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Everything becomes false regarding India as per your convenience.

But lies don’t have too many feet. Truth shows itself at some place.
So I would give the example of IK rushing to China for help to repay 2 billion USD to Saudi. Is that also false propaganda by India? Does that ring some bells about the state of your economy?

Are you a clown? You must be to make such a claim. Yes, Pakistanis live a better life without any money. Now you start quoting ground realities while staying in Norway.
Are Pakistanis gotten eaten by dogs?
You are blinded by your ignorance this is the worst thing that happens when you fed with so much propganda.

This is the reality of inda 1 percent holds 4 times more than the 70 percent of the population

You are bragging about the 1 percent while in relaty most of your population is poor and miserable

And those 1 percents are fleeing away from this sinking ship

These are hard facts which is undeniable, this economic disparity is nowhere near to Indian levels in Pakistan and money is distributed more uniformly that why Pakistani lives better lives and are happier then Indians
You are blinded by your ignorance this is the worst thing that happens when you fed with so much propganda.
It is propaganda for you because you don’t like that truth. I don’t stay in Norway and comment bout life in India.

The growth of Indian economy is not a propaganda that you want to believe since you blinded by hate. The distribution of wealth or wealth base is skewed that remains a challenge for any growing country. Had Wuhan Virus not come, India would have definitely done better.
And those 1 percents are fleeing away from this sinking ship
Let them flee. We will live without them.
You started off with Pakistan’s economy being stronger than India and now ended up with average Pakistani lives a better life without money. Great going.

I am sure you are changing tracks because you have realised the fact that economically as well as many other ways India is ahead of you.

If Pakistanis want to be penniless but happy then that is good for them.
Be happy.
It is propaganda for you because you don’t like that truth. I don’t stay in Norway and comment bout life in India.

The growth of Indian economy is not a propaganda that you want to believe since you blinded by hate. The distribution of wealth or wealth base is skewed that remains a challenge for any growing country. Had Wuhan Virus not come, India would have definitely done better.

Let them flee. We will live without them.
You started off with Pakistan’s economy being stronger than India and now ended up with average Pakistani lives a better life without money. Great going.

I am sure you are changing tracks because you have realised the fact that economically as well as many other ways India is ahead of you.

If Pakistanis want to be penniless but happy then that is good for them.
Be happy.
Sharing this fourth time for the miserable state of affairs of Indian economy

second, i shared that Indian is the biggest beggar in the world or the aid receiver Pakistan is not into 10

These are facts which you are dogging and spilling gibberish

Why you not answer who is being eaten by dogs?

Pakistanis with poor economy the Indians of a supa powa
Sharing this fourth time for the miserable state of affairs of Indian economy
Telling you for the Nth time. Even in these shambles Indian Economy is far far ahead of yours.
second, i shared that Indian is the biggest beggar in the world or the aid receiver Pakistan is not into 10
Telling you for the Nth time that the resource that you quoted is an inaccurate one. It doesn’t show many aspects of dole that Pakistan has been getting like the military aid from the US. That itself is in billions of USD. While you keep holding on to one article and feeling happy about the aid your ship keeps sinking.

Do you think that this report is a credible one and OECDs analysis on various things is accurate?

Remember Indian PM doesn’t have to run to a third country for a paltry sum of 2 billion USD. Does that give you some perspective of how bad your situation is?

You are incorrigible and dumb too. But I am sure repeating the facts would make it sink in eventually.

Telling you for the Nth time that aid, dogs etc etc don’t make you stronger than India. You are like that person who is not worried about his misery but happy about others are also in misery. Your thick brain needs to understand that others may be in misery but theirs is lesser than yours.

You are in deep shit. Focus on yourself.
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Telling you for the Nth time. Even in these shambles Indian Economy is far far ahead of yours.

Telling you for the Nth time that the resource that you quoted is an inaccurate one. It doesn’t show many aspects of dole that Pakistan has been getting like the military aid from the US. That itself is in billions of USD. While you keep holding on to one article and feeling happy about the aid your ship keeps sinking.

Do you think that this report is a credible one and OECDs analysis on various things is accurate?

Remember Indian PM doesn’t have to run to a third country for a paltry sum of 2 billion USD. Does that give you some perspective of how bad your situation is?

You are incorrigible and dumb too. But I am sure repeating the facts would make it sink in eventually.

Telling you for the Nth time that aid, dogs etc etc don’t make you stronger than India. You are like that person who is not worried about his misery but happy about others are also in misery. Your thick brain needs to understand that others may be in misery but theirs is lesser than yours.

You are in deep shit. Focus on yourself.
Got burned and getting down in the drain

When facts are pressed you twisted the word, but what to expect from a pajeet who dont have any shame and honor

Hindus are incorrigible i told you from the MA Jinnah :-D
Does your stupidity have any limits why can't you answer who is being eaten by dogs?

When I showed you your shitty place you got packed
enjoy living in your shithole
@GiG you were very keen to know about the aid.

You posted the report many times and pointed out how India got more aid and in fact the biggest aid receiver.
Your insistence showed me that you really like the report. But like scores of Pakistanis your attention to details was very poor.
So here is the full report for you.

The analysis of the full report.

- From 2010 - 2016 Pakistan received 2% of the total aid while India received 1.8% of the total aid given by OECD. With one sixth population Pakistan received more aid than India.
- In per capita terms it is more than six times that of India.

Shit man. You got cornered for being stupid. 😜😜

Since this report was your biggest point of argument, I suggest find some hole for yourself to hide.

Before you open your mouth further, do analyse the report and accept what beggars you all are. More than beggars shamelessness can also be added as a trait.
Your friend doesn’t seem to agree to India’s role. Hope he will accept IK’s assessment on the matter.

IK has been trying to blow India out of water for quite some time now. Has this obsession taken him somewhere? Let me know when he achieves the result.
Modi doesn’t even find Pakistan being worthy of finding a place in his speeches.

Since the trajectory is facing down words India’s task seem to have been already done.

delusion is an Indian trait... keep it up
@GiG waiting for your analysis on aid by the OECD. The same report that was the basis of your entire argument till now.

On further analysis it becomes even more clear that historically Pakistan has definitely received more aid than India and also quite a lot of other very poor countries. The difference per capita is not in small figures but in hundreds of percentages.

Be a man enough retract your statement and apologies.
@GiG waiting for your analysis on aid by the OECD. The same report that was the basis of your entire argument till now.

On further analysis it becomes even more clear that historically Pakistan has definitely received more aid than India and also quite a lot of other very poor countries. The difference per capita is not in small figures but in hundreds of percentages.

Be a man enough retract your statement and apologies.
Your stupidity has no limits

This is from the same source you shared and see india in the likes of countries likae Hati
You shared the statistics for like 3 years and even those your supa powa is begging for money

What kind of super pajeet are you?
This is from the same source you shared and see india in the likes of countries likae Hati

Hahaha. You made my day dude.

You dumb A** the names of the countries in the report are in alphabetical order. That’s why Haiti is very close to India.🤣🤣 In A,B,C D…………H,I, J …….see H and I are close to each other. That’s why Haiti and India are mentioned close to each other.

From 2010 to 2017 India received an average of 1.8 % of the total aid disbursed. Pakistan received 2% of the total aid disbursed.

2% is more than 1.8%. To start with Pakistan received more aid than India. Secondly, Pakistan has one sixth population compared to India.
Hence, per capita Pakistan received more than six times of aid than India.

I guess you are unable to understand these calculations. Get in touch with someone who can explain it to you.

Till then opening your mouth may not be a good idea.

When you do come back, be a man enough and extend an apology for misrepresenting and misquoting.
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Hahaha. You made my day dude.

You dumb A** the names of the countries in the report are in alphabetical order. That’s why Haiti is very close to India.🤣🤣 In A,B,C D…………H,I, J …….see H and I are close to each other. That’s why Haiti and India are mentioned close to each other.

From 2010 to 2017 India received an average of 1.8 % of the total aid disbursed. Pakistan received 2% of the total aid disbursed.

2% is more than 1.8%. To start with Pakistan received more aid than India. Secondly, Pakistan has one sixth population compared to India.
Hence, per capita Pakistan received more than six times of aid than India.

I guess you are unable to understand these calculations. Get in touch with someone who can explain it to you.

Till then opening your mouth may not be a good idea.

When you do come back, be a man enough and extend an apology for misrepresenting and misquoting.

Only if yo can read the numbers then you have understoood your stupidity :-D

You are comprung it for last 7 years even if your suppa powa is begging for money
You are comprung it for last 7 years even if your suppa powa is begging for money
Total of last 7 years rings some bell to you? While you are picking and choosing one figure as per your convenience. I am trying to educate you on an average that gives a better idea about the whole picture.

Let’s talk of one year only. 2017. In that year India received 3108 and Pakistan received 2257. Per capita you should have received only 518. Since your population is one sixth that of India. It you got 2257. Hence aid to Pakistan was 4.36 times more than India. This proves beyond doubt that per person Pakistan has received more aid .
Over a long period of 7 years Pakistan got more than India. Inspite of being much smaller in terms of population.

Even then you people have failed your hard working and honest PM by not delivering by doing some hard work.

Why did you mention Haiti in your previous post? Tell me the truth that you didn’t know that the report was in alphabetical order.🤣🤣

I also have a doubt that you have understood any part of this report. Can you do a little calculation and prove how India got more aid then Pakistan? Take your time.
Total of last 7 years rings some bell to you? While you are picking and choosing one figure as per your convenience. I am trying to educate you on an average that gives a better idea about the whole picture.

Let’s talk of one year only. 2017. In that year India received 3108 and Pakistan received 2257. Per capita you should have received only 518. Since your population is one sixth that of India. It you got 2257. Hence aid to Pakistan was 4.36 times more than India. This proves beyond doubt that per person Pakistan has received more aid .
Over a long period of 7 years Pakistan got more than India. Inspite of being much smaller in terms of population.

Even then you people have failed your hard working and honest PM by not delivering by doing some hard work.

Why did you mention Haiti in your previous post? Tell me the truth that you didn’t know that the report was in alphabetical order.🤣🤣

I also have a doubt that you have understood any part of this report. Can you do a little calculation and prove how India got more aid then Pakistan? Take your time.
On Averge indai is poor, we were fighting wars at that time not like feeding on propaganda like you

You are getting eaten by dogs and still have no shame to talk about money
Even Haiti is better in manging covid than your poor country

Still you will continue to live in your delusion as there is no remedy except eaten by dogs.
On Averge indai is poor, we were fighting wars at that time not like feeding on propaganda like you
Done divert or run away.
You quoted the report about aid and you have been caught with your pants down while lying through your teeth. That too in a number of your posts.
Even Haiti is better in manging covid than your poor country
The fact that you confused Haiti in that list made my day. Thanks for that monumental joke. 😀😀

You quoted that report on Aid in every second posts of yours. Very foolish of you to quote something without actually reading it. 😀
When proven that you were lying you started quoting other reports. It has been proven mathematically that Pakistan has been surviving on the aid.

Either give an example from that list to prove me wrong or keep your mouth shut.
Done divert or run away.
You quoted the report about aid and you have been caught with your pants down while lying through your teeth. That too in a number of your posts.

The fact that you confused Haiti in that list made my day. Thanks for that monumental joke. 😀😀

You quoted that report on Aid in every second posts of yours. Very foolish of you to quote something without actually reading it. 😀
When proven that you were lying you started quoting other reports. It has been proven mathematically that Pakistan has been surviving on the aid.

Either give an example from that list to prove me wrong or keep your mouth shut.
Quoting it nth time

But you don't understand and read the number while still performing worse than Hati

All you can do is lie, yor poor miserable life is at the mercy stray dogs while you are talking being rich
so pathetic
This is your realty andyou cant hide it with yourwords

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