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Darul Uloom Haqqania agreed to reforms in return for Rs300m: Imran Khan

What sort of reforms? Is there any list of specific reforms the state government asked for or authorities of the seminaries gave in writing?
Why you are asking difficult questions???
What are these reforms IK? Please give me the list of reforms etc that the Madrassah will implement? What are the conditions that they have to meet to receive these funds?

Whatever happen to accountability and transparency?

An old saying that a leopard can’t change is spot has been proven true. Taliban Khan will always remain Taliban Khan and carry soft spot for the worse butchers in the history of Islam. It appears that all Imran cared during his Oxford stay was playing cricket as nothing of the liberal outlook of that illustrious university seems to have sunk into his right wing ideology. Don’t know how many more innocent Pakistanis have be killed before Taliban Khan becomes Pakistan Khan. I am however no longer disappointed with him, instead I am amazed that intelligent & enlightened people like Asad Omer accept this fundoo as their leader.

Here is an apt article in today's the News International.

Mainstreaming the Taliban?
By Babar Sattar
June 25, 2016

The writer is a lawyer based in

On Wednesday Amjad Sabri was assassinated on the streets of Karachi in cold blood. The Hakeemullah Mehsud group of the TTP reportedly claimed ‘credit’. Sabri’s stirring voice helped many recognise the strength of their bond with the Creator. But the TTP and their ilk thought he was a bad Muslim for he sang qawwalis. The day Imran Khan condoled the death of Sabri, he also defended Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Rs300 million grant to the seminary run by Maulana Samiul Haq.

The tragedy for Pakistan is that it is stuck in a quagmire, forced to choose between bad options. Imran Khan, urban Pakistan’s great hope since 2011 as an alternative to the horrid status quo, seems plain wrong on the existential issue of our times: the threat of religious extremism and militancy, its causes and solutions. A decade back, his approach to tribal militancy seemed misconceived. The year 2013 onward, when he forced a consensus in favour of peace talks with the TTP, it seemed dangerous. Today, post-APS and Zarb-e-Azb it seems bigoted.

IK has long projected a romanticised view of tribal militants, disconnected from the history of Afghan jihad and radicalisation of militants by the jihadi factories we set up in our country. To simplify, his explanation for the existence of snake pits in our backyard is that we ordered the army into the tribal areas on behalf of the US, and that peace-loving folk mutated into vermin overnight when they saw the army within their fold and started killing citizens and soldiers alike because the US droned our peace agreements with them.

When a drone killed former TTP chief Hakeemullah Mehsud, IK called it a defining moment in our history that required us as a nation to pick sides. He stated in parliament in 2013 in his speech mourning Hakeemullah’s death that, “we sent the army into Waziristan at the behest of the US. We sent them in there for dollars”. He threatened to blockade supply lines to Nato forces in Afghanistan for sabotaging our peace efforts with TTP by killing Hakeemullah.

In 2013, IK led the move to build a political consensus to engage in peace talks with the TTP. He succeeded in doing so, one of his rare multi-partisan victories, when an APC in 2013 backed his appeal to talk peace with ‘our misguided brethren’ as a way for the security of Pakistanis whom the TTP was terrorising and killing. In 2014 our friend Cyril Almeida wrote that IK, also labelled Taliban Khan, was the man who sold Pakistan, for he mainstreamed extremism. The PTI’s soul-searching response was to serve him with a defamation notice.

In February 2014, TTP spokesman Shahidullah Shahid named five interlocutors authorised to negotiate with the Pakistani government on behalf of the TTP. They included, amongst others, Maulana Samiul Haq of Darul Uloom Haqqania and IK. IK politely declined the role while continuing with his mission to support peace talks with the TTP et al as head of Pakistan’s second largest party.

IK asked those who wanted the state to forcefully establish its writ across the country, including Fata, whether launching a military operation in Waziristan would solve all of Pakistan’s problems. He further questioned the advocates of such operation whether they had considered what conditions might the TTP impose on the rest of Pakistan if such military operation failed (while imploring Pakistanis to show grit and character and stand up to the US).

In the midst of the peace talks in February 2014 (advocated by IK and backed by the PML-N and even our ‘liberal’ political parties) the TTP killed 23 kidnapped Pakistani soldiers. Terror attacks continued while our political leadership celebrated its ‘consensus’ to talk peace with terrorists. Finally, when the TTP claimed the attack on Karachi airport in June 2014, calling it a means to avenge Hakeemullah’s death, the army (notwithstanding its past role in the creation of our snake pits) decided that it had had enough and launched Operation Zarb-e-Azb.

Six months later, APS happened. That seemed to be a turning point in our national consciousness. Post-APS, the sharp tongues of IK and others – calling a kinetic war against terrorism in Pakistan a US war not ours – fell silent. There seemed to have emerged a new national consensus and resolve to fight and wipe out the terrorists amongst us. This consensus was built by the military, which seemed more attuned to public sentiment than our lets-talk-peace-with-terrorists politicos, who quickly fell in line.

There were worrying early signs that APS had not really cured those propagating deal-making with terrorists, but overwhelming public anger had only forced them into tactical retreat. For example, after meeting members of the APS Shuhada Forum in July 2015 IK reiterated his support for peace talks with the TTP, arguing that if it was ok for the US to talk peace with the Afghan Taliban it was ok for us to do so with our Taliban. This was only six months after the TTP butchered 141 Pakistani in APS, including 132 schoolchildren.

Should we be surprised that the KP government wishes to give Rs300 million of taxpayers’ hard-earned money to Maulana Samiul Haq’s privately-owned and controlled Darul Uloom Haqqania? The decorated alums of this ‘seat of learning’ include, amongst others, Jalaluddin Haqqani of the Haqqani Network and Mullah Akhtar Mansour, the recently fallen Taliban chief. It prides in having conferred an honorary ‘doctorate’ on (Dr?) Mullah Mohammad Omar.

Maulana Samiul Haq has been conferred with many affectionate titles. The one relevant for present purposes is ‘father of the Taliban’. He supports a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan as the elixir to our neighbour’s problems. He mediated between rival Taliban factions after the death of Mullah Omar and threw his weight behind Mullah Mansour.

IK and the KP government spokesperson have defended the Rs300 million grant as an effort to ‘mainstream’ the products of this so-called ‘University of Jihad’. How this grant for reconstruction and expansion of a private madressah supporting the Taliban, TTP and the jihadi enterprise generally mainstream its students, or madressah students in general, we have not been told.

Is it part of a broader scheme to regulate the syllabus, teaching methodology, faculty or student body of madressahs, starting with Haqqania? Are there any declared criteria pursuant to which Haqqania qualified for this grant and not other madressahs? Has the KP government discharged its constitutional obligation under Article 25A to afford free education to all school-going children in the province and is thus lavishing grants on private ‘educational’ institutions as the best use of available excessive cash?

What is wrong with us as a nation that as soon as we get something going, we begin to lose interest? The 20-point National Action Plan contrived post-APS included the decision to register and regulate religious seminaries, bring to an end religious extremism and ensure protection of minorities. Only a year and half after APS, which finally slapped us out of our complacency, we are not just in snooze mode but regressing.

The Rangers seem interested in fighting terror and corruption in equal part. Pemra views itself as the new guardian of morality and religion, banning individuals for asking if the state should have a role deciding on people’s religion. Maulvis are back in the business of issuing fatwas on who should live and who shouldn’t. IK wants to mainstream products of the ‘University of Jihad’ under the able guidance of the ‘father of the Taliban’.

The strongest justification for the PTI’s grant to Haqqania has been that it isn’t ideological, it’s just politics. That isn’t something new but a brew of the same toxic mix of religion and politics that we have sipped on since the 80s.

Pakistan is adrift. But the jury is out on who is the more worthy successor of Zia’s Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif or Imran Khan. Sorry Amjad Bhai. Business is business and a cup of tea is a cup of tea.

Email: sattar@post.harvard.edu

Well in my book, any one who willingly supports IK after he was named by the Taliban in their negotiation team is supporting a terrorist. Look at it this way, It was the TTP terrorist negotiation team vs the state of Pakistan's negotiation team. I know which side I'd rather be on.

2.2 million children, most from impoverished backgrounds, study under the Madrassa system. To label them all as terrorists, to leave them isolated without state support...is that going to lead us to peace? This exclusion and isolation narrative is another form of extremism.

And how many schools can be built with the same amount of money? Instead he went and gave it to an institution who's famous graduates include an unending list of terrorists. Aren't there other Madrassahs with less notoriety in KPK?
That madrassa is ready for reforms and there should be no objection in reforming it. 300 million will not be given to them to do whatever they want but in return reforms will be guaranteed and PTI govt will keep a check and balance on it.
What is the problem if PTI is trying to defeat terrorism by education not with guns? Eventually we will have to reform madrassa education to educate those 2.2 million equally and will have to make them patriotic Pakistanis. You cannot isolate them because isolating them will lead to extremism. Imran Khan policy is "same education for all" and that what he is exercising in KPK.

The same madrasas has no shortage of donors and has engulfed millions of rupees donor money for its existence..what reforms or positive impact did they make on the society so far?? Why does one has to run only a madrassa on donated money?? it doesnt make any difference administrative wise to run a madrasas or a hostel school..

your logic is flawed..
2.2 million children, most from impoverished backgrounds, study under the Madrassa system. To label them all as terrorists, to leave them isolated without state support...is that going to lead us to peace? This exclusion and isolation narrative is another form of extremism.

@Stag112 i hope it will help you. IK did mentioned about changing course of madrasa students and making it same like English medium schools. and it will take time. so wait for the results .

What sort of reforms? Is there any list of specific reforms the state government asked for or authorities of the seminaries gave in writing?

You should wait for this sir ! chezay raato raat nahe hoti..
BTW if you listen carefully he did mentioned to change courses for madrasa students and make it same like English medium schools.

BTW me khud Is kay haq me hun. STate inhay funds nahe denge to ye log beruni sources se funds lenge. or wahe se to jaaky maslay start ho jaty hay. so mere mutabik to ye aik behtar step hay. baki koi kuch b sochy wo uski soch....
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Religious goons should not get any money

Money should be reduced and even donation money should be "regulated"

Hand outs and free loading money should be reduced and these folks should be asked to work
Jobs and duties like all people in world

  • 10% religion and 90% Balanced curriculum should be implemented so these folks have chance at jobs and life beyond school
  • At High school these folks should be learning trade jobs , carpenter , sewing , mechanical , electrical , plumbing , cleaning jobs
  • Theology should not be more then 10 % in school

Most of these Goons have big "TOONDH" from donated money that is why they have 20 children cause they live of donation and hand outs and end up buying property

Alternative schools are needed for poor children , Madrasa type setup = Goons

  • What kind of rule is this my children will study in UK , while local poor kids , will study stuff in Goon School , if you believe in these GOON run schools send your own kids in these schools so they would be future GOON as well

Job of state to close the "Goon" Run schools , and register the children and put them in real school
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Religious goons should not get any money

Money should be reduced and even donation money should be "regulated"

Hand outs and free loading money should be reduced and these folks should be asked to work
Jobs and duties like all people in world

  • 10% religion and 90% Balanced curriculum should be implemented so these folks have chance at jobs and life beyond school
  • At High school these folks should be learning trade jobs , carpenter , sewing , mechanical , electrical , plumbing , cleaning jobs
  • Theology should not be more then 10 % in school

Most of these Goons have big "TOONDH" from donated money that is why they have 20 children cause they live of donation and hand outs and end up buying property

Alternative schools are needed for poor children , Madrasa type setup = Goons

  • What kind of rule is this my children will study in UK , while local poor kids , will study stuff in Goon School , if you believe in these GOON run schools send your own kids in these schools so they would be future GOON as well

Job of state to close the "Goon" Run schools , and register the children and put them in real school

Well said. :tup:
Use these 300Million for the welfare of the people not in stupid Madrassas.
More proof of Pakistani state support for Afghan Taliban after the many ''mysterious murders'' and drone attacks on
Afghan Taliban leaders living openly in Quetta, Islamabad etc.

Pakistan is incapable of course correction, it is too weak and too dependent on its benefactors who wish to keep it dependent forever.
oye mate cant you keep your filthy tongue inside your indian mouth for once... why dont you wait for the next elections even if you want to ignore the fact that the guy's call for violence has failed repeatedly...
oye mate cant you keep your filthy tongue inside your indian mouth for once... why dont you wait for the next elections even if you want to ignore the fact that the guy's call for violence has failed repeatedly...

We all are waiting for the next elections because next elections gonna stun you.

The same madrasas has no shortage of donors and has engulfed millions of rupees donor money for its existence..what reforms or positive impact did they make on the society so far?? Why does one has to run only a madrassa on donated money?? it doesnt make any difference administrative wise to run a madrasas or a hostel school..

your logic is flawed..

Baseless argument..

Reforming madrassas is an important issue and PTI is trying to provide everyone equal education and that is what PTI promised in its manifesto. PTi will keep check and balance on that madrassa so there's no problem in doing it.

Better wait to see the reforms.

And how many schools can be built with the same amount of money? Instead he went and gave it to an institution who's famous graduates include an unending list of terrorists. Aren't there other Madrassahs with less notoriety in KPK?

so far KPK made the most progress in reforming it education system, enrolling more students, making its course better etc. The point is that KPK govt isn't ready to isolate those 2.2 million childrens because IK believes in equal education for all and that is what PTI promised in its manifesto.
we have seen the result of this move from imran. dar ul uloom has issued a statement against cartoon pervez rasheed and mulvis are now angry over pml n.they will play an important role in the dharna after ramzan. a motivated pakisani mulvi is the most dangerous weapon .a GERnade. imagine a mob of these GERnades outside raiwind. this is the first time imran has acted like a true pakistani politician. a move which can have benefits in short term and may give adverse effects in long run. but the problem is that NS only understands the language of GERnades or boots.
Is this statement from IK supposed to be funny or what??
Its a great decision because 2.3 million childrens studies in madrassas in Pakistan and reforming them could be a great decision.

So this 300 million political bribe to a single madarsah is for reform.
What a pathetic justification for a political bribe to Sami ul HQ group maddarsah to settle score with PtI opponents JUI F.
Dont tell me that all poverty is sorted in kpk... and no body sleeps hungary... every child ( male and female ) are in schools and there are world class swat units protecting civilians and hospitals and ambulanxe services are out class... and than government decided to put this money in this madrassa....

If not its a reprhensible decision....

As if these guys are not collecting enough money from zakat and other charity...

And how is this fund going to be used any way???
K mate... best of luck!
And may the Madrassa be with you!

KPK govt will make sure they do the reforms, you don't bother yourself about it.

So this 300 million political bribe to a single madarsah is for reform.
What a pathetic justification for a political bribe to Sami ul HQ group maddarsah to settle score with PtI opponents JUI F.

This is not a small madrassa for whom you are saying 300 million for a single madrassa.

Secondly, as i said reforms of madrassas are necessary for Pakistan and need to be done asap. You're feel free to think whatever you want and everybody knows here how pathetically you defend your leaders corruption and wrongdoings here so i don't need to bother myself explaining it again and again to you.
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