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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

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yeah poor chineese builidin everythin at home while those b****** russians have been copying evrything they buy frm china for the past 30 years and pitting the hard wrk of chineese scientist in ****

anyway coming back from the brief moment of trolling[for which i m srry]
i have a question for you guys
why doesnt india just scrap mmrca and go for more pakfa/fgfa
ofcourse it'll get a lot of tech and exp and weapons plus it makes for bad repu in int'l market
but shouldnt quality be priority for india as it faces a numericaly superior opponent
just my guess:flame:
Our IAF wants to test some West tech,their radar tech and more..
No doubt we are involved in PAKFA and will be..
according to current exchange rates
Rs 42000crs the amount sanctioned by the indian guv for mmrca equals $8.38 bn
which translates to 66.5 mil for each aircraft
anyone care to explain how india will buy these eurocanards with weapon packages,spares and other things in 66.5mn
according to current exchange rates
Rs 42000crs the amount sanctioned by the indian guv for mmrca equals $8.38 bn
which translates to 66.5 mil for each aircraft
anyone care to explain how india will buy these eurocanards with weapon packages,spares and other things in 66.5mn
I hope you didnt see the title clearly.
Half of the money yet to be sanctioned.
why doesnt india just scrap mmrca and go for more pakfa/fgfa
Simple answer...The 250 odd FGFAs would be fully operationalized only by 2020-2025. And that's a long way off into the future! We can't take the risk of waiting for the FGFA. The void has to be filled up at the earliest.
then wait 1 more year to finalize this deal then it will reach to 30b $ then sign the contract
Actually thats what we would have done as half of it would be brought back to Indian industries much betta then all that money creating a bulge in politicos pockets!!! but unfortunately our force levels are falling and we need fighters urgently......else we would have considered ur suggestion :)
$20 billion MMRCA deal, 3 Aircraft Carriers, $1 Trillion Infrastructure projects, Bullet Trains, monorail, metro rail. Vision 2020 is being implemented very nicely.
Actually thats what we would have done as half of it would be brought back to Indian industries much betta then all that money creating a bulge in politicos pockets!!! but unfortunately our force levels are falling and we need fighters urgently......else we would have considered ur suggestion :)
lets see then where it will end .......:coffee:
China has defence budget around 80-100 Bn $, more than double than us. Where all money goes ? I know most of countries like Europe, U.S. and Russia won't sell high-tech weapons/jets to Chindue to copy-paste a but to be very frank after seeing your inventory, I feel too much of money wasted or may be it's not known or big corruption taking place.
LOL....... you don't even have a clue what China has. We are competing with the US and have recently surpassed Russia in military technology. We are on average about 20 years behind USA although in some fields even more than that.

10 years and 200 bn $ were spent by China for Airforce and you don't even have single 4.5th generation aircraft like Super Hornet, Rafale or Typhoon.
LOL........ our 4.5 generation J-10B (with AESA) is already entering service. India will be waiting until 2018 for MMRCA to arrive at least. You seriously think Typhoon or Rafale would really get delivered on time like the vendor says?

The way the price is going up it looks like the deal will sour even further and may not even go through.

Even, Su 30 you are operating are not latest one like MKI and copied one too is based on Su-27 only.
LOL........ our indigenous J-11B is equivalent Su-35 and powered by indigenous engines WS-10. J-11B entered service in 2010.

By the time India gets its 4.5 generation MMRCA in 2018 or later, China will have already many regiments of 5th generation J-20!

That's why China is WAYYYYYY further ahead than a certain 3rd world country wanna-be superpower.
LOL....... you don't even have a clue what China has. We are competing with the US and have recently surpassed Russia in military technology. We are on average about 20 years behind USA although in some fields even more than that.

LOL........ our 4.5 generation J-10B (with AESA) is already entering service. India will be waiting until 2018 for MMRCA to arrive at least. You seriously think Typhoon or Rafale would really get delivered on time like the vendor says?

The way the price is going up it looks like the deal will sour even further and may not even go through.


LOL........ our indigenous J-11B is equivalent Su-35 and powered by indigenous engines WS-10. J-11B entered service in 2010.


By the time India gets its 4.5 generation MMRCA in 2018 or later, China will have already many regiments of 5th generation J-20!


That's why China is WAYYYYYY further ahead than a certain 3rd world country wanna-be superpower.
So that is what you are calling j-11 and ws-10 engines now
The way the price is going up it looks like the deal will sour even further and may not even go through.
and you know this how
The reason the cost has doubled is as follows.

MMRCA bid started in 2002 when IAF quoted $10 billion was required to buy 126 mmrca. AT THE TIME INDIAN DEFENSE BUDGET WAS AROUND $22 BILLION PER YEAR.


ie same same as 2002 in terms of REAL COST
OMG! Your currency decreased in value by 50% over 9 years. That's like 6-7% per year, which is the same as India's GDP growth rate. In other words, India hasn't even grown much economically at all over the past 9 years. It's just a shrewed game of fake numbers and talking up India as a high-growth economy when it isn't at all.

Now you guys are totally screwed because you've been provoking China for the past 3 years, but now China is WAYYYYY further ahead than you militarily. Your economy is hardly growing and domestic unrest is increasing. You're getting shafted by arms dealers everywhere and even Russia has abandoned you in favor of Pakistan.
OMG! Your currency decreased in value by 50% over 9 years. That's like 6-7% per year, which is the same as India's GDP growth rate. In other words, India hasn't even grown much economically at all over the past 9 years. It's just a shrewed game of fake numbers and talking up India as a high-growth economy when it isn't at all.

OMG.. we are going to disintegrate now..

We at Chinese forum always wonder how india can be that rich, I mean if you look, C-17 deal is followed by C-130 deal, MMRCA project and T-50 "joint" development, T-90 will be brought in at the scale of thousands, aircraft carrier and Mig-29 from Russia.

You know, this is the definitation of being rich, on the other hand, we poor Chinese build out own Y-20, improved our Y-8 now calling it Y-9, we had to keep modernize our J-10B to keep it up with your MMRCA, our J-20 project will take probably another 7-8 years to complete no "joint" helping hand, Type-99A2 is damn expensive, only hundreds will be built, our aircraft carriers are still being planned, J-15 is still a prototype.

I would say it is a huge difference & gap, india is clearly having a up hand -- poor Chinese building everything at home, indians buying from everywhere.

Smart reply but dont worry the gap is not too wide after all Chinese are the second best in the world.
So it means a year or two still required to finalize the bidder...
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