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Dalit Women's Aspirations in Bangladesh

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Jun 19, 2008
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Dalit women's aspirations brought home impact of 'double discrimination' | World news | Guardian Weekly

Emily Esplen visited a community in Dhaka where inspiring community organisers are showing change is possible
Guardian Weekly, Tuesday 11 January 2011

When I met members of the Dalit Women's Forum in Dhaka last month, they told me about the changes they want to see in their lives and communities. They want their daughters to go to school and stay in school. They want privacy and security when bathing in communal areas. They want health care and clean water. They want to earn their own money and not be dependent on their husbands and fathers.

These aspirations brought home to me the true meaning of "double discrimination". Dalit women find themselves on the lowest rung of the ladder in a rigid social hierarchy in which Dalits are classed as 'untouchables'.

Over 260 million people worldwide continue to suffer from caste discrimination, one of the most severe and forgotten human rights abuses that still persists in several countries. In Bangladesh, there are around 5 million Dalits living in extreme poverty, deprived of adequate housing, healthcare, education, sanitation and transport.

Dalits are literally separated from the rest of the population. They are confined to living in so-called "colonies" that are perennially flooded. They are restricted to working in jobs such as sweeping streets and collecting rubbish and human waste.

Staggering as these realities are, we cannot talk about the human rights of Dalit people without bringing up women's rights that are also denied to Dalit women. Multiple layers of disadvantage have left more than 96% of Dalit women in Dhaka illiterate - a majority of Dalit girls drop out of school due to harassment and economic pressures.

Most are unemployed, as the limited jobs available to Dalits go to the men. Cases of rape and violent crimes committed against Dalit women are often ignored by police.

Inspiring community organisers such as Moni Rani Das, coordinator and founder of the Dalit Women's Forum, remind us that change is possible. Moni was the first Dalit girl to go to school in her community due to support from her father, who later insisted that she marry when she was 12. "After years of being a housewife, I realised I could not stay home any longer and ignore the problems that Dalit women like myself faced," she told me.

After organising within initially resistant communities and lobbying dismissive public authorities, Moni says that the lives of Dalit women are now changing, and the Bangladeshi government is beginning to listen. The first step is empowering the very community one wishes to transform. "We now go outside our houses and it is an incredible precedent for Dalit women to earn their own money. This is the first time that we have understood that the lives we lived before were not human lives. "

Last month Moni received the One World Action/Sternberg Award in recognition of her work promoting human rights and her success in tackling the extreme poverty facing Dalit women. She is among the many incredible Dalit women who have struggled against discrimination and violence, but won't give up until their government and society take action.

They are also calling on the international community to play their part, and while in London, Moni met with UK parliamentarians and policymakers to raise awareness of the issue of caste discrimination and to endorse the United Nations Draft Guidelines and Principles to Eliminate Discrimination Based on Work and Descent.

The extreme poverty of Dalits stems directly from their exclusion and discrimination within political, economic and civic life. International donors that support development initiatives need to recognise that the poorest citizens in the developing world are also the most excluded. Their empowerment will enable them to demand and access jobs, education and public services, to be active agents of their own development and to live a life of dignity.

Emily Esplen is the Women's Rights Co-ordinator for One World Action. One World Action supports over 40 partner organisations in Asia, Latin America and Africa, including the Bangladesh Dalit Rights Movement and the Dalit Women's Forum.
Dalit women's aspirations brought home impact of 'double discrimination' | World news | Guardian Weekly

Emily Esplen visited a community in Dhaka where inspiring community organisers are showing change is possible
Guardian Weekly, Tuesday 11 January 2011
BD people's minds are different from the minds of a neighbouring JAT PAT infested country. We want them to upgrade themselves and gain the same social status as the mainstream people. The Guardian report says of the positive changes these people have been making since a few years ago.

I personally want them, men and women, to be equal citizens of Bangladesh, I want them to get education and get the same or similar categories of jobs that the mainstream people get. Their present work should not used as a reason to discriminate against them in any form.

By the way, these people always have job security in their present jobs, and they do not like other people come and compete against them in their specific jobs under the Municipal govt.
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BD people's minds are different from the minds of a neighbouring JAT PAT infested country. We want them to upgrade themselves and gain the same social status as the mainstream people. The Guardian report says of the positive changes these people have been making since a few years ago.

I personally want them, men and women, to be equal citizens of Bangladesh, I want them to get education and get the same or similar categories of jobs that the mainstream people get. Their present work should not used as a reason to discriminate against them in any form.

By the way, these people always have job security in their present jobs, and they do not like other people come and compete against them in their specific jobs under the Municipal govt.

This is just the story of one women.
Come to Delhi,mumbai,kolkata,chennai or anyother Indian metro and talk to the loads and loads of illegal BD nationals here.

You ll know,how India has provided even the cheapest possible job in our country,that can make them survive.

They are a big big burden and pollute our cities,with no living space and gathering in separate areas,mostly living in slums.

Fcuk i hate them.
This is just the story of one women.
Come to Delhi,mumbai,kolkata,chennai or anyother Indian metro and talk to the loads and loads of illegal BD nationals here.

You ll know,how India has provided even the cheapest possible job in our country,that can make them survive.

They are a big big burden and pollute our cities,with no living space and gathering in separate areas,mostly living in slums.

Fcuk i hate them.

lol... did they say you that they are bangladeshi... or they are holding a placard with the name bangladeshi....this issue has already been discussed...many times... check the previous discussion board...

Just to put an end to this issue...

If you say there are 20 million illegal bangladeshi are there that means daily 1370 people illegally enters India from bangladesh....in the last 40 years... what was your so called BSF was doing....????
Dude get a life!
I have been to BD for business related issues and trust me your country is no where near to even Nigeria or Kenya.I didn't even see a kilometer of a good road in capital city Dhaka,the roads had more people sleeping on them than the vehicles.

Your per capita still is 600 dollars 6 times lesser than us.

You need not bash India,whose recent achievements are well known to you,wrt Economy and global stature.

Mind your own $h!TH0l3 country..

Go n check about the gdp... n learn what 6 times means...

Up to 1971 your India had much lower gdp than Bangladesh... only due to 1971 was bd economy suffered a major set back... other wise your India was poor and still it has more poor people than 26 sub Saharan African country and only due to 1971 war your india able to get more than bd or Pakistan.

So get a life for posting road related crap....

below there are some video of road of dhaka..

YouTube - Dhaka roads

YouTube - bangaladesh highway (N2)
Hello Mr. ... mind your language.... may be such types of video available... but I have posted those video from reputed news channel... specially the last one from Reuters...

or you want to say Reuters is a biased and mentally sick news channel??? 2 of the post are from Reuters...

What kind of language you used in that video about India? DIdn't you call the Hindus 'malaun'?

Are this videos from BD? If no than why did you post them here? M_Saint you created multiple ID but cant change your hatred and language.

Sad to see Bangladeshis suffering from such discrimination in society when West Bengal is almost devoid of such evil.

Also I'm not sure why Dalits discriminated in Bangladesh should be a fault of India?
This is just the story of one women.
Come to Delhi,mumbai,kolkata,chennai or anyother Indian metro and talk to the loads and loads of illegal BD nationals here.

You ll know,how India has provided even the cheapest possible job in our country,that can make them survive.

They are a big big burden and pollute our cities,with no living space and gathering in separate areas,mostly living in slums.

Fcuk i hate them.

Kinetic you are mixing two different things.

One is the economic issue and migrations' issue weather legal or illegal that is another matter.

wheres the other is a social issue based on Hindu cast system that is prevalent since thousands of years.

The news report is constructive that in BD Dalits are becoming reason for change in this discriminatory inhuman cast system.
This is where Bangladeshis deserve a pat
Sad to see Bangladeshis suffering from such discrimination in society when West Bengal is almost devoid of such evil.

Also I'm not sure why Dalits discriminated in Bangladesh should be a fault of India?

Its not fault of India but the practice which is part of majority faith in India.

on the other hand i wonder howcome you are trying to make Untouchables' issue something specific to BD and your Indian side is cleaned of it.

Last but not the least atleast the BD dalits see some light that is positive
Go n check about the gdp... n learn what 6 times means...

Up to 1971 your India had much lower gdp than Bangladesh.

What a shameless liar!!! Before 1971 India had much lower GDP than BD!!! :rofl: Even Pakistan had much lower GDP than India!!!

only due to 1971 was bd economy suffered a major set back...
After that 40 years gone but BD is still the poorest in the region and all the countries has more than twice per capita income except Nepal!!!

other wise your India was poor and still it has more poor people than 26 sub Saharan African country and only due to 1971 war your india able to get more than bd or Pakistan.

You are talking like you country is richer than us!!! Adding BD to Pakistan will lower the per capita income of them substantially!!! lol
What kind of language you used in that video about India? DIdn't you call the Hindus 'malaun'?

Are this videos from BD? If no than why did you post them here? M_Saint you created multiple ID but cant change your hatred and language.


Yes the guy is indeed sick. But let's just ignore. You and me both know the whole purpose of the thread is mud slinging, they care two hoots for Dalit empowerment, but let me remind you the golden word - if you fight with pig, you get dirty, pig enjoys.
Its not fault of India but the practice which is part of majority faith in India.

on the other hand i wonder howcome you are trying to make Untouchables' issue something specific to BD and your Indian side is cleaned of it.

Last but not the least atleast the BD dalits see some light that is positive

Republic of India doesn't recognise any faith, so the question is moot. There are other aspects of different faiths which are questionable as well, do we held BD as responsible because majority of Bangladeshi belong to particular faith?

I'm not claiming India is cleaned of it, I was talking about my state only; however India being cleand or not is not at all related to the empowerment of Dalits in Bangladesh.

The effort of one particular individual is laudable, but let the BD member to laud her first, as far as I see it they are more busy at posting youtube videos which put India in bad hue. One can but wonder the intention behind opening this thread.
What a shameless liar!!! Before 1971 India had much lower GDP than BD!!! :rofl: Even Pakistan had much lower GDP than India!!!

Go n check what was bangladesh's gdp and pakistans gdp up to 1971.... n also of the India...

After that 40 years gone but BD is still the poorest in the region and all the countries has more than twice per capita income except Nepal!!!

I have already talked about it couple of times... but still saying it you again... at first compare per capita gdp of india and bangladesh on 1971....

after 1971 not a single infrastructure of bd was intact...pakistan removed all the gold and currency reserve and to destroy bd economy they have changed the currency.... n bd started with only 35 dollar reserve... n from this position bd has come to this position has done well in many field ... even compared to india and paksitan based on UN report...

Even based on latest The super cycle report by Standard chartered bank bangladesh will be the 5th largest graduate producing country in the world by 2030... in terms of tertiary education for 15- to 65-year-olds...

see the page 70 of the report under the title creativity...


If any one compare with the total population this number for bd will be 1.5 times higher than India...

You are talking like you country is richer than us!!! Adding BD to Pakistan will lower the per capita income of them substantially!!! lol

Did you read what I wrote or your only purpose is just trolling like a looser child.... who asked to add bd to Pakistan...

but what ever the matter bd and pakistani people does not practice such backward and immoral...activity like indian do...
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