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Darul Uloom Haqqania agreed to reforms in return for Rs300m: Imran Khan

that doesn't justify 300 million investment in madrassahs these institute operates on century old systems and has no place in modern world (you can't make sword into a modern weapon no matter how good you get at metallurgy ). these kid will never get the jobs equal to those who studied in school or collage. their curriculum is simply not wide enough.if you want to integrate these poor child into this modern world use this 300 million on building new schools and collages.if they want religious education with it add few extra optional periods for those who want it.
just bulldoze these terrorist factories.give those kids some proper qualifications.

Whats more dangerous than an illiterate mullah??

An educated English speaking mullah!
And this is precisely what will happen..the next wave of Taliban graduates will have much better understanding of the world and more hardcore obsession with jihad..religion works on the process of obsession not sane and rational decision making..a person motivated for Jihad will go against all odds..and will not shy away from facing an army of robots with a rusted sword..

Mark Antony in "Julius Caesar" by Shakespeare keeps repeating “But Marcus Brutus is an honourable man”. The same applies to Imran Khan only that Mark Antony was being sarcastic but PTI followers really believe that Imran is an honourable man.

Its about cult of personality..like Jialas worship bhutto...

So this 300 million political bribe to a single madarsah is for reform.
What a pathetic justification for a political bribe to Sami ul HQ group maddarsah to settle score with PtI opponents JUI F.

Dont tell me that all poverty is sorted in kpk... and no body sleeps hungary... every child ( male and female ) are in schools and there are world class swat units protecting civilians and hospitals and ambulanxe services are out class... and than government decided to put this money in this madrassa....

If not its a reprhensible decision....

As if these guys are not collecting enough money from zakat and other charity...

And how is this fund going to be used any way???

KPK govt will make sure they do the reforms, you don't bother yourself about it.

This is not a small madrassa for whom you are saying 300 million for a single madrassa.

Secondly, as i said reforms of madrassas are necessary for Pakistan and need to be done asap. You're feel free to think whatever you want and everybody knows here how pathetically you defend your leaders corruption and wrongdoings here so i don't need to bother myself explaining it again and again to you.

KPK government cannot ensure basic necessacities and security of life..KPK recently ranked as second most polluted city in the world..and you want us to trust them with the monumental task of madrassa reform? impossible..

These madrasas have already engulfed millions in private donations earlier..what change did they create with it?? has anyone bothered to perform an audit of their performance and create a criteria based approach??

PTI is simply using government funds to secure its next election victory by funding Talibans...when people steal taxes in Pakistan and hoard money abroad..they are fully justified in their approach...cases like these serve a good example of how government will waste your money...
KPK government cannot ensure basic necessacities and security of life..KPK recently ranked as second most polluted city in the world..and you want us to trust them with the monumental task of madrassa reform? impossible..

These madrasas have already engulfed millions in private donations earlier..what change did they create with it?? has anyone bothered to perform an audit of their performance and create a criteria based approach??

PTI is simply using government funds to secure its next election victory by funding Talibans...when people steal taxes in Pakistan and hoard money abroad..they are fully justified in their approach...cases like these serve a good example of how government will waste your money...

KPK ensures basic necessities better than any other province in Pakistan. Every previous govt tried to reform madrassa but never succeed because madrassas never agreed to it. Madrassas agreed to do reforms because they trust PTI govt in KPK like kpkians and there is no problem in reforming madrassas because it is vital for Pak.

So you are defending corruption with reforming madrassas reform? If this is the logic on which you wanna argue than better leave it because you logic isn't good enough to argue with.
Mark Antony in "Julius Caesar" by Shakespeare keeps repeating “But Marcus Brutus is an honourable man”. The same applies to Imran Khan only that Mark Antony was being sarcastic but PTI followers really believe that Imran is an honourable man.
All I know is that with this one move, IK has made sure that our children's children will also be fighting this bloody war. I look around this forum and see the blind support for this terrorist sympathizer and it gives me goosebumps.

May God have mercy on our children.

KPK ensures basic necessities better than any other province in Pakistan. Every previous govt tried to reform madrassa but never succeed because madrassas never agreed to it. Madrassas agreed to do reforms because they trust PTI govt in KPK like kpkians and there is no problem in reforming madrassas because it is vital for Pak.

So you are defending corruption with reforming madrassas reform? If this is the logic on which you wanna argue than better leave it because you logic isn't good enough to argue with.
So basically you want to reform this snake pit and its counter part in Islamabad, the lal masjid. You want to accommodating the snakes by improving their pit with better living and learning conditions.

The taliban khan said in his interview that he wants the students of Madressah to learn computer skills and the language of English. To the pti supporters that's mainstreaming the madressahs. Indeed it is. Because now mullahs will be able to preach their hatred directly in English and easily send it across the world via computers. Oxford education couldn't take the Mullah out of Imran do you think some lab computers will take the militancy out of Darul uloom?

I hope someone sees the deception in this fund allocation and stop this mad man before another APS carnage is committed by the English speaking terrorists of Haqqania.
KPK ensures basic necessities better than any other province in Pakistan. Every previous govt tried to reform madrassa but never succeed because madrassas never agreed to it. Madrassas agreed to do reforms because they trust PTI govt in KPK like kpkians and there is no problem in reforming madrassas because it is vital for Pak.

So you are defending corruption with reforming madrassas reform? If this is the logic on which you wanna argue than better leave it because you logic isn't good enough to argue with.
have you ever thought they don't want to reform because they don't want to lose the power they have over masses.these guys will fight till their last droplet of blood to defend that power what makes you think imran can tame these wild jackals.they are simply playing you for the money and will definitely use it against us when ever they will get the chance.
lets hope sense prevail in imran or america bomb these terror factories to hell before they make our country a living hell.
yes i am willing to bear a dent on my sovereignty than losing more life to these maniacs .

All I know is that with this one move, IK has made sure that our children's children will also be fighting this bloody war. I look around this forum and see the blind support for this terrorist sympathizer and it gives me goosebumps.

May God have mercy on our children.

So basically you want to reform this snake pit and its counter part in Islamabad, the lal masjid. You want to accommodating the snakes by improving their pit with better living and learning conditions.

The taliban khan said in his interview that he wants the students of Madressah to learn computer skills and the language of English. To the pti supporters that's mainstreaming the madressahs. Indeed it is. Because now mullahs will be able to preach their hatred directly in English and easily send it across the world via computers. Oxford education couldn't take the Mullah out of Imran do you think some lab computers will take the militancy out of Darul uloom?

I hope someone sees the deception in this fund allocation and stop this mad man before another APS carnage is committed by the English speaking terrorists of Haqqania.
if he is really serious in helping those children he should open new school with new teachers because these old guys can only make one thing out of them
have you ever thought they don't want to reform because they don't want to lose the power they have over masses.these guys will fight till their last droplet of blood to defend that power what makes you think imran can tame these wild jackals.they are simply playing you for the money and will definitely use it against us when ever they will get the chance.
lets hope sense prevail in imran or america bomb these terror factories to hell before they make our country a living hell.
yes i am willing to bear a dent on my sovereignty than losing more life to these maniacs .

if he is really serious in helping those children he should open new school with new teachers because these old guys can only make one thing out of them
He's not serious about anyone, man. He's so self-centered the only person he sees his himself and above everyone else. 300 million Rs comes out to 30 carors, if my math is correct, with that kind of money you can take all of the students of Haqqania out and put them in newly built schools.

But he decided to nurture these terror factories instead. I hope the US drones that shit, when its empty obviously.
Whats more dangerous than an illiterate mullah??

An educated English speaking mullah!
And this is precisely what will happen..the next wave of Taliban graduates will have much better understanding of the world and more hardcore obsession with jihad..religion works on the process of obsession not sane and rational decision making..a person motivated for Jihad will go against all odds..and will not shy away from facing an army of robots with a rusted sword..
problem here is that these old guys will never let go of their terror factories that why we if we want to help those kid we need to change their teachers and with them their institutes.if the things go as imran is wishing they are destined become english speaking mullah.

He's not serious about anyone, man. He's so self-centered the only person he sees his himself and above everyone else. 300 million Rs comes out to 30 carors, if my math is correct, with that kind of money you can take all of the students of Haqqania out and put them in newly built schools.

But he decided to nurture these terror factories instead. I hope the US drones that shit, when its empty obviously.
lets hope army put it foot down because this act is down playing every effort they did in last decade.we just can't afford half century of terror.because if this guy go through his plan we are doomed for minimum next 50 years
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problem here is that these old guys will never let go of their terror factories that why we if we want to help those kid we need to change their teachers and with them their institutes.if the things go as imran is wishing they are destined become english speaking mullah.

lets hope army put it foot down because this act is down playing every effort they did in last decade.we just can't afford half century of terror.because if this guys go through his plan we are doomed for minimum next 50 years
Absolutely, like I said IK is making sure our children's children will be fighting this war.
have you ever thought they don't want to reform because they don't want to lose the power they have over masses.these guys will fight till their last droplet of blood to defend that power what makes you think imran can tame these wild jackals.they are simply playing you for the money and will definitely use it against us when ever they will get the chance.
lets hope sense prevail in imran or america bomb these terror factories to hell before they make our country a living hell.
yes i am willing to bear a dent on my sovereignty than losing more life to these maniacs .

Who told you that they don't want to reform and what made you think that they will be given that money and will be left free? KPK govt will keep a check n balance on it and will make sure they do reforms. 2.2 million childrens are studying in madrassas and reforming them is vital for Pak.
I hope sense prevail in your mind and you don't wish your country sovereignty to be de-respect by others.

Its been 16 years since Nato fighting in our neighbour country? what they got? Nothing, in the end they are forcing Pak to bring afghan taliban to dialogue and you want us to waste another 16 years? Grow up

So basically you want to reform this snake pit and its counter part in Islamabad, the lal masjid. You want to accommodating the snakes by improving their pit with better living and learning conditions.

The taliban khan said in his interview that he wants the students of Madressah to learn computer skills and the language of English. To the pti supporters that's mainstreaming the madressahs. Indeed it is. Because now mullahs will be able to preach their hatred directly in English and easily send it across the world via computers. Oxford education couldn't take the Mullah out of Imran do you think some lab computers will take the militancy out of Darul uloom?

I hope someone sees the deception in this fund allocation and stop this mad man before another APS carnage is committed by the English speaking terrorists of Haqqania.

No, I believe that madrassas should be reformed by talk or by force so that 2.2 million childrens studing in madrassas become patriot Pakistanis.
Mind your language don't call taliban khan

Yeah, digitizing study will make a student studying in Pak equal to those studying in USA. You are really immature to understand anything. The way you are talking here proves your mentality. Behave yourself
Who told you that they don't want to reform and what made you think that they will be given that money and will be left free? KPK govt will keep a check n balance on it and will make sure they do reforms. 2.2 million childrens are studying in madrassas and reforming them is vital for Pak.
I hope sense prevail in your mind and you don't wish your country sovereignty to be de-respect by others.

Its been 16 years since Nato fighting in our neighbour country? what they got? Nothing, in the end they are forcing Pak to bring afghan taliban to dialogue and you want us to waste another 16 years? Grow up
why can't you accommodate these kid in proper schools if their are not enough then build new from these 300 million why are you throwing them to these jackals to do what ever they want with them.don't give me the reform excuse these guys will never change nor will they give up their institutes that why we need new institutes with new teacher for our kids they old guys only know one language and that is terror you can't change that.but pls save those kids don't let them become one of these guys.take the kids away from them and their ideology will die slow death
why can't you accommodate these kid in proper schools if their are not enough then build new from these 300 million why are you throwing them to these jackals to do what ever they want with them.don't give me the reform excuse these guys will never change nor will they give up their institutes that why we need new institutes with new teacher for our kids they old guys only know one language and that is terror you can't change that.but pls save those kids don't let them become one of these guys.take the kids away from them and their ideology will die slow death

Reforming means to bring them to mainstream levels. Go and search what reforms mean first.
Reforming means to bring them to mainstream levels. Go and search what reforms mean first.
its by the book meaning and nothing happens by the book in politics nor in these part of our country.so don't get surprise that we aren't more trusting in this issue
its by the book meaning and nothing happens by the book in politics nor in these part of our country.so don't get surprise that we aren't more trusting in this issue

:D you will see the results of the reforms same as the result of 1992 World Cup, Shaukat Khanum Lahore, Shaukat Khanum Peshawar, Namal University, IK Foundation when everyone said Khan won't be able to do so but he did what he said.
Yes previous attempts to negotiate with terrorist didn't work, let's pay them not to attack us, brilliant. Some idiots never learn, only solution to eliminate terrorism is to eliminate terrorist and their sympathizers.
Who told you that they don't want to reform and what made you think that they will be given that money and will be left free? KPK govt will keep a check n balance on it and will make sure they do reforms. 2.2 million childrens are studying in madrassas and reforming them is vital for Pak.
I hope sense prevail in your mind and you don't wish your country sovereignty to be de-respect by others.

Its been 16 years since Nato fighting in our neighbour country? what they got? Nothing, in the end they are forcing Pak to bring afghan taliban to dialogue and you want us to waste another 16 years? Grow up

No, I believe that madrassas should be reformed by talk or by force so that 2.2 million childrens studing in madrassas become patriot Pakistanis.
Mind your language don't call taliban khan

Yeah, digitizing study will make a student studying in Pak equal to those studying in USA. You are really immature to understand anything. The way you are talking here proves your mentality. Behave yourself
Yes, I would by force take all of the 2.2 million kids out of these terror breading factories and put them in proper schools.

As a matter of fact, I wouldn't even have to do it by force, I would bribe the parents to do it. From the 300 million rs, I would announce a 10 thousand RS a month (per child) grant to the parents for bringing their children to school.

Pakistanis living abroad and at home would go crazy over this announcement. I'd get so much in donations that 300 million would be peanuts compared to what I'd get.

Parents would remove their children from these seminaries and bring them to government schools for 10k a month per child. Mullahs would be crying blood tears over loosing their foot soldiers.

So yes, if IK had any interest or the well being of the children of Pakistan in his heart this would be something he'd do. Not push the kids further into the bomb making factories.

Yes previous attempts to negotiate with terrorist didn't work, let's pay them not to attack us, brilliant. Some idiots never learn, only solution to eliminate terrorism is to eliminate terrorist and their sympathizers.
He's not paying them to not attack us. He's paying them so they can better equip and regroup themselves and to continue attacking us for generations to come.
Yes, I would by force take all of the 2.2 million kids out of these terror breading factories and put them in proper schools.

As a matter of fact, I wouldn't even have to do it by force, I would bribe the parents to do it. From the 300 million rs, I would announce a 10 thousand RS a month (per child) grant to the parents for bringing their children to school.

Pakistanis living abroad and at home would go crazy over this announcement. I'd get so much in donations that 300 million would be peanuts compared to what I'd get.

Parents would remove their children from these seminaries and bring them to government schools for 10k a month per child. Mullahs would be crying blood tears over loosing their foot soldiers.

So yes, if IK had any interest or the well being of the children of Pakistan in his heart this would be something he'd do. Not push the kids further into the bomb making factories.

First of all you need to make govt schools capable enough to teach students which PTI govt has done and this is the reason gross enrollment ratio has crossed by 80% in KPK within 3 years of govt while I guess I don't need to tell you the gross enrollment ratio of other provinces because you will have a knowledge about it.

Secondly, reforms means to bring those madrassas into mainstream schools which PTI govt is doing and all previous govts have tried to do it but everyone failed. Musharraf forcefully tried to do so, did he succeed?

Thirdly, Musharraf used force on lal masjid. Is it closed? Nato fought in Afghanistan for the last sixteen years, did they succeed? We killed Balochs for years did we succeed? hell no, and now we are bringing BLA into state network by giving them incentives etc. Killing your own people isn't a solution of problem.

I have told you before PTI govt keeps a check on all madrassas under NAP and reforming will bring those madrassas into mainstream schools so that those 2.2 million childrens have equal opportunity to study in Pakistan.
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