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Daesh was nurtured by Iran, says former Syrian vice president


Sep 7, 2016
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Saudi Arabia

SIRAJ WAHAB | Published — Thursday 6 October 2016


Former Syrian Vice President Abdul Halim Khaddam. (Newsweek Middle East)​

Former Syrian Vice President Abdul Halim Khaddam believes that the United States is no longer capable of solving the problems in Syria.
“The situation (in Syria) is highly complicated because of the stand taken by each of the great powers, in particular the US and Russia,” said the 84-year-old Syrian politician who has been in Paris since he defected from Syria in 2005.
In an exclusive interview with Leila Hatoum of Newsweek Middle East, he said the ongoing war had become an international power struggle taking place on Syrian soil.
Khaddam served over two decades as vice president, first under Hafez Assad, from 1984 till 2000, and later under Bashar until 2005.
For a period of 37 days, Khaddam was Syria’s interim president between June and July 2000, after Hafez Assad’s death and before Bashar took over.
“When no one looks after those who are oppressed, it creates a situation of bottled anger which only leads to one result — explosion,” the magazine quoted Khaddam as saying.
“It is under these circumstances that Daesh came into existence, first in Iraq with the remnants of the former Iraqi regime, and then expanding to Syria and elsewhere,” he said.
Khaddam claimed that Daesh was nurtured by Iran, which he said “is working along the lines of creating a Sunni power to fight Sunnis in the region.”
He said he had hopes when US President Barack Obama was first elected president because of what he had heard of Obama and his respect for principles. “However, we did not see these principles in the case of Syria,” he said.
According to him, Obama failed to take the opportunity to renew US relations with the Arab and Muslim world. “All that the Syrians heard from Obama was that Assad must go,” said Khaddam, adding that Washington seemed to disregard its former allies in the Middle East in favor of new ones.
“It turned out there was a US-Russian agreement, and the US reconciled with Iran despite knowing that (Tehran) rules Syria, Lebanon and Iraq, and has mobilized the Houthis in Yemen to distract the Arab Gulf nations who are allies of the US.”
Khaddam said Russia managed to pull the rug from under the feet of the United States in Syria, and “Washington has no one but itself to blame.”
The US, he argued, made a mistake when it pushed its ally, Turkey, into Russia’s arms, thereby giving Moscow an upper hand in the conflict.
“The Americans were involved in the (failed) Turkish coup,” alleged Khaddam, a fact which left a bitter taste in Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s mouth. “The Russians received bonus points after tipping off Erdogan about the coup two days prior to the event.” (This claim remains uncorroborated.)
He further charged that Europe, the Americans, and the Arab nations failed to seize the opportunity to cut the war short and so spare the Syrian people a great deal of death and misery. “They did not take the necessary measures that they should have taken years ago (to topple the Assad regime),” explained Khaddam, “despite their knowledge that the regime in Syria was a murderous one.”
He said the US stabbed the Syrian opposition in the back, explaining that when the Syrian revolution began, people thought the US wanted to help.
Shortly before the revolution began, Syria’s chemical arsenal was evolving, and US President Barack Obama “took a decision to hit the Syrian regime and send the US Navy to the Syrian coast,” said Khaddam.
However, it seems that the Russians managed to convince the Americans that they would take care of the problem of Syria’s chemical arsenal.
“Even the Arab nations were relying on the Americans and the Russians because they thought that the superpowers had interests in the Arab world. But what was the result?” asked Khaddam, evincing clear disapproval of the course events have taken.
The new US administration must work on rebuilding the broken trust between Arab countries and Washington, said Khaddam. He admires Hillary Clinton. To him, she has political experience, unlike her Republican opponent Donald Trump.
He said though the Iranian regime considers itself a custodian of Syria; however, things were different during Hafez Assad’s time. “He never allowed the Iranians to intervene in Syrian affairs,” said Khaddam, citing one example of Iran’s attempts to expand in the region.
“During Hafez Assad’s time, an Iranian delegation arrived in Syria and attempted to convert some Muslim Alawite Syrians to Shia Islam. A group from the Alawites came from the coast to us and informed Assad of the matter. They complained the Iranians ‘came to change our faith,’ and Assad ordered his foreign minister to summon the Iranian ambassador to deliver an ultimatum: The delegation had 24 hours to leave Syria.”

Khaddam believes that cutting the supply line between Iran and its external groups is necessary, especially in the case of Hezbollah.
“Hezbollah’s presence is linked to the presence of the regime in Syria. And of course, Iran is the sectarian reference for this party, and supplies it with money. However, should Syria’s Iranian lifeline be cut, then Hezbollah won’t be able to stand on its feet. Hezbollah without the Syrian regime is worth nothing,” said Khaddam.
The same scenario is playing in Iraq, said Khaddam, who claimed that up to 50 percent of the Shiite population is against Iran. “Syria is the place which leads to Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine,” he added.


The anti-Muslim and heretical Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah regime's influence will crumble and be limited to Southern Iraq (for the time being at least) once Syria has been liberated. That is why the Mullah's are pissing in their pants and have wasted billions upon billions of dollars and 1000's of mercenaries. Native as non-native. Without US and Russian involvement they would be unable to do anything as they are already ruling a failed pariah state which is almost bankrupt despite the empty bravado and North Korean (an ally, lol) style propaganda.

In the meantime Alawites have almost become extinct and at least 50.000 foreign Wilayat al-Faqih slaves have been eliminated.

I believe that Syrians should follow the example of the martyr and hero Ali Hassan al-Majid and

There should also be an obligatory "Final Solution" for every Wilayat al-Faqih slave in the Arab world. Instant death sentence. I believe that calling for this is a religious, moral and patriotic duty that should be propagandized 24/7 until the goal of extermination has been achieved.

I would personally volunteer for free to expose the few resident Wilayat al-Faqih slaves inside KSA whether native or non-native. Including on this forum and elsewhere. Let the intelligence service deal with them. This cancerous microscopic minority has caused enough of problems already and they should be dealt with once and for all. An example should be made out of them. One such spokesman became a headless chicken last year in KSA. Time for citizens everywhere in the Arab world to uphold the law on their own if the regimes/governments in power cannot do the necessary job.

A group aimed at this job should be formed immediately. Social media would be a great tool to spread the message. A coordinated mobilization is needed. Foot troops are not lacking nor enforcers.

A cancer once spotted, must be attacked as quickly as possible. Once regimes that represent the people will be put in place that cancer will be dealt with in the span of weeks if given free room.
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I always used to love my Iranian brothers, but this ISIS support for the past few years has made me dislike them. :(
May god forgives them!
Oh and Iran nurtured Daesh...but then sent Hezbollah to fight it? Not to mention Daesh has been killing Shia Muslims for fun in Iraq and other places.

Then again in this alternate reality many Saudis live in...anything is possible.
Oh and Iran nurtured Daesh...but then sent Hezbollah to fight it? Not to mention Daesh has been killing Shia Muslims for fun in Iraq and other places.

Then again in this alternate reality many Saudis live in...anything is possible.

Bongarlic, the message here is that every Wilayat al-Faqih/Iranian Mullah regime slave in the Arab world should receive a bullet between his eyes. Starting with Syria. It is not really that difficult to understand. You are welcome to try to aid them and end up as fertilizer somewhere in Syria. The cancer will be removed. You can bet on that. The work is already in full swing.

That is the only thing I care about in this regard.
, first in Iraq with the remnants of the former Iraqi regime, and then expanding to Syria and elsewhere,” he said.
Khaddam claimed that Daesh was nurtured by Iran, which he said “is working along the lines of creating a Sunni power to fight Sunnis in the region.”

Okay, so let me get this straight. He is saying Daesh were the remnants of the former iraqi regime. Okay, so far so good. And then he says they were nurtured by Iran.

So, he is basically saying Iran nurtured Saddam's officers.

I mean, hahaha.

I always used to love my Iranian brothers, but this ISIS support for the past few years has made me dislike them. :(
May god forgives them!

May God forgive you for not using your mind to think. Iran is supported Iraq and Syria government to fight Daesh. How is that support? Are we supporting them by killing them?

Bongarlic, the message here is that every Wilayat al-Faqih/Iranian Mullah regime slave in the Arab world should receive a bullet between his eyes. Starting with Syria. It is not really that difficult to understand. You are welcome to try to aid them and end up as fertilizer somewhere in Syria. The cancer will be removed. You can bet on that. The work is already in full swing.

That is the only thing I care about in this regard.

Dont worry, there are many Saudis like you. Thats why they are willing to blow themselves up in mosques. One day you will probably join their ranks.

Mods should ban you. I am surprised such hateful and psychotic call for murder is tolerated.

Interesting...makes sense.

Yes, it makes perfect sense that all groups that Iran is supporting is fighting Daesh. Perfect sense.

Perfect Sense =
If X is fighting Y, then
X is supporting Y.
So far Syrians have been doing the best job at removing domestic and foreign terrorists and traitors. Most specifically Wilayat al-Faqih slaves. it is an obligation to exterminate terrorists and cancers. It is a religious, moral and patriotic duty. The righteous thing to do essentially. If you want to spread the cancer in Syria or anywhere in the Arab world you should join and receive the appropriate penalty.

I strongly hail and support every individual within the Arab world who does his crucial and holy duty in this regard. My role in this holy duty is well defined and Insha'Allah will increase if needed.

Dude, see a doc. I'm 100% serious.

You are going to murder somebody soon. Probably just your own Saudi people, like others who harbor such darkness. I mean, it wont come up as a big surprise to anyone, but its actually possible to live a life that doesnt end in blowing yourself up.
Dude, see a doc. I'm 100% serious.

You are going to murder somebody soon. Probably just your own Saudi people, like others who harbor such darkness. I mean, it wont come up as a big surprise to anyone, but its actually possible to live a life that doesnt end in blowing yourself up.

Wilayat al-Faqih slaves and terrorists in the Arab world will be dealt with accordingly. You do not understand this as you are a Wilayat al-Faqih slave yourself. If you were based anywhere in the Arab world engaged in terrorist and cancerous activity your fate, ultimately, would be a similar one. Cancer is dealt with accordingly everywhere.

I can assure you that the vast majority of all Arabs feel the exact same way. As for the method, I do not care about it. Chemical weapons would be a good start tough.

Anyway I do not like to engage with Wilayat al-Faqih drones. They are unclean and mortal enemies. Dialogue with them should not exist. The right medicine for them has been invented already.

Indeed, if people are willing to blow themselves up in order to eliminate terrorists and cancers, they should do so as they are doing us all a big favor.
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Wilayat al-Faqih slaves and terrorists in the Arab world will be dealt with accordingly. You do not understand this as you are a Wilayat al-Faqih slave yourself. If you were based anywhere in the Arab world engaged in terrorist and cancerous activity your fate, ultimately, would be a similar one. Cancer is dealt with accordingly everywhere.

I can assure you that the vast majority of all Arabs feel the exact same way. As for the method, I do not care about it. Chemical weapons would be a good start tough.

Anyway I do not like to engage with Wilayat al-Faqih drones. They are unclean and mortal enemies. Dialogue with them should not exist. The right medicine for them has been invented already.

Aside from the personal insults, You are now personally calling for my death? Did i get that right?
I call for the extermination of Wilayat al-Faqih terrorist cancer cells in the Arab world. If you happen to be one and living in the Arab world I believe that it would be a religious, patriotic and moral duty to deal with you accordingly by contacting the authorities in the respective country and if they were unable to deal with such a cancerous terrorist rodent, citizens should take affairs on their own for the sake of their country, society, people, safety aside from the religious, moral, logic and patriotic element.

What is wrong with calling for the extermination of foreign terrorists and internal traitors? Nothing at all. I say that proudly and loudly. Would do my duty myself if needed. Gladly. Simple, cancer must be dealt with. Enough is enough.

This conversation is making me feel like I'm talking to an actual Daesh, therefore it is making me feel extremely concerned about your fellow countrymen, and your own well being

Please don't take any rash action. You are an educated person. Please dont let your misguided judgement push you into harming your fellow Saudis or yourself.
This conversation is making me feel like I'm talking to an actual Daesh, therefore it is making me feel extremely concerned about your fellow countrymen, and your own well being

Please don't take any rash action. You are an educated person. Please dont let your misguided judgement push you into harming your fellow Saudis or yourself.

You don't seem to be very bright. Regardless, I do not care about your useless blabbering. What exactly do you not understand?

I am calling for swift justice against cancerous terrorists and traitors who engage in mass-murder, state-sanctioned terrorism, anti-Arab and anti-Muslim activity. This is a moral, religious, patriotic and logical obligation for every citizen of every Arab country. Any Wilayat al-Faqih slave who engages in such activities in the Arab world deserves the harshest possible penalty. Foreign as native. Aside from such individuals being enemies by default.

In a few minutes I will make an Hashtag on Twitter in Arabic. Later on various very active Arab platforms. Try stopping me. Anyway I understand why you are defending Wilayat al-Faqih rodents. Anyway I can assure you that they are a dying breed in the Arab world. Soon they will be very close to extinction. As far as helping accelerate this process, I made my point, I believe.:lol:
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ISIS ideology is Saudi's wahhabism, their supporters are West powers plus their regional puppet dictators, their man power is provided by them too.
Yet let's call Iran the nurture of isis!

Also let's forget American's admission for creating both Al-Qaeda and ISIS!
“When no one looks after those who are oppressed, it creates a situation of bottled anger which only leads to one result — explosion,” the magazine quoted Khaddam as saying.

I don't know why oppressed people in Bahrain doesn't turn to ISIS .....

These guys never miss a second to amuse us .....
First of all if he is right that " ISIS is working along the lines of creating a Sunni power to fight Sunnis in the region" then kudos to Iran that has such a power ,influence and intelligence to create such a war ...
secondly he claims Iran created ISIS , then my Q is who created Boko Hram, ALQ , Al Shabab , Taliban and many other Sunni extreme groups ? if it's Iran again then second kudos to Iran ...
Besides he said "(Tehran) rules Syria, Lebanon and Iraq " .. it means Iran has created ISIS to weaken and destabilize its strategic alliances across region by dragging them into a horrible war ....
Moreover he didn't provide any proof or evidence that could support his claims , I could claim that it was extraterrestrial whom behind the curtain and the ones whom created ISIS ...

By the way the basis of ISIS was created back in 1999 by al-Zarqawi in Iraq not after the US invasion, the US onslaught just escalated the situation :

The story of how the forebears of ISIS got started in Iraq is largely the story of a rough-hewn, charismatic al-Qaeda recruit named Abu Musab al-Zarqawi Back in 2003.
Convinced the Americans would invade Iraq, Zarqawi began building a base there in 2002; when they did so a year later, he proved willing to ally with remnants of Saddam’s intelligence network. The story is well told by William McCants in his excellent new book, The ISIS Apocalypse. Four months after the U.S. invasion, Zarqawi’s organization attacked three well-chosen targets—UN headquarters in Baghdad, the Jordanian embassy in Baghdad, and the Imam Ali Mosque, a Shiite shrine, in Najaf—that signaled the dirty war ahead.

WMD’s were not the only incriminating object that was unfounded prior to ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’; there were no Al Qaeda or ISIS either. The proto-ISIS group, Jam’at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad (TJ) led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, was born out of the Iraq war, as part of a coalition of Sunni resistance groups fighting the occupying forces. TJ changed its name on multiple occasions during its evolution to becoming ISIS. In late 2004, TJ officially joined Al-Qaeda, after Zarqawi pledged allegiance to Osama bin Laden, and became known as Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). In 2006, AQI became the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), which later became the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) when it branched into the Syrian civil war.

Moreover the other reason behind ISIS was the American prisons :
How a US prison camp helped create ISIS
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