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Crypto currency investors

Did you get out of arcblock? Concerns are that it doesn't have a big team.

There is some FUD around arcblock but they are legit and hype is unreal. Blockchain infrastructure projects like arcblock, zilliqa etc always give best return.

I’m going to invest in arcblock.

dont have telegram...but its about time i get telegram!


this is the reason i stay away from ICOs most of them are just fancy whitepapers and no product to show.

That is old article. There are lots of good projects with prototype. Days of whitepaper ICOs are long gone if one do proper research.
There is some FUD around arcblock but they are legit and hype is unreal. Blockchain infrastructure projects like arcblock, zilliqa etc always give best return.

I’m going to invest in arcblock.

That is old article. There are lots of good projects with prototype. Days of whitepaper ICOs are long gone if one do proper research.

Zilliqa is for real no doubt need to get in early
Did you buy them in presale ? I am waiting for it to hit exchanges

Nah I missed it too but I’m definitely gonna buy up as soon as it hits exchange on the 25th just hope it’s not to high at the start
nothing interesting for now, market is going up and down...:(
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