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CV-17 Shandong - Type 002 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

Isn't anything from state media considered official? They gave no exact date but an estimation of end of June. And...we're here!

Pardon, but who is "they"? There are so many reports re-posted also by official outlets, but not written by them and as such not authorative since based on the same speculations we discuss here.

Could you please mention this report?
Pardon, but who is "they"? There are so many reports re-posted also by official outlets, but not written by them and as such not authorative since based on the same speculations we discuss here.

Could you please mention this report?

"They" = Chinese state media. I recall I read it in this thread but now it's gone, or it was posted elsewhere in this forum. Someone here posted an article of it. I have no idea on how to search in Chinese forums, but I came up with the following from an retired Indian military commander. As I recall, this individual isn't considered the best of sources as some here mentioned in the past, BUT it did fit within the timeline.

"They" = Chinese state media. I recall I read it in this thread but now it's gone, or it was posted elsewhere in this forum. Someone here posted an article of it. I have no idea on how to search in Chinese forums, but I came up with the following from an retired Indian military commander. As I recall, this individual isn't considered the best of sources as some here mentioned in the past, BUT it did fit within the timeline.


Ok, if it was this Indian, then please forget it.
"They" = Chinese state media. I recall I read it in this thread but now it's gone, or it was posted elsewhere in this forum. Someone here posted an article of it. I have no idea on how to search in Chinese forums, but I came up with the following from an retired Indian military commander. As I recall, this individual isn't considered the best of sources as some here mentioned in the past, BUT it did fit within the timeline.

This amazing Indian guy knows "everything" on the Chinese military. He even maintains some website about Tibet. He's the kind of person who still believes that the Tibet Autonomous Region should be "liberated" by force from China today, perhaps with the help of India. Seemingly for him occupying the South Tibet merged into the Arunachal Pradesh state ain't enough, the whole precious part must be seized, just like the annexed Sikkim. This little, well hidden fact, says enough about his attitude, bias and thinking. As well as the reliability of all his information about the Chinese Military in particular and China in general!

Col. Vinayak Bhat (retd.) 2019-02-15-at-1024x684.png

Col (Retired) Vinayak Bhat served in the Indian Army for over 33 years. He was a satellite imagery analyst for more than two decades and served in high altitude areas of Jammu and Kashmir and North East (the northeastern India). An alumnus of National Defence Academy (NDA), he uses rajfortyseven as his Twitter's handler.
This amazing Indian guy knows "everything" on the Chinese military. He even maintains some website about Tibet. He's the kind of person who still believes that the Tibet Autonomous Region should be "liberated" by force from China today, perhaps with the help of India. Seemingly for him occupying the South Tibet merged into the Arunachal Pradesh state ain't enough, the whole precious part must be seized, just like the annexed Sikkim. This little, well hidden fact, says enough about his attitude, bias and thinking. As well as the reliability of all his information about the Chinese Military in particular and China in general!

View attachment 567418

Col (Retired) Vinayak Bhat served in the Indian Army for over 33 years. He was a satellite imagery analyst for more than two decades and served in high altitude areas of Jammu and Kashmir and North East (the northeastern India). An alumnus of National Defence Academy (NDA), he uses rajfortyseven as his Twitter's handler.

Honestly, he is just an idiot, a liar and is main intention is not to infirm but to manipulate, misinform, spread fear ... and maybe even war-mongering.

I already had several harsh disputes with him and remember quite well how he claimed that 4 PLAAF Y-20s at their regular base are a tremendous threat to India due to this forward operational base even if several more IAF Il76 transports even closer to the Chinese border are only for humanitarian duties.

The final battle I fought with him was on a promised review. Last year I got a request from him for one of my books in return for a highly qualified review in one of India's most important strategic think tanks... but soon after he got the book, he demanded an apology from my publisher. He even refused to explain what happened and blocked all conversation with me ... after some harh words via another forum I received an explanation from another member: allegedly he was upset my the maps i prepared since they don't comply with the Indian perception. He refuted the argument that my book shows the Chinese point of view and even that I marked disputed territory as disputed.

What an idiot :crazy::hitwall:
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Honestly, he is just an idiot, a liar and is main intention is not to infirm but to manipulate, misinform, spread fear ... and maybe even war-mongering.

I already had several harsh disputes with him and remember quite well how he claimed that 4 PLAAF Y-20s at their regular base are a tremendous threat to India due to this forward operational base even if several more IAF Il76 transports even closer to the Chinese border are only for humanitarian duties.

The final battle I fought with him was on a promised review. Last year I got a request from him for one of my books in return for a highly qualified review in one of India's most important strategic think tanks... but soon after he got the book, he demanded an apology from my publisher. He even refused to explain what happened and blocked all conversation with me ... after some harh words via another forum I received an explanation from another member: allegedly he was upset my the maps i prepared since they don't comply with the Indian perception. He refuted the argument that my book shows the Chinese point of view and even that I marked disputed territory as disputed.

Whag an idiot :crazy::hitwall:

I remember reading about your book review incident with someone. But you didn't mention his name at the time. Now we know who the joker was. Can't believe you actually trust him enough to sent him a free book. First notice him from the Doklam standoff with his analysis on satellite imagery as rajfortyseven. :lol:
I remember reading about your book review incident with someone. But you didn't mention his name at the time. Now we know who the joker was. Can't believe you actually trust him enough to sent him a free book. First notice him from the Doklam standoff with his analysis on satellite imagery as rajfortyseven. :lol:
what book? Any link to take a look or buy?

Honestly, he is just an idiot, a liar and is main intention is not to infirm but to manipulate, misinform, spread fear ... and maybe even war-mongering.

I already had several harsh disputes with him and remember quite well how he claimed that 4 PLAAF Y-20s at their regular base are a tremendous threat to India due to this forward operational base even if several more IAF Il76 transports even closer to the Chinese border are only for humanitarian duties.

The final battle I fought with him was on a promised review. Last year I got a request from him for one of my books in return for a highly qualified review in one of India's most important strategic think tanks... but soon after he got the book, he demanded an apology from my publisher. He even refused to explain what happened and blocked all conversation with me ... after some harh words via another forum I received an explanation from another member: allegedly he was upset my the maps i prepared since they don't comply with the Indian perception. He refuted the argument that my book shows the Chinese point of view and even that I marked disputed territory as disputed.

Whag an idiot :crazy::hitwall:
Give me a link to your book please. Thx.

Honestly, he is just an idiot, a liar and is main intention is not to infirm but to manipulate, misinform, spread fear ... and maybe even war-mongering.

I already had several harsh disputes with him and remember quite well how he claimed that 4 PLAAF Y-20s at their regular base are a tremendous threat to India due to this forward operational base even if several more IAF Il76 transports even closer to the Chinese border are only for humanitarian duties.

The final battle I fought with him was on a promised review. Last year I got a request from him for one of my books in return for a highly qualified review in one of India's most important strategic think tanks... but soon after he got the book, he demanded an apology from my publisher. He even refused to explain what happened and blocked all conversation with me ... after some harh words via another forum I received an explanation from another member: allegedly he was upset my the maps i prepared since they don't comply with the Indian perception. He refuted the argument that my book shows the Chinese point of view and even that I marked disputed territory as disputed.

Whag an idiot :crazy::hitwall:
I found the book on your facebook page. Thx.
Vinayak Bhat has a lot of mistakes which are quiet embarrassing for someone who served in the Indian IC. Some of his details are wrong or not up-to-date. However, even if several people here have something personal against him, saying the everything he provide is total BS would also be wrong. He does, from time to time, unveil new info regarding China and expose new locations.
I remember reading about your book review incident with someone. But you didn't mention his name at the time. Now we know who the joker was. Can't believe you actually trust him enough to sent him a free book. First notice him from the Doklam standoff with his analysis on satellite imagery as rajfortyseven. :lol:

For good luck it was not me, but my publisher .
China’s new aircraft carrier set to miss 70th anniversary parade as sea trials continue (South China Morning Post – 2019-07-11)

• Domestically developed Type 001A unlikely to be ready before the end of the year, experts say
• Naval parade is planned for October 1 to celebrate founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949

China’s first home-grown aircraft carrier will not be ready in time to take part in the naval parade planned as part of the celebrations to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, military sources said.

Observers say the vessel, known as the Type 001A, has yet to complete its sea trials, although there have been no statements to that effect from the People’s Liberation Army, China’s military.

“Based on its current progress [in its sea trials], the carrier won’t appear on October 1 [China’s National Day]. It’s more likely the giant ship will be ready by the end of the year, and then be formally commissioned into the navy,” a person familiar with the project said.

“I am disappointed with such a result, but it’s a fact that the Type 001A is not on the weapons list for the National Day celebration,” said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

“The ship needs to complete a series of laborious and comprehensive tests, which is the most important stage in proving it is a real battleship.”

The Type 001A’s likely absence from the parade is nothing new. Several military experts predicted it would be ready in time for the PLA Navy’s 70th anniversary parade in the Yellow Sea off the coast of Qingdao in Shandong province on April 23, but the vessel – based on China’s first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning – failed to show.

Where once Beijing might have allowed military hardware that was still under development to take part, for public relations reasons, in a high-profile parade such as the one planned for October, the Central Military Commission (CMC), headed by President Xi Jinping, now sets much higher standards, according to Beijing-based naval expert Li Jie.

“The CMC demands all new weapons undergo a series of strict tests and trials, and no longer allows these things to be rushed through so they [the hardware] are ready by a certain date or so they can take part in a parade,” he said.
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