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Countries with negative opinion on China

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japan i get.
but any theories regarding why most European countries hate china more than india does?
Becos China is catching up with Europe and surpass them in many ways. European has too much pride to swallow to admit their lacking behind.

They love India becos India is still technology inferior and not able to match them in many ways. As for Japanese, they are under the control of US master, same as SK who are to small to post a threat to them. But China is different. China is independent and able to seek direction in her own way. There is not way the western power is able to control or influence it.

As for the high percentage of Japanese hatred for China. I seriously doubt many Japanese hate Chinese. In fact many Japanese are recognizing the rise of China and their technology advancement. I have been to Japan before. Especially those Japanese been to China, they are very impressed with advancement of China and even talk about the admiration of Chinese. In fact, the most favourable foreign talent Japan try to attract is Chinese.
Those countries are cherry picked ,no countries from the middle east , Africa and Latin America, the tile should be changed into what US lapdogs think of China.
Those countries are cherry picked ,no countries from the middle east , Africa and Latin America, the tile should be changed into what US lapdogs think of China.
Typical propaganda from western world. They will fabricate news to suit their purpose. What the western world most fear and send a chill to them is to see a north east Asia United of China, Japan and Korea. It will rival any Europe or North America alliance.
Where is Russia? Survey not conducted there?
Because they love China, so they are not qualified to be polled, so are countries from the Middle East, Africa and South America where China enjoys the biggest popularity.
Because they love China, so they are not qualified to be polled, so are countries from the Middle East, Africa and South America where China enjoys the biggest popularity.
these are the top 15 countries with an unfavorable view of china.
india for some reason is at the bottom of the list
these are the top 15 countries with an unfavorable view of china.
india for some reason is at the bottom of the list
The most favorable view of china are also those countries, not to include countries from the regions where China enjoys huge popularity, those countries are cherry picked.
Can the poll be trusted (was it hacked? :rofl:) ? Perhaps it's true that these countries have unfavorable views on China but the poll does not point out what kind of negative views about China now does it?

For example i don't hate or dislike Indians at all but do i have favorable and unfavorable views on India? Sure in fact i have both. :lol:
You write a lot about China, how many times you visited China and proved what you are writing correct? and of course what you think and support means nothing anyway

Thank you Sweden
China launches its first fully owned overseas satellite ground station near North Pole

I do not need to prove that a perception of China correctly describes China.
The comment correctly describes the perception and answers the OP.

What a sourgrape you are? Maybe you are one of the in competitive worker layoff becos Sweden company is not competitve enough to compete with Chinese. Lazy European, work harder and talk less BS. Chinese will always beat you in all area. :lol:

Nope, I am happily doing consultant work in the software business, and there are lots of jobs available
if you have the right competencies.
I do not need to prove that a perception of China correctly describes China.
The comment correctly describes the perception and answers the OP.
So you've never been to China, Ok , now I understand where your trash talk came from. Now you should better ask your countrymen who visited China first, like this fellow Swedish.
So you've never been to China, Ok , now I understand where your trash talk came from. Now you should better ask your countrymen who visited China first, like this fellow Swedish.

That bigot will trash talk and hide from reality by claiming the swedish minister is bribe by the Chinese to do this fake video. The whole setup is just like North Korea lying to the whole world while China is just a third world trash country. :lol:
I do not need to prove that a perception of China correctly describes China.
The comment correctly describes the perception and answers the OP.

Nope, I am happily doing consultant work in the software business, and there are lots of jobs available
if you have the right competencies.
Then how did your hatred against China is so sky high? I bet you indeed suffer one way or other of the competence of Chinese and rise of China :enjoy:
Then how did your hatre against China is so sky highed? I bet you indeed suffer one way or other of of the competence of Chinese and rise of China :enjoy:

If You had read the thread, You would have seen that I rejected the idea that we hate Chinese.
We have an unfavourable view of China, and that is definitely not the same thing.
The poll measures how many have an unfavourable view, not the level.
We also have an unfavourable view of ISIS, but the level differs by orders of magnitude.

So you've never been to China, Ok , now I understand where your trash talk came from. Now you should better ask your countrymen who visited China first, like this fellow Swedish.

I have visited China, but that is not important for the answer to the OP.
If You had read the thread, You would have seen that I rejected the idea that we hate Chinese.
We have an unfavourable view of China, and that is definitely not the same thing.
The poll measures how many have an unfavourable view, not the level.
We also have an unfavourable view of ISIS, but the level differs by orders of magnitude.
We don't really care what you think , the regions that China enjoys huge popularity are in Africa and Latin America which are not included in this US lapdogs poll.
If You had read the thread, You would have seen that I rejected the idea that we hate Chinese.
We have an unfavourable view of China, and that is definitely not the same thing.
The poll measures how many have an unfavourable view, not the level.
We also have an unfavourable view of ISIS, but the level differs by orders of magnitude.

I have visited China, but that is not important for the answer to the OP.
Dont lie! Its obvious you never visit China and just an armchair general talking things you have no idea. Of cos if you admit you never visit China. Your stance against China will stand no ground. By lying about visiting China before and talk trash about China will make your nonsense more credible. Typical cheap move by Chinese haters.
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