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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

F18 is an average plane, not good enough.
mate once carrier equipment is removed f 18 shed substantial amount of weight thus improving all of it characteristic like maneuverability,weapon and fuel carrying capability.
EW capability on f 18 is off the charts.normally kill is not inscribed on a jets body unless it has actually shot down the plane but in this exceptional case imagine what it would have done to the f 22 that they inscribed it on the growler.
@gambit sir your insight on this pic will be greatly appreciated regards.

(sorry guys for posting the same pic twice but needed gambits opinion on it )
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strangely other news sources in last 24 hours quote something like

India signed an inter-governmental pact with France to buy 36 Rafale fighters but the price negotiations are still on. France is said to have quoted around $9 billion for the 36 jets.
Rafale fighter jet deal stuck because price is a problem, says Manohar Parrikar - Firstpost

India signed an inter-governmental pact with France to buy 36 Rafale fighters but the price negotiations are still on. France is said to have quoted around $9 billion for the 36 jets.
The deal would includes two types of missiles and bombs, training of pilots and base facilities for the planes.

Rafale deal stuck on price: Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar - The Economic Times

The source of these news is IANS.

$9Bn is RS 61K..

Ajai shukla and Business Standard quoted

USD 13.46 Bn Dassault wants and India is ready for USD 10 Bn

Strange to me what breakup Ajai shukla is coming up with..

Even if i use instead of 36 but rather full lock in of 36+18 options, i dont see how price can reach USD13.46 Bn or Euro 12.5 Bn whereas starting price in source based news and public was Euro 11.5 Bn which came down to Euro 8 Bn with a scope of cutting down further 700 Mn approx and bring down the overall deal price to Euro 7.3 Bn

I think our press is now shooting from their behinds now.. Its just a hogwash figure...

Bharat Karnad will pick this figure and say 91548/36= 2543 crs a plane and India wants to pay 68499/36 = 1902 Crs
In the price we will get 4 MKis almost 9 LCAs and what not...

I feel we need good defense reporters.. URGENTLY
Well, this is the continuation of the MMRCA/Rafale saga, just another in a long long line of dubious reports that seem to have no relation to the real world, when such threads are started now, I don't even bother replying. It is oh so predictable, within 2-3 posts "let's get the F-18","France is ripping us off", "haha, this is still going on?", " deal has gone from 36 to 126 and the price has gone up", "OMG, $500 million a plane France is charging us" etc etc

THIS is why I don't agree with @randomradio that some in the media know the "true cost/jet requirement" because the range in quoted prices is simply too large to account for small errors of measure. They are either being mislead or are purposely putting out misinformation on someone else's behalf. When SAAB are still pumping in millions into their Gripen for India campaign and Boeing/LM/EFT are still hopeful too what else does one expect? There is no such thing as journalistic integrity in India. They will sell their own mothers for some TRPs- If it not outright bribes.

OK folks,
I am not giving you here a rant but i was wondering few things here.. Post the news of multiple (1 or 2) new lines under MII, i was trying to understand how serious is perhaps one particular bid and scope of so called help in our AMCA program..

After googling and reading few stuffs over last 2 days (and yes i posted limited during the same time here .. apologies could not contribute much), i am pasting few things here..

The company and line in question is Boeing and F18s

Here is the first thing, a scan of an old article from Hindu dated 03-04-08

View attachment 294510

This article talks about Boeing Consulting role talks with ADA for our beloved LCA program

What i understand is this bid of consultancy role was blocked by US in the same year bcz in 2009 ADA approached Lockheed Martin for a similar consulting role. What i understand is there is a 90 day window cited for getting clearance from US government by Boeing where it was stalled.

Now the second thing

Back then in September 2009, our Ajai Shukla only reported that USA government blocked LM's help for LCA

The US government is, for the second time, squeezing American aerospace giant Lockheed Martin out of an important contract related to India’s Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA).

Business Standard learns that Lockheed Martin, selected in June as a consultant for developing the Naval version of the Tejas, was given 90 days to obtain the clearances it needed from the US government. But now, with time running out, Washington has sent Lockheed Martin a list of questions about what assistance the company will provide.

Lockheed Martin’s current situation replicates that of Boeing, which was front-runner for the air force Tejas consultancy. But earlier this year, after the US government failed to grant Boeing a clearance (called Technical Assistance Agreement) in time, the defence ministry awarded EADS the contract. The European consortium obtained the sanctions in time and is now working with ADA.

US puts Lockheed off Tejas flight path | Business Standard News

So my above point of 90 day clearance not granted is validated

My third point
Back in 2011, based on Wikileaks leaking a confidential cable by Timothy Roemer, ambassador to India, USA folks are not keen with any tie up with HAL. This was in context with MMRCA Bid.

The Financial Times, in a report on Friday, cited US ambassador to India Timothy Roemer as saying in a confidential cable last year that was leaked by WikiLeaks: “The potential for HAL to successfully partner with US firms on a truly advanced aircraft remains untested and suspect.”
HAL dismisses concerns over its ability - Livemint

Effectively what i am trying to point out is even today after about 5 years of passage the view of the house among US MIC has not changed much. So, its still points to no tie up with DPSU.. Verbally all talk about a healthy relationship with HAL (Both Boeing, LM etc) but in reality their actions are far from this.. Its a similar approach with ADA whom they gave cold shoulder under pressure from US government.

My fourth point is the proof about what Boeing stipulated under the guidance of US government

Boeing has stipulated that Tejas should not be sold to another country without U.S. permission
ADA officials find this unacceptable since no U.S.-made equipment is to be fitted on the Tejas

The Bush administration seems to be dragging its feet over giving the go-ahead to Boeing providing consultancy for the light combat aircraft, Tejas, programme.

The consultancy, offered to the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), which is designing and developing the Tejas), will run for 42 months.

It envisages Boeing, which has sufficient experience on flight test programmes like its F-18 Hornet, providing the ADA with crucial inputs on flight tests that would help in avoiding unnecessary flights, saving costs and shortening of the design and development phases.

Said an official: “We can’t understand why the U.S. government is making a big thing out of something like a consultancy programme in flight testing. It is strange that it is being linked to the possible sale of the aircraft [Tejas]. This does not augur well for the seriousness of American weapons/defence corporation with India.”
Boeing delaying consultancy for Tejas programme - NATIONAL - The Hindu

So you see the trend here.. Whatever is being developed must not threaten what exists in their product portfolio of US MICs

So the conclusion part
  • What benefit Boeing will bring for AMCA project?
  • Will it not repeat the "consulting" history seen like above?
  • Is AMCA not a direct threat to both its F18 future and later an F35 future prospects in India
  • Is AMCA and LCA not killing the market prospects for F16s/F18s and F35 in Indian context?
  • Its clear Boeing wont have a tie up with DPSU and Beoing wont like a big conglomerate like TATA too owing to "sensitive hi end technology" being used in "F18s" - a line often used in US congress wordings,, so for a more control it would always wish to go solo..
  • So how will GOI/MOD have any control?
To me it still looks just words to sugar coat their intent of denying India anything which constitutes meaningful technology transfer or any success of AMCA program

@Abingdonboy @MilSpec @SpArK @AUSTERLITZ @Vauban @Taygibay @Picdelamirand-oil @anant_s @randomradio @Dash @raktaka @Armani @Masterhunter @surya kiran @Ankit Kumar @others

Does all this makes you feel anything? The history shows something which we have already experienced.. should we learn from history or again bet on US/Boeing and F18 prospects under MII + associated "help" into AMCA program

I have a similar view about SAAB also..

Gentlemen, your thoughts on this could help me understand a bit better .. i do have an opinion atm but would like more rational backing on this.. So a good discussion is in order about the true intentions here....

Hope I am not out of line from the context of this thread .. just wished to plainly understand the real intentions and actual feasible aspect of this so called offer..

Hey, I don't need convincing that American fighters should be avoided at all costs. Not only do they offer signficantly inferior ToT and performance benefits but, most importantly, they actually undermine the strategic nature of this procurement because of the USG's restrictive military sales regulations. I'm not so sure why so many Indians are willing to see their country become a vassal state for only a few hundred new fighter jets- at least get more than that if you're so insistent on comprimsing your autonomy.
To me it still looks just words to sugar coat their intent of denying India anything which constitutes meaningful technology transfer or any success of AMCA program

This is pretty much how it has been and will always be. There is no surprise here.

Does all this makes you feel anything? The history shows something which we have already experienced.. should we learn from history or again bet on US/Boeing and F18 prospects under MII + associated "help" into AMCA program

No one in the govt. is ever going to bet on the US. There is nothing to feel, only the cold dark truth. The idea here is to get the US to grant permission for the GE 414 to be made in India and power the AMCA so that its sanction proof. Alternative is to make our own engine and that will take its own sweet time.

I have a similar view about SAAB also..

Gentlemen, your thoughts on this could help me understand a bit better .. i do have an opinion atm but would like more rational backing on this.. So a good discussion is in order about the true intentions here....

Hope I am not out of line from the context of this thread .. just wished to plainly understand the real intentions and actual feasible aspect of this so called offer..

Boeing / LM speaks from compulsion (US laws), US govt. speaks from arrogance and prejudice. US citizens speaks from ignorance.

Pouring money into R&D is not really a choice.

About SAAB, they need us. Their future is dark unless they pair up with somebody. Europe do not need them, nor do China (EU won't allow it in any case). Who else exist ? only India. Which is why the SAAB deal with work. Its a Win Win.
mate its not cheap french weapons never are but after doing cost benefit analysis you will find that there are only three feasible arm supplier in today's weapon market USA, RUSSIA and CHINA. European produce good weapons but when it come to cost they lose out to these big threes.reason being high R&D cost ,high production cost and no economies of scale because of small number of unit produced.so they are only best when you need specialized weapons.for basic weapons (forgive me for using this word but fighter jet is like basic weapon or a building block for an air force) above vendors should be considered.and mate i don't know the clauses in offset contract but basically what the contract do is force vendor to invest in a particular sector in your country.but what most of guys forget is that the money is still theirs they will get the returns on it.these investment are considered like normal investments and like any investor they still have substantial control over it and they will do their best to get maximum return out of it.i am not saying i won't benefit you it surely will but to what amount it is still under their control. its much better to get this offset deal with tot as by doing this you are making it more feasible for them to make parts in your country and in return making your defense sector strong. but without tot they wont invest in production so i don't see attraction in this stand alone offset deal.they will invest it as they please.so my point drop this offset clause and get rafale at cheaper price if you want it so badly other wise go for Russian or american and invest the remaining balance yourself in your country.

those are some excellent point sir. ya European's are expensive but damn capable too.
1.We'll never buy a American fighter Too many restrictions, and will come with the sanctions when we no longer serve their interests. and hell ya never trust the Yanks
2. Going for another Russian fighter is Risky we don't want to hatch all the eggs in a single basket, and i don't know If the Russians have any fighters that could perform like Rafale, we've air superiority fighters like Su-30mki and Migs from them, what we need is a fighter with a good striking skills, Suitable for SEAD ops that's where Rafale or ETF comes in.
3. the price today is too damn high is because of the Congress who failed to check the activities of Dassault which highjacked the Tender. and again because of the Arabs who bought in a high price we'll also have to follow it.
4. French has to invest 50% here that still benefits us too. we get some money and more jobs are created, and we are not going to pay anything extra if DM is capable of sealing the deal for 10Billions that he's trying.

5. its not confirmed but... there might be some ToT partially which could help us in AMCA dev along with expertise gained with LCA and FGFA.
The Indians will of course buy the 36,because Modi needs this deal. (Face saving,you know...) @C130
And as we found new clients for the Rafale (Qatar,Egypt) and soon a deal could be signed with the UAE for 60 Rafale,(Deal in final stages!),we are in better positions in the negociations than we were 4 years ago.
The target might have decreased from 126 to 36,but at least,the 36 will be built in France. (Compared to 18.)

That is a very foolish assumption. Modi do not need to save any face, if its expensive he will simply say its too expensive and hence India will not buy it.

Its the French President who needs to save face back home if the deal goes south.

Indian' stand during negotiations is nowhere related to your own strength during negotiations. India will bite only if it is convinced that it is not paying more that its fair price. That 36 will be built in france only if the deal is signed.
Although I'm a Chinese, I am so worried for IAF. I don't feel happy about the delay cause I don't feel hostile toward India. Parika shall understand the notion of TIME! Damn it. At least he shall address the bandwidth of all those patriotic Indian members in PDF.

Although I'm a Chinese, I am so worried for IAF. I don't feel happy about the delay cause I don't feel hostile toward India. Parika shall understand the notion of TIME! Damn it. At least he shall address the bandwidth of all those patriotic Indian members in PDF.
I am really touched by your generosity
That is a very foolish assumption. Modi do not need to save any face, if its expensive he will simply say its too expensive and hence India will not buy it.

Its the French President who needs to save face back home if the deal goes south.

Indian' stand during negotiations is nowhere related to your own strength during negotiations. India will bite only if it is convinced that it is not paying more that its fair price. That 36 will be built in france only if the deal is signed.

India the mighty super power which controls the currents of global politics and like a magician can bend and twist anything..this false assumptions and over confidence only live in the minds of typical Indians..in reality..Rafael can find new and even conflicting customers which may end up closing the Indian prospects of Rafael.
CISMOA will not be binding, given the recent acquisitions, but they'll enforce EULA agreement.

What do you mean CISMOA is not binding ? Any agreement if signed is Binding.

India the mighty super power which controls the currents of global politics and like a magician can bend and twist anything..this false assumptions and over confidence only live in the minds of typical Indians..in reality..Rafael can find new and even conflicting customers which may end up closing the Indian prospects of Rafael.

LOL... Why would India care if Rafale can find new customers ? That will be a concern only IF and when India buys the Rafale.
Exporting our products : YES.

ToT : Not very keen on that. Is that worth it to transfer our skills,technologies,knowledge etc. that it took us decades and billions of € to develop ? Just for few Bn of € ?
Because at the end,when Indians will know to make everything,will they still buy from us ?
Their products could be in the future a threat to our exports.

@wanglaokan @Shabi1 @Hell hound @somebozo @slapshot @C130 @Dungeness

bingo!!! no country is stupid enough to sell tech to another country who would develop it further and compete with the original vendor. Dassault would be signing its own death warrant. i think something along the lines of Indonesia where the seller would simply transfer some tech to the country with little investment. we (the typhoon consortium) did this. we would supply them kits to build the planes and give them the ability to build cft's which they will be the only vendor. and give the the proper tooling, training and invest in the production of the planes and thats it. done

the Rafale has some awesome tech in it and the Rafale is in my top 3 of favorite jets, but this whole deal has just been a disaster.

but I can see how France would be hesitant to give full ToT.
just out of curiosity whats second and third?
bingo!!! no country is stupid enough to sell tech to another country who would develop it further and compete with the original vendor. Dassault would be signing its own death warrant. i think something along the lines of Indonesia where the seller would simply transfer some tech to the country with little investment. we (the typhoon consortium) did this. we would supply them kits to build the planes and give them the ability to build cft's which they will be the only vendor. and give the the proper tooling, training and invest in the production of the planes and thats it. done

But countries and company are desperate enough to sell tech and buy tech. That is why that market exist, because both buyers and seller live in it.

Everything dies. Idea is to prolong life and delay death. Same being true for Dassault.
But countries and company are desperate enough to sell tech and buy tech. That is why that market exist, because both buyers and seller live in it.

Everything dies. Idea is to prolong life and delay death. Same being true for Dassault.
it depends on the definition of "tech" if its something like engine intake design and lading gear designs and arrangements then yes thats for sale(additional tech for the aid of lca). but the core parts of the jets are not for sale. besides i thought the whole point is to make in india right. i don't mind that, but what i would mind is letting go of sensitive tech. heck the turks and the Koreans are a good example. they both built their own f16's but the important stuff comes from the usa. even with the engines the sensitive compressor and combustion chamber for the engines are built in the usa and then shipped to Korea who would build the case and he initial combustion stages and the main fan and put it all together.
As the wise men say, never bite more than you can swallow, either you choke to death or be embarrassed to throw up.
A decade long claims of unlimited resources and bloated statements of "india can buy anything, anytime, in any quantity"...LOL and these shameless guys would come in hordes to still claim 36 is the initial order with 150 more to follow......

hahaha as they say, when you spit facing up, you get to lick it back.......
but buying and begging are different as negotiations are only possible when people buy things but beg / and why are you so anxious / ? wait till the game is over , this patriotic government just came into picture .
it depends on the definition of "tech" if its something like engine intake design and lading gear designs and arrangements then yes thats for sale(additional tech for the aid of lca). but the core parts of the jets are not for sale. besides i thought the whole point is to make in india right. i don't mind that, but what i would mind is letting go of sensitive tech. heck the turks and the Koreans are a good example. they both built their own f16's but the important stuff comes from the usa. even with the engines the sensitive compressor and combustion chamber for the engines are built in the usa and then shipped to Korea who would build the case and he initial combustion stages and the main fan and put it all together.

If India has a plant that can build hardened blades then putting them together and making an engine is not that tough. The idea is to set up that factor in India under ToT and offset.

Currently HAL India already has a plant that makes single crystal blade but it has strict licensing control. India is looking to diversify and improve the supply chain.

India already has the core engine design Kabini which has been certified. More funding will ensure its evolution. Finally India has far more leverage than Korea or Turkey. So you win some and you lose some.
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