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Dalai Lama's visit has seriously damaged ties with India: China

Here we offer them employment but they want to dominate the political landscape.

So we have to shoot them dead for killing innocent people and a lot of our soldiers.
I remember a few years ago, a Maoist in Beijing shouted "long live Chairman Mao! Overthrow capitalism!"... Happy, eventually "it" was sent to a psychiatric hospital fo rehabilitation therapy.

On Mao's credit and sin. We have a lot of discussion on WeiBo, specifically I do not explain.
In short, the failure people agree with Mao. Because Mao taught them how to fight.
And successful people are opposed to Mao, because Mao has affected their interests.

I belong to the latter, though I don't succeed. Many people do not know one thing - a lot of regret, is the failure people to do. Mao's sin is not stopping them.

So, does that explain why Maoists are in India, Philippines or other countries? And Hongkong, Macao, France?
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@surya kiran

Mao's success lies in getting away with the genocide he committed on his own citizens. Chinese apathy in acknowledging the crimes he committed is the same as asking the Japs for an apology. A country which cannot look at its own genocidal crimes, asking for the apology from Japs is a laugh.

Maoism is one way to do things, in any country. The quick easy way, use power, legalize genocide and commit it. Not necessarily the perfect way. Other methods are slower, not necessarily perfect either. If killing a million people is the way of Mao, it is better to kill Mao.
Mao's success lies in getting away with the genocide he committed on his own citizens. Chinese apathy in acknowledging the crimes he committed is the same as asking the Japs for an apology. A country which cannot look at its own genocidal crimes, asking for the apology from Japs is a laugh.

Maoism is one way to do things, in any country. The quick easy way, use power, legalize genocide and commit it. Not necessarily the perfect way. Other methods are slower, not necessarily perfect either. If killing a million people is the way of Mao, it is better to kill Mao.
A lot of people have been living since the time of Mao, as far as I know, in 1949, the average life expectancy of Chinese people is 35 years, by 1976, the average life expectancy of Chinese people is 65 years old. Now, the average life expectancy is 76.

Literacy rate, before 1949, China is 20%. By 1976, China had reached 80%. About India higher than now.

In industry, China successfully tested nuclear weapons in 1964. 1969 successful test hydrogen bomb. In 1971, the successful launch of the satellite into space, China's first nuclear attack submarine was officially served in 1974.

For India, as Nehru hastily “forward-policy". China's main force has not yet transferred from the east to the west. Can only use second rate troops against India... At the crucial moment, Mao proposed withdrawal. To this day, China's main force is still in the east.

Mao's love for India is incomprehensible. You should thank it.
A lot of people have been living since the time of Mao, as far as I know, in 1949, the average life expectancy of Chinese people is 35 years, by 1976, the average life expectancy of Chinese people is 65 years old. Now, the average life expectancy is 76.

Literacy rate, before 1949, China is 20%. By 1976, China had reached 80%. About India higher than now.

In industry, China successfully tested nuclear weapons in 1964. 1969 successful test hydrogen bomb. In 1971, the successful launch of the satellite into space, China's first nuclear attack submarine was officially served in 1974.

For India, as Nehru hastily “forward-policy". China's main force has not yet transferred from the east to the west. Can only use second rate troops against India... At the crucial moment, Mao proposed withdrawal. To this day, China's main force is still in the east.

Mao's love for India is incomprehensible. You should thank it.

Quoting figures is not going to help anything. Saying literacy rates went up after killing a million people, is nothing but utter nonsense. Your quoting Chinese achievements, but not looking at the cost, is typical Chinese behaviour.

Nehru did blunders and we acknowledge them and move on having learnt from the same. And Nehru was not the pacifist many make him out to be. His vision was too early for its time. But will be achieved over the next 20 years. Let's be clear, Mao had no love lost for India and we are not living in any kind of false notions.

To put our view across, which I believe most Indians adhere to. We till date had not seen China as an opponent state. The border issue, could be sorted. The Chinese claim over Tawang is a push of the Chinese in later years. There is one long border. The one country, which can take a quick decision without influence from either the Russians, Americans or any other power to settle border disputes with China, is India. If this were to be settled, China has nothing to fear from India. The entire eastern flank is protected by the Indian nation from any kind of adventure. The Americans will have no opportunity to spy from Indian territory and cannot threaten you from this border. But, increasingly we have seen under your current premier a policy of confrontation with India. With an India under Modi, China had the best opportunity to settle this, because he was seen as being China friendly with a pro business inclination towards the Chinese. The Americans also did not do their cause any good by railing against him.

But, that opportunity is now lost. You will increasingly see Indian military exercising with US and Japan posturing against China. And this has nothing to do with your dealings with Pakistan. But, your dealing with the Indian state.
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