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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

BS Piece of Yellow Journalist Shit of Ajay Shukla and Fanboys going Berserk over it :lol::lol:this guy Write lot Sensational Stuff

Here is Actual Stuff

Rafale deal stuck on price: Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar - The Economic Times

Price was the only issue left to negotiate now in the Rafale fighter jet deal with France, Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar said on Thursday. The minister, in an interview said: "Price is the problem which has to be resolved. We have resolved all other issues.

Asked about the MoU signed during French President Francois Hollande's visit to India, the Defence Minister said: "It is valid and meaningful to extent that procedure has been laid. "If I am buying something, I cannot hurry on the price, agreement also does not limit the time frame," he said.

Asked about a time frame, the Minister said it may take a "few months", but quickly added that he did not want to put a "restriction on the timeline". "Price is the only issue left now,"
he said, adding that an agreement on 50 per cent offsets has been reached.

India signed an inter-governmental pact with France to buy 36 Rafale fighters but the price negotiations are still on.
France is said to have quoted around $9 billion for the 36 jets.

The deal would includes two types of missiles and bombs, training of pilots and base facilities for the planes.

I think two types of Missiles are Both MICA & Meteor
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So no Rafale, it means. India shouldn't have bluffed it since start or wait.... it was a game only to corner Pakistan theoretically. What about all those claims of Indian members at PDF and wasted bandwidth. Moreover, i think it is just a break into talks but soon will be finalized except TOT.
- 11B € cannot be the price of 36 Rafales even with weapons and support. -
- The only way, 11B € makes sense is if huge extras are included. -
- Does the combo 50% offsets / XX% availability guarantee cut it? -​

Review the above, understand why it's true and that question becomes central.
The Indian media and Defenceoctor Manohar & Minister Parrikar have us confused.
Reality is often simpler than what us humans make it to be. Internal politics for example ...

At this point, I'll slack commenting in this thread except to correct factual errors.
Too many news pieces drown the truth as easily as too few make one thirsty for it.

Good chat all, Tay.
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If India has a plant that can build hardened blades then putting them together and making an engine is not that tough. The idea is to set up that factor in India under ToT and offset.

Currently HAL India already has a plant that makes single crystal blade but it has strict licensing control. India is looking to diversify and improve the supply chain.

India already has the core engine design Kabini which has been certified. More funding will ensure its evolution. Finally India has far more leverage than Korea or Turkey. So you win some and you lose some.
its not just making blades hardened but to with stand the heat and the centrifugal forces on the blades. as for developing proper engines your at least 10 years away, heck even china is having trouble developing an engine. lets not go of topic here i just gave you an example.
its not just making blades hardened but to with stand the heat and the centrifugal forces on the blades. as for developing proper engines your at least 10 years away, heck even china is having trouble developing an engine. lets not go of topic here i just gave you an example.

LOL...the hardening of the blade is to withstand the shock and the heat. That is why single crystal blades are used.

HAL already makes such blades. What part of that do you not understand ? Only HAL do not have the license or a capacity to supply them to Kaveri engine.

China never had the manufacturing license or Tech from Russia unlike India. So its a pointless comparison.
So no Rafale, it means. India shouldn't have bluffed it since start or wait.... it was a game only to corner Pakistan theoretically. What about all those claims of Indian members at PDF and wasted bandwidth. Moreover, i think it is just a break into talks but soon will be finalized except TOT.

Where Did you Got that Impression Yes it will Take Time But After IGA the Deal is Going For Sure
Its Part Of Negotiation

here What DM MP Actually Said

Price was the only issue left to negotiate now in the Rafale fighter jet deal with France, Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar said on Thursday. The minister, in an interview said: "Price is the problem which has to be resolved. We have resolved all other issues.

Asked about the MoU signed during French President Francois Hollande's visit to India, the Defence Minister said: "It is valid and meaningful to extent that procedure has been laid. "If I am buying something, I cannot hurry on the price, agreement also does not limit the time frame," he said.

Asked about a time frame, the Minister said it may take a "few months", but quickly added that he did not want to put a "restriction on the timeline". "Price is the only issue left now," he said, adding that an agreement on 50 per cent offsets has been reached

Rafale fighter jet deal stuck because price is a problem, says Manohar Parrikar - Firstpost
LOL...the hardening of the blade is to withstand the shock and the heat. That is why single crystal blades are used.

HAL already makes such blades. What part of that do you not understand ? Only HAL do not have the license or a capacity to supply them to Kaveri engine.

China never had the manufacturing license or Tech from Russia unlike India. So its a pointless comparison.
newer ge blades dont use crystal blades as the crystallization process come with flaws and a large amount of the blades are rejects. also if hal is able to builds such blades does not mean they can built an entire engine. you went for the m88 core and that did not work well.

i shall just say good luck and leave it there.
Where Did you Got that Impression Yes it will Take Time But After IGA the Deal is Going For Sure
Its Part Of Negotiation

here What DM MP Actually Said

Price was the only issue left to negotiate now in the Rafale fighter jet deal with France, Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar said on Thursday. The minister, in an interview said: "Price is the problem which has to be resolved. We have resolved all other issues.

Asked about the MoU signed during French President Francois Hollande's visit to India, the Defence Minister said: "It is valid and meaningful to extent that procedure has been laid. "If I am buying something, I cannot hurry on the price, agreement also does not limit the time frame," he said.

Asked about a time frame, the Minister said it may take a "few months", but quickly added that he did not want to put a "restriction on the timeline". "Price is the only issue left now," he said, adding that an agreement on 50 per cent offsets has been reached

Rafale fighter jet deal stuck because price is a problem, says Manohar Parrikar - Firstpost

Yes, there are always sudden issues that cause the end.
I feel we need good defense reporters.. URGENTLY

We'll get all 200 Rafales before we get good defence reporters. :azn:

OK folks,
I am not giving you here a rant but i was wondering few things here.. Post the news of multiple (1 or 2) new lines under MII, i was trying to understand how serious is perhaps one particular bid and scope of so called help in our AMCA program..

After googling and reading few stuffs over last 2 days (and yes i posted limited during the same time here .. apologies could not contribute much), i am pasting few things here..

The company and line in question is Boeing and F18s

Here is the first thing, a scan of an old article from Hindu dated 03-04-08

View attachment 294510

This article talks about Boeing Consulting role talks with ADA for our beloved LCA program

What i understand is this bid of consultancy role was blocked by US in the same year bcz in 2009 ADA approached Lockheed Martin for a similar consulting role. What i understand is there is a 90 day window cited for getting clearance from US government by Boeing where it was stalled.

Now the second thing

Back then in September 2009, our Ajai Shukla only reported that USA government blocked LM's help for LCA

The US government is, for the second time, squeezing American aerospace giant Lockheed Martin out of an important contract related to India’s Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA).

Business Standard learns that Lockheed Martin, selected in June as a consultant for developing the Naval version of the Tejas, was given 90 days to obtain the clearances it needed from the US government. But now, with time running out, Washington has sent Lockheed Martin a list of questions about what assistance the company will provide.

Lockheed Martin’s current situation replicates that of Boeing, which was front-runner for the air force Tejas consultancy. But earlier this year, after the US government failed to grant Boeing a clearance (called Technical Assistance Agreement) in time, the defence ministry awarded EADS the contract. The European consortium obtained the sanctions in time and is now working with ADA.

US puts Lockheed off Tejas flight path | Business Standard News

So my above point of 90 day clearance not granted is validated

My third point
Back in 2011, based on Wikileaks leaking a confidential cable by Timothy Roemer, ambassador to India, USA folks are not keen with any tie up with HAL. This was in context with MMRCA Bid.

The Financial Times, in a report on Friday, cited US ambassador to India Timothy Roemer as saying in a confidential cable last year that was leaked by WikiLeaks: “The potential for HAL to successfully partner with US firms on a truly advanced aircraft remains untested and suspect.”
HAL dismisses concerns over its ability - Livemint

Effectively what i am trying to point out is even today after about 5 years of passage the view of the house among US MIC has not changed much. So, its still points to no tie up with DPSU.. Verbally all talk about a healthy relationship with HAL (Both Boeing, LM etc) but in reality their actions are far from this.. Its a similar approach with ADA whom they gave cold shoulder under pressure from US government.

My fourth point is the proof about what Boeing stipulated under the guidance of US government

Boeing has stipulated that Tejas should not be sold to another country without U.S. permission
ADA officials find this unacceptable since no U.S.-made equipment is to be fitted on the Tejas

The Bush administration seems to be dragging its feet over giving the go-ahead to Boeing providing consultancy for the light combat aircraft, Tejas, programme.

The consultancy, offered to the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), which is designing and developing the Tejas), will run for 42 months.

It envisages Boeing, which has sufficient experience on flight test programmes like its F-18 Hornet, providing the ADA with crucial inputs on flight tests that would help in avoiding unnecessary flights, saving costs and shortening of the design and development phases.

Said an official: “We can’t understand why the U.S. government is making a big thing out of something like a consultancy programme in flight testing. It is strange that it is being linked to the possible sale of the aircraft [Tejas]. This does not augur well for the seriousness of American weapons/defence corporation with India.”
Boeing delaying consultancy for Tejas programme - NATIONAL - The Hindu

So you see the trend here.. Whatever is being developed must not threaten what exists in their product portfolio of US MICs

So the conclusion part
  • What benefit Boeing will bring for AMCA project?
  • Will it not repeat the "consulting" history seen like above?
  • Is AMCA not a direct threat to both its F18 future and later an F35 future prospects in India
  • Is AMCA and LCA not killing the market prospects for F16s/F18s and F35 in Indian context?
  • Its clear Boeing wont have a tie up with DPSU and Beoing wont like a big conglomerate like TATA too owing to "sensitive hi end technology" being used in "F18s" - a line often used in US congress wordings,, so for a more control it would always wish to go solo..
  • So how will GOI/MOD have any control?
To me it still looks just words to sugar coat their intent of denying India anything which constitutes meaningful technology transfer or any success of AMCA program

@Abingdonboy @MilSpec @SpArK @AUSTERLITZ @Vauban @Taygibay @Picdelamirand-oil @anant_s @randomradio @Dash @raktaka @Armani @Masterhunter @surya kiran @Ankit Kumar @others

Does all this makes you feel anything? The history shows something which we have already experienced.. should we learn from history or again bet on US/Boeing and F18 prospects under MII + associated "help" into AMCA program

I have a similar view about SAAB also..

Gentlemen, your thoughts on this could help me understand a bit better .. i do have an opinion atm but would like more rational backing on this.. So a good discussion is in order about the true intentions here....

Hope I am not out of line from the context of this thread .. just wished to plainly understand the real intentions and actual feasible aspect of this so called offer..

American MICs are restricted by their govts. They are not serious partners for us. We will buy from them what we can't from others, until we can replace that with something else.

But when it comes to Indian programs, they have no control over us. The AMCA will use GE for Indian planes, that doesn't mean a different engine cannot be sourced for exports, like the EJ230 family or the new RD-33. ADA will try its best to keep the AMCA ITAR free, except the engine of course.

Saab has no restrictions. When DRDO approached them, they wanted a 51% stake in the LCA program which DRDO rejected. Eventually EADS was given the contract. They didn't ask anything, they have been very helpful ever since.

THIS is why I don't agree with @randomradio that some in the media know the "true cost/jet requirement" because the range in quoted prices is simply too large to account for small errors of measure.

This was what I was told by CNL.

I don't think known anti-Dassault lobbyists were given any information for obvious reasons.
'The mother of all deal' ' 'RAFALE THIS RAFALE THAT' 'We have lots of money we can buy anything' :lol:

@Blue Marlin This saga is turning into an utter joke,either Indians buy it or not,that's simple.
In some months of negociations we sold 48 jets to two countries. (Option for 12 more = Qatar)
We are fast approaching the "anniversary" of the announcement to buy 36 jets and still nothing....
We expected the deal to be signed soon after Modi's visit = Nothing.
We expected the deal to be signed before the end of 2015 = Nothing.
We had our last hope to see this deal signed during India's republic day = Nothing.

You must be very patient with India seriously....
LOL Factual error spotted, that was quick!

No s at MIC, random --»

American MICs

MIC is the acronym for Military Industrial Complex coined by President Eisenhower
who knew both sides very well.
It represent the link between armed forces and industry that Congress maintains strong
with cash injections as a trainer with steroids for an athlete.
The historic role of the armed forces and the 14th Amendment both lead to high spending
and since that as well as the resulting might is needed to keep America at Rome's level
of economic domination, the circle is impossible to break less you starve the capitalistic
nature of the nation.

MIC is thus, Pentagon+Armament Industry+Congress.
With only one of each term, there cannot be many MICs!

Nothing forbids talking of a Pakistani or Indian or French MIC of course!
Then an S can be allowed.

Great day, Tay.

P.S. If you remove both plurals in that sentence ( govtS? ) it will be alright.
Exporting our products : YES.

ToT : Not very keen on that. Is that worth it to transfer our skills,technologies,knowledge etc. that it took us decades and billions of € to develop ? Just for few Bn of € ?
Because at the end,when Indians will know to make everything,will they still buy from us ?
Their products could be in the future a threat to our exports.

@wanglaokan @Shabi1 @Hell hound @somebozo @slapshot @C130 @Dungeness


The deal for 36 will open up a Make in India program for the Rafale. We will buy as many or more than ADLA/MN combined. Would that be fair?
@Blue Marlin This saga is turning into an utter joke,either Indians buy it or not,that's simple.
In some months of negociations we sold 48 jets to two countries. (Option for 12 more = Qatar)
We are fast approaching the "anniversary" of the announcement to buy 36 jets and still nothing....
We expected the deal to be signed soon after Modi's visit = Nothing.
We expected the deal to be signed before the end of 2015 = Nothing.
We had our last hope to see this deal signed during India's republic day = Nothing.

You must be very patient with India seriously....

That is not how negotiations work in the business world, the aim of the buyer is to obtain the best price and the seller to achieve the highest profit. There is a deficit which needs to be resolved.
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