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Dalai Lama's visit has seriously damaged ties with India: China

Those who are familiar with the Chinese diplomatic parlance will understand that China never uses such categorisation lightly.

Indeed there is great damaged done by this unnecssary provoation...by sending a minister along with the lama india has tried add insult to injury.

Despite having an enormous forebearance and patience this act has forced China to take corrective measures to encourage constructive behaviour from india.

The only avenue left for india is the fork in the road...either it has to find a constructive approach or escalate its provocations further.

The indian calculus is to use South China Sea tensions to extract consessions from China. However, it is a fools errand... China will NEVER bow down to india.

The Chinese understand full well that when they loose an inch to indians today they shall loose a mile the day after.

Hence, we are going to witness more escalations from india and a measured corrective response from China.

Wisdom is to avoid conflict and find a win-win solution in a constructive and professional manner.
They are doing that right now,they never supported india inclusion in UNSC or any other world body they always find an excuse

Not Indian exclusion. But vote against Indian interest more so without the visit.
Such tows are in every country round the world

Its Dewon street in Chicago

We will be glad if China stopped dumping the low quality goods in India in retaliation :) ...and whole sales man will find a way to fulfill their needs from some where else ....

Please China ban the Business in retaliation .

This is "India town" in Yiwu. I really don't think I need to explain too much.:-)
View attachment 388937
And do you think India goods do not need Chinese machinery?
What can China do for this grave provocation?

Let them ban their exports to India. We have no problem
Such tows are in every country round the world

Its Dewon street in Chicago
View attachment 388938

We will be glad if China stopped dumping the low quality goods in India in retaliation :) ...and whole sales man will find a way to fulfill their needs from some where else ....

Please China ban the Business in retaliation .

But why do Indians buy these inferior goods? As far as I know, every time a plane crash in India blame the Chinese parts... But the root of the problem is that India is not even the most inferior parts can not be produced?

BTW, I don't think Chinese goods are limited to your knowledge. For example, the India tunnel boring machine is imported from China, most of India's construction machinery from China, and even India's "Mumbai Metro Line 1" also from China.

So I think, 与其临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网。 Compared to the envy of others in the river fishing, it is better to go home to weave a fishing net.
Because till now China has good relations with India but now we have allowed Dalai Lama in Arunachal so just snap all the ties with India in retaliation :)

We can stop buying the Chinese goods :)
View attachment 388941
But why do Indians buy these inferior goods? As far as I know, every time a plane crash in India blame the Chinese parts... But the root of the problem is that India is not even the most inferior parts can not be produced?

BTW, I don't think Chinese goods are limited to your knowledge. For example, the India tunnel boring machine is imported from China, most of India's construction machinery from China, and even India's "Mumbai Metro Line 1" also from China.

So I think, 与其临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网。 Compared to the envy of others in the river fishing, it is better to go home to weave a fishing net.

Any self respecting country should do that .... may be they will do once we invite Ugihurs Muslims leaders :)

What can China do for this grave provocation?

Let them ban their exports to India. We have no problem
Problem is india is a state which gives shleter to enemies of it's neighbors when it's neighbors do the same India don't have balls to stand but only cry for it if u start something better you should handle it
Because till now China has good relations with India but now we have allowed Dalai Lama in Arunachal so just snap all the ties with India in retaliation :)

We can stop buying the Chinese goods :)

Any self respecting country should do that .... may be they will do once we invite Ugihurs Muslims leaders :)
IIC(Indians in China: http://indiansinchina.com/)how to think? :-)
Perfect! Modi and his gang are doing exactly what Pakistan wants them to do.

Keep on rubbing China the wrong way, it will only be beneficial to Pakistan.
Is India really Isolating Pakistan or is she strengthening Pakistan .

Russians dont bother about Indian tantrum against Pakistan .
Pissing Dragon is only helpful to Pakistan .
All central Asian states are visiting and will transit to Pakistan .
KSA support for Pakistan is unlimited .
UAE is a kid with dad`s money there baba jee KSA never say and will not say any thing to Pakistan
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