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As per these threads it was India that was behind your FATF crown by spreading fake news.

As per PM of Pakistan yes you are behind it... he stated on record in his UN speech.. where George Galloway stated... "Imran blew India out of the water"...
his deal just indicated your stature in the geo-politics. Which doesn’t appear to be very big.

yes I agree it isn't big... but India seems powerless or impotent to stop the trajecatory

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As per PM of Pakistan yes you are behind it
Your friend doesn’t seem to agree to India’s role. Hope he will accept IK’s assessment on the matter.
George Galloway stated... "Imran blew India out of the water".
IK has been trying to blow India out of water for quite some time now. Has this obsession taken him somewhere? Let me know when he achieves the result.
Modi doesn’t even find Pakistan being worthy of finding a place in his speeches.
yes I agree it isn't big... but India seems powerless or impotent to stop the trajecatory
Since the trajectory is facing down words India’s task seem to have been already done.
Where did India come into this?
Saudi kicked your PM. And he fell in line.
You have still not clarified what muscle you can flex with the Saudis. You have no leverage whatsoever over them. They can and have been arm twisting you at will.

Yes, it is the problem with you. You quote something irrelevant and then claim it’s you problem if people don’t understand. You forgot the number of posts and threads where India was credited with FATF crown to Pakistan? Obviously India would ask for blacklisting. Pakistan claimed that it had done everything then why did it remain grey listed?

Obviously you cant cancel the deal. You are still hoping to get the scarce money back.
But it proved that your status is lower than that of the Philippines. Philippines for gods sake? Disgraceful.

Leasing is a method of procuring equipment to save money. It is done after cost benefit analysis vis a vis outright purchase. It is obvious that you have no idea about this aspect and your claim exposed further about your lack of grip on the subject.

Be careful while making negative comments about the Saudis. They might see it and make IK go running to Papa Xi to get some change (on a commercial flight though😜).
Your miserable rattlings have no effect here
India tried to put Pakistan in blacklist it failed
India tried to trouble the Pak Saudi relations it failed

Even your own media admitted and i shared the link. While the pajeets have no shame or honur to admits their defeats

Regarding the helicopters the deal is still going on and i told you we got mi35 from russsia but you still like wein about.
Your poor country just got more poorer

And you are dreaming of supa powa. All india is became food for dogs nothing else.
Your miserable rattlings have no effect here
Nope. It has had a massive effect. Just because IK ran over to Saudi doesn’t mean that everything is back on track. Has MBR agreed to do anything concrete? Like some investments to indicate normalisation? NOPE. So your hollow claims wouldn’t work here.
Do you have any idea about the Saudi investments in India?

You know how much is 100 billion USD. Ask IK. Who had to borrow 2 billion USD to repay Saudi. Your proclamation has no value whatsoever. Because you only make tall claims without any facts.

Regarding the helicopters the deal is still going on and i told you we got mi35 from russsia
You already had Mi35s. Don’t deflect by quoting them. Since you already have Mi35, why did you go for Turkish stuff? Because it was better tech. And here you are jumping over Mi35s. Go and buy more Mi35s.

Let me know when you get your embargoed helicopters. Till then remember to stand behind Philippines.
India tried to put Pakistan in blacklist it failed
Your PM disagrees with you. He accepted on the floor of UNGA blaming India. Your denial has no value here.

Meanwhile, can you clarify on the so called miserable rattlings regarding IK being left high and dry by Saudi’s in US? What did Pakistan do in retaliation as claimed by you?
Nope. It has had a massive effect. Just because IK ran over to Saudi doesn’t mean that everything is back on track. Has MBR agreed to do anything concrete? Like some investments to indicate normalisation? NOPE. So your hollow claims wouldn’t work here.
Do you have any idea about the Saudi investments in India?

You know how much is 100 billion USD. Ask IK. Who had to borrow 2 billion USD to repay Saudi. Your proclamation has no value whatsoever. Because you only make tall claims without any facts.

You already had Mi35s. Don’t deflect by quoting them. Since you already have Mi35, why did you go for Turkish stuff? Because it was better tech. And here you are jumping over Mi35s. Go and buy more Mi35s.

Let me know when you get your embargoed helicopters. Till then remember to stand behind Philippines.

Your PM disagrees with you. He accepted on the floor of UNGA blaming India. Your denial has no value here.

Meanwhile, can you clarify on the so called miserable rattlings regarding IK being left high and dry by Saudi’s in US? What did Pakistan do in retaliation as claimed by you?
Tell me when the Saudi investment happens

Regarding the helicopters i just shared the options why are confusing things for saving your face

Our PM said we will fight and we are fighting not like your PM who ran off when time came.
Tell me when the Saudi investment happens
Don’t expose your lack of these matters by shooting off without thinking. Not your fault. Since you have no idea about how investments of this size take place. How they are panned out etc. You are forgiven considering this limitation of your’s.
Regarding the helicopters i just shared the options
Again you are shooting yourself in the foot. You were already operating Mi35. You also know about its capabilities etc then why didn’t you order more of Mi35s? Why go for T129? Are you getting the point or would you continue like a stuck tape? Have you got your T129s released. Till then remember where is Philippines in hierarchy.
Our PM said we will fight and we are fighting
Yes, you are fighting for your survival. Good luck with that.

You have still now thrown any light about your stature and your economy which remain in shambles.
Don’t expose your lack of these matters by shooting off without thinking. Not your fault. Since you have no idea about how investments of this size take place. How they are panned out etc. You are forgiven considering this limitation of your’s.

Again you are shooting yourself in the foot. You were already operating Mi35. You also know about its capabilities etc then why didn’t you order more of Mi35s? Why go for T129? Are you getting the point or would you continue like a stuck tape? Have you got your T129s released. Till then remember where is Philippines in hierarchy.

Yes, you are fighting for your survival. Good luck with that.

You have still now thrown any light about your stature and your economy which remain in shambles.
yea we don't know nothing of a 100 billion USD investment

all we can see is Indian getting eaten by dogs and their so called sudo intelects pajeest are making arguments on a Pkiastani forum about their supa powa. They cant even make a good forum and still defecate here like it's their country.

For the helicopters we get what we needed and I shared options if you cant understand its not my problem.

This is the status of Indian economy and your are in denial with quoting fake GDP numbers

Let me know when indian economy is good enough to bury their dead then talk about money
yea we don't know nothing of a 100 billion USD investment
Good god.
Finally you accept that you wouldn’t know about investments and money.
Would have saved all the effort had you done it a little earlier.
Let me know when indian economy is good enough
Don’t bother. Since you wouldn’t understand.
Good god.
Finally you accept that you wouldn’t know about investments and money.
Would have saved all the effort had you done it a little earlier.

Don’t bother. Since you wouldn’t understand.
dont bother if you cant explain the shit in which India is in
Cow dung is not gonna save you
dont bother if you cant explain the shit in which India is in
You really are incorrigible.
It was never about India.
It was always about shit state of your economy and your international status.

Which you finally accepted. Good boy.

As far as India goes, even at this difficult moment it is far ahead of you in both these aspects.
You are again slipping into cow dung and cow piss. Hold yourself. Don’t pass such comments in frustration.
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You really are incorrigible.
It was never about India.
It was always about shit state of your economy and your international status.

Which you finally accepted. Good boy.

As far as India goes, even at this difficult moment it is far ahead of you in both these aspects.
You are again slipping into cow dung and cow piss. Hold yourself. Don’t pass such comments in frustration.

You are misquoting and delusional in this matter

I am sharing this third time

and you are avoiding it, you cant but military equipment lease most of the stuff and talk about the economy while your dead are getting eaten by dogs

With which face you are talking about 100 billion investment when the people don thave proper burial.
Pakistan has its problems but India is in deep shit literally and figuratively
I am sharing this third time
You are again going off track. You know how much Indian GDP expanded in the recent past. Except maybe last one year due to Wuhan gift?

Yes, India may not be doing stellar but you are doing even worse than that. Knock knock. Is someone there?

India is already a 3 Trillion USD economy. By population ratio your’s should be one sixth. But Indian GDP is more than 10 times than yours. Knock knock knock.

Indian economy may be doing bad but your’s is much worse than that. That is the whole point of argument that seems to elude your thick brain.

So don’t revel when someone is doing bad because you are doing worse than that bad. Knock knock. Getting the point?

Don’t be happy at torn clothes of India because you are in a nude state. Getting the point?
You are again going off track. You know how much Indian GDP expanded in the recent past. Except maybe last one year due to Wuhan gift?

Yes, India may not be doing stellar but you are doing even worse than that. Knock knock. Is someone there?

India is already a 3 Trillion USD economy. By population ratio your’s should be one sixth. But Indian GDP is more than 10 times than yours. Knock knock knock.

Indian economy may be doing bad but your’s is much worse than that. That is the whole point of argument that seems to elude your thick brain.

So don’t revel when someone is doing bad because you are doing worse than that bad. Knock knock. Getting the point?

Don’t be happy at torn clothes of India because you are in a nude state. Getting the point?
You are again going off track. You know how much Indian GDP expanded in the recent past. Except maybe last one year due to Wuhan gift?

Yes, India may not be doing stellar but you are doing even worse than that. Knock knock. Is someone there?

India is already a 3 Trillion USD economy. By population ratio your’s should be one sixth. But Indian GDP is more than 10 times than yours. Knock knock knock.

Indian economy may be doing bad but your’s is much worse than that. That is the whole point of argument that seems to elude your thick brain.

So don’t revel when someone is doing bad because you are doing worse than that bad. Knock knock. Getting the point?

Don’t be happy at torn clothes of India because you are in a nude state. Getting the point?
We have seen the reality of India and the false number games they play its well known they are doing a disinformation campaign from 15 years and you got fed with it.

For instance when a disaster happens in Pakistan like the 2005 earth quake no body got eaten by dogs but for India this fake supa powa citizens are a meal for the animals. The ground reality is different and everybody knows that Paksiatnis are living 100 times better life then the Indians
We have seen the reality of India and the false number games they play
Things become false regarding India as per your convenience? Very analytical you are.

But lies don’t have too many feet. Truth shows itself at some place.
So I would give the example of IK rushing to China for help to repay 2 billion USD to Saudi. Is that also false propaganda by India? Does that ring some bells about the state of your economy?

The ground reality is different and everybody knows that Paksiatnis are living 100 times better life then the Indians

Are you a clown? You must be to make such a claim. Yes, Pakistanis live a better life without any money. Now you start quoting ground realities while staying in Norway.
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