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CV-17 Shandong - Type 002 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

First homegrown aircraft carrier has Chinese public buzzing with excitement

By Huang Jingjing - Source: Global Times - Published: 2017/4/23 19:36:40

Military enthusiasts excited at news first domestically-built vessel to launch soon
Military enthusiasts rushed to Dalian to get a close look at China's first domestically-produced aircraft carrier

There has been a debate on the future name of the ship, with Shandong, Hainan and Beijing the most popular choices

A third aircraft carrier that's larger and more capable is reportedly under construction in Shanghai


The Liaoning sails in open waters. Photo: Zhang Kai

China's first domestically-built aircraft carrier was not launched on Sunday, the anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), as some military fans hoped it would be. But these enthusiasts believe the day is approaching as they discovered that the shipyard where it is being built started to flood the drydock containing the carrier on Sunday.

"Fans captured pictures showing that the water is already touching the hull. Though it was not launched today, it will be in no more than a few days," Chen, 30, a naval enthusiast from Jinhua, East China's Zhejiang Province, told the Global Times.

He has been updating his Weibo account - which is called General Commander of the Liaoning and has over 320,000 followers - with news and pictures of the carrier.

"We have dreamed for decades of a domestically-built aircraft carrier. We don't mind waiting for a few more days," said Chen, who is also a moderator of a popular naval discussion forum online.

Many people rushed to the Dalian shipyard in Northeast China's Liaoning Province on Sunday after reading articles suggesting the launching ceremony for the Type 001A would be likely held that day.

Duan, a 20-year-old military fan working in Dalian, is one of them. "If it was launched on Sunday, it would be more meaningful. But it is excusable that it wasn't. Carrier construction is a huge project. Speed is always second to security," he told the Global Times.

Keeping an eye on the carrier has become an integral part of his life since he came to Dalian last year.

"I go to see it once a week. From a rusty hull and being covered with various cranes, vehicles and containers to a cleared deck, it finally started to look like it does today, which was quite exciting," Duan said.

To get a look at the ship, he regularly takes the city's light rail route which passes the shipyard. He gets a view of the ship for about 20 seconds each time.

Song, 16, a local high school student, also went to see the carrier on Sunday. "It's a big day. About 200 people gathered and waited for hours, wishing to witness the launch," he said.

"My family lived near the shipyard when I was in primary school, and I could always view the Varyag, [the Soviet-era carrier purchased from Ukraine, which was refitted and is now in service as the Liaoning] from an overpass," he said. "I'm thrilled we will soon have a domestically-produced one."

Speculation that the ship would be launched on April 23 - the 68th anniversary of the founding of the PLAN - first arose in late March when photos showing that scaffolding had been removed and red undercoat had been painted below the ship's waterline were posted online.

When asked about this at a regular press briefing on March 30, Wu Qian, spokesperson for the country's Ministry of National Defense responded that "it is being outfitted with equipment and the work is progressing smoothly. As for further news, I believe we won't keep the public waiting for too long."


A distant view of China's first domestically-built aircraft carrier, which will soon be launched Photo: Courtesy of Blue Shark Team

Anti-spy precautions

The fans believe that the Type 001A will hit the water in a few days. The news that China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation Chairman Hu Wenming recently inspected the Dalian shipyard twice in one month made them feel even more certain.

"April 23rd or March 27 in the lunar calendar are not suitable days for launching due to the tides. I reckon that the ship will be tested on the water by the end of the month," Chen told the Global Times. The gravitational forces which contribute to the tides are exceptionally strong during the new moon and full moon [first and 15th day of every lunar month].

Chen established a team called Blue Shark in 2015 and has organized members living in several coastal cities that are in close proximity to PLAN bases to collect the latest news about naval operations. Anything to do with aircraft carriers is always the most eye-catching.

But they have their rules to prevent leaking secrets. "We are very cautious when releasing information," Chen said, explaining that they do not share high-definition pictures or information about core carrier parts, and delete any material which reveals such confidential details.

When the Global Times contacted Chen, he said he would talk only if the reporter first showed him her press card. He said it's their standard procedure when they are approached by strangers so as to guard against their information being used by spies.


First combat-ready carrier

Aircraft carriers have long been regarded as a symbol of a country's naval power. At present there are 23 aircraft carriers in service for 10 countries, 10 of which belong to the US, and four belong to Japan [although the Japanese vessels only carry helicopters], according to media reports.

The government hopes that China's new carrier will enhance the country's maritime strength and lift people's morale.

But military experts think that it will take three years for the Type 001A to be ready for combat after it is launched, as testing and outfitting is required.

Liu Zijun, a military commentator, told the Nanfang Daily that this time can be shortened if needed. He gave two reasons that this might happen. Firstly the relevant technology is fairly mature based on the navy's experience with the Liaoning. Secondly due to the international security situation, it may be necessary to bring both the carriers into service as soon as possible "so as to enact deterrence around the Korean Peninsula and in the South China Sea at the same time."

Construction of the Type 001A began in late 2013, one year after the Liaoning was delivered and commissioned to the PLAN. Since being deployed, the Liaoning has made dozens of scientific research, test and training trips.

It is classified as a training ship and serves as a training and test platform for the PLAN. Thus the Type 001A, which was based on the Liaoning, will become China's first combat-ready carrier.

Liang Fang, with the Department of Strategic Studies of the National Defense University of the PLA, said that although the new ship is similar to the Liaoning in appearance and displacement, its interior structure and equipment have seen significant upgrades, and its integrated operational capability will be hugely improved.

The Liaoning was originally designed as a cruiser equipped with heavy equipment such as anti-ship missiles and anti-submarine weapons. But the Type 001A was designed to more effectively use air power. Its compartments were designed to hold carrier-based aircraft. Its power system was also researched and developed in accordance with PLAN needs, Liang told China Central Television in a recent interview.

"I'm looking forward to its deployment. But crew management plays a decisive role in combat effectiveness. The navy had zero experience on how to drive and manage the carriers before," Duan said, adding that he hopes the carriers will become powerful weapons for the country's blue ocean strategy.

But military experts and fans agree that China still lags far behind the US in carrier technology. The Type 001A is conventionally powered, with a full-load displacement of 50,000 tons and ski-jump-style launch ramps. But the US's newest aircraft carrier, the USS Gerald R. Ford, which has recently completed manufacturer's trials and is expected to be delivered this year, is nuclear powered and has a 100,000-ton displacement. Replacing older steam-powered launch systems, its electrical system can launch heavier aircraft and works more quickly.

What's in a name?

The future name of the new carrier has also aroused heated discussion.

Li Jie, a military expert, said that the country might do things differently this time. While the Liaoning was named on the day of its delivery, the new carrier might be named when it is transferred from the dry dock into the water.

Many media outlets have speculated that it might be called the "Shandong" as it may join the Liaoning and be anchored at the Qingdao carrier base in East China's Shandong Province.

However, according to an online survey conducted by ifeng.com in January, 38 percent of the more than 300,000 respondents said it should be called the "Taiwan," while 21 percent preferred to call it the "Beijing" and 14 percent chose the "Guangdong."

Zhang Rongmin, a blogger and commentator on Taiwan politics living in Zhangzhou, East China's Fujian Province, said the new vessel is unlikely to be named the Taiwan.

"The name Taiwan declares the spirit of 'one China,' but it can also be interpreted as liberating Taiwan. The current Taiwan government, which is building vessels themselves, may also name its self-made vessel the Taiwan. Then the unification struggle will become a formalistic game," Zhang told the Global Times.

He said China now has five major issues to address. They are the Xiongan New Area, the Taiwan question, boundary disputes between the Tibet Autonomous Region and India, the South China Sea disputes and the Korean peninsula situation.

He believes "Hainan" is a better name regarding the southern island province's importance to maritime issues.

"The Liaoning is already docked in the north. The country is now promoting the Belt and Road initiative. If the new ship is deployed in the South China Sea, it can guard trade routes and strategically confront India at sea."

Chen said he hopes the ship will be named the Beijing.

"Beijing is the capital, which can demonstrate the paramount significance of the carrier," Chen said. "I think we will eventually have five to six aircraft carriers. We can name them after the municipalities."

According to a blog posted on nationalinterest.org, the website of an American bi-monthly international affairs magazine, China is now building a third aircraft carrier in Shanghai that is likely to be larger and far more capable than the Type 001A or the Liaoning.

Newspaper headline: Cheering on the carrier

Where are the launch photos ? Is the launch being kept a secret ?
what is total time the carrier was made, only two years....?
some Chinese media said the building began in Feb. 2014, i.e. 3years+2months from now.

Two pictures of the new carrier for a comparison:

The following one was taken at Apr. 22, 2015;
2015 shandong.jpg

This one is taken at Apr. 2017, from almost the same angle.
Home built aircraft carriers a strategic need
By Li Jie | China Daily | Updated: 2017-04-24


Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning returns to Qingdao, China after Pacific drill, January 13th, 2017. Comprised of aircraft carrier Liaoning, a number of destroyers, some J-15 carrier-based fighter jets and helicopters, the fleet sailed through the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and the South China sea. [Photo/CRI]

China's first domestically built aircraft carrier, the second such vessel, will soon be commissioned, say reports. Designed to be a base for fighter jets and helicopters, the country's second aircraft carrier is the first of the Type 001A class.

The "homemade" aircraft carrier is expected to have a displacement of about 50,000 metric tons, and conventional engines and fighter jet launch systems, which are used on CNS Liaoning, China's first aircraft carrier. However, on-board fighter jets may still have to resort to ski-jump ramps instead of the more advanced catapult-assistance take-off.

CNS Liaoning, rebuilt from a former Soviet cruiser, Admiral Kuznetsov-class carrier Varyag, is primarily used for training and research, while the new carrier will serve naval combat and defense missions, as well as non-combat missions ranging from fighting terrorism and piracy to taking part in rescue operations. Pilots and commanders for the new carrier have been trained and its equipment tested on Liaoning for future operations.

Although the new aircraft carrier will be a much-improved version of Liaoning, it will not be as advanced as its US counterparts, including the nuclear-powered US Nimitz-class and the latest Gerald Ford-class carriers, in terms of size, scale and combat capability. Also, it will take a few more years to complete the functional operations of the new vessel's devices and weapons before it can embark on sea trials.

This is all the more reason Beijing should intensify its research in and enhance its capacity to build aircraft carriers. Such vessels are a necessity for a major power aspiring to better protect its legitimate interests in the open seas, as well as to safeguard regional stability and international sea lanes. Since strong naval powers like the United States are unlikely to exchange equipment and technologies used in their top carriers, China should emulate successful models and learn how to build more advanced carriers.

Two aircraft carriers, regardless of their size, are not enough for a country such as China. The basic principle is that a country the size of China should have at least three aircraft carriers-one for training, one for naval duty and one for maintenance. Six of the 11 US aircraft carriers are deployed in the Pacific Ocean and the rest in the Atlantic Ocean, which help Washington to maintain a formidable maritime presence across the globe.

China has no intention of challenging the US' global dominance nor will it seek to strengthen its navy beyond its defense-oriented strategic need. Chinese vessels are mainly used for self-defense and to preserve regional security. And there is plenty of room for improvement with regard to their capability and combat readiness.

Since aircraft carriers will continue to play a key role in securing open sea operations, China's efforts to design and build a competent carrier from scratch are more than justified. Besides, China needs to convince its neighbors with which it has maritime disputes that the carriers will not be used to flex its military muscles but to make the region safer.

The author is a senior researcher at the Naval Military Studies Research Institute of the People's Liberation Army. The article is an excerpt from his interview with China Daily's Cui Shoufeng.
Let's pray for Admiral Kuznetsov Death... :)
The old man seems to be in his last breath...

Nah why we need to get Admiral Kuznetsov when we have 001A and it's wrong to get what's the last remaining of Russia even if we could. Russia is not shortage of technology to revive and modernized Admiral Kuznetsov what they lack is money, maybe China and Russia can come up with some kind of deal.
Home built aircraft carriers a strategic need
By Li Jie | China Daily | Updated: 2017-04-24


Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning returns to Qingdao, China after Pacific drill, January 13th, 2017. Comprised of aircraft carrier Liaoning, a number of destroyers, some J-15 carrier-based fighter jets and helicopters, the fleet sailed through the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and the South China sea. [Photo/CRI]

China's first domestically built aircraft carrier, the second such vessel, will soon be commissioned, say reports. Designed to be a base for fighter jets and helicopters, the country's second aircraft carrier is the first of the Type 001A class.

The "homemade" aircraft carrier is expected to have a displacement of about 50,000 metric tons, and conventional engines and fighter jet launch systems, which are used on CNS Liaoning, China's first aircraft carrier. However, on-board fighter jets may still have to resort to ski-jump ramps instead of the more advanced catapult-assistance take-off.

CNS Liaoning, rebuilt from a former Soviet cruiser, Admiral Kuznetsov-class carrier Varyag, is primarily used for training and research, while the new carrier will serve naval combat and defense missions, as well as non-combat missions ranging from fighting terrorism and piracy to taking part in rescue operations. Pilots and commanders for the new carrier have been trained and its equipment tested on Liaoning for future operations.

Although the new aircraft carrier will be a much-improved version of Liaoning, it will not be as advanced as its US counterparts, including the nuclear-powered US Nimitz-class and the latest Gerald Ford-class carriers, in terms of size, scale and combat capability. Also, it will take a few more years to complete the functional operations of the new vessel's devices and weapons before it can embark on sea trials.

This is all the more reason Beijing should intensify its research in and enhance its capacity to build aircraft carriers. Such vessels are a necessity for a major power aspiring to better protect its legitimate interests in the open seas, as well as to safeguard regional stability and international sea lanes. Since strong naval powers like the United States are unlikely to exchange equipment and technologies used in their top carriers, China should emulate successful models and learn how to build more advanced carriers.

Two aircraft carriers, regardless of their size, are not enough for a country such as China. The basic principle is that a country the size of China should have at least three aircraft carriers-one for training, one for naval duty and one for maintenance. Six of the 11 US aircraft carriers are deployed in the Pacific Ocean and the rest in the Atlantic Ocean, which help Washington to maintain a formidable maritime presence across the globe.

China has no intention of challenging the US' global dominance nor will it seek to strengthen its navy beyond its defense-oriented strategic need. Chinese vessels are mainly used for self-defense and to preserve regional security. And there is plenty of room for improvement with regard to their capability and combat readiness.

Since aircraft carriers will continue to play a key role in securing open sea operations, China's efforts to design and build a competent carrier from scratch are more than justified. Besides, China needs to convince its neighbors with which it has maritime disputes that the carriers will not be used to flex its military muscles but to make the region safer.

The author is a senior researcher at the Naval Military Studies Research Institute of the People's Liberation Army. The article is an excerpt from his interview with China Daily's Cui Shoufeng.

"Besides, China needs to convince its neighbors with which it has maritime disputes that the carriers will not be used to flex its military muscles but to make the region safer."

The senior researcher is a joke. I don't know what's the meaning he write those content. But I can surely tell him as long as China have carriers, you can't convince some deliberate neighbors. The senior researcher, specially he is from the institute of Army, should directly tell to some neighbors, the carriers are sticks prepared for you.
"Besides, China needs to convince its neighbors with which it has maritime disputes that the carriers will not be used to flex its military muscles but to make the region safer."

The senior researcher is a joka. I don't know what's the meaning he write those content. But I can surely tell him as long as China have carriers, you can't convince some deliberate neighbors. The senior researcher, specially he is from the institute of Army, should directly tell to some neighbors, the carriers are sticks prepared for you.

:lol::lol::lol: You're just too candid
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