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Dalai Lama's visit has seriously damaged ties with India: China

Many ppl believe Kerala and Tamil Nadu would be better off as independent countries. that might give China something to work on as far as counteractions are concerned.

Kerala is a lost cause - they are pro Aryan , Tamilnadu should be China's target , after all China - Tamilnadu diplomatic relation goes back 1000s yrs

Tamil Inscriptions found in China

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Do I need a picture of Gujarat? Or Kashmir and Manipur?
Indian Authorities Unleashed Excessive Force Against Kashmir

found that police used 12-gauge shotguns loaded with metal pellets that directly caused an estimated 5,200 injuries and at least a dozen fatalities. ”

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Don't envy us.
Indians in China is really good, they have begun to participate in China entertainment. Recently in Jiangsu TV.
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@The Eagle

Chinese users here are derailing the thread.(like always)
Dont forget Kashmir and the Northeast of India.

Don't forget these my dear.

Former dynasties of princely states in India abolished before independence

Families ruling when acceding to Pakistan (including present Bangladesh)

Former dynasties which became political pensioners

also imperial Wazir of all Mughal India, both hereditary
Don't worry man i forgot it was a quote in English :)
Who's in the glass house?
Time has changed china. Let China into high -HDI countries...
But time has not changed in India.
Oh no! It's yet another Chinese warning! What do we do now!

As for those thinking Kerala want to be independent and that it might be easy because Kerala has a Communist ideology, just keep in mind that it's the same Communists that prevented Kerala from being independent after 1947 through armed struggle.

It's a very Arya-Dravida-Muslim-Christian culture. It is NOT pro-Aryan like somebody here said. RSS lose sleep over many of the state's Hindu festivals because it contradicts their views.
If you thought it's stupid RSS "Aryan" thinking that's keeping India united, you're dead wrong. It's secularism that's keeping India united. We don't need homogeneity like the Chinese or like what the RSS wants, because we're not cowards trembling before diversity.
But yeah, independence might happen if the centre bans beef in Kerala. But seeing that even the BJP candidate promised "good beef" if he wins, not gonna happen.

No separatist movement in India is worth talking about. Simply a nuisance, granted we lose a few of our jawans to a couple of them.
This is the ground reality.
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Why you want us to change ...again repeating the same words , Dalai Lama is visiting some place in India and we are allowing him to visit ...China can whine as much as they want , We love you took some harsh steps like delivering the business ties or lower down the volume of business :)
Don't worry, I can understand, this is common in TOI... But the point is. India has not changed.
Why you want us to change ...again repeating the same words , Dalai Lama is visiting some place in India and we are allowing him to visit ...China can whine as much as they want , We love you took some harsh steps like delivering the business ties or lower down the volume of business :)
Sorry, I really don't remember the Chinese government's specific reduction of any country visa...Even if THAAD is deployed in S.Korea, China did not decrease the Korean visa. At present, S.Koreans in China has more than 2 million. China has become the largest gathering place for Koreans abroad. So, reducing visa is not a solution to the problem. Besides, there are more and more Indians living in China.

Some people want to stay in China, some people want to leave China, about the Dalai Lama. I just want him to join India as soon as possible. So simple.
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Then told you govt to mind their own business and let us mind our own :)
Sorry, I really don't remember the Chinese government's specific reduction of any country visa...Even if THAAD is deployed in S.Korea, China did not decrease the Korean visa. At present, S.Koreans in China has more than 2 million. China has become the largest gathering place for Koreans abroad. So, reducing visa is not a solution to the problem. Besides, there are more and more Indians living in China.

Some people want to stay in China, some people want to leave China, about the Dalai Lama. I just want him to join India as soon as possible. So simple.
China should support independence movements in bharat, start with declearing IOK as part of Pakistan officially..

As for bharatis saying Pakistani dont like bharati trade relation with China... May i ask from Where you got this expression?
Supporting a terrorist involved in plane hijacking,vetoing India's membership to NSG, giving nuke tech to pakistan........the list goes on . Then china thinks they can simply walk away and continue with it. They even asked their minions ULFA to warn dalai lama but seems nothing working.

On china Modi is not talking but acting. India did not go to extremes like china did they simply slapped from where they stood.....just like that effortlessly.

Dalai lama in action.

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