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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

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Bhai ye waaley Shukla ji better hain :p:

Sorry for troll post, just couldn't resist.:D
:lol: This shukla ji is a legend, along with pandey ji, bhatiya, patel and offcourse our beloved musaddilal.:D
Details of Rafale contract finalised: Government sources
By PTI | Sep 12, 2016, 09.13 PM IST

NEW DELHI: Details of the multi-billion euro contract for 36 Rafale fighter aircraft have been finalised and the government is now working on the inter-governmental agreement (IGA) with France.

Government sources said the cost, offsets and service details have been finalised and now the effort is to firm up IGA as envisaged in a pact signed on January this year when French President Francois Hollande was in New Delhi.

"The work on the inter-governmental agreement with France has started and would be finalised soon," one of the sources told PTI.

The sources said the text and language of the agreement is being fine-tuned and the deal is in the final stage.

"The deal is in final stage," Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar told reporters here when asked if it has been cleared by the government.

Last month, a report submitted by the team negotiating the much-anticipated Rafale deal with France was cleared by the Defence Ministry. The file was then sent to the Prime Minister's Office for review and clearance.

The sources said the PMO had sought from the Defence Ministry some clarifications on the life cycle costs and unit price of the aircraft which were replied to.

The deal is expected to be worth around 7.89 billion euros for the 36 fighter jets in fly-away conditions.

The weapon systems, part of the deal, will also include the new-age, beyond visual range missile, Meteor, and Israeli helmet mounted display.

The delivery for the fighter aircraft is expected to begin in 2019, with an annual inflation capped at 3.5 per cent.

The price of the deal was brought down from nearly 10 billion euros, as sought initially, due to various reasons including tough negotiation by India, the discount offered by the French government and reworking of some of the criteria.

During his visit to France in April last year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced that India would purchase 36 Rafale jets in a government-to-government contract.

Soon after the announcement, the Defence Ministry scrapped a separate process that was on to purchase 126 Rafale fighter planes, built by French defence giant Dassault Aviation.


Please connect with what i said earlier

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Now you all can understand why PM NaMO wants reassurance bcz its the language that goes into the IGA , a draft which has been circulated and more or less already agreed between both france and India. But still since it points to all such things as listed above in earlier posts, its imperative its cross checked again to be on safer side.

As i said this deal will become bench mark. In case in future any other aircraft will be bought be it FGFA or F16/18 or even Gripen E, the deal terms have to be similar or better.

India will now raise the stakes further for any future jet production planned by majors like LM, Boeing, Sukhoi or Saab.


@Abingdonboy @Vergennes @anant_s @Taygibay @MilSpec @SpArK @randomradio @Armani @GuardianRED @Ankit Kumar 002 @[Bregs] @Picdelamirand-oil @BON PLAN


From Horse's mouth

View attachment 333819

Just last stage seal left.. a formality

Pls no sir bro

  • Reliance Defence Limited, established as a wholly owned subsidiary of Reliance Infrastructure Limited, has 11 subsidiaries in niche segments of the Defence sector.

So we Indians have developed a new "thapa" stage for our trade deals.

After the "final stage" the deal is now in "thapa stage" everyone.:P
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If 36 are signed on .... MII follows. Otherwise these guys will do exactly what Rajiv Gandhi did, neither put a Mig-29 line nor a Mirage-2000 line, offers for which were available.

Exactly! If India is going to order 36 Rafale without an MII component then I'd rather give up wasting my time on showing interest in following IAF procurements. It should be either No rafales or a Big fleet of rafale. You can't have a small fleet of several types of aircraft within an airforce and keep bleeding money over operational costs these days. Let's also remember, when rafale enters our fleet, it will be our 8th type and if we are going to add up more types, it will not let us trim down the number of types and have a more organised fleet.

Good Day!
On News X channel,while replying to a charge that present BJP Govt has done away with initial plan to produce 126-18=108 planes in india and are now buying 36 planes directly from France ,the BJP spokesperson said - MII plan is still there and planes will be made in India.
Le Rafale en Inde, c'est brûlant

According to reliable sources, a signature between Dassault Aviation and New Delhi would be imminent. The entire Indian press echoed Monday by an acceleration of the calendar.
Things are heating up hard for the Rafale in India. Is this yet another false alarm or end of suspense on the signing of a contract of sale of 36 Rafale for the army of the Indian Air (IAF)? According to reliable sources, a signature between Dassault Aviation and New Delhi is imminent, perhaps around mid-September. Moreover, the entire Indian press, which evaluates the contract amount to less than € 8 billion (including weapons), echoes this Monday an accelerated timetable with fire green CCS (Cabinet Committee on Security), chaired by the Prime Minister and approved acquisition of Rafale. Asked by La Tribune, Dassault Aviation had no comment.

New Delhi and the manufacturer agreed on everything for several weeks. If Dassault Aviation formalized this agreement, it would secure the production rate of two Rafale per month and so compensate the postponement of deliveries for the second part of the fourth installment Rafale (remaining 34 aircraft to be delivered over the 60 aircraft ordered by the La France).

The saga of the Rafale in India
France and India signed in January 2016 an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) during the State visit of Francois Hollande. This intergovernmental agreement was a precondition for a trade agreement. Especially since Narendra Modi wanted a state to state agreement during his visit to France in April 2015 where he announced an order for 36 Rafale "shelf" or ready to fly.

In the wake of the intergovernmental agreement, Dassault Aviation included the signing of the contract "under four weeks." This eventually took a little more time as is customary in India. The order value was estimated between 10 and 12 billion euros, excluding arms, according to information from The Tribune. This will lead quickly was based on a decision of the Department of Indian Defence announced December 8, 2015 in a statement that made negotiating team to discuss the terms of the purchase of 36 Rafale had " recommended an agreement "project.

A fleet of hazardous combat aircraft
The 36 Rafale and associated systems and armaments should be delivered "in the same configuration" as is required under the contract M-MRCA (126 Rafale), which was canceled by New Delhi. The devices were tested and approved by the army of the Indian air. These fighters will be useful to protect the Indian airspace.

Because during the last three years (2013 to November 2015), India has recorded 32 total violations of its airspace by aircraft of foreign countries. In addition, during the past ten years between 2003 and 2013, the army of the Indian air (or Indian Air Force IAF), Fourth World air power, lost 38 MiG-21, as the Department of Indian defense. The IAF still has a fleet of 254 MiG-21 in service, which will gradually be removed from the air bases, including the MiG-21 T-77. The first MiG-21 entered service in the army of the Indian Air in March 1963.

Translated from Google Translate
Source :- http://www.latribune.fr/entreprises...e/le-rafale-en-inde-c-est-brulant-598464.html


Listen from 10m 30 secs till 12 mins.BJP spokesperson says that talks with French for manufacture of 108 planes is still going on.And it will be manufactured in India with 50% offset clause.
lo kar lo baat ab fir next metting tak taal diya gya es cursed deal ko :hitwall:
Right now I am bit more positive on Rafale because this person seems pissed off.

stopped pushing the F-35 for a moment to pretend he is supporting local industry. He is clearly pandering to the ignorant masses who don't understand that the LCA and Rafale are for entirely different roles and are not interchangeable.

Details of Rafale contract finalised: Government sources
By PTI | Sep 12, 2016, 09.13 PM IST

NEW DELHI: Details of the multi-billion euro contract for 36 Rafale fighter aircraft have been finalised and the government is now working on the inter-governmental agreement (IGA) with France.

Government sources said the cost, offsets and service details have been finalised and now the effort is to firm up IGA as envisaged in a pact signed on January this year when French President Francois Hollande was in New Delhi.

"The work on the inter-governmental agreement with France has started and would be finalised soon," one of the sources told PTI.

The sources said the text and language of the agreement is being fine-tuned and the deal is in the final stage.

"The deal is in final stage," Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar told reporters here when asked if it has been cleared by the government.

Last month, a report submitted by the team negotiating the much-anticipated Rafale deal with France was cleared by the Defence Ministry. The file was then sent to the Prime Minister's Office for review and clearance.

The sources said the PMO had sought from the Defence Ministry some clarifications on the life cycle costs and unit price of the aircraft which were replied to.

The deal is expected to be worth around 7.89 billion euros for the 36 fighter jets in fly-away conditions.

The weapon systems, part of the deal, will also include the new-age, beyond visual range missile, Meteor, and Israeli helmet mounted display.

The delivery for the fighter aircraft is expected to begin in 2019, with an annual inflation capped at 3.5 per cent.

The price of the deal was brought down from nearly 10 billion euros, as sought initially, due to various reasons including tough negotiation by India, the discount offered by the French government and reworking of some of the criteria.

During his visit to France in April last year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced that India would purchase 36 Rafale jets in a government-to-government contract.

Soon after the announcement, the Defence Ministry scrapped a separate process that was on to purchase 126 Rafale fighter planes, built by French defence giant Dassault Aviation.


Please connect with what i said earlier

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Now you all can understand why PM NaMO wants reassurance bcz its the language that goes into the IGA , a draft which has been circulated and more or less already agreed between both france and India. But still since it points to all such things as listed above in earlier posts, its imperative its cross checked again to be on safer side.

As i said this deal will become bench mark. In case in future any other aircraft will be bought be it FGFA or F16/18 or even Gripen E, the deal terms have to be similar or better.

India will now raise the stakes further for any future jet production planned by majors like LM, Boeing, Sukhoi or Saab.


@Abingdonboy @Vergennes @anant_s @Taygibay @MilSpec @SpArK @randomradio @Armani @GuardianRED @Ankit Kumar 002 @[Bregs] @Picdelamirand-oil @BON PLAN


From Horse's mouth

View attachment 333819

Just last stage seal left.. a formality

Pls no sir bro

  • Reliance Defence Limited, established as a wholly owned subsidiary of Reliance Infrastructure Limited, has 11 subsidiaries in niche segments of the Defence sector.

Pretty disappointed about the 2019 timeline, was holding out hope for 2018 as @Picdelamirand-oil had mentioned.

The priority has to be getting that MII set up ASAP, as we have discussed in the past, the IAF needs to start inducting 3-4 SQNs a year just to cover for the phasing out of current aircraft from 2019 onwards.
India-France Fighter Jet Deal May Be Inked This Week

After a 16 month delay, a contract for the purchase of 36 French fighter jets could be signed within a week.

By Franz-Stefan Gady
September 13, 2016

This week, India’s Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS), chaired by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, is set to approve a $9 billion contract for the purchase of 36 fourth generation multirole fighter jets for the Indian Air Force, according to Indian government sources.

A high level delegation of French defense contractors involved in the government-to-government deal for 36 off-the-shelf Dassault Rafale twin-engine, fourth generation multirole fighter aircraft are currently in New Delhi to work out last minute details, The New Indian Express reports.

French aircraft maker Dassault Aviations will manufacture the aircraft, MBDA Missile Systems will supply the weapons package, and Thales Group will be responsible for the fighter jet’s avionics. “Representatives all three involved defense firms are in talks to take swift decision on any last minute doubt. Certainly, the deal is making a headway and should be done in a week’s time,” an unidentified Indian defense official said on September 12.
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There was some speculation that the CCS could approve the deal today. This, however, does not appear to have been the case. One of the reasons for the delay has been France’s insistence that a government-to-government contract should be signed prior to the conclusion of a 50 percent offset deal.

“According to the offset deal, France will invest 30 percent into military aeronautics-related research programs and 20 percent into local production of Rafale components. French defense contractors have also agreed to supply radar and thrust vectoring for missiles technologies, among other things,” I explained previously (See: “India-France Fighter Jet Deal Faces Further Delays”).

Further points of contention were the delivery date of the aircraft—the first Rafale warplanes are slated to be delivered roughly 18 months after the signing of the final contract—and technical issues. “The Indian Air Force wanted a customized version of the aircraft including modifications and reconfigurations to allow the installation of Indian-made and commercial-off-the-shelf systems and weapons,” I reported earlier in the year.

As I explained previously (See: “Confirmed: India to Buy Only 36 Rafale Fighter Jets”):

Initially, the MMRCA [medium multi-role combat aircraft] project envisioned that India’s Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) would build 108 out of a 126 total Rafale jets locally, with the first batch of 18 fighter jets directly delivered from France in flyaway condition.

However, New Delhi unexpectedly announced in April of this year that it would only purchase 36 French-made Rafale fighters instead of the original 126…

The price tag for the 36 off-the-shelf Rafale will substantially be cheaper since France is no longer obligated to build the planes in India.

According to a senior defense official interviewed by the Hindustan Times, “the cost of 36 fighters will be around Rs 7000-8,000 crore lower than that what was being offered to the previous UPA regime in the now canceled contract for multi-role medium range combat aircraft (MMRCA).” India’s defense minister, Manohar Parrikar, has been insisting on a 10-20 percent price reduction. While no official price has been announced, the Indian Defense Ministry’s Defense Acquisition Council (DAC), headed by Parrikar, approved the deal in August indicating that the disagreement over the price has been resolved. It is now up to the Prime Minister’s Office to give the final go-ahead.


NEW DELHI: Details of the multi-billion euro contract for 36 Rafale fighter aircraft have been finalised and the government is now working on the inter-governmental agreement (IGA) with France.

Government sources said the cost, offsets and service details have been finalised and now the effort is to firm up IGA as envisaged in a pact signed on January this year when French President Francois Hollande was in New Delhi.

"The work on the inter-governmental agreement with France has started and would be finalised soon," one of the sources told PTI.

The sources said the text and language of the agreement is being fine-tuned and the deal is in the final stage.

"The deal is in final stage," Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar told reporters here when asked if it has been cleared by the government.

Last month, a report submitted by the team negotiating the much-anticipated Rafale deal with France was cleared by the Defence Ministry. The file was then sent to the Prime Minister's Office for review and clearance.

The sources said the PMO had sought from the Defence Ministry some clarifications on the life cycle costs and unit price of the aircraft which were replied to.

The deal is expected to be worth around 7.89 billion euros for the 36 fighter jets in fly-away conditions.

The weapon systems, part of the deal, will also include the new-age, beyond visual range missile, Meteor, and Israeli helmet mounted display.

The delivery for the fighter aircraft is expected to begin in 2019, with an annual inflationcapped at 3.5 per cent.

The price of the deal was brought down from nearly 10 billion euros, as sought initially, due to various reasons including tough negotiation by India, the discount offered by the French government and reworking of some of the criteria.

During his visit to France in April last year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced that India would purchase 36 Rafale jets in a government-to-government contract.

Soon after the announcement, the Defence Ministry scrapped a separate process that was on to purchase 126 Rafale fighter planes, built by French defence giant Dassault Aviation.
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