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Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

To all Pakistani members, thanks for your kindness.
Peaceful co-existence and not civilisational annihilation is the end goal, which we all forget sometimes.
America offers sensationalist propaganda
China offers a helping hand.
Indian lowlifes keep parotting disgusting American slurs and slander about China on the internet while choking for air.
Another trial for the Modi regime.
We always pray for Indians. But Pakistan is lucky to have friends like China who dispatch 3 planes loads of vaccine airlifted within 24 hours of demand submitted by Pakistan.

Well, the old saying " Karma is Bitach" .

Only a few weeks ago Indians were bragging about how great their country is.

Even greater than Japan, Europe, USA, Australia etc.

India is a joke, a utter shithole.
Only a few weeks ago Indians were bragging about how great their country is.

Even greater than Japan, Europe, USA, Australia etc.

India is a joke, a utter shithole.

Indians are total incompetent people, so is government, but they are confident and always claim they can beat China:rofl::rofl:

by what? by feeding patient in coma with cow piss? :rofl:
indians always claim that Pakistan started sponsoring terrorists in Kashmir in the 80s and onwards. but india has been sponsoring terrorists in Pakistan long before that, in Balochistan especially, through Afghanistan. not to mention the Mukti Bahini and their role in East Pakistan 1971 and the years leading up to it.
Happy to listen something strong from Bahrain. :-)
Please share your number
Yeah this thread is full of posts about support and kindness
Depends on what you are focusing on. There are all kinds of people everywhere. If you think that every Pakistani (especially on a military forum) should develop empathy towards us then I’d suggest that you spend time on some of our Indian forums. The vitriol is common, the distribution of empathy is pretty similar as well.
Kabir ka ek doha yaad aata hai..
Only a few weeks ago Indians were bragging about how great their country is.

Even greater than Japan, Europe, USA, Australia etc.

India is a joke, a utter shithole.
India is not a country, basically, it's an overpopulated region, where everyone found some interest. It is beyond the control of any govt. Pakistan is not in good shape, but govt still functional and able to provide relief to the public.
So by your logic, following Islam means empathizing with those who insult Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), call for the destruction of Islam and the genocide of Muslims and Pakistanis..........brilliant logic!........ :disagree:............you must have both a high IQ and also be the most pious Muslim currently alive............:disagree:

Not my logic. Follow the logic of the Quran and the Sunnah. Do you know what that says when an Azaab befalls upon a nation?.. even if that nation is non-muslims? Do you know what it says?
Delhi is Burning: 12 People Are Dying Every Hour in The National Capital
Family member wearing PPE performs last rites of a COVID-19 victim at Nigambodh Ghat crematorium, in New Delhi. (PTI)

Family member wearing PPE performs last rites of a COVID-19 victim at Nigambodh Ghat crematorium, in New Delhi. (PTI)
Between Monday and Saturday (April 19 and 24), Delhi reported 1,777 deaths – over 12 deaths per hour on average, the government data suggests.
  • LAST UPDATED:APRIL 25, 2021, 17:48 IST
Amid a massive shortage of medical oxygen in the national capital, hourly deaths in Delhi this week since Monday increased to over 12 from about five registered last week, official data revealed.
Between Monday and Saturday (April 19 and 24), Delhi reported 1,777 deaths – over 12 deaths per hour on an average, the government data showed.

During the same period last week (between April 12 and 17), Delhi reported 677 deaths – about five deaths per hour. This week, the number of deaths on an hourly basis was more than 10 on an average.
On Monday, the city reported 240 deaths – 10 deaths per hour on an average. This increased to 12 deaths per hour on an average on Tuesday as the city reported 277 deaths in 24 hours.

On Wednesday, the city saw 249 deaths, fewer than the previous day, making it over 10 deaths per hour on an average again. Since Thursday, Delhi has been reporting more than 300 deaths per day. On Friday and Saturday, the toll was more than 345.

With 306 deaths reported in 24 hours on Thursday, Delhi was reporting about 13 deaths per hour on an average. This increased to 348 deaths on Friday – about 15 deaths per hour on an average.
Saturday was the worst day since the beginning of the pandemic in terms of daily deaths reported as the national capital reported 357 deaths in a day – also about 15 deaths per hour on an average.
In terms of daily cases reported, Delhi has recorded more than 23,500 cases each day since Monday.
A total of 1.51 lakh cases have been reported in Delhi since Monday – making it 1,051 cases per hour on an average. On Tuesday, Delhi reported record number of cases in a day – 28,395. On that day, Delhi reported 1,183 cases per hour on an average.
On Thursday, the city reported the second highest cases — 26,169. On that day, the per hour average was 1,090 cases. On Wednesday, Friday and Saturday the city reported over 24,000 cases each day – more than 1,000 cases per hour on an average.

Between Monday and Saturday, the per day testing has came down by 24.5 percent – from 98,957 samples tested on Monday to 74,702 samples tested on Saturday.
As of Saturday night, the active cases in Delhi were 93,080 – an increase of 21.06 percent from Monday when the active cases were 76,887.
Over the week, Delhi’s positivity rate increased from 26.12 per cent to 32.27 per cent. This meant every third person being tested was infected, while every fourth sample was positive in the beginning of the week.
Also, containment zones increased drastically in the city – reporting an increase of 64.91 percent. There were 15,039 containment zones in the city on Monday. By Saturday, Delhi had 24,802 containment zones
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