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CV-17 Shandong - Type 002 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

Yes, what is wrong with proportions?
But more important is the island installed yet?

The fabrication of the island superstructure is still on going. It will not be installed so soon. Could be in middle of next month or September.

Right now the module expected to be installed is the final parts of ski ramp, the angle deck and the pontoon next to the angle deck.
The fabrication of the island superstructure is still on going. It will not be installed so soon. Could be in middle of next month or September.

Right now the module expected to be installed is the final parts of ski ramp, the angle deck and the pontoon next to the angle deck.

Dear Icloo, many thanks for your kind update. Yes, it is quite high speed of construction...yet patience is a virtue.

Yes, agree ~ if PLAN is NOT willing to install EMAL CAT on the flat angle flight deck, then PLAN Admirals in Power need to be reeducated again in front of Chm XIJP.

MA Wei Ming--EMAL--WU Shen Li--1h.jpg

MA Wei Ming--EMAL--WU Shen Li--1i.jpg

Does anyone know what device is being pointed by Superstar Scientist MA in front of Adm. WU ??
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