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Featured Croatia to drop €1 billion on used Rafale fighter jets

Why didn't India get these Rafales? They seem to have missed the perfect opportunity
Any reason for use of offensive language?

I will tell you the reason.

You tried to peddle a lie about how powerful and economically strong Pakistan is. How it can procure whatever it wants without any problem whatsoever.
The same was proven to be wrong with quite apt examples. What is wrong in not having the capabilities that you claimed that Pakistan has? Nothing in my view.

Then you shifted over to donations to Red Cross Society as donations to Indian Government. That was also found to be completely out of context and incorrect.

You examples of technical prowess of Pakistan and lack of it for India were too hollow to start with. But you went on with it and found yourself on a slippery wicket.

When nothing worked out you shifted to abusive language.

You are not be blamed for this. Probably intolerance towards someone with a differing view is part of a culture that you come from. I am just guessing. Don’t get angry now since you lost your shirt here by your own act.

It is a very common sight with quite a lot of green flags on the PDF. As soon as an argument starts going against them first they resort to cow piss, cow dung etc. Having failed there, Pajeet becomes their favourite word. You jumped to level two straight away. 👏👏Some of them continue to go down further with quite a colourful language. Let’s see where you stop?

What remains elusive all this while is a balanced, unbiased and objective analysis.

See, along with your shirt, now your pants are also coming off without the use of any abusive language.

All because you couldn’t control your emotions.

I hope rather then getting angry you would come back with better argument and no abuses.
I thought you were not replying, anyway Indians with a bit of sense know that Pakistan is not an easy walkover for the rest of pajeets I have absolutely zero respect. You talk about technical stuff? Technically the raptor of the east ran away when the day came and Indians are still in shock of what hit them. The unbiased and objective opinion is that the Indian military is obsolete by modern standards and is a political tool for a fascist regime. Talking sense with Indians is a waste of time as like living in the illusion of grandeur while in reality dogs are feasting on human corpses there.
I thought you were not replying

Had to come back when I saw your last comment. Couldn’t resist hitting a six on a loose ball.🤣🤣
thought you were not replying, anyway Indians with a bit of sense know that Pakistan is not an easy walkover for the rest of pajeets I have absolutely zero respect. You talk about technical stuff? Technically the raptor of the east ran away when the day came and Indians are still in shock of what hit them. The unbiased and objective opinion is that the Indian military is obsolete by modern standards and is a political tool for a fascist regime. Talking sense with Indians is a waste of time as like living in the illusion of grandeur while in reality dogs are feasting on human corpses there.
Meaningless gibberish.

Come back when you have something to talk about the topic of discussion.

Talking sense with Indians
Talking sense? When did you do that?

Just read your previous posts. Each one of them, you have run away from your previous comment and posted some new gibberish as in this post. Shirt and pant is already off. Don’t take off remaining clothes like this.

Learn to argue with conviction which comes only when you talk facts backed with knowledge.
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Yup. Badass people we are. We do nasty things.

You are right again. We have accepted this fact and working towards solving it. Even your PM accepts that India is ahead in this regard.

So don't talk shit when it's comes to money I have three indian workers who work in my resturant n i know what is deep reality of india.next time dont talk about money here on pdf
So don't talk shit when it's comes to money
Look at your very first post. Like scores of your brethren with phenomenal reasoning capability you started off with cow piss. Shit/piss talking seems to be your strength. Not a good trait.

I have three indian workers who work in my resturant n i know what is deep reality of india
The claim that three Indian workers have made you an expert on money and you can start talking shit doesn’t really show you in a very good light. Show a little dignified conduct by not starting a discussion the way you did.

next time dont talk about money here on pdf
Sorry mate. Can’t accept your offer. When people make false and lofty claims then the topic may have to be broached again.
@MastanKhan why did you let these Pakistani kids anger the French? Should've bought Rafales back in 2004 so we could be building up a 100+ fleet today with used and new planes. amirite?
Yeah right..indians will have no effect on procurement..just like they had "nothing" to do with lucrative 1b$ avionic package deal..(ultimately a 3-4 b$ deal)

You know better---it is the Too Clever PAF that angered the French----. Pakistani kids---the poor things are clueless.

Good to see you back- Wishing you health and prosperity sir

Glad to have you back and see that you're contributing.

Had to come back when I saw your last comment. Couldn’t resist hitting a six on a loose ball.🤣🤣

Meaningless gibberish.

Come back when you have something to talk about the topic of discussion.

Talking sense? When did you do that?

Just read your previous posts. Each one of them, you have run away from your previous comment and posted some new gibberish as in this post. Shirt and pant is already off. Don’t take off remaining clothes like this.

Learn to argue with conviction which comes only when you talk facts backed with knowledge.
Not a six, you get humiliated with facts and now acting clever, you started with money and got humiliated by the fact that India is the biggest aid receiver in the world, then you put geopolitics in it and got humiliated by access to technologies which Pakistan had. In the end, become deluded in your media propaganda and become a pajeet. You are not talking with facts and making sense, the fact is:

“Indians are bastards anyway” ~Nixon

"India is Filthy" ~Trump

" They suck up their great skill is to suck up to people in key positions " ~Kissinger

Keep sucking your lords to survive first it was Mughals, then the brits, and now the Americans
“Indians are bastards anyway” ~Nixon

"India is Filthy" ~Trump

" They suck up their great skill is to suck up to people in key positions " ~Kissinger
Americans are your idols? Very clear from these quotes. You seem to idolise them . There word is absolute truth to you. And India is sucking up to them?

Till yesterday we know who was a US bitch and now a Chinese bitch. It’s not very difficult to find statements by someone famous against Pakistan and post it here and feel like a gladiator. You can go ahead and do it. Wouldn’t cause any stir anywhere except your wet dreams.

With one sixth the population Pakistan received same or more aid than a India.

Keep sucking your lords to survive first it was Mughals, then the brits, and now the Americans
You keep going down in a cesspool by your own stupid comments. This statement shows your superior knowledge of history. Mughals ruled quite a lot of land that includes the area now under Pakistan. Brits ruled only India and not Pakistan? Did you go to school?
India sucked up to America?
Article by the US ambassador to Pakistan. What all has been provided to Pakistan for (not)sucking up.
Pakistan’s stature within the Muslim world is very clear to everyone except maybe you.
In the recent past a number of countries had stopped visa to which country before India and there were threads created to shed tears on this discrimination? Remember? I am sure you don’t.

It all happened not because of soft power but sucking up? That’s how people like you think that results can be obtained. By sucking up. That’s the only thing you know.

I suggest try innovating rather than sucking up. It gives better results. That would also get you some respect in the real world. You wouldn’t be the first country to be denied visa all around, even the Muslim world.
One more example of Pakistan’s monetary prowess:-

Your last post too is nothing more than abusive language and gibberish. No factsjust some foul statements.

The more you come back more you get exposed.

Bottom line - Lack of influence and money is starkly visible and wouldn’t go away by posting shitty comments on a forum.
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Americans are your idols? Very clear from these quotes. You seem to idolise them . There word is absolute truth to you. And India is sucking up to them?

Till yesterday we know who was a US bitch and now a Chinese bitch. It’s not very difficult to find statements by someone famous against Pakistan and post it here and feel like a gladiator. You can go ahead and do it. Wouldn’t cause any stir anywhere except your wet dreams.

With one sixth the population Pakistan received same or more aid than a India.

You keep going down in a cesspool by your own stupid comments. This statement shows your superior knowledge of history. Mughals ruled quite a lot of land that includes the area now under Pakistan. Brits ruled only India and not Pakistan? Did you go to school?
India sucked up to America?
Article by the US ambassador to Pakistan. What all has been provided to Pakistan for (not)sucking up.
Pakistan’s stature within the Muslim world is very clear to everyone except maybe you.
In the recent past a number of countries had stopped visa to which country before India and there were threads created to shed tears on this discrimination? Remember? I am sure you don’t.

It all happened not because of soft power but sucking up? That’s how people like you think that results can be obtained. By sucking up. That’s the only thing you know.

I suggest try innovating rather than sucking up. It gives better results. That would also get you some respect in the real world. You wouldn’t be the first country to be denied visa all around, even the Muslim world.
One more example of Pakistan’s monetary prowess:-

Your last post too is nothing more than abusive language and gibberish. No factsjust some foul statements.

The more you come back more you get exposed.

Bottom line - Lack of influence and money is starkly visible and wouldn’t go away by posting shitty comments on a forum.
Pajeet got burned, oh sorry washed away in ganges for dogs dinner and now publicly dedicating here. American knows very clearly who is the bitch even
Ally from hell ~ Hillary clinton
Still the Indian wants to live in there dreams of suppa powa.
I posted about the country which received most aid in the world and Pakistan is not even in top 10 while India is on number one. The so called or soft power is country of particular concern not just by US but by EU as well

Stay in your delusions, India is just cow for the west to slaughter
Look at your very first post. Like scores of your brethren with phenomenal reasoning capability you started off with cow piss. Shit/piss talking seems to be your strength. Not a good trait.

The claim that three Indian workers have made you an expert on money and you can start talking shit doesn’t really show you in a very good light. Show a little dignified conduct by not starting a discussion the way you did.

Sorry mate. Can’t accept your offer. When people make false and lofty claims then the topic may have to be broached again.
Oh Indian oh..reason why you guys were slaved for 9 centuries
The so called or soft power is country of particular concern not just by US but by EU as well
Country of concern? Religious concern Why are you changing the topic?
Last we were discussing about Pakistan’s financial capabilities and technological prowess. And now you change the track.

That’s the trick a lot of guys follow when they get cornered In an argument.

The country of concern wasn’t denied visas by the EU, US and Muslim countries like Pakistan. The prime minister of the country of concern was given highest honour by the UAE. The list is very long.

You can come back when you have finished begging with China. 🤣🤣

Oh Indian oh..reason why you guys were slaved for 9 centuries
By adding a lot of Ohs you don’t make a poetic argument. If you think that Pakistan was not part of India for those centuries then you geography teacher might call you back to school. How much ever you shout, your history till 1947 remains entwined with that of India.
Country of concern? Religious concern Why are you changing the topic?
Last we were discussing about Pakistan’s financial capabilities and technological prowess. And now you change the track.

That’s the trick a lot of guys follow when they get cornered In an argument.

The country of concern wasn’t denied visas by the EU, US and Muslim countries like Pakistan. The prime minister of the country of concern was given highest honour by the UAE. The list is very long.

You can come back when you have finished begging with China. 🤣🤣

By adding a lot of Ohs you don’t make a poetic argument. If you think that Pakistan was not part of India for those centuries then you geography teacher might call you back to school. How much ever you shout, your history till 1947 remains entwined with that of India.
You talked about soft power and I showed you the reality. You don’t have any arguments here you are just weaning about your supa powa and influence. Who is begging uncle sam to save from china? If india remain with this behavior no body will save them. Yesterday your army chief showed you the realty that fighting with Pakistan is not an option but still you dream about war and try to hide your humiliation by fake claims . india got humiliated by unga president and multiple times by oic still like to live in delusion. I know its my waste to time to reply to you but somebody have to put these pajeets in their pajamas.
Country of concern? Religious concern Why are you changing the topic?
Last we were discussing about Pakistan’s financial capabilities and technological prowess. And now you change the track.

That’s the trick a lot of guys follow when they get cornered In an argument.

The country of concern wasn’t denied visas by the EU, US and Muslim countries like Pakistan. The prime minister of the country of concern was given highest honour by the UAE. The list is very long.

You can come back when you have finished begging with China. 🤣🤣

By adding a lot of Ohs you don’t make a poetic argument. If you think that Pakistan was not part of India for those centuries then you geography teacher might call you back to school. How much ever you shout, your history till 1947 remains entwined with that of India.
Lol..our forefather were moved from central Asia. Many of Pakistanis from kpk Kashmir balochistan n upper punjab. I mean putwar area. Our forefathers were ruller of subcontinent..still you have strong argument which can not be denied.
You talked about soft power and I showed you the reality.
Nope. You refuse to see the reality.
Who is begging uncle sam to save from china?
Any reference for such begging? You wouldn’t find any. Till now what appears to me is US going head over heals to get India into its side. You obviously can’t see it since you don’t want to.
Yesterday your army chief showed you the realty that fighting with Pakistan is not an option
And your Army Chief was not the one who asked for peace first?

multiple times by oic still like to live in delusion
Shall I post the number of times OIC has shown its place to Pakistan?

supa powa and influence
It is not super power. It is soft power. That is reason India evaded CATSA but your dearest friend Turkey couldn’t. Could you throw some light on th? That is the reason Pakistan was denied VISA by your dear UAE.

And there is one country begging all the time. New example of the same.

Did you forget not too long back your prime minister was stuck in US because Saudi withdrew the aircraft it had loaned you. Can this be more humiliating? Guess not for you. This after he drove him around in Pakistan. Or when you had to borrow from China to repay Saudi. And money is not a problem?

For you being in FATF May be an act of super soft power but in the real world it is not.

Don’t write long stories. Please enlighten on the aspects listed above.
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