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Cutting edge Technology generated by the Islamic nations in the middle east

Yes, good for next GEN Flir systems. Longer range and going to ULTRA HD FLIR systems, how smaller more you can use Transistors for more calculation.
I say 40 and 28nm of tsmc are mature enough to be used for industrial use , specially those nodes were used in chips like Fermi that was working in 100+ degree Celsius temp .
if it were used those nodes you could probably expect more than 2 time performance over 64nm . and that help you a lot if you want to use it in next gen Systems
I say 40 and 28nm of tsmc are mature enough to be used for industrial use , specially those nodes were used in chips like Fermi that was working in 100+ degree Celsius temp .
if it were used those nodes you could probably expect more than 2 time performance over 64nm . and that help you a lot if you want to use it in next gen Systems

Target is producing chip in own country, when americans demand from TSMC not to deliver smaller chips wher do you want to get it>? Look to china at the moment, they are screwed.65nm is old technology something 15 year ago, ther are enough companies who can sell that chip to you. When you go for smaller, sorry ther is not much companies.

Turkey aim is to produce sillicon to wafere, and from that chips. Basic materials to end product, thats a huge investment so we are going to team up wiht Malaysian chip factory.
Target is producing chip in own country, when americans demand from TSMC not to deliver smaller chips wher do you want to get it>? Look to china at the moment, they are screwed.65nm is old technology something 15 year ago, ther are enough companies who can sell that chip to you. When you go for smaller, sorry ther is not much companies.

Turkey aim is to produce sillicon to wafere, and from that chips. Basic materials to end product, thats a huge investment so we are going to team up wiht Malaysian chip factory.
a small correction , I believe china don't have problem up to 14nm but when it come to smaller nodes , their process simply is not mature enough to be economically viable

Satellite subSystems were developed domestically

Hyperspectral satellite camera
Sub-meter resolution electro-optical satellite camera
communication system
star trails
sun sensor
reaction wheel
Next generation flight computer

The high-resolution EO Satellite Camera which is developed by TUBITAK Space Optical Systems Research Laboratory (OPMER) was exported to Pakistan


IMECE Earth Observation Satellite

The IMECE Satellite, to be designed and manufactured entirely by Turkish technicians and engineers

Panchromatic images at a 90cm resolution by indigenous high-resolution EO Satellite Camera
Long before the European Renaissance, Middle east region and China were the centers of science and technology in the known world. Chinese, Persian,Turkish and Arab thinkers were generating new ideas every day. Europe was in dark ages. This thread will introduce some of the original work being carried in this region today.

Iran tests home-grown quantum cryptography on longer distance
Monday, 25 January 2021 6:58 PM [ Last Update: Monday, 25 January 2021 7:16 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Iran successfully tests its home-grown version of quantum cryptography on a distance of 1,650 meters.
Researchers at the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) have successfully tested a home-grown version of the quantum key distribution (QKD) technology on a relatively long distance of 1,650 meters.
The test carried out on Monday at Tehran’s Milad Tower saw researchers use photons to carry a message encrypted through quantum keys between parties stationed at the tower and the nearby AEOI premises.
AEOI chief Ali Akbar Salehi and Iranian deputy president for scientific affair Sorena Sattari attended the ceremony to promote the home-grown QKD.
Researchers had previously tested the technology on shorter distances of two meters and 300 meters.
The tests began in 2018 when Iran announced it will become one of the few countries in the world to develop QKD.
View attachment 710622

Iran making tangible progress in quantum physics: AEOI chief
The technology uses quantum physics rules to distribute cryptographic keys to remote parties in order to make their communication immune to cyberattacks.
Experts believe QKD would grow in significance in the upcoming years amid increasing demand for more secure channels of communication.
AEOI’s Salehi said his organization is planning to launch a fourth phase of QKD test on a 7-kilometer distance between the Milad Tower and Azadi Tower in Tehran in the near future.
Iran develops secure communication device based on quantum physics
Salehi said the AEOI hopes it could use the QKD for secure communication between the organization’s headquarters in Tehran and a major nuclear site in Fordow in central Iran.
He said the secure channel, planned to come on line in the next one or two years, would be able to carry 90-100 bits per seconds of data through an optic fiber network.
Many many congratulations. Inspite of over 1.5 bn population, we Muslims have a little contribution in science and technology. Nice to see Muslim nations contributing in the area.

Turkish companies working on Semiconductors , Microbolometers , Waffers , Photovoltaic ,Perovskite Cell ,Quantum well infrared detectors


ASELSAN LWIR SAFIR-640 Vanadium oxide uncooled microbolometer and MWIR MCT cooled infrared detector


ODTU MEMS Micro Design and microelectronic applications








GÜNAM Photovoltaic Line

PERC (Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell) / PERT (Passivated Emitter Rear Totally Diffused) / PERL (Passivated Emitter with Rear Locally Diffused) ve IBC (Interdigitated Back Contact)
c-Si (Crystalline Silicon )


ODTU MESS Photolithography


Plasma Ashers



SWIR (Short Wave Infrared / Short Wave Infrared) semiconductor detector based on InGaAs compound semiconductor material

MWIR (Middle Wavelength Infrared / Medium Wave Infrared) MCT (HgCdTe) cooled infrared detector


ASELSAN MWIR MCT Cooled Semiconductor Infrared Detector

MCT LWIR (Long Wavelength Infrared / Long Wave Infrared) cooled infrared semiconductor detector

UV Concentrator Tube

Ingot and wafer developed by Aselsan


Perovskite Cell

Turkiye became the 4th in the world by overtaking Italy in sheet metal processing machines


Participating in the 26th International Sheet Metal Processing Technology Fair (EuroBLECH 2022) in Hannover, Turkish machinery companies introduced the latest technologies they developed in the field of sheet metal processing within the scope of the “Digitalization and Industry 4.0” vision

155 companies from Turkiye, including Durmazlar, Laser Isse, MVD, DENER, ERMAKSAN, Baykal Makin and Akyapak, attended the fair

In the future, half of the 10 brands in the machinery sector will be from Turkiye

















Iran's Ticket to 36000 km GEO orbit (Q-100 SLV) tested

  • A three stage Space Launch Vehicle all SOLID fuel with Thrust Vector Control (TVC) for all three stages was tested yesterday.
  • First of a "QAEM" family series to take Iran to Geo orbit at 36000 km (Q-100,Q-105,Q-110 and Q-120). Q-120 will be the GEO provider
  • The first-stage of Q-xx is the Raafe solid rocket motor.Raafe has a flex-nozzle motor which provides TVC. The Salman second stage is also TVC. Rocket orientation is done without fins or verniers as with previous Iranian rockets and uses thrusters for stabilization. This saves weight and cuts down on drag
  • 1667737991348.png
Iran's Ticket to 36000 km GEO orbit (Q-100 SLV) tested
View attachment 894056
  • A three stage Space Launch Vehicle all SOLID fuel with Thrust Vector Control (TVC) for all three stages was tested yesterday.
  • First of a "QAEM" family series to take Iran to Geo orbit at 36000 km (Q-100,Q-105,Q-110 and Q-120). Q-120 will be the GEO provider
  • The first-stage of Q-xx is the Raafe solid rocket motor.Raafe has a flex-nozzle motor which provides TVC. The Salman second stage is also TVC. Rocket orientation is done without fins or verniers as with previous Iranian rockets and uses thrusters for stabilization. This saves weight and cuts down on drag
  • View attachment 894059
Payload ? Capability to GTO cost ?
Q-100 is capable of 80 kg to LEO (500km) but apparently the first stage thrust provided is much more than being used so and I am guessing Q-120 will have same 80 Kg payload to GEO .
No actual stats released by iran
It's still a solid stage rocket yeah?

@aryobarzan is thier any news on cryogenic development in Iran ?
ALL three stage are solids..the whole family of Q will be all solid...this makes Q series actual ICBMs since they can be launch from mobile platforms at a short notice.
Solids are extremely inefficient
I hope iran concentrates more on cryogenics to reduce the costs
Or else it's never going to be commercial
Iran has potential to be a launch site for many countries under sanctions
I wish them the best
Iran's BAVAR-373 Block II AD System
  • Only 3 years after introduction of Block I in 2019
  • Block II now at 300+ km range with upgraded missile "Sayad-4B"
  • successfully intercepted a very low RCS target moving at 700 km per hour at 4.7 km altitude and 304 km range
  • The only country to have developed such a fully indigenous long range AD system with two AESA Radars
  • Target drone fired @ 500 km distance
  • Target detection @ 432 km
  • Initial Target lock @402 km
  • Target fully locked @376 km
  • Direct target intercept @304 km
  • Target drone speed 700 km/hour
  • Interceptor missile (S-4B) max speed @1800 meter per second
  • Interceptor missile speed at impact:1000m/s


Below is the photo of S-4B interceptors missile.
S-4B has TVC and a secondary active radar homing mode to counters evasive dive maneuvers, note: only russian S-400 longest range missile has this feature



SARH/TVM/SAGG remains the main guidance method due to its robustness. But ARH is an important advantage at such extreme ranges like the reported 305km, as earth curvature comes into play.

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Solids are extremely inefficient
I hope iran concentrates more on cryogenics to reduce the costs
Or else it's never going to be commercial
Iran has potential to be a launch site for many countries under sanctions
I wish them the best
I don't call it extremally inefficient , the system is certainly have less power than lox but it has more power than umdh, its good for LEO and MEO but what make LOX better for heavier payload and GEO is that building a big launcher with it is a lot easier than building one with solid fuel as large solid fuel engines are really hard to build and very dangerous
an example of solid is pegasus or Japanes M-V that even used to launching Nozomi (a Mars Orbitter) or Hayabusa or Minotaur that used to send satellites to moon or Russia Start-1 which launched EROS-B
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