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Covid-19: US aircraft carrier should never have been sent to Vietnam


Mar 1, 2012
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The aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, accompanied by the guided-missile cruiser USS Bunker Hill, arrived in Da Nang, Vietnam on March 4 for a five-day visit. Captain Bret Crozier was relieved of command after writing a “request for assistance” letter regarding Covid-19 cases aboard ship on March 30. The real story behind the dismissal of Captain Crozier is that the ship should never have been sent to Vietnam and its crew should never have mixed with the local Vietnamese population.

The Navy was well aware it was putting carrier personnel at extreme risk and made faulty preparations in case of infection. A close reading of Captain Crozier’s March 30 letter makes it clear that the Navy did not equip the carrier with either proper testing capabilities or instructions on what to do if anyone got sick. The actual number of infected personnel on the Theodore Roosevelt is not known, but it is thought to be more than 100.

According to a March 12 press release from the US Indo-Pacific Command, “sailors from both ships participated in cultural exchanges and community service projects, including making crafts, playing sports, a language exchange, gardening, and painting” at a variety of locations.

Ironically, there was also a professional exchange on infectious disease prevention during the visit.

USS-TR crew got Covid-19 from Viet bar girls, Viet masseuses and hookers in Da Nang? Shame history repeats itself. This tragedy already happened during US-Vietnam War, and was documented in the excellent film Full Metal Jacket.
COVID-19 outbreak on Theodore Roosevelt sparked by flight crews, officials believe
J.D. Simkins

Wall Street Journal report Wednesday, Navy officials now believe the outbreak on the carrier Roosevelt was initiated by the ship’s routine flight operations.

Numerous carrier on-board delivery flights originating in Japan, the Philippines, and Vietnam occurred in the days following the ship’s departure from Da Nang, the report said. With some of the first Roosevelt sailors to contract the virus coming from the carrier’s air wing, the picture began to clarify.

Furthermore, the eight sailors who first tested positive did so over the course of March 24 and 25, more than two weeks after the ship departed Da Nang — a time period in excess of the virus’ incubation. A Navy Times request for officials to confirm which units the first infected sailors belonged to was not returned as of publication.

Additional evidence materialized when the Navy pinpointed a hotel in Da Nang, where 30 sailors had stayed while Roosevelt was in port. Two British nationals who stayed at the same hotel later tested positive for COVID-19, the WSJ reported.

Each of the 30 sailors who were at the hotel, however, yielded negative test results.

Still, Navy officials are holding off on saying for certain where the virus onboard Theodore Roosevelt originated.

“We just don’t know,” one official told the Wall Street Journal.

Uncertainty has loomed over the Big Stick in the weeks since the first COVID-19 cases emerged.

Upon arriving pierside in Guam, former Theodore Roosevelt commanding officer, Capt. Brett Crozier, penned a letter pleading for Pentagon assistance to evacuate the majority of his sailors off of the ship and into isolated quarantine.

“We are not at war. Sailors do not need to die,” he wrote. “If we do not act now, we are failing to properly take care of our most trusted asset — our Sailors.”

Crozier was subsequently fired by former Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly after the captain’s letter was leaked to the San Francisco Chronicle.

Days after leaving the ship to rousing applause and chants of his name, Capt. Crozier tested positive for COVID-19. Like many of the sailors he used to command, Crozier is now in isolated quarantine.

Modly then flew to Guam to offer Roosevelt sailors an explanation for their captain’s hasty dismissal, a last-minute tirade that, according to estimates obtained by the Washington Post, came with an airfare tab of $243,151.65.

“It was a betrayal," Modly told Roosevelt sailors over the ship’s 1MC intercom.

“And I can tell you one other thing: because he did that he put it in the public’s forum and it is now a big controversy in Washington, D.C. If he didn’t think, in my opinion, that this information wasn’t going to get out to the public, in this day and information age that we live in, then he was either A, too naïve or too stupid to be a commanding officer of a ship like this. The alternative is that he did this on purpose.”

According to a USA Today report Tuesday, Modly expensed the trip before formally submitting a waiver to side-step a policy that limits “senior officials to one air crew per trip to curb the cost of travel by military aircraft,” the report said. The former Navy secretary took the trip while only informing the “Pentagon orally that he intended to use more than one crew.”

Pressured by lawmakers on Capitol Hill following his infamous speech — the audio was obtained by Military Times — Modly resigned.

Now, in the aftermath of his ill-advised trip and potential exposure to COVID-19, Modly, too, is in quarantine.

Since Crozier’s firing, approximately 85 percent of Roosevelt’s crew has been evacuated from the carrier, Navy officials said.

In addition to the sailor who died from coronavirus complications, five sailors have been hospitalized. One of the five crew members has been moved to the ICU.

COVID-19 outbreak on Theodore Roosevelt sparked by flight crews, officials believe
J.D. Simkins

Wall Street Journal report Wednesday, Navy officials now believe the outbreak on the carrier Roosevelt was initiated by the ship’s routine flight operations.

Numerous carrier on-board delivery flights originating in Japan, the Philippines, and Vietnam occurred in the days following the ship’s departure from Da Nang, the report said. With some of the first Roosevelt sailors to contract the virus coming from the carrier’s air wing, the picture began to clarify.

Furthermore, the eight sailors who first tested positive did so over the course of March 24 and 25, more than two weeks after the ship departed Da Nang — a time period in excess of the virus’ incubation. A Navy Times request for officials to confirm which units the first infected sailors belonged to was not returned as of publication.

Additional evidence materialized when the Navy pinpointed a hotel in Da Nang, where 30 sailors had stayed while Roosevelt was in port. Two British nationals who stayed at the same hotel later tested positive for COVID-19, the WSJ reported.

Each of the 30 sailors who were at the hotel, however, yielded negative test results.

Still, Navy officials are holding off on saying for certain where the virus onboard Theodore Roosevelt originated.

“We just don’t know,” one official told the Wall Street Journal.

Uncertainty has loomed over the Big Stick in the weeks since the first COVID-19 cases emerged.

Upon arriving pierside in Guam, former Theodore Roosevelt commanding officer, Capt. Brett Crozier, penned a letter pleading for Pentagon assistance to evacuate the majority of his sailors off of the ship and into isolated quarantine.

“We are not at war. Sailors do not need to die,” he wrote. “If we do not act now, we are failing to properly take care of our most trusted asset — our Sailors.”

Crozier was subsequently fired by former Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly after the captain’s letter was leaked to the San Francisco Chronicle.

Days after leaving the ship to rousing applause and chants of his name, Capt. Crozier tested positive for COVID-19. Like many of the sailors he used to command, Crozier is now in isolated quarantine.

Modly then flew to Guam to offer Roosevelt sailors an explanation for their captain’s hasty dismissal, a last-minute tirade that, according to estimates obtained by the Washington Post, came with an airfare tab of $243,151.65.

“It was a betrayal," Modly told Roosevelt sailors over the ship’s 1MC intercom.

“And I can tell you one other thing: because he did that he put it in the public’s forum and it is now a big controversy in Washington, D.C. If he didn’t think, in my opinion, that this information wasn’t going to get out to the public, in this day and information age that we live in, then he was either A, too naïve or too stupid to be a commanding officer of a ship like this. The alternative is that he did this on purpose.”

According to a USA Today report Tuesday, Modly expensed the trip before formally submitting a waiver to side-step a policy that limits “senior officials to one air crew per trip to curb the cost of travel by military aircraft,” the report said. The former Navy secretary took the trip while only informing the “Pentagon orally that he intended to use more than one crew.”

Pressured by lawmakers on Capitol Hill following his infamous speech — the audio was obtained by Military Times — Modly resigned.

Now, in the aftermath of his ill-advised trip and potential exposure to COVID-19, Modly, too, is in quarantine.

Since Crozier’s firing, approximately 85 percent of Roosevelt’s crew has been evacuated from the carrier, Navy officials said.

In addition to the sailor who died from coronavirus complications, five sailors have been hospitalized. One of the five crew members has been moved to the ICU.

Did they do antibody test on the 30 sailors in the hotel? They could have been asymptomatic.

The aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, accompanied by the guided-missile cruiser USS Bunker Hill, arrived in Da Nang, Vietnam on March 4 for a five-day visit. Captain Bret Crozier was relieved of command after writing a “request for assistance” letter regarding Covid-19 cases aboard ship on March 30. The real story behind the dismissal of Captain Crozier is that the ship should never have been sent to Vietnam and its crew should never have mixed with the local Vietnamese population.

The Navy was well aware it was putting carrier personnel at extreme risk and made faulty preparations in case of infection. A close reading of Captain Crozier’s March 30 letter makes it clear that the Navy did not equip the carrier with either proper testing capabilities or instructions on what to do if anyone got sick. The actual number of infected personnel on the Theodore Roosevelt is not known, but it is thought to be more than 100.

According to a March 12 press release from the US Indo-Pacific Command, “sailors from both ships participated in cultural exchanges and community service projects, including making crafts, playing sports, a language exchange, gardening, and painting” at a variety of locations.

Ironically, there was also a professional exchange on infectious disease prevention during the visit.

USS-TR crew got Covid-19 from Viet bar girls, Viet masseuses and hookers in Da Nang? Shame history repeats itself. This tragedy already happened during US-Vietnam War, and was documented in the excellent film Full Metal Jacket.

the infection came from the flight crews as per investigators, not from the visit.

I mean it's fine for sailors to have some RnR, almost all navies do it, but come on, you really believe Vietnam is testing? They don't even make testing kits, most are poor, one kit could feed them for weeks.
When we say we make test kits then we make test kits. You are not like Xi’s propaganda machine that run non stop on Xinjiang. By any standard $1 per hour for local Xinjang farmers is little. Less than street food seller in Danang.

the infection came from the flight crews as per investigators, not from the visit.

When we say we make test kits then we make test kits. You are not like Xi’s propaganda machine that run non stop on Xinjiang. By any standard $1 per hour for local Xinjang farmers is little. Less than street food seller in Danang.
Wow then Vietnamese must be pretty rich huh? Calm down, I will bet with you the figures in Vietnam will explode when they start testing. Vietnam makes testing kit?
Wow then Vietnamese must be pretty rich huh? Calm down, I will bet with you the figures in Vietnam will explode when they start testing. Vietnam makes testing kit?
I don’t say we are rich. I say you haven’t reason to brag if your worker earns $1 per hour.

Here various Vietnam virus Test kits, available for domestic and export markets


I don’t say we are rich. I say you haven’t reason to brag if your worker earns $1 per hour.

Here various Vietnam virus Test kits, available for domestic and export markets


Based on what technology? Repackaged Chinese tests? Lol. Nobody is bragging it's truth your per capita income is only 1k$
I don’t say we are rich. I say you haven’t reason to brag if your worker earns $1 per hour.

Here various Vietnam virus Test kits, available for domestic and export markets


Looks cheap. Like some counterfeit product. No sane person will use it.
Based on what technology? Repackaged Chinese tests? Lol. Nobody is bragging it's truth your per capita income is only 1k$
You speak as if China is the center of technology. You copy from everywhere forgotten? Even if we copy from China and repackage, why is that bad? In contrast I see that as progress. people in Vietnam and outside China enjoy lower prices.
You speak as if China is the center of technology. You copy from everywhere forgotten? Even if we copy from China and repackage, why is that bad? In contrast I see that as progress. people in Vietnam and outside China enjoy lower prices.
It's common sense, up until a week ago, India is still not producing a test kit. Why? We developed it earlier because we had it first, not becoz we are super super. I don't mind you copying but suggesting that you are technologically advance is a joke.

Looks cheap. Like some counterfeit product. No sane person will use it.
I thought Chinese packaging was bad, until I seen this lol.

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