Defence Ministry that handles clarifications and responses to reports about acquisition of equipment and technology. Also, this is the first time that a press note has been officially issued about plans for procurement...

...The press statement issued earlier this month, sources say, was triggered by concerns in the Defence Ministry and the Air Force that rumours were being spread by those with 'vested' interests or rival manufacturers to prevent the deal with Dassault Aviation from being signed...

Government hopeful of $15 billion Rafale fighter jet deal going through | NDTV.com
Government hopeful of $15 billion Rafale fighter jet deal going through | NDTV.com

...The press statement issued earlier this month, sources say, was triggered by concerns in the Defence Ministry and the Air Force that rumours were being spread by those with 'vested' interests or rival manufacturers to prevent the deal with Dassault Aviation from being signed...

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/4347-mrca-news-discussions-557.html#ixzz2QFvnwylm

Been saying this all along.

Dirty games are being played, have no doubt.
With the kind of money that is at stake, wouldn't you too? ;)

Naturally, all i am saying is that members here should be aware that these things are going on. When news is coming out on the MMRCA that contradicts what we already know we should take it with a pinch of salt, to put it lightly.
It's good that Dassualt will handing out contracts for the production of accessories and avionics and this won't be handeled purely by HAL.

BEL will take over the RBE 2 and possibly the LDP production too, Samtel HMS and FSO, DARE might be able to add some Indian EW sensors and I still expect some MFDs from HAL or Samtel.
My biggest wish however would be a joint NG missile development, based on Maitri SAM, since the French need to replace MICA IR soon too and we still have R73 as the base WVR missile for most fighters.
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