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CV-17 Shandong - Type 002 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

You should add a translation. AFAIK, the top image represents Admiral Kuznetsov, and the last two appears to represent the Liaoning and Shandong???; no idea on what carrier the second image (from the top) represent.
It is a small province.

The name Guangdong will be more suitable for Type002 carrier. Liaoning a northern province already has a name on carrier. Its time for a southern province to have a name for aircraft carrier. Guangdong province which always at the forefront opening China to rest of world fits this bill to have the carrier name after it. Plus this carrier is not the most advance or prestige carrier China going to build. If it name Beijing. Once Type003 commission , Type002 being named Beijing will looks out of place since Beijing is the capital of China and being relegate to a second rate carrier sound awkward.
Still no pennant number? I guess the Chinese state media got the commission date wrong.
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