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Countries with negative opinion on China

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and the most positive opinion is from Pakistan (as per data available for 2015)


Funny thing is, in most number of years for which the data is available, Pakistanis had more positive opinion about China than Chinese itself
Well said, we don't need a Pew survey to tell us the west hate China, as if it a news or anything that matters.

The Chinese were a great civilization when the British were sitting in trees dropping bricks on Roman's heads. At that time the America's were still pristine and being cared for by the native Americans. So, to point fingers at China is something only fools and ignorants will do. Civilizations rise and fall and China is rising. The West cant tolerate that so these stupid surveys pop up every few months. Pakistan stands with China. Fck these surveys.
and the most positive opinion is from Pakistan (as per data available for 2015)


Funny thing is, in most number of years for which the data is available, Pakistanis had more positive opinion about China than Chinese itself

Pakistan and China became friends when we were both poor as shit. Okay we still are a little screwed but our friend has done well. Let us celebrate their achievement. Good going China and 1 billion people plus dont need anyone's opinion on whether they are good or not. That os playground shit. In the real world, the fittest survive and China has survived 5000+ years. How's Western demographics looking these days?

and the most positive opinion is from Pakistan (as per data available for 2015)


Funny thing is, in most number of years for which the data is available, Pakistanis had more positive opinion about China than Chinese itself

Because anyone in Pakistan who knows anything about our history understands that China has not just helped us but nurtured us through some of the most difficult periods we have had. They have patiently put up with one bullshit Pakistani govt after the other only because we helped them when they needed us. If I wasnt Pakistani I would be Chinese, They have done more for us than any of our Muslim brothers. First thank them for our nukes. The list is long my brother,.
Pakistan and China became friends when we were both poor as shit. Okay we still are a little screwed but our friend has done well. Let us celebrate their achievement. Good going China and 1 billion people plus dont need anyone's opinion on whether they are good or not. That os playground shit. In the real world, the fittest survive and China has survived 5000+ years. How's Western demographics looking these days?
actually chinese have a much more favorable view even of the US than they do of both india and pakistan. and they dislike india and pakistan to almost the same degree.

And what do you care? You Nipponese or Indian? Its hard to tell on this forum. All surveys can be manipulated but tell me this ninja boy, where you from?

so basically EU hates china but china likes EU more than it likes Pakistan
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actually chinese have a much more favorable view even of the US than they do of both india and pakistan. and they dislike india and pakistan to almost the same degree.

And what do you care? You Nipponese or Indian? Its hard to tell on this forum. All surveys can be manipulated but tell me this ninja boy, where you from?
actually chinese have a much more favorable view even of the US than they do of both india and pakistan. and they dislike india and pakistan to almost the same degree.

This is another distorted fact, artificially created lie.
  1. Chinese are worried (perhaps even over-worried) by negative news about the security situation coming out of Pakistan, say terrorist attacks, bombings. Go any Chinese website and see how people talk about Pakistani people, we have a term for them, "Pak Iron", meaning iron brothers, this isn't even news.
  2. Note the critical culture difference in interpretation, Chinese put "favorable" or "unfavorable" based on pragmatic assessment of fact/situation, hence judging what actions deem fit, not "like" or "dislike" which are subjective & emotional. United Nations is also included in the survey, tell me if there any emotion involved.
In Chinese culture, pragmatism and love-hate emotion are two unrelated things. Wanna see pure emotion? I never forget in 2008 Beijing Olympics opening ceremony, over 200 nations participated, but whole 100,000+ of audience at stadium all stood up voluntarily to cheers only for one foreign delegation - Pakistan.

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This is another artificially created lie. Chinese were worried by negative news about the security situation coming out of Pakistan, say terrorist attacks, that's fact. Go any Chinese website and see how people talk about Pakistani people, we have a term, "Pak Iron".

Bro, I doubt this guy is even Japanese. Maybe an Indian living in Japan or an Indian in some call centre in Chennai with a taste for hentai. Why should he be concerned why Pakistanis respect the Chinese the way we do?
Bro, I doubt this guy is even Japanese. Maybe an Indian living in Japan or an Indian in some call centre in Chennai with a taste for hentai. Why should he be concerned why Pakistanis respect the Chinese the way we do?

He has been with PDF for quite some time, judging from posting pattern he is Indian (haven't run IP check yet), anyway let's not get personal, members of any background are welcome.
He has been with PDF for quite some time, judging from posting pattern he is Indian (haven't run IP check yet), anyway let's not get personal, all members are welcome.

I guessed as much. I agree, everyone is welcome, but the Western handshake originated from the idea that when you arrive you show your hand open and without weapon. Men should act like men and not hide behind lies and deceit.
I guessed as much. I agree, everyone is welcome, but the Western handshake originated from the idea that when you arrive you show your hand open and without weapon. Men should act like men and not hide behind lies and deceit.
Well said!

So what? Ask Pakistanis what they think of either Suzuki and/or India LOL! over 90% spit on it. Listen to me my friend Sushi San, Pakistanis will always stand by China. Always. We dont give a rats *** what surveys say.
So what? Ask Pakistanis what they think of either Suzuki and/or India LOL! over 90% spit on it. Listen to me my friend Sushi San, Pakistanis will always stand by China. Always. We dont give a rats *** what surveys say.
i know
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