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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

Hopefully, going by the figures provided by @Picdelamirand-oil I hope the production line in India is closer to a capacity of 30/year than 15- this is essential to making this work. I also think it makes a lot of sense to opt for an addtional SQN (or two) of Rafales alongside the 36 being delivered off the shelf from France, what is the harm?

As long as the production in India is 3X to 4X times the off the shelf purchase, everything is fine.. The reason being that we are looking from one side of getting jets.. If you remember @Taygibay talked about skill development.. That also needs to be addressed as essentially those Skills only could help us upgrade our MIC.
You see we all are assuming that India could do well with AMCA in house but we know in reality the difference between Tejas to a Rafale to a AMCA is a humongous leap of capability..

So whatever we come up under MII it must also go down to help us realise our AMCA dreams too.. Right from certain tech to skills to our capability of MIC to may be who knows a Kaveri Snecma Jet Engine capable of Delivering say 110 Kn+ Dry thrust..
about pilot availability...

It's a major weakness in IAF and its not a temporaray thing as @randomradio has said... See overall shortage of officers are present in All three services (max in army).. And as Parik said it take five years to make a pilot in peace time...

Also, we may be phasing out jets but that gives more pilots, actually it gives less pilots.. See we have phased say 10 sqn of MIG 21 and we have inducted 10 sqn of Su30 ... So that sqn strength is maintained ( which most of my frens here are discussing)..
10 sqn of Mig21 has given me 200 pilots, while to run 10 sqn of su30 I need 400 pilots ( twin seater) ...so my sqn ability is reduced to 50%.. As of now IAF has 0.81 pilot:plane ratio that means 20% sqn strength is AOG due to lack of pilots..... Then there are course, adm appointments, leave etc... That is why authorised ratio is 1.25. If I go by pilot availability of 0.81 when comapring to 1.25.. It's 33% shortfall... That means 33% of my aircraft are AOG due to pilot deficiency..

Also, aircraft availability across IAF is 65% across the board max.. Which is making pilot:ratio of close to 1.

And where we are crying about reducing sqn strength and poor availablity.
Suppose, If tommorow, GoI go ahead and buy 500 jets in 10 years ... We need 500*1.25 =625 plus .0.44*570( present number of jets) = 250. A total of 875 pilots.....
From where, we will induct 875 pilots over a frame of 10 yrs ....in peace time, when the present recruitment is barely able to cope with retirement and attrition due to better opportunities in civil street. The srength of our IAF academy is limited plus it takes five years to train a pilot as said by Parik.

So, the problem runs deeper than we discuss...
As again I am saying IAF top brass never comment on this aspect of their combat sqn limitation instead they just harp on no of sqn.. No relation/talk on pilots shortage, how many planes in sqn ... Etc etc..

@PARIKRAMA @Abingdonboy @Taygibay

As an after thought, what if increase our pilot:plane ratio to 1.25 to 1.75.. (USA has 2) it will definitely increase our combat potential of combat sqn in war without actually increasing the number.. And in war, its pilot fatigue which is more limting factor than the plane..
What will be training cost of increasing coat vis a vis increasing sqn numbers ..
Mate, few things u have missed in this calculation
1. A new type of plane in MII means investment of few billion dollars to make it.. I read somewhere in this forum that boieng asked for minimum order of 200 planes to make it economical viable to MII.. Or else cost of each plane will increase.

2. Cost of base infrastructure creation... Dassult asking for 1.4 billion dollar for one base for rafale and already two bases are created in present order. In your view point of second MRCA of 126 fighters, we need creation of infrastructure on minimum 03 bases...that means an investment of 4.2 billion dollars.

3. Cost of training/spares and logistics. 1-1.5 billion for 36 planes in rafale pricing. So what is it for new variety of 126 planes.. Training will be more. Spares may cost same even if we order more rafale.

The overall costs will be lower in comparison. Cost of infrastructure creation for Rafale is 1.4B for a base. It could be 1B for SH. Regardless, base infrastructure has to be built.

If you have 16 bases and you want to activate 8 bases each for Rafale and second MMRCA, then cost of infrastructure for each base will be 1.4*16B if you choose only Rafale. It could be much lesser if it was Gripen NG.

IAF is splitting the order because they can't afford a Rafale only force. Nothing more.

4. Also you were saying gripen NG is better and u also contradict that IAF won't buy single engine after 2027 while countering my argument for LCA so u think that gripen will make a production line in MII just for 126 planes and after 2027 close its line as IAF not interested.. Do you think it is financially viable.

Yes, at 20 a year from 2021 onwards. It will take 6 years.

5. You are saying no private firm can make second prod line for LCA in 5-10 years, yet dassault/Boeing/Saab..in collaboration of pvt sector are saying they can start producing in 3yrs max. You wanna say no pvt firm can make LCA second production. Line operational in 3-4 yrs in India if given a order of 126 planes?

Partnership with Dassault/Saab etc is very different from building a production line from scratch. Such companies don't exist in India today. As a matter of fact, companies like TASL and Dynamatic are very happy with just being recognized as Tier 1 suppliers. Those are subcontractors.

6. Again you are saying IAF only wanna buy FGFA and AMCA after 2030... And still you advocating that new prod line along with rafale line, what will happen to these production lines? And is it not that this investment will get waste..

The Indian company that will produce say Gripen can move to producing AMCA. Or the foreign company can produce civilian aircraft on the same line.

Dassault plans to manufacture their civilian jets on the same line for the Indian market after Rafale production is done. In case IAF likes FCAS, Dassault can produce that also.

To conclude, if IAF operates 12 sqn (2 old and 10 new) of rafale.. Then it needs 4 bases max. And if IAF operates 7 rafale (total 9) and 6 second MRCA.. It needs to create one more bases for rafale and three for second MRCA.. So it comes to approx 4 billion dollar extra expenditure.

If IAF orders 200 Rafales, the bases will increase to a lot more than just 4. I think Su-30 operates from more than a dozen bases in total. All bases will eventually hold a few Rafales, peppered all across the country. For example, the Bareilly squadrons are deputed to Kalaikunda for excursions to the A&N Islands. Similarly there are bases in A&N and even South India that have equipment that can handle MKIs at a short notice.

Aircraft with sufficient numbers are constantly rotated to different bases. And important aircraft like MKI and Rafale in the future will have minimum amount of infrastructure on all the important bases.

Rafale flyaway cost is 83 M dollar and F18 SH is 65-70 M dollar and gripen NG will cost samabout 60-65M.
With MII and 200+ order for rafale cost will be 10-15% cheaper as its development cost is distributed over larger order and cheaper labour .. And also the cost of production is spread over bigger order.. It comes to 75M dollar...

After a certain number of units, costs won't get cheaper. It will simply become uniform and stable.

If we get say rafale production line for 108 sqn and 108 from gripen/F18 the cost of establishing production line will increase the cost of these planes. And cost of rafale will also increase as the economies of scale is reduced.

Rafale production won't be so less. Gripen production will handle exports also.

And mate AMCA will start inducting after 2030-32.. And operating FGFA/AMCA in big numbers will be prohibitive in long run.. So IAF will go for max 10 sqn of FGFA and 10 sqn of AMCA and keep 30 sqn of 4.75++ Gen jets like rafale and supersukoi... Til 2045-50 or so..

AMCA and FGFA will outnumber all our current jets.

If you consider the 2040s. We won't have Su-30 and LCA, both will be in the process of phasing out like Mig-21s today. We will have about 5 or 6 squadrons of Rafale and Gripen each, probably finishing fleetwide MLUs. The rest will be FGFA and AMCA in different variants, Mk1, Mk2 etc.

In your rafale export order possible can go vey big... Like Saudi 72 and fifth trance of FrAF.. But if dassault make rafale in India..every other is not even required..bcoz IN/IAF alone can ask for about 250+ rafale..and add about 80-100 for FrAF.. These two will become priority and rest all will wait except Egypt and Qatar..dassult can increase merignac production line to 22-33 / yrs.. And after fulfilling orders for qatar+ India(54) + FrAaF(45)... After 2023 or so they can start exporting Saudi order if its placed..but the point is Rafale cost will come dwon will such big orders... And it will better for both india and France.

The French Rafale line will continue functioning into the 2030s. ADLA/MN will only buy Rafales from France. At best you can say the Indian line can be expanded to cater to Indian forces as well as exports in the long run while the French line will go back to producing 11 Rafales a year for ADLA/MN.

Think of it this way. IAF wants 300 Rafales. But they can't have 300 Rafales in 10 years because they can't afford it. So they have to split it into 150 Rafales and 150 Gripens in order to reduce the procurement bill. That's what's happening. If it turns out that inducting extra Gripens is more expensive than making more Rafales, then it is obvious what MoD will do. This is MoD's decision, not IAF's.

The dark horse is LSA.

You are forgetting that exports will play a major part. This will bring India a lot of foreign exchange and make us a net exporter of defence equipment for the next 15 years.
So, the problem runs deeper than we discuss...
As again I am saying IAF top brass never comment on this aspect of their combat sqn limitation instead they just harp on no of sqn.. No relation/talk on pilots shortage, how many planes in sqn ... Etc etc..
Agreed, which is why I have made a point on this but I can see the signs of the issue being rectified, since 2014 the IAF has been increasing pilot batch sizes and have continued to do so. With a huge AJT fleet and an adequate BTT fleet (to be supplimented in the future) the previous restrictions on capacity have been addressed and now it is the incubation period. As pointed out, it takes a long time to induct new pilots so it won't be an overnight fix but it is in the process of being sorted. Come 2020 this shouldn't be a problem and the ratio will be within guidlines.

The dark horse is LSA.
I don't see how sir. We are talking about the very near future (the next 15 years), there is no way the LSA can enter service before 2028 and won't be in large numbers before 2031- it will fail to meet any if the critical issues faced today.
As an after thought, what if increase our pilot:plane ratio to 1.25 to 1.75.. (USA has 2) it will definitely increase our combat potential of combat sqn in war without actually increasing the number.. And in war, its pilot fatigue which is more limting factor than the plane..

Its very much possible.. I would point out here something which most folks (at least i myself) did not knew before
An Avg Tier 2 or below Engineer (leave NITs and IITs) get say an avg Rs 21K per Month salary (IT companies)
An avg Tier 2 B-school graduate gets say an avg Rs 35K pm salary

An IAF pilot gets


A flying officer gets Rs 9.5 Lacs or Rs 0.95 Mn + benefits+ other emoluments.... :yahoo:

Pay and Allowances-Career Air Force

On top Benefits are here
Benefits-Career Air Force

It shows how badly we have not marketed our services which gives one of the best pay in the market for any young one..

Its a shame that most people including myself did not know how well they are compensated..:hitwall:

If a deeper brand building and awareness campaign is initiated such issues can be surely addressed..:cheers:
So they have to split it into 150 Rafales and 150 Gripens in order to reduce the procurement bill. That's what's happening. If it turns out that inducting extra Gripens is more expensive than making more Rafales, then it is obvious what MoD will do. This is MoD's decision, not IAF's.
There are a lot of variables and areas of doubt but one thing is clear- the Gripen will NEVER see Indian service in any capacity, I can assure you of that sir.

Think about it politcally, the GoI is coming under fire for inducting the Rafale at the cost of the LCA (a stupid analysis but it gets some traction), there is no way any GoI could justify the induction of a direct LCA competitor- no way at all. It would be political suicide- whoever is in oppostion will rip the incumbents to shreds over it.
Its very much possible.. I would point out here something which most folks (at least i myself) did not knew before
An Avg Tier 2 or below Engineer (leave NITs and IITs) get say an avg Rs 21K per Month salary (IT companies)
An avg Tier 2 B-school graduate gets say an avg Rs 35K pm salary

An IAF pilot gets

View attachment 294172

A flying officer gets Rs 9.5 Lacs or Rs 0.95 Mn + benefits+ other emoluments.... :yahoo:

Pay and Allowances-Career Air Force

On top Benefits are here
Benefits-Career Air Force

It shows how badly we have not marketed our services which gives one of the best pay in the market for any young one..

Its a shame that most people including myself did not know how well they are compensated..:hitwall:

If a deeper brand building and awareness campaign is initiated such issues can be surely addressed..:cheers:
Bro, IMO this is the wrong analysis. The pilot shortage is VERY different to the general officer shortage in the rest of the armed forces.

The nature of the pilot shortage is very specific in nature and the result of technical issues i.e a lack of capacity to train pilots because of a lack of trainers in the past decade. As I have said, this has only very recently been addressed by the induction of hundreds of trainers. Remember 4-5 years ago when the Deepaks were grounded and the aged Kirans were going that way too, the IAF had intentionally frozen pilot inductions and actively reduced flying hours on the Kiran and MiG-21 FL (OCU).

Now the flood gates are open but it will take time for the increased capacity to filter through to the fighter stream as fighter training is a very long process in the IAF. And now even women are being allowed to enter the fighter stream that will further increase pilot numbers.

In short, it was never a supply side issue (as it is with the rest of the officer shortage) but a demand side issue, the demand side issue has now largely been addressed.
Bro, IMO this is the wrong analysis. The pilot shortage is VERY different to the general officer shortage in the rest of the armed forces.

The nature of the pilot shortage is very specific in nature and the result of technical issues i.e a lack of capacity to train pilots because of a lack of trainers in the past decade. As I have said, this has only very recently been addressed by the induction of hundreds of trainers. Remember 4-5 years ago when the Deepaks were grounded and the aged Kirans were going that way too, the IAF had intentionally frozen pilot inductions and actively reduced flying hours on the Kiran and MiG-21 FL (OCU).

Now the flood gates are open but it will take time for the increased capacity to filter through to the fighter stream as fighter training is a very long process in the IAF. And now even women are being allowed to enter the fighter stream that will further increase pilot numbers.

In short, it was never a supply side issue (as it is with the rest of the officer shortage) but a demand side issue, the demand side issue has now largely been addressed.

Yes you are correct about trainer side issues.. So supply side was abundant but demand side did not have enough capabilities to absorb such adequate supply..

Hope we dont repeat our past mistakes again...
It's a major weakness in IAF and its not a temporaray thing as @randomradio has said... See overall shortage of officers are present in All three services (max in army).. And as Parik said it take five years to make a pilot in peace time...

The shortage in IAF is due to training and attrition, not recruitment.

Also, we may be phasing out jets but that gives more pilots, actually it gives less pilots.. See we have phased say 10 sqn of MIG 21 and we have inducted 10 sqn of Su30 ... So that sqn strength is maintained ( which most of my frens here are discussing)..
10 sqn of Mig21 has given me 200 pilots, while to run 10 sqn of su30 I need 400 pilots ( twin seater) ...so my sqn ability is reduced to 50%..

IAF has phased out much more than just 10 squadrons of Mig-21. Throughout the last decade, we had hundreds of Mig-21s, 23s, 27s and Jaguars that were phased out. I think we had 400 Mig-21s at the time. We had more than 100 Mig-23s, 200 Mig-27s and 200 Jaguars. Now 2/3rds are gone and in the meantime we have only inducted 200 odd MKIs.

From where, we will induct 875 pilots over a frame of 10 yrs

Women are being introduced in the force. So the IAF's choice menu has increased by at least 20% if not 30%.

Choice in an IAF career will pick up once graduates realize they will be flying brand new planes and not get thrust into decrepit old planes that will fall apart if you sneeze.

I don't see how sir. We are talking about the very near future (the next 15 years), there is no way the LSA can enter service before 2028 and won't be in large numbers before 2031- it will fail to meet any if the critical issues faced today.

According to its creator, the aircraft is very simple to build and flight testing will be complete in just 3 years after go ahead. Production can be cranked up to 54 jets a year. It is based on HF-24 Marut, so most of the testing is already complete.

The last known news is the Israelis have shown interest.

So now I need your point of view on F3R and F3R2 :buba_phone:

We all do.
Its very much possible.. I would point out here something which most folks (at least i myself) did not knew before
An Avg Tier 2 or below Engineer (leave NITs and IITs) get say an avg Rs 21K per Month salary (IT companies)
An avg Tier 2 B-school graduate gets say an avg Rs 35K pm salary

An IAF pilot gets

View attachment 294172

A flying officer gets Rs 9.5 Lacs or Rs 0.95 Mn + benefits+ other emoluments.... :yahoo:

It shows how badly we have not marketed our services which gives one of the best pay in the market for any young one..

Its a shame that most people including myself did not know how well they are compensated..:hitwall:

If a deeper brand building and awareness campaign is initiated such issues can be surely addressed..:cheers:

Yes.... That is the beauty of it... That most of the people in India look at this figure with the outlook u have said... But it not so rosy..
The actual CTC for any defence officer is 1.5 times of its gross salary... So what is you have shown, the actual benefit goes upto 1.5 times( medical, accommodation, LTC etc. Similar to a govt job).
But the mistake u have done is comparing it with an IT graduate. Compare it with pilots for pilots in civil airlines and engineers to engineers in govt service.

Yes it's true the military pay very well till 10 yrs but then it becomes less when compared to same profession in civil street... Say an Indigo pilot will earn more than an IAF pilot and will face less hardships than IAF postings. Family life is affected in defence forces.
And when u compare it with other govt jobs like an engineer in navy/airforce and an civil engineer in BHEL/railways, they earn almost same but life is much easier than defence....
That is why attrition is higher. And Indian armed forces has spoiled their own progress when they refused NFU given to them by VI pay commission. Now inter services issues have come up like BSF and army over seniority due to NFU in BSF. Also the VII CPC is widening the rift... Say siachina allowance for an officer is capped at 31500 while for an IAS officer its 30% of basic at Leh/guwahati...making it 54K-72K...

This is all at overall factor which is discouraging bright minds to take mantle at officer cadre... There is no dearth of manpower...at lvl of jawans.

Also... Yes, there is no dearth of supply due to eligible manpower but airforce academy should be able to train that many officers as we need and training and fighter conversion training...
@randomradio ... Attrition is bigger problem man... U are losing trained manpower... To cover-up losses in number of pilots we need to reduce attrition and increase intake... Only increase intake won't help. Losing a trained pilot to attrition is a bigger loss... And this happen due to less paycheck than civil street after 10-15 yrs in service and steep pyramidal structure of promotions.
And yes we lost a lot of pilots... And I am talking now in future... Present availability is at 0.81 with 35 sqn ... U were advocating increasing it upto 42 in 10 years ... That is 140 more planes ... Few of them will be twin seater.. And with 1.25 ratio I can safely assume we need 250 + pilots for new acquisitions.. And to replace old planes with old pilots we still need increase availability of these pilots from 0.81 to 1.25...

It's as difficult for IAF as building up sqn numbers...may be more..from where I see it..
"If India wants to jump start an aerospace economy, do you want to do that with Dassault -- that's about a $5 billion company -- or do you want to do that with Boeing, which is a $97 billion aerospace company?" Jeff Kohler, vice president of global sales for Boeing's defense unit, said in an interview on Monday in Singapore.

I read that in my newsroom ticker.. Seems Boeing wants to flaunt its Networth as the most credible thing for bagging MII venture for F18s..

Interestingly, way back Dr Vijay Mallaya had a humongous networth too when he started Kingfisher airline.. He was the liquor baron and was living a life in the fast lane.. The whole country was flying in Kingfisher and DGCA granted a red carpet welcome to him..

Fast forward today its a USD 1 Bn plus Non Performing Asset for our Banks.. Even after selling lots of personal assets which Dr Mallaya holds and many that cant be attached owing to him not legally owning them, the case is a eye opener for any banking person in terms of write offs and trusting name lending based on brand+ networth....

Not saying Boeing will go Kingfisher way.. But arrogance shown in showing USD 97Bn vs USD 5Bn makes me remember Kingfisher like situation.. Perhaps i am also reading despondency here..

Edit a good read abt Kingfisher position as of 2015
Of Rs 7,000 crore lent to Kingfisher, banks can now recover just Rs 6 crore | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis
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