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Iran tests quantum cryptography on longer distance

Not only that. Even on the level of the “simpler” and achievable quantum key distribution you will be able to have instant and non hackable communication. Meaning unmanned vehicles can be piloted from far away. Manned fighter jets will be obsolete over night!
Indeed. It seems that the era of manned aircraft will end much sooner than people expected. Considering recent advances in high power lasers, it seems that hypersonic cruise missiles are a good and safe investment. Countries should build them and stock them as many as they can.
Well almost entire sanctions imposed on Iran are due to its stance against israel ... I don't see anything even close happening for other countries ...
If Pakistan was ever considered a threat to the existence of the illegitimate State of Israel, you would not have been allowed to have nuclear weapons. Simple as that. Why would the U.S sold you Nuclear strike capable F-16s if it ever considered you a threat to Israel?
If Pakistan was in any way a threat to the state of Israel, you would've been sanctioned to death until you voluntarily give up your nuclear weapons like South Africa, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan or Ukraine. Even half of the sanctions imposed on Iran would cause the already fragile Pakistani economy to collapse. No offense though.

That aside, Pakistan used to be a US ally until just recently that it has established strong ties with China (which is now a US competitor, but used to be a US economic partner/client before).

Again, "a brief history lesson", and you wouldn't be asking such questions. Pakistan was sanctioned to the teeth for developing nuclear weapons by the US. The US also stopped the sale of F-16 Jets even after receiving the payment.

Also @Bahram Esfandiari - The US did not ever sell Pakistan nuclear-capable equipment. Seek knowledge before you make assumptions.
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Again, "a brief history lesson", and you wouldn't be asking such questions. Pakistan was sanctioned to the teeth for developing nuclear weapons by the US. The US also stopped the sale of F-16 Jets even after receiving the payment.

Also @Bahram Esfandiari - The US did not ever sell Pakistan nuclear-capable equipment. Seek knowledge before you make assumptions.
I know you were under sanctions for a short period, but why didn't they keep the sanctions on you afterwards? They never lifted sanctions on North Korea after they went nuclear. Did they?

Do you disagree that Pakistan's strategic relations with China is a new development and you used to be a US partner in the region? And I'm not talking about a long time ago. Maybe only 10 years ago.

Abdul Qadir Khan basically worked in the Netherlands. He literally trafficked nuclear equipment and blueprints from there. Even he has acknowledged that and it has become public knowledge. Everything you needed for your nuclear program was imported from abroad, particularly Europe. Do you think that if the Zionists felt threatened by you guys, the Europeans would allow a Pakistani to work there in the first place?

The United States, European countries, even countries like China and Russia, have barred Iranian students from studying in majors related to nuclear engineering and technology since 2008, even for a bachelor degree. Let alone working at a nuclear facility and trafficking nuclear equipment from there.
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I know you were under sanctions for a short period, but why didn't they keep the sanctions on you afterwards? They never lifted sanctions on North Korea after they went nuclear. Did they?

Do you disagree that Pakistan's strategic relations with China is a new development and you used to be a US partner in the region? And I'm not talking about a long time ago. Maybe only 10 years ago.

Abdul Qadir Khan basically worked in the Netherlands. He literally trafficked nuclear equipment and blueprints from there. Even he has acknowledged that and it has become public knowledge. Everything you needed for your nuclear program was imported from abroad, particularly Europe. Do you think that if the Zionists felt threatened by you guys, the Europeans would allow a Pakistani to work there in the first place?

The United States, European countries, even countries like China and Russia, have barred Iranian students from studying in majors related to nuclear engineering and technology since 2008, even for a bachelor degree. Let alone working at a nuclear facility and trafficking nuclear equipment from there.

The sanctions were only lifted after 9/11, when the US bribed the Musharaff-ruled Pakistani government to join the "war on terror" with them. This is where Iran made the right choice by not aligning itself with the US, and where Pakistan faltered. Musharaff did some nice things with the Pakistani economy (it grew by a lot under him) but ultimately Pakistan paid a hefty price by joining the US.

Abdul Qadir Khan was a spy, he was doing everything undercover. And, of course, even the US, Britain, France and China helped one another in some way develop nuclear weapons (whether with sales, stealing secrets, helping build reactors, etc). Think of Russia - Iran gets a lot of nuclear-know how from Russia.

The US even recently banned and sanctioned Pakistani companies from building ICBM missiles.

This was from 2018:

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