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CRPF to Use 'Shaheed' For Troopers Killed in Line of Duty

It is not something new for Indian government is using the word shaheed for its fallen soldiers for a very long period of time. Please mind that Indian Police/para-military/armed forces are not only composed of Hindus but Indians of various faiths including Muslims. If Quran has used the word shaheed for those who die while fighting in the way of Allah, obviously it was used in similar if not identical meanings by the Arabs of pre-Islamic times, and those Arabs were pagons.

There is no source of shahid being used in pre-Islamic times in the same way that it is used by Muslims since Islam. Actually it is hard to find it being used in pre islamic writings at all quite frankly. If you have any sources you should open another thread and share it for us.
We have been using the word shaheed for a long time. It is now a loanword used in India just like martyr is also used when referring to these same people in English.

Pakistanis who have a problem with it can go and complain to saudi arabia :lol:
The word is used once for martyr and is otherwise used in the sense of witness.

I doubt if it was used by pagans in similar meanings as the literal meaning of word is just "Witness" - It's Quranic verses which gave this word another meaning.

That is because in Arabic a witness in say a court case would be called a shahed that is the non-religious term for witness but calling someone a shahed in Arabic denotes that this is a temporary position for said person. However in Islam we use shaheed which is a state of permanent being. A ‘shaheed’ is someone who bears ultimate witness; someone whose sole function now is to bear witness. That is why to say it is an Arabic term is misleading as the general Arabic term itself is different whereas the Quranic version of it holds additional meaning that literally correlates to believing in Allah swt. It should also be noted that Christian Arabs and other non-Muslim Arabs actually borrowed the same term from the Muslims so if it had always existed like some people claim it would have already been a part of their vocabulary long before Islam came along. However it is openly acknowledged even by them that they took the term from Muslims.
I've done a bit of thread cleaning. That @fajita is a serial troll, I have been watching him. He'll be back, and when he does appear with some other name, do let me know please.

This is not a big problem people. No need to come up with big and fancy theories. It should not be a serious matter. If Indians use this word, why should it be a problem for any one in Pakistan?

Thank you Mr. Moderator. Appreciate your work.
On topic, since struggle for independece, every martyr who laid down his life for the cause been called Saheed with utmost respect by we Indians. No one cares what the word originally means, but for us Saheed is equivalent to martyr. Even in north eastern india, with so much diversity in terms of languages used, even we write it Saheed in out own literature. The word will remain forever.
The fact is " Saheed" will be the word meaning martyr till end of time in out country and culture. because language doesn't depend on its original meaning, but it depend upon by interpretation. There are many example where same word means different things in different geographical area.
Dont be stupid to fight for a useless topic. You all have better things to do in life.
Thank you.

I've done a bit of thread cleaning. That @fajita is a serial troll, I have been watching him. He'll be back, and when he does appear with some other name, do let me know please.

This is not a big problem people. No need to come up with big and fancy theories. It should not be a serious matter. If Indians use this word, why should it be a problem for any one in Pakistan?

Thank you Mr. Moderator. Appreciate your work.
On topic, since struggle for independece, every martyr who laid down his life for the cause been called Saheed with utmost respect by we Indians. No one cares what the word originally means, but for us Saheed is equivalent to martyr. Even in north eastern india, with so much diversity in terms of languages used, even we write it Saheed in out own literature. The word will remain forever.
The fact is " Saheed" will be the word meaning martyr till end of time in out country and culture. because language doesn't depend on its original meaning, but it depend upon by interpretation. There are many example where same word means different things in different geographical area.
Dont be stupid to fight for a useless topic. You all have better things to do in life.
Thank you.
Urdu is the language of the camp, it's not an Indian language but language of invaders.

Your language is Sanskrit, a failed language that was replaced with the language of foreigners.
whatever mister ! atleast sanskrit dont have script of arabs and words upto 70 % of native indians and rest from farsi and ancient gulf country language !
Sir i apologize again ... Teachers are the real nation builders .... And command respect ... Even my religion places teachers at a high status or position .. So sorry sir..


Please don't take it to heart.

It's over, I've conscientously cleared up every unbecoming remark I made myself. And I assure you I hold nothing against either of you.

No more apologies :-D I have only the greatest affection and care for those who address me with such respect.
I don't know why Pakistanis have problem, this is proof of influence muslims had on hindus. :-)
New Delhi: In a first step for a central armed police force, Central Reserve Police Force or CRPF has decided to honour its jawans and officers killed in action with the prefix 'Shaheed' in their names.

The country's leading anti-Naxal operations force, which by virtue of its huge deployment has the highest casualty rate among all forces deployed in internal security duties, has issued instructions to prefix 'Shaeed' with immediate effect for all casualties where the trooper or officer was on duty.

Recently, Central Reserve Police Force Director General Dilip Trivedi wrote to his field formations for implementing the instructions in this regard in 'letter and spirit'.

"There was a demand from all quarters about the need to address our slain personnel in a befitting manner. We found there is nothing that restricts us from taking a decision in
this regard and, in order to give full respect to our martyrs, we recently issued directions to prefix their names with 'Shaheed'," Mr Trivedi told PTI.

CRPF has the maximum deployment of troops in anti-Naxal operations at close to 90,000 personnel and has lost hundreds of men in combating Maoists over the years.

All official communication, messages, addresses and citations will mention 'Shaheed' before the name of any jawan or officer who was killed in action in any theatre where the
force is deployed -- Left-Wing Extremism, anti-insurgency in North East, operations against militants in Jammu and Kashmir and for rendering any sort of law and order duty across the
country, the DG said.

The country's largest paramilitary force, with 3-lakh personnel, also recently instituted trophies in the names of its 'Shaheed' troopers who were awarded military medals of bravery or top police gallantry medals.

"This is the first time the force has publicised the names of its martyred troopers with the prefix 'Shaheed'," said a senior official.

Officials said that a number of jawans and officers in the force come from a rural background and, often, when officers went to these places with the body of a dead trooper, they were asked whether this small respect by way of the prefix in their names could not be extended to the slain personnel.

"We would try and explain to the bereaved families that there was no such instruction or order and, at the same time, feel helpless. The new orders at least ensure some solace for
the family of the personnel who has left behind nothing but a tale of his or her martyrdom," the official added.

The central police forces and their ex-servicemen organisations have time and again made representations in this regard to the government saying this honour (of calling them
'Shaheed') for the troops would not only act as a morale booster but also boost their self-esteem.

These forces, at present, issue pension-related benefits to slain personnel's family while the government decorates them with various gallantry and police medals.

The 9-lakh personnel strong Central Armed Police Forces are made up of CRPF, BSF, ITBP, SSB, CISF, NSG and RPF.

In a similar measure aimed at boosting morale, the previous UPA government had issued orders for categorising the retired personnel from these forces as 'ex-central armed
police forces personnel' on the lines of the three armed forces.
CRPF to Use 'Shaheed' For Troopers Killed in Line of Duty
@Oscar @Spring Onion @Zarvan @DESERT FIGHTER @Aeronaut

Good news they do as the same job as the Military
yes it is
I do t think anyone has the copyrights to that word, including the Pakistan and definitely not on Islam or Arabic. They should being so **** ****. :)
Copy right of All Mighty ALLAH(Subhana waataalah) to be SHAHEED one MUST be MUSLIM.
yes it is

Copy right of All Mighty ALLAH(Subhana waataalah) to be SHAHEED one MUST be MUSLIM.
And we believe they are right by Allah too - removing terrorism from the face of the earth. And please stop us from doing this if u can. We will use it like that only.
This is blasphemy. God please forgive us for pur cardinal sins. Pakistan should procesute CRPF under blasphemy law.
We don't mind as long as the meaning is conveyed and understood properly. We have taken the Governors, Generals, etc from the English. We will take this from the Semites and other words from other people. If you want monopoly on a certain word, file a patent for it. Otherwise we will steal it and make it ours.
Mate don't you find it a bit offensive that the GoI is using a foreign word exclusively used by the Mlechchas for our Martyrs.I mean India was made by the Dharmic,of the Dharmic and for the Dharmic culture.So why on earth are we using a loan word to describe our fallen bravehearts!We should rather use the words like "Veergati" or "Amar" for our fallen soldiers which are synonymous to our Dharmic faith.What['s your take in this matter??

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