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Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

In this horrifying situation, I request all Pakistanis to pray for India please. Despite our differences, deep down we are only humans. 🥺😭
Sure bro. May India ram ram sattay.
I know my hindi isn't all that good.
You being sarcastic?
No....look at what bill Gates has said re global population control

You would have to be a shameless, spineless and downright callous Indian to support the current regime
yes, everything looking bad for modi is scam by oppositions to smear him
everything modi does is sacred and for the good of mother India
modi is God

- RSS IT cell
This right here is PRECISELY what Indian "democracy" is. It has dumbed down the ability of ordinary citizens to critically analyse their leaders. It is a slave cult.
You run many cycles of vgene amplification and voila
Just vgene alone or bob and vgene?
No....look at what bill Gates has said re global population control

Read up on Thomas Malthus.

Inregards to Bill Gates, better ways to control population growth, mainly through education.
The video you posted is a one day ordeal where people gathered for funeral of a religious scholar.

This video has been posted by hinduvadis to support their vile agenda against Muslims.

This is nothing in comparison to your Kumbh Mela and politically ralies of your netajis.

pakistanis on this forum don't fail to post hindu related videos and they're all over this forum. Not many people even know how other religions are also a root cause for this and corona doesn't differentiate whether the event is for a day or week...it's all the same. You'd naturally portray me as a RSS hindutva member and I dont give a damn about it but I'm clearly specifying that every religion is at fault, doesn't matter if a religious leader died or if there is a major festival coming up. Kumbh has definitely been a disaster but even now, people are flocking to smaller masjids due to ramzan...
Modi 2024
I’m sorry man my prayer didn't make any sense. It’s just that I thought it was only apt that I prayed for India in hindi to hindu gods for better results. I’ve come across people say ram ram sattay in trying times and such like this guy over here but now, thanks to you, I understand it better than I did before. So…

Sorry hindu gods, please cancel my earlier prayer and grant this instead:
May India ram ram satya ho. May India ram ram satya ho. May India ram ram satya ho.
Go Corona Go..

As a reminder what Indians said about covid when it was elsewhere:

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3
We always pray for Indians. But Pakistan is lucky to have friends like China who dispatch 3 planes loads of vaccine airlifted within 24 hours of demand submitted by Pakistan.
This is what Indians did to Kashmiri Muslims in the last 2 years and Indians were supporting lockdowns, crackdowns, curfews and socioeconomic blockade. Allah has brought it upon rest of Indian and they're experiencing what they wanted to impose in Kashmir.

Acknowledge and correct your mistakes. May be ask an apology and undo what you did wrong.
Well, the old saying " Karma is Bitach" .
With life-saving oxygen in short supply, family members in India are left on their own to ferry coronavirus patients from hospital to
hospital in search of treatment as the country is engulfed in a devastating new surge of infections. Too often their efforts end in mourning.

The stories are told in social media posts and television footage, showing desperate relatives pleading for oxygen outside hospitals or weeping in the street for loved ones who died waiting for treatment.

One woman mourned the death of her younger brother, aged 50. He was turned away by two hospitals and died waiting to be seen at a third, gasping after his oxygen tank ran out and no replacements were to be had.


A family member of a deceased COVID-19 patient breakdown outside a government hospital in Kolkata, India. (Photo by Indranil Aditya/NurPhoto via Getty Images) (NurPhoto via Getty Images)


A relative of a person who died of COVID-19 reacts at a crematorium in Jammu, India. (AP)

She blamed Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government for the crisis.

"He has lit funeral pyres in every house,'' she cried in a video shot by India's weekly magazine The Caravan.

For the fourth straight day, India on Sunday set a global daily record of new coronavirus infections, spurred by an insidious new variant that emerged here. The surge has undermined the government's premature claims of victory over the pandemic.

The 349,691 confirmed infections over the past day brought India's total to more than 16.9 million cases, behind only the United States. The Health Ministry reported another 2767 deaths in the past 24 hours, pushing India's fatalities to 192,311.

Experts say this toll could be a huge undercount, as suspected cases are not included, and many COVID-19 deaths are being attributed to underlying conditions.


Relatives of a person who died of COVID-19 react at a crematorium in Jammu, India. (AP)


Multiple funeral pyres of victims of COVID-19 burn at a ground that has been converted into a crematorium for mass cremation in New Delhi, India. (AP)

The unfolding crisis is most visceral in India's overwhelmed graveyards and crematoriums, and in heartbreaking images of gasping patients dying on their way to hospitals due to lack of oxygen.

Burial grounds in the capital New Delhi are running out of space. Bright, glowing funeral pyres light up the night sky in other badly hit cities.

In the central city of Bhopal, some crematoriums have increased their capacity from dozens of pyres to more than 50. Yet officials say there are still hours-long waits.

At the city's Bhadbhada Vishram Ghat crematorium, workers said they cremated more than 110 people on Saturday, even as government figures in the entire city of 1.8 million put the total number of virus deaths at just 10.


Multiple funeral pyres of those patients who died of the COVID-19 coronavirus disease are seen burning at a ground converted into a makeshift crematorium in New Delhi, India. (AP)

"The virus is swallowing our city's people like a monster," said Mamtesh Sharma, an official at the site.

The unprecedented rush of bodies has forced the crematorium to skip individual ceremonies and exhaustive rituals that Hindus believe release the soul from the cycle of rebirth.

"We are just burning bodies as they arrive," said Sharma. "It is as if we are in the middle of a war."

The head gravedigger at New Delhi's largest Muslim cemetery, where 1000 people have been buried during the pandemic, said more bodies are arriving now than last year. "I fear we will run out of space very soon," said Mohammad Shameem.

The situation is equally grim at unbearably full hospitals, where desperate people are dying in line, sometimes on the roads outside, waiting to see doctors.

Health officials are scrambling to expand critical care units and stock up on dwindling supplies of oxygen. Hospitals and patients alike are struggling to procure scarce medical equipment that is being sold on the black market at an exponential markup.

The drama is in direct contrast with government claims that "nobody in the country was left without oxygen," in a statement made Saturday by India's Solicitor General Tushar Mehta before Delhi High Court.

The breakdown is a stark failure for a country whose prime minister only in January had declared victory over COVID-19, and which boasted of being the "world's pharmacy," a global producer of vaccines and a model for other developing nations.

Caught off-guard by the latest deadly spike, the federal government has asked industrialists to increase the production of oxygen and other life-saving drugs in short supply. But health experts say India had an entire year to prepare for the inevitable — and it didn't.

A man carries an Oxygen cylinder in a handpull rickshaw amid Coronavirus emergency in Kolkata, India, 22 April, 2021. (Getty images)

Dr Krutika Kuppalli, assistant professor of medicine in the division of infectious diseases at the Medical University of South Carolina, said the government should have used the last year, when the virus was more under control, to stockpile medicines and develop systems to confront the likelihood of a new surge.

"Most importantly, they should have looked at what was going on in other parts of the world and understood that it was a matter of time before they would be in a similar situation,'' Kuppalli said.

Instead, the government's premature declarations of victory over the pandemic created a "false narrative," which encouraged people to relax health measures when they should have continued strict adherence to physical distancing, wearing masks and avoiding large crowds.

Modi is facing mounting criticism for allowing Hindu festivals and attending mammoth election rallies that experts suspect accelerated the spread of infections. At one such rally on April 17, Modi expressed his delight at the huge crowd, even as experts warned that a deadly surge was inevitable with India already counting 250,000 new daily cases.


The body of a person who died of COVID-19 is placed on a pyre while others burn in the background at Sector 94, on April 21, 2021 in Noida, India. (Hindustan Times via Getty Images)

Now, with the death toll mounting, his Hindu nationalist government is trying to quell critical voices.

On Saturday, Twitter complied with the government's request and prevented people in India from viewing more than 50 tweets that appeared to criticise the administration's handling of the pandemic. The targeted posts include tweets from opposition ministers critical of Modi, journalists and ordinary Indians.

A Twitter spokesperson said it had powers to "withhold access to the content in India only" if the company determined the content to be "illegal in a particular jurisdiction." The company said it had responded to an order by the government and notified people whose tweets were withheld.

India's Information Technology Ministry did not respond to a request for comment.
Even with the targeted blocks, horrific scenes of overwhelmed hospitals and cremation grounds spread on Twitter and drew appeals of help.

White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Sunday said the United States is "deeply concerned" by the severe COVID-19 outbreak in India. "We are working around the clock to deploy more supplies and support to our friends and partners in India as they bravely battle this pandemic," Sullivan tweeted.

Help and support also appeared to arrive from archrival Pakistan, with politicians, journalists and citizens in the neighbouring country expressing support for people in India. Pakistan's Foreign Affairs Ministry said it offered to provide relief support including ventilators, oxygen supply kits, digital X-ray machines, PPE and related items.

"Humanitarian issues require responses beyond political consideration," Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said.

The Indian government did not immediately respond to Qureshi's statement.

Pray for Kashmiris as well as Indians who brutalize them
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