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CV-18 Fujian - Type 003 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

The ship steam turbine for the 003 is so small, its length is less than 10 meters.
I'm pretty sure the US already knew the dimensions long before we did.
Of course for the inner circle! But the general populace of the USA just be fed by its mainstream media, and they do bite them.

The American society in average is so well known for swallowing up all the propaganda aired in 7x24 TV programming networks there. They know little about the world, and can care less beyond their own country... know only the US is the best in everything, the Exceptional Country.
Type 003 Aircraft Carrier (With J-15, J-35, & KJ-600 onboard) VS Ford AC


Credit to @Louischeung_hk
Again a new image of the Type 003 aircraft carrier and it seems as if that huge gantry crane is lifting something ... maybe the power units / steam turbine engines that were delivered to the yard on Wednesday?

(Image via @ainicailin from Tieba)

So far IMO one of the best, if not the clearest image of the Type 003 aircraft carrier nearing completion of its construction at the Jiangnan Shipyard, Shanghai. That image even shows some internal details.

(Image via @CSIS - via @Maxar)

So far IMO one of the best, if not the clearest image of the Type 003 aircraft carrier nearing completion of its construction at the Jiangnan Shipyard, Shanghai. That image even shows some internal details.

(Image via @CSIS - via @Maxar)

Waiting fans calculate dimension...
OK, so if I understand correctly, Type 003 is a sort of Frankenstein CV. The reason being EM catapults are 10m longer than steam. So because they decided to switch to EM halfway thru, Type 003 would have been 10m longer (as long or even longer than Ford) and still wider. Am I correct?
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