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Country Flags

Please change your country and location flags to right location or action could be taken against your account. Real flags are important for discussions and credibility.

Some of you have recently changed your flags to Norfolk Island, Palestine and North Korea, please change it to correct location immediately or warning/infractions may follow due to violation of forum rules.

first flag should be true means your country flag but your current location should be optional as it can be change
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Hey @Zakii ..... Is religious or Hindu, Muslim, good, bad discussion allowed in this forum?
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Please change your country flag to correct locations. You are not located in Iran.

Hey @Zakii ..... Is religious or Hindu, Muslim, good, bad discussion allowed in this forum?

Technically not allowed / but this is a wrong thread for such a discussion. PM your concerns to me
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Too many false flags these days. Add by78 to the list of fast, gotterdammerung and that guy with both Korean flags.
@Bache Narmak is false flagger too : Displaying Zambia-Saudi Arabia flag posing as a Zambian working in Saudi Arabia while in reality he is a Perians living in Iran.Also @Shahnameh is his old account he trolled Turkish Section for days finally banned then this new account opened same day.

To the management's attention...
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@Bache Narmak is false flagger too : Displaying Zambia-Saudi Arabia flag posing as a Zambian working in Saudi Arabia while in reality he is a Perians living in Iran.Also @Shahnameh is his old account he trolled Turkish Section for days finally banned then this new account opened same day.

To the management's attention...

@Shahnameh is banned!
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What? I was born in Zambia at age of 26 I went to Saudi Arabia to work. Currently I'm in the Netherlands working on my master degree I will stay here for 1 year. You think I'm from Iran because I'm pro Iran?
Change your location flag to Netherlands and country flag to the citizen of the country you are!
Is it better now? I am interested in German but not very fluent!
Ihr Herz und Verstand besitzen,to have her Heart and Mind.
I own her heart and mind,literal
Her heart and mind are mine,in English i believe.
Depends on what you want to say.
One of the few meaningfull languages in the world!
@kinggkaii Displaying Netherlands-North Korea flag its says China in his location bubble.
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@Zakii mod .. have you stopped your crusade against falseflaggers .. :)
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