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Nope. You refuse to see the reality.

Any reference for such begging? You wouldn’t find any. Till now what appears to me is US going head over heals to get India into its side. You obviously can’t see it since you don’t want to.

And your Army Chief was not the one who asked for peace first?

Shall I post the number of times OIC has shown its place to Pakistan?

It is not super power. It is soft power. That is reason India evaded CATSA but your dearest friend Turkey couldn’t. Could you throw some light on th? That is the reason Pakistan was denied VISA by your dear UAE.

And there is one country begging all the time. New example of the same.

Did you forget not too long back your prime minister was stuck in US because Saudi withdrew the aircraft it had loaned you. Can this be more humiliating? Guess not for you. This after he drove him around in Pakistan. Or when you had to borrow from China to repay Saudi. And money is not a problem?

For you being in FATF May be an act of super soft power but in the real world it is not.

Don’t write long stories. Please enlighten on the aspects listed above.
Oh Pajeets and their pathetic excuses

I showed you the reality and you got blinded with your ignorance, let me put some more salt Indai is one of the biggest human right abuser

Alos cumpulisve liers with no moral standing :-D

When I said begging was nice, indians are worshiping their lord

Any way here Indians are begging the USA to save them from China and Pakistan

Third, our army chief dictated to get in your senses and your army chief obliged.

Please post any non Indian link of OIC snubbing Pakistan if you have any !

and the other link you shared are a pathetic disinformation attempt as debunked by EU

For the Saudis when Pakistanis showed their muscles they got back in their postion

continue living in fool's paradise and wait to be eaten by dogs.
I showed you the reality and you got blinded with your ignorance, let me put some more salt Indai is one of the biggest human right abuser
You are again running away from the subject of the discussion. The subject was monetary prowess and scientific capabilities of Pakistan.
What has that to do with human rights in India?

Ok. Let’s say that you have a point here. Has that had any impact on India? I see EU, US, Japan and quite a few countries that matter falling head over heals to have better relations with India. That includes majority of OIC;) While you languish in FATF. Good that you raised this topic. Now you know what is soft power.

I am sure that you would try and counter on this issue. So, one more example to give you the proper perspective on the matter.

China’s human right record is being raised much more than that of India across the world and by all the major powers. Has that impacted Chinese influence? Or it’s soft power. Are you getting the point?

Third, our army chief dictated to get in your senses and your army chief obliged.
The lies and propaganda sold to you isn’t going to work anywhere else.

It is laughable for someone to believe that Pak army chief can dictate things to the Indian army chief. Only a clown would make and accept such claims.

Please post any non Indian link of OIC snubbing Pakistan if you have any !

When you type the word snub you know what pops up prominently? It was not very smart of you to ask for non Indian sources.

Since you wanted to highlight the soft power of Pakistan I hope you wouldn’t forget how many tears were shed recently when US didn’t invite Pakistan to a climate summit where even a country like Bhutan invited. Here is the view of people outside India on powerful Pakistan.

Still some delusion left? Okkk

For the Saudis when Pakistanis showed their muscles they got back in their postion
You have muscle power? That is the problem with people like you who are in a delusional state. Can you tell me one act of muscle power usage that you can do against the Saudi?

Last time your PM had to fly all the way from US in a commercial flight after they withdrew their aircraft to teach him a lesson. They could have easily sent another aircraft if there was any issue with the one that had taken him to US. Would they make their Prince come back in a commercial flight if one aircraft had some problem? There couldn’t be more humiliation than what they meted out to IK. Did you feel how humiliating that was?

And here you are asking for international sources when Pakistan was publicly shamed.

Point remains - Financially and scientifically Pakistan is at a very low position. I have just mentioned two areas. Delusion and bringing human rights violations of others wouldn’t help. Only thing that would help is to accept the fact and work to address them.
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But you need money for that.

Isn’t it?

agree .. money is needed

like how india has 200M+ more poor people than last year...

like india takes aid from Turkey.
. Has that had any impact on India?


They need india as a mule against china
Just look at the intellectual level of the guys on this forum..geez!

he just stated a fact ......... an event rubber stamped by your greatest leader modi.
They need india as a mule against china
Were you a US mule against USSR? Are you a Chinese mule right now?

Ally becomes mule when convenient. Remember it can cut both ways.

like how india has 200M+ more poor people than last year...
Thanks to Wuhan virus. I don’t think anyone has become richer except maybe China.
You are again running away from the subject of the discussion. The subject was monetary prowess and scientific capabilities of Pakistan.
What has that to do with human rights in India?

Ok. Let’s say that you have a point here. Has that had any impact on India? I see EU, US, Japan and quite a few countries that matter falling head over heals to have better relations with India. That includes majority of OIC;) While you languish in FATF. Good that you raised this topic. Now you know what is soft power.

I am sure that you would try and counter on this issue. So, one more example to give you the proper perspective on the matter.

China’s human right record is being raised much more than that of India across the world and by all the major powers. Has that impacted Chinese influence? Or it’s soft power. Are you getting the point?

The lies and propaganda sold to you isn’t going to work anywhere else.

It is laughable for someone to believe that Pak army chief can dictate things to the Indian army chief. Only a clown would make and accept such claims.

When you type the word snub you know what pops up prominently? It was not very smart of you to ask for non Indian sources.

Since you wanted to highlight the soft power of Pakistan I hope you wouldn’t forget how many tears were shed recently when US didn’t invite Pakistan to a climate summit where even a country like Bhutan invited. Here is the view of people outside India on powerful Pakistan.

Still some delusion left? Okkk

You have muscle power? That is the problem with people like you who are in a delusional state. Can you tell me one act of muscle power usage that you can do against the Saudi?

Last time your PM had to fly all the way from US in a commercial flight after they withdrew their aircraft to teach him a lesson. They could have easily sent another aircraft if there was any issue with the one that had taken him to US. Would they make their Prince come back in a commercial flight if one aircraft had some problem? There couldn’t be more humiliation than what they meted out to IK. Did you feel how humiliating that was?

And here you are asking for international sources when Pakistan was publicly shamed.

Point remains - Financially and scientifically Pakistan is at a very low position. I have just mentioned two areas. Delusion and bringing human rights violations of others wouldn’t help. Only thing that would help is to accept the fact and work to address them.
Another ignorant attempt to discredit what Pakistan did.

Did Inda manage to put Pakistan on FATF blacklist?
DId India managed to diplomatically isolate Pakistan?
Did India manged to retaliate when Pakistanis bombed them in broad daylight and send a death threat to your army chief?

All the links you shared about Pakistan snubbed what happened?
Didn't OICis hostile towards India?

Unlike the Indian wet dreams, Pakistani do their job in silence and get the results. see the Saudis and the rest of the Arabs are in line with Pakistan again

Saudis tried to play cheap games and got the results!

Finally, the Americans are begging for bases and Pakistanis are showing them the finger so who is snubbing who?

Your point of financial and technological access restriction to Pakistan has no ground, if some country refuses to sell us their stuff we buy it from another country and we get what we want. The wounds of AMRAM are still fresh and spitting gibberish and making fool for yourself.

I don't see why citizens of the failed state have so much illusion of grandeur while they are getting ended as dogs meal
Did Inda manage to put Pakistan on FATF blacklist?
DId India managed to diplomatically isolate Pakistan?
There are multiple threads on this subject and they all seem to differ with you. As per these threads it was India that was behind your FATF crown by spreading fake news.
Decide what narrative you want and go with it. Don’t change it as per your convenience.
Saudis tried to play cheap games and got the results!
Nope. The world sees it differently and the sources I shared clearly indicated that they taught a lesson to Pakistan. I am also amazed at the twist that some people like you give by saying “got the results”. Can you share one area where you can teach a so called lesson to Saudi. You are very close to blindness if you really think so.
I don't see why citizens of the failed state have so much illusion of grandeur
There is no illusion here either about Pakistan or India.
We know exactly what happened in India due to Wuhan Virus. Did I say that it was handled the way it should have been? Nope. Why are you getting ecstatic then.

Your point of financial and technological access restriction to Pakistan has no ground, if some country refuses to sell us their stuff we buy it from another country and we get what we want.

You are wrong again. There are very few who are ready to give you anything due to geo-politics. Very few of them do want to but you can’t be afford it due to your superior financial status.

You get what you want? You wanted helicopters from Turkey. Are you getting it? Why aren’t you getting it? Because of your superior muscle power I guess?

Finally about America begging you. Have you seem the number of pages on the thread where there is a hope of getting more F-16. Just read some of the posts and you would know who is begging.
There are multiple threads on this subject and they all seem to differ with you. As per these threads it was India that was behind your FATF crown by spreading fake news.
Decide what narrative you want and go with it. Don’t change it as per your convenience.

Nope. The world sees it differently and the sources I shared clearly indicated that they taught a lesson to Pakistan. I am also amazed at the twist that some people like you give by saying “got the results”. Can you share one area where you can teach a so called lesson to Saudi. You are very close to blindness if you really think so.

There is no illusion here either about Pakistan or India.
We know exactly what happened in India due to Wuhan Virus. Did I say that it was handled the way it should have been? Nope. Why are you getting ecstatic then.

You are wrong again. There are very few who are ready to give you anything due to geo-politics. Very few of them do want to but you can’t be afford it due to your superior financial status.

You get what you want? You wanted helicopters from Turkey. Are you getting it? Why aren’t you getting it? Because of your superior muscle power I guess?

Finally about America begging you. Have you seem the number of pages on the thread where there is a hope of getting more F-16. Just read some of the posts and you would know who is begging.

India wanted to put Pakistan on the FATF blacklist did it succeeded?
Did India manage to diplomatically isolate Pakistan?

Regarding the Saudis this was 3 weeks ago
And you are still living in your own dreams

Regarding the helicopters, Pakistanis get what they want temporary roadblocks were and will not be a problem. Helicopters are a small thing don't let me start how we got our nukes.

Wasn't it the American f-16 that shoot down Indian aircraft?
Peoples have hope but the reality is Pakistan have the f-16s and used it when needed while indians were crying about they used an Amram. Pathetic

still, after so much humiliation still have the gut to write, as said by Pakistan founder

hindus are incorrigible ~M.A Jinnah
Did India manage to diplomatically isolate Pakistan?
Yes. That’s why you have remained in the grey list. Talk when you come out of it.

Regarding the Saudis this was 3 weeks ago
Why an attempt to reset if everything was hunk dory?
Atleast you accept that things had gone sour.
Has the rest taken place completely? Or Saudi will make you run to China again for you know what.

Just in your previous post you were claiming that Saudi has been taught a lesson. If the lesson was taught then why did IK went there running? MBR should have come down to Pakistan since you taught them a lesson. We know who taught a lesson and to whom. Moreover, did he take a commercial flight both ways as a precautionary measure😜😜.

The fact that you sidestep every uncomfortable question shows your true worth.
Can you explain what happened to your powerful PM when he was left on ground by the Saudis? This after IK drove him around in Pakistan. Have you heard of sucking up big time? I don’t think so since it is part of your everyday life.
Or when Saudi asked and IK obliged not to attend a meeting in Malaysia being organised by Mahathir? Veeeryyy powerful nation it is.
Or when you borrowed money from China to repay Saudi. That was just 2 Billion USD. Your nation didn’t have even that much of money?
Or when US didn’t invite you for climate summit and invited Bhutan.

Your are a courageous guy fighting for your nation with these facts right on the billboard for everyone to see.

Regarding the helicopters, Pakistanis get what they want temporary roadblocks were and will not be a problem. Helicopters are a small thing don't let me start how we got our nukes.
Things change size as per you convenience? Now helicopters have become small. Dude it is not about small and big.
This deal just indicated your stature in the geo-politics. Which doesn’t appear to be very big. Philippines managed the same helicopters. Now you know your stature vis a vis Philippines.
Bottomline - Pakistan has no stature and no money. Sooner you get this better for you.
Yes. That’s why you have remained in the grey list. Talk when you come out of it.

Why an attempt to reset if everything was hunk dory?
Atleast you accept that things had gone sour.
Has the rest taken place completely? Or Saudi will make you run to China again for you know what.

Just in your previous post you were claiming that Saudi has been taught a lesson. If the lesson was taught then why did IK went there running? MBR should have come down to Pakistan since you taught them a lesson. We know who taught a lesson and to whom. Moreover, did he take a commercial flight both ways as a precautionary measure😜😜.

The fact that you sidestep every uncomfortable question shows your true worth.
Can you explain what happened to your powerful PM when he was left on ground by the Saudis? This after IK drove him around in Pakistan. Have you heard of sucking up big time? I don’t think so since it is part of your everyday life.
Or when Saudi asked and IK obliged not to attend a meeting in Malaysia being organised by Mahathir? Veeeryyy powerful nation it is.
Or when you borrowed money from China to repay Saudi. That was just 2 Billion USD. Your nation didn’t have even that much of money?
Or when US didn’t invite you for climate summit and invited Bhutan.

Your are a courageous guy fighting for your nation with these facts right on the billboard for everyone to see.

Things change size as per you convenience? Now helicopters have become small. Dude it is not about small and big.
This deal just indicated your stature in the geo-politics. Which doesn’t appear to be very big. Philippines managed the same helicopters. Now you know your stature vis a vis Philippines.
Bottomline - Pakistan has no stature and no money. Sooner you get this better for you.
I talked about blacklist if you cant read or understand then its not my problem.
This is from you own news media

The diplomatic isolation is indian getting kicked out of afghan peace process,

This is India diplomatic isolation

The fact of the matter is indian chest thumping on pak saudi relations all went in vain, i told you they tried cheap trick but when Pakistan showed its muscles then went back to their original position.
Indians can plan and spread disinformation m but when the time came Pakistanis gave them a bloody nose.

For the helicopters, is the deal canceled yet?
No, even if it got canceled we can get from Russian or china mi35 is an example already inducted in Pakistan army.

You are talking about money or finances of Pakistan and Chinese assistance that is not even defense related on the contrary indian military is running on leased equipment https://theprint.in/opinion/brahmas...-but-a-tough-choice-for-indian-forces/557195/

You didn’t have the pocket to bury your dead and buy military equipment while talking shamelessly here about finances and geopolitics
The fact of the matter is indian chest thumping on pak saudi relations all went in vain, i told you they tried cheap trick but when Pakistan showed its muscles then went back to their original position.
Where did India come into this?
Saudi kicked your PM. And he fell in line.
You have still not clarified what muscle you can flex with the Saudis. You have no leverage whatsoever over them. They can and have been arm twisting you at will.

I talked about blacklist if you cant read or understand then its not my problem.
Yes, it is the problem with you. You quote something irrelevant and then claim it’s you problem if people don’t understand. You forgot the number of posts and threads where India was credited with FATF crown to Pakistan? Obviously India would ask for blacklisting. Pakistan claimed that it had done everything then why did it remain grey listed?
For the helicopters, is the deal canceled yet?
Obviously you cant cancel the deal. You are still hoping to get the scarce money back.
But it proved that your status is lower than that of the Philippines. Philippines for gods sake? Disgraceful.
indian military is running on leased equipment
Leasing is a method of procuring equipment to save money. It is done after cost benefit analysis vis a vis outright purchase. It is obvious that you have no idea about this aspect and your claim exposed further about your lack of grip on the subject.

Be careful while making negative comments about the Saudis. They might see it and make IK go running to Papa Xi to get some change (on a commercial flight though😜).
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